Government of India Department of Personnel & Training Staff Selection Commission (Southern Region) [an ISO 1991:2008 certified organization] |
Phone No.28275568 Fax No.2827056 |
2nd Floor, EVK Sampath Building DPI Campus, College Road Chennai-600 006. |
No.4/24/2013-SR |
Dated the 17th February, 2015 Specimen |

By Speed Post
Roll No. |
Name with Address |
Subject: Recruitment to the post of Instructor (Drawing) in Central Institute of Fisheries, Nautical and Engineering Training (CIFNET) advertised vide Cat. No.SR-B-02 of Advt. No.SSC/SR/1/2014 - regarding.
Dear candidate,
With reference to your candidature for the post of Instructor (Marine Engineering) in Central Institute of Fisheries Nautical and Engineering Training (CIFNET) advertised vide Cat. No.SR-B-02 of Advt. No.SSC/SR/1/2014, I am to inform that you have been found provisionally short-listed for being called for interview. The interview will be held as per the following programme:
Interview Date |
: |
26/02/2015 (Thursday) |
Reporting Time |
: |
09.00 A.M. |
Venue |
: |
Staff Selection Commission (Southern Region) EVK Sampath Building, II Floor, DPI Campus, College Road, Chennai 600 006. |
2. The Essential Qualifications prescribed for the above mentioned recruitment are as under :-
- i) Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Marine Engineering from a recognized University or Institute.
ii) One year experience in the field of Engineering drawing and machine drawing in a recognized Mechanical or Marine Workshop or Institution.
3. The candidates should bring necessary certificate for experience possessed by them along with certificates for Educational Qualifications without fail. It may be noted that candidates not possessing certificates in support of the Essential Qualifications/Experience will NOT be allowed for the Interview.
4. The candidates should also go through detailed instructions regarding the conduct of Interview as at Annexure for strict compliance.
Encl.: as above
Yours faithfully,
Regional Director (SR)
1. You should bring this call letter along with the following documents, in original, and also two copies thereof, duly self-attested for verification and record. In case of failure to produce the following documents, you will not be admitted for the Interview. Please ensure that you possess the Essential qualification(s) as on the crucial date (i.e.) 21.04.2014.
- 1.1. Matriculation / High School /equivalent certificate, issued by the State /Central Education Board (not by the Principal/Headmaster of the School Institution where studied), showing your date of birth (in Christian Era).
- 1.2. Degree/Provisional Certificates in support of your educational qualification as indicated in the Recruitment Notice, as on the crucial date viz. 21.04.2014, and consolidated or year-wise/ semester-wise mark sheets pertaining to all the years of each course indicating the subjects studied in each year, as claimed in your application or the bio-data form.
- 1.3. Certificates concerning your Degree course including Transfer Certificate/Course completion certificates, if any, and certificates in support of your Technical/Professional Qualification, if any, and marks sheets pertaining to all the years of each course indicating the subjects studied in each year, as claimed in your application or as may be claimed in the bio-data form.
- 1.4. SC/ST/OBC/Ex.S/PH Certificates obtained within the stipulated period from competent authorities, in the prescribed format as given in the Notice for the Recruitment.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The OBC certificate should have been obtained within 3 years before the last date for receipt of application, i.e. date of issue of OBC certificate should be on or after 22.4.2011 and upto the date of Interview (i.e.) 26.02.2015. It may be ensured that the OBC certificate in Central Govt. format is obtained. Candidates submitting OBC certificates which are not in the desired format or issued beyond the validity period will not be allowed for Interview.
- 1.5. In case of Central Government Civilian Employee/Departmental candidate and claiming age relaxation, certificate from the Department in support of your claim that you have completed three years of regular service on the prescribed date and also the Departmental endorsement/ certificate with particulars, duly verified by your office. Please note that you will not be eligible for being treated as a Departmental Candidate, if you have ceased to be in Government Service.
- 1.6. Certificates in support of claim regarding experience, indicating the nature of duties performed and the functions of the organization where such experience was gained.
- 1.7. Certificates in support of your claim regarding participation in extra-curricular activities/games/sports, etc.
- 2. You should submit the bio-data form (in original), (which may be downloaded from the website of this Regional Office(i.e.) duly filled in with photograph affixed in the space meant for the same. In addition to the above, you may also bring 3 photocopies of the duly filled in bio-data form and submit all the 4 copies (i.e., original + 3 photocopies) and one passport size photograph on the day of the interview.
(Utmost care should be taken while filling up the columns in the Bio-data sheets. The information may be written clearly and legibly. No column in the bio-data sheet should be left blank. In case you have no information to furnish against a particular column, please indicate either Not applicable or NIL as the case may be).
- 3. If you do not produce any of the above mentioned documents in original (along with their attested copies ) which are required for determining eligibility for the interview in question, except the documents mentioned against Nos..1.7, you will not be admitted for the interview under any circumstances whatsoever and no further opportunity will be accorded to take the interview. However, the documents against Nos. 2.8 and 2.9 are required to be produced in support of your claim, if any, made in your original application as may be made in the Bio-Data form, failing which your claim will not be taken into account.
- 4. You will have to bear travelling and other expenses on your journey to and from the place of the Interview. No contribution will be paid by the Commission. The Commission does not make arrangements for lodging and boarding of the candidates.
- 5. Any change in your present postal address should be communicated to this office immediately, indicating your Roll No., name of the examination and the post applied for and the new address.
- 6. You have the option to converse either in Hindi or English in the Interview. The interview/personality test is structured in such a manner that the candidates interests, knowledge, various traits, aptitude, suitability etc. are probed, among other things, through academic qualifications, extra-curricular activities, general awareness/knowledge, depth of knowledge of the subject studied (10+2 onwards), communicative skill and personality, etc.
- 7. Your candidature is Provisional. You must, therefore, ensure that you fulfil all the conditions of eligibility laid down in the advertisement / notice of the Recruitment. If, at any stage, it is found that you do not fulfil any of the conditions of eligibility, your candidature will be cancelled and no appeal against such cancellation will be entertained. The fact that you have been called for interview does not confer any right on you to be treated as eligible in all aspects for appointment or to be considered for interview. To avoid any disappointment at a later stage, you are advised to recheck whether you meet all the eligibility criteria laid down on the crucial date prescribed for the post / examination in question.
- 8. Please note that the date, time, and venue of interview is final and no request for change will be entertained. In case you fail to attend the interview, it will be presumed that you are not interested in the post and your candidature will be treated as cancelled . No further correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
- 9. The Commission will not be responsible for late/non-receipt of this letter due to delay in postal transit .
- 10. Canvassing in any form will result in cancellation of your candidature.
If any of the above mentioned conditions is not fulfilled, you will not be admitted for the interview. |
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 17-Feb-2015 | |
Interviews | 26-Feb-2015 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Staff Selection Commission, Southern Region
- Organization City, State : chennai, tamil nadu
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results