- Notice Iinviting Quotation _NIQ_
- Information Sheet _Notice Invited Quotation_x
- Sample Application Form
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NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (Under the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India) KURUKSHETRA-136119 (Haryana)
No.Gen.-I/3970/4916 Dated: 24.10.2017
Notice Inviting Quotations (NIQ)
Online Recruitment Management System
NIT Kurukshetra requires 'Online Recruitment Management System' for managing and maintaining online recruitment for its various posts. The technical details and module requirements, conditions, technical and Financial Bid format are available in the Institute website: www.nitkkr.ac.in .
The technical and financial bids should be sealed by the bidder in separate envalops duly super-scribed and both the sealed envelopes are to be put in a bigger envelop which should also be sealed and duly super-scribed.
Complete bid document should be submitted on or before 08.11.2017 by
3.00 p.m. Bids received after the last date and time due to postal delay or any other reason will not be considered for evaluation.
Sd/-Registrar I/c

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Subject: Invitation of sealed quotation for managing of Online Recruitment Management System (Up to generation of online Admit Cards).
NIT Kurukshetra requires 'Online Recruitment Management System' for managing and maintaining online recruitment for its various posts. It includes Online Registration, Online filling the application form, collection of application fees through online payments/payment gateways (through net banking, debit or credit cards of multiple banks) or demand drafts, processing of application data, preparation of admit cards and uploading of admit card in the Institute website, etc. In this regard, please quote the lowest non negotiable rates per applicant (who successfully submitted the application form) in the form of sealed quotation on or before last date. The technical details and module requirements, conditions shall be as follows:-
Phase I: Online Recruitment Management System Form Registration, Generation and Submission:
- A fully dynamic cloud-based online recruitment management system accessible from anywhere in the world with no downtime.
- Uploading of detail Advertisement and display of all important information i.e., important dates & schedule, notifications or any other relevant information on web page etc.
- Dynamic creation of online registration and receiving the online recruitment form after fee payment for Various Posts after due verification of e-mail and mobile number through OTP.
- The online application system must be compatible with most recent browser/OS versions, tablet or notebook and mobile devices.
- The online application form should contain all the details of the applicant as mentioned in the advertisement.
- Provision of uploading of stamp size photograph, signature, certificates and caste certificates etc through online application form as per requirement (the details of the requirement are uploaded at website).
- The online form submission shall be closed after last date as fixed by the Institute.
- Online/offline received application verification, compilation, generating various reports like category wise, Male, Female, Fee status, date wise, etc as per requirement in MS Word, MS excel, PDF and HTML formats.
- Maintenance and managing the online customizable Application Forms into database as per the needs of the Institute.
- Separate dashboard for each candidate and for Administrator for monitoring application process in real time and to take the printout of submitted form, payment details etc using login details.
- Provision to generate, e-mail, print and download of acknowledgement slip of A4 size having Unique Registration ID, E-mail id, Name, Mobile no and Payment details of applicant after successful completion of registration and submitting of application form.
- At the end of the last date of online registration, the complete databases are to be provided to the NIT Kurukshetra in the format like MS Word, MS Excel, PDF and HTML as required. Dynamic report generation with feature of export to Excel, PDF and CSV.
- Applicant must be able to download filled application form and take proper print out.
- Setting up of 24x7 help desk Support Center with a toll free number for replying the queries of applicants.
- Providing necessary hardware, software and high speed Internet connectivity for maintenance of website at all time.
- Security Secure single login, role and responsibility based access, data level access depending upon the role, password encryption, scalability, easy to make changes during maintenance phase etc.
Phase II: Fees Payment and Payment Status:
- Provision of making online payment of application fees through online payment gateway using credit or debit cards, Net banking and Demand draft of all national and private banks in India.
- Provision of Sending Unique Registration ID through SMS/email to those applicants who have paid off registration fees.
- Automated payment settlements with software audited accounts.
- To provide daily report for Submission of application fees post wise and category wise etc in desired format.
- Refund of fees and fees settlements. In case of unsuccessful transactions the payment gateway should be able to refund the amount to the calling account.
Phase III:Processing of data preparation of sitting plan Admit card etc.:
- Issuance of admit cards with tracking for download of each candidate's admit card by generation and uploading of admit cards with photographs as per the required format on the official website of the NIT Kurukshetra (so that Candidate can view their status and download the admit card after login to their respective dashboard).
- Attendance sheet generation photo nominal rolls, venue wise attendance lists with photographs as per required format.
- Generation of various reports like received application, payment collection, pending application on day to day basis or as per the required format with dynamic search options. All reports must be able to export to MS Excel, MS Word, PDF and HTML Format.
- 24 x 7 administration module for continue reporting for Institute administrator.
- The Application should be fully secured. Application must be able to provide role based privileged and ensure proper security of data and transactions.
- All servers must ensure 99.9% uptime, physical security, backup system, and firewall, anti-hacking and anti-virus. Full security of database with encryption.
- Candidate support services like email/SMS notifications at various stages of the recruitment process.
- Comprehensive and extensive training for administrators/officers and concerned staff members including data backup and restore process.
- Backup and restoration guidelines for system and data.
General Terms and Conditions:
- The bidder must have at least five years experience of working with Academic Institutions (preferably universities) in the field of ERP Software, conceptualization, design, development, deployment, customization, maintenance and delivered the large and similar projects for the reputed Central Universities, IITs, NITs and Central Govt. Institutions etc. A proof must be attached with quotation document.
- The bidder shall be registered national IT Company in India with valid GST Registration Number and Permanent Account Number (PAN) (copy to be enclosed) also provide copy of Income Tax Returns of last three financial years.
- The bidder should have been certified ISO Company.
- The bidder shall not have been black listed by any Central Government or State Government of India or aboard.
- The bidder is required to provide the online/offline support on 24x7 basis till the end of online recruitment management system procedure and submit the complete database to Institute within 15 days after online recruitment management system in a certified manner.
- The bidder is required to deploy a onsite technical person who can handle any technical issue during the online recruitment management system cycle.
- In case of any technical issue reported during online recruitment process is to be sorted out within two-four hours maximum. Failing to this will attract a penalty of Rs. 500/-per hour of delay.
- The time for completion of the work shall be two weeks after of issue of the work order whichever is earlier.
- Installation, commissioning and satisfactory demonstration of the whole system and training should be free of cost. The entire responsibility of installation, integration, operational performance of software will be of the bidder.
- Complete documentation on the application, user manual and technical manual has to be provided to the institute.
- The entire work shall be executed confidentially.
- The bidder should also be ready to extent the validity, if required without changing any terms, conditions etc. of their original bids.
- The bidder shall be required to submit a refundable Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for amount of Rs. 20,000/-(Rupees Twenty Thousand Only) by way of Demand Draft in favour of Director, NIT, Kurukshetra payable at SBI, NIT Kurukshetra (Code No.6260) or any other Nationalized Bank payable at Kurukshetra.
- Bids received without demand drafts for EMD shall be rejected.
- The Financial bids of those bidders, who were technically qualified in all respect only will be considered.
- The Institute reserved the right to accept or reject any or all the bids in part or whole or may cancel the bids process at its sole discretion without assigning any reason whatsoever. No further correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
- Any dispute regarding the process will fall under the jurisdiction of District Kurukshetra (Haryana)
Payment Terms:
- Payment will be made after successful completion of work. The Bank details for making online payment may be mentioned on the bill.
- All the pages of quotations should be signed by the bidder to indicate that the bidder accepts all the terms and conditions mentioned.
- The Committee has the rights to accept or reject any quotation on the basis of merits without assigning any reasons to the concerned firm.
- Any other condition not explicitly mentioned here, if relevant, will be attracted as and when required.
Sealed quotations indicating on the envelop Sealed Quotation for Development of Online Recruitment Management System" must reach to the undersigned on or before 08.11.2017 by 3.00 p.m. Quotations will be opened on 09.11.2017 at 3.00 p.m. (For Technical bid) and 10.11.2017 at 3.00 p.m. (for Financial bid). In case of any further cost like one time setup charges and taxes etc. are to be written separately.
Sd/-Registrar I/C
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Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 24-Oct-2017 | |
Applications | 08-Nov-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : National Institute Of Technology
- Organization City, State : kurukshetra, haryana
- Organization Website : http://www.nitkkr.ac.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results