WEST BENGAL STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION Mayukh Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700091

www.wbssc.gov.in ADVERTISEMENT NO. 01/ WBSSC/ 2012 ARD-LR RECRUITMENT 2012 EXAMINATION CODE: 01/ D/ 2012 Applications in prescribed format are invited from Indian Citizens or such other nationals as are declared eligible by the Govt. of India for the following posts under different departments of Govt. of West Bengal, recruitment to which will be made through an Open Competitive Examination by the West Bengal Staff Selection Commission in terms of section 6 (1) of the West Bengal Staff Selection Commission Act, 2011:-
- Veterinary Pharmacist / Pharmacist- cum- Dresser (Post Code - 415)
- Livestock Development Assistant (Post Code - 165) and
- Surveyor (Post Code - 293)
Name of the Post |
No. of posts |
Scale of pay |
Veterinary Pharmacist / Pharmacist-Cum-Dresser |
218 [SC-49, ST- 14, BC (A)- 23, BC (B)- 15, General: 105, Physically Disabled 08 (V.H.-03, H.I.-02, L.M. & C.P.- 03), M.S.P.- 04] |
Pay Band-3 (Rs. 7,100/- 37,600/-); Grade Pay- Rs. 3,200/- |
Livestock Development Assistant |
139 [SC-31, ST-08, BC (A)-14, BC (B)-10, General-69, Physically Disabled (L.M. & C.P.)-04, M.S.P.-03] |
PB - 2 (Rs. 5,400/- - 25,200/-); Grade Pay - Rs. 2,600/- |
Surveyor |
2 (ST: 1, Unreserved: 1) |
Pay Band-3 (Rs. 7,100/- 37,600/-); Grade Pay- Rs. 3,600/- |
Name of the Post |
Eligibility Criteria |
Veterinary Pharmacist / Pharmacist-Cum-Dresser |
Livestock Development Assistant |
Surveyor |
PERIOD OF APPLICATION Applications may be submitted either online or offline with effect from the date of advertisement in newspaper so as to reach the office of the West Bengal Staff Selection Commission latest by 17th October, 2012 (3.30 p.m.). No applications will be received after the last date and time of submission of applications. MODES OF APPLICATION West Bengal Staff Selection Commission extends the following facilities to the candidates for submission of application
- A) Online Submission Candidates will be able to submit application through Commissions website www.wbssc.gov.in by filling up basic information including scanned photograph and signature. Payment of application fees and commission can be made online through payment gateway using Net banking, Debit Cards, Credits Cards of any bank. Examination fee is fixed at Rs. 200/- only. Candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are exempted from paying any Examination fees. Persons with Disabilities (of 40% and above) are exempted from payment of Application Fees at the rate of 40%, i.e. they are required to pay an amount of Rs. 120/- towards Application Fees. Commission towards Banking charges for candidates (excluding SC/ ST) using Net Banking facility is fixed at Rs. 5/- only whereas it is fixed at Rs. 2/- for using Debit Cards and Credit Cards). Online applicants are required to upload scanned copy of their recent passport size photograph and full signature in specified boxes of the application form. On submission of the application auto generated receipt with Registration Number will be generated.
- B) Offline Submission The application form may be downloaded from the Commissions website www.wbssc.gov.in ; Applicants may use Xerox/ typed/ printed copy of the form in A4 size paper. They must deposit the Examination fees of Rs. 200/- only in any of the Post Offices having e-payment facility. The facility will be available in more than 700 Post Offices of West Bengal. The concerned Post Office will give a receipt against deposit of application fees which has to be pasted at the space provided for affixing the receipt in the application form. After affixing the receipt the candidate must put a signature on the e-receipt. Candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are exempted from paying any Application fees. Persons with Disabilities (of 40% and above) are exempted from payment of Application Fees at the rate of 40%, i.e. they are required to pay an amount of Rs. 120/- towards Application Fees. The filled up application may be submitted personally in the drop box to be kept at the enquiry counter of the Commissions office at Mayukh Bhavan (Ground floor), Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091, between 11.00 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. on all working days (excepting Saturdays, Sundays and other State Govt. holidays) or sent by post (strictly by Registered or Speed Post) addressed to the SECRETARY, WEST BENGAL STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION , at the above address superscribing on the envelop the NAME OF THE POST applied for.
APPLICATIONS MUST REACH THE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSION ON OR BEFORE THE CLOSING DATE AND TIME OF RECEIVING OF APPLICATIONS. SUBMISSION OF MORE THAN ONE APPLICATION IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. The candidature of a candidate, who submits more than one application for admission to a particular examination, will be cancelled if the same is proved.
- Postal order, Money order, Cheque, Bank draft, Cash etc. will not be accepted.
- Completed application (off line) must be submitted with (i) receipt of Postal e-payment (SC & ST Candidates of West Bengal are exempted from paying fees), (ii) A copy of recent passport size photograph duly signed by the candidate and pasted on the application form.
- C)
C) Submission through Tathya Mitra Kendras The Commission extends the facility to submit application through TathyaMitraKendras set up by the Govt of West Bengal up to the level of Gram Panchayats in the rural areas of West Bengal. Applicants may approach any of the Tathya Mitra Kendras (list provided in the website) with all particulars and a passport size photograph. The staff of the Kendra will perform online filling up of the application form on the basis of information provided by the applicant. He will also scan the photograph and signature of the applicant and upload it. The Examination fees of Rs. 200/- (Rs. 120/- for Persons with Disabilities of 40% and above) may be paid to the Tathya Mitra Kendra. The Kendra will charge commission of Rs. 20/- extra for the filling up and uploading of the entire form including payment of Examination Fees, scanned copies of photograph and signature. SC/ ST candidates may apply through these Kendras on payment of commission of Rs. 20/- only as they are exempted from paying Examination fees. After payment of the fees the authorised staff of the Kendra will hand over the applicant a printed receipt with Registration Number as acknowledgement of successful submission of application online.
IMPORTANT NOTE Application Fees ::
- No application will be considered unless accompanied with the requisite receipt of application fees, except SC/ST candidates who are exempted from paying fees. However, such candidates are required to produce their SC/ST Certificates issued by the competent authority for verification before their selection.
- NO EXEMPTION OF FEE IS AVAILABLE TO SC/ST CANDIDATES OF OTHER STATES. Neither claim for refund of the fee will be entertained nor will it be reserved for any other examination.
Age ::
- Not exceeding 40 years as on 1st January of the year of the year in which the advertisement appears in the newspapers, Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC and ST candidates of West Bengal, by 3 years for BC candidates of West Bengal and upto 45 years of age for Persons with Disabilities having physical disability of 40% and above and by 2 years for candidates who have been in Government service for at least two years.
- The claim of a candidate for relaxation of age as a Government employee should be proved by a certificate from the appointing authority showing the period of his/her continuous service under Government and the same should be produced by the successful candidates for verification before nomination, failing which candidature will be cancelled and submission of such false declaration will attract penal measures;
- Date of Birth as recorded in Madhyamik or equivalent Admit card/ Certificate will only be accepted.
Reservation ::
- The benefits of reservation of vacancies and age concession for SC, ST & BC candidates are admissible only to SC, ST & BC candidates of West Bengal only. Such benefits are also admissible to all candidates with disabilities of 40% and above. Before final selection, successful candidates must furnish original certificate from a competent authority of West Bengal as laid down in the West Bengal Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes (Identification) Act, 1994 & SC & TW Department Order No. 261-TW/EC/MR-103/94 dt.06.04.1995 for checking of testimonials in support of their claim. SC, ST & BC candidates of other States will be treated as general candidates. Before final selection of Persons with Disabilities (PWD), successful candidates must furnish original certificate in prescribed form in support of their claim from a competent authority vide W.B. Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995. The benefits of reservation are also available for the Meritorious Sportspersons. Such candidates are required to furnish certificates in original in support of their claim from a competent authority as laid down in the Notification No. 49-EMP/1M-25/98 dated 01.03.2011 of Labour Department, Government of West Bengal for checking.
- No claim for being a member of SC, ST and BC or a person with Disability or a Meritorious Sportsperson will be entertained any time after submission of the application.
- Particulars and Certificates required: A candidate claiming to be SC, ST, BC, Physically Handicapped or Meritorious Sportsperson must have a certificate in support of his/her claim from a Competent Authority as specified below :-
- For S.C, S.T & B.C. candidates [ vide the W.B.S.Cs & S.Ts (Identification) Act, 1994 and S.Cs & T.W Department order no. 261-TW/EC/MR-103/94 dated 06.04.95]:-
- (i) In the district, the Sub-Divisional Officer of the Sub-Division concerned, and
- (ii) In Kolkata, the District Magistrate, South 24 Parganas or such Additional District Magistrate, South 24 Parganas, as may be authorized by the District Magistrate, South 24 Parganas, on his behalf.
- For Physically Handicapped candidates/ Persons with Disabilities [vide West Bengal Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Rules, 1999.]:-
A medical Board constituted at Government Medical College Hospitals, District Hospitals and Sub-divisional Hospitals. The disabled Persons should have physical disability of 40%.
- For Meritorious Sportspersons:-
Meritorious Sportspersons in the area of International Competition, National Competition, Inter-University Tournament and National Sports/ Games for School Education in the following list of Sports will be entertained to avail the benefit of availing the Sports Quota:-
Name of the Sports |
Name of the Sports |
Athletics (including Track and Field events) |
01 |
Weightlifting |
11 |
Badminton |
02 |
Wrestling |
12 |
Basket Ball |
03 |
Boxing |
13 |
Cricket |
04 |
Cycling |
14 |
Football |
05 |
Gymnastics |
15 |
Hockey |
06 |
Judo |
16 |
Swimming |
07 |
Rifle Shooting |
17 |
Table Tennis |
08 |
Kabaddi |
18 |
Volley Ball |
09 |
Kho-Kho |
19 |
Tennis |
10 |
Competent Authorities for issuing Certificate to Meritorious Sportspersons are as follows:
International Competition |
Secretary of the National Federation / National Association of the Sports concerned. |
National Competition |
Secretary of the State Association of the Sports concerned. |
Inter-University Tournament |
Dean/Director of Sports or other Officer in overall charge of Sports of the University concerned. |
National Sports/ Games for School Education |
Director or Deputy Director in overall charge of Sports/ Games for Schools in the Directorate of School Education, West Bengal. |
- Allotment of centre is at the sole discretion of the Commission which will depend on number of candidates. Candidates may not be allotted to the Examination Centers they have opted for. Date of the said Examination will be intimated through the Admit Cards as well as through the website of the Commission.
- Candidates suffering from blindness or low vision may be allowed the help of a scribe, if required, but they must appear at Kolkata centre only.
- Defective/ incomplete applications will be summarily rejected.
- Admission to the examination will be provisional subject to verification of eligibility at a later stage. Candidates must bring their Photo Identity Card recognized by the Govt. to the Examination Hall to prove their identity. Any deviation in this regard may straightway lead to rejection of candidature of the concerned applicant without giving him/ her opportunity of being heard. The Photo Identity Cards to be accepted by the Commission for the said purpose are as follows:-
- Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC)
- Passport
- UID Card
- Admit Card/ Certificate of Madhyamik or equivalent with photograph
- PAN Card
- Driving License
- Bank Pass Book containing photograph of the Candidate
- Any other Photo Identity Card issued by the Competent Govt. Authority.
- Candidates selected will be asked to produce original certificates along with the self-attested photocopies for verification, failing which their candidature will be liable to be cancelled.
- Candidates must abide by instructions as may be given by the supervisor/ invigilator of the examination centre. If the candidate fails to do so or indulges in disorderly or
- improper conduct, he /she will render himself/ herself liable for expulsion from the examination hall and / or such other punishment as the commission may deem fit to impose.
- A candidate who has been reported against by the supervisor of the examination centre for violating any of the instructions or for having adopted unfair means at the examination hall will be punished with cancellation of candidature and also be debarred from appearing at future examinations/ selections as may be decided by the commission depending on the circumstances/ gravity of the case.
- A. Scheme of Examination :-
A Written Examination (Descriptive) will be held in the following pattern:- Part I : General awareness and Mental ability test (Full Marks : 50) : Time allowed : 45 minutes.
Section |
Subject |
Marks allotted |
I |
Reading / Comprehension |
15 |
II |
General Knowledge & Current Affairs |
10 |
Test of Reasoning/ Aptitude |
10 |
IV |
Numerical Ability/ Arithmetic |
15 |
Part-II : Test on Subject (Full Marks: 50) : Time allowed : 45 minutes. For Part-I, the questions will be of Madhyamik / equivalent standard. For Part-II, the syllabus will be as the following:-
Name of the Post |
Syllabus |
Veterinary Pharmacist / Pharmacist-Cum-Dresser |
Livestock Development Assistant |
Surveyor |
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 17-Oct-2012 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : West Bengal Staff Selection Commission
- Organization City, State : , west bengal
- Organization Website : http://www.wbssc.gov.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results