Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Staff Selection Commission
Northern Region
New Delhi
File No. 1/2/2017 Closing Date: 24TH SEPTEMBER, 2017
Applications are invited from eligible candidates with Nationality/Citizenship as indicated under Para-6 of this Notice, for the Selection Posts indicated in Para-4 of this Notice. Only those Applications which are successfully filled through the Website and Print out of Online Applications along with all the required documents received in the concerned SSC Regional Office within the specified time shall be accepted.
2. Candidates should go through the Recruitment Notice carefully before applying for the post and ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility conditions like Age-Limit/Essential Qualifications (EQs)/ Experience/ Category, etc. as indicated in this Notice. Candidature of candidates not meeting the eligibility conditions will be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment process without any notice. Candidature of Applicants shall be purely PROVISIONAL at all stages of the recruitment process.
3. All information relating to this recruitment right from the status of application upto the nomination of the selected candidates to the User Department including call letters for Computer Based Mode Examination to the provisionally eligible candidates will be available on the website of Staff Selection Commission, Northern Region i.e. http: // Candidates are advised to visit the said website frequently for the latest information regarding the recruitment process.
Post category No. : NR20117
Name of post : Conservation Assistant
Classification : {Group C Non Gazetted & Non Ministerial}
Vacancy : 06 (UR 03, OBC 02 (OH 01) & SC 01)
Department : Ministry of Culture, O/o Director of General, Archaeological Survey of India Janpath, New Delhi
Age : 18-25 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt.
Pay Scale : Rs. 25500-81100/-+ G.P.Rs. 2400/-
Essential Qualification : (i) Minimum 10th pass from recognized Board.
(ii) Diploma in Civil Engineering of minimum three years duration from a recognized institute.
D.Q. : NIL
Initial Place Of Posting : Delhi-6 (AISL)
Job Requirement : 1. Preparation of estimates for works in respect of Monuments and new constructions pertaining to his jurisdiction as may be assigned to him by his Superior officers.
2. Execution of works relating to Annual maintenance and up keeping and special repairs to monuments and of such original works as may be assigned to him by him superior officers from time to time.
3. Inspection of monuments and sites under his charge and preparation of conservation and technical notices & drawings connected therewith.
4. Supervision of work relating to safety of monuments and of all staff placed under his control.
5. Preparation and submission of acquaintance rolls pay bills etc. maintenance and submission of all accounts and cash or financial transactions to works, booking offices and cash or financial transactions to works booking offices etc. Undertaken by him and such other duties related thereto.
6. Preparation of conservation programmes, preliminary, revised or otherwise and compilation of all periodical statements or returns thereto including correspondence thereon.
7. Maintenance of all records, registers etc. in respect of 1to 6 above conducting all correspondence thereof.
8. Such other works of similar nature including maintenance of sculpture cheds, rest houses, canteen stalls etc. as may be assigned to him by his superior officers from time to time.
9. Any other work relating to his office/Branch and his job assigned by superior officers.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is identified as reserved for OH
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ and suitable for HH Candidates. NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates Along with details of disability admissible)
Post category No. : NR20217
Name of post : Technical Assistant (Hindi)
Classification : {Group C Non Gazetted & Non-Ministerial}
Vacancy : 01{UR-01}
Department: Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare.
Age : 18-25 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt
Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200/-+ G.P.Rs. 2800/-
Essential Qualification : Bachelors Degree with Hindi and Economics as subject from a recognized University.
D.Q. : Experience on collection and compilation of
Agriculture Statistics.
Initial Place of posting : New Delhi (AISL)
Job Requirements : Compilation and editing of data of the publications in Directorate of Economics& Statistics. .
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is not identified suitable for PH
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ Candidates.
NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible)
Post category No. : NR20317
Name of post : Scientific Assistant (Mechanical)
Classification : {Group B Non Gazetted & Non-Ministerial}
Vacancy : 01{UR-01}
Department: Directorate of Aeronautical Quality Assurance Room No. 82 H-Block Ministry of Defence New Delhi - 110011.
Age : 18-30 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt
Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800/-+ G.P.Rs. 4200/-
Essential Qualification : Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with two years experience in related field.
Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
D.Q. : Nil
Initial Place of posting : O/o Aeronautical Quality Assurance, DGAQA, Min of Defence, Raipur, Dehradun-248008 Uttrakhand. (AISL)
Job Requirements : Quality assurance/inspection of airborne equipment/components, evolution of Mechanical and related equipments of military aircrafts
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is not identified suitable for PH
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ Candidates.
NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible)
Post category No. : NR20417
Name of post : Scientific Assistant (Electronics)
Classification : {Group B Non Gazetted & Non-Ministerial}
Vacancy : 01{UR-01}
Department: Directorate of Aeronautical Quality Assurance Room No. 82 H-Block Ministry of Defence New Delhi - 110011.
Age : 18-30 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt
Pay Scale : In Level 6 in the Pay Matrix+ G.P.Rs. 4200/-
Essential Qualification : (1) Bachelors degree in Electronics with two years experience in related field.
(II) Diploma in Electronics Engineering with two years experience in related field.
(iii) Degree in Electronics Engineering.
D.Q. : Nil
Initial Place of posting : O/o Aeronautical Quality Assurance, DGAQA, Min of Defence, Raipur, Dehradun-248008 Uttrakhand.(AISL)
Job Requirements : Quality assurance/inspection of airborne
Equipment/components, evaluation of
Avionics/electronics/electrical equipment.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is not identified suitable for PH
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ Candidates.
NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible)
Post category No. : NR20517
Name of Post : Assistant Research Officer for Regional Language.
Classification : (Group B, Non-Gazetted) Non-Ministerial
Vacancy : 07 [UR-04{1 Assammee, 1 Dogri, 1 Maithili, 1 Punjabi}, OBC-02{1 Bengali, 1 Sindhi}, SC-01 Tamil]
Department : Central Hindi Directorate M/o Human Resource Development, D/o Higher Education,
R.K. Puram, New Delhi.
Age : 18-30 years (Age relaxation is admissible as per Govt.
Pay Scale : PB-2 (9300-34800/-) + G.P. (Rs. 4600/-)
Essential Qualification : (i) Masters Degree in Regional Language from a recognized University or Institute with Hindi and English as compulsory or optional subjects at the Bachelors level.
(ii) Masters Degree in Hindi from a recognized University or Institute with English and the Regional Language concerned at the Bachelors level.
NOTE 1: Qualification is relax-able of the Discretion of the UPSC in case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
NOTE 2: Selected candidates will have to complete a Departmental training programme during their probation.
D.Q. : Certificate/Diploma from a recognized Institute in translation or applied Linguistic or Functional Hindi.
Initial Place
of Posting : New Delhi with AISL.
Job Requirements : (i) To assist in the implementation of schemes relating
to propagation & Development of Hindi.
(ii) To assist the publication of various periodicals.
(iii) To assist the preparation of dictionaries Lingual,
bilingual and multilingual.
(iv) To assist the preparation of Dictionaries in Foreign
language and cultural exchange programme.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is identified suitable for OH
PH(Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ Candidate.
NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible)
Post category No. : NR20617
Name of Post : Wildlife Inspector
Classification : (Group B, Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial)
Vacancy : 01 (OBC-01)
Department : Ministry of Environment, forest & Climate change, Regional Deputy Director, Northern Region, Wildlife Crime Control Bureau, Trikoot 1, 2nd floor, Bhikajicama Place, New Delhi-110066
Age : 18-30 years (Age relaxation is admissible as per Govt.
Pay Scale : PB-2 (9300-34800/-) + G.P. (Rs. 4200/-)
Essential Qualification : (i) Bachelors Degree in Science with Zoology as a subject from a recognized University or Institute.
(ii) Diploma/certificate in Wildlife Management awarded by the Wildlife Institute of India or equivalent.
NOTE 1: Qualifications are relaxable at the Discretion of SSC in case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
NOTE 2: The qualifications regarding experience are relaxable at the discretion of the SSC or competent authority, in the SC or ST, if at any stage of selection the SSC or competent authority is of the opinion that sufficient number of candidates from these communities possessing the requisite experience are not likely to be available to fill up the vacancies reserved for them.
D.Q. : Experience in Wildlife Mangament.
Initial Place
of posting : Regional Deputy Director, Northern Region, Wildlife Crime Control Bureau, Trikoot 1, 2nd floor, Bhikajicama Place, New Delhi-110066. (AISL)
Job Requirements : (1) Detection & booking offence/cases under Wildlife (P) Act 1972
(2) Attending court cases in various courts of law located in Northern Region.
(3) Filing of complaint cases in court of law in Delhi under Wildlife (P) Act 1972.
(4) Enforcement of CITES provisions through Customs.
(5) To assist Regional Dy. Director, WCCB (NR) in
Office work.
(6) Attending office work such as preparation of quarterly Reports/CITES annual report/maintenance of register relating to offence cases Export & Import.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is not identified suitable for PH
PH(Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ Candidate.
NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible)
Post category No. : NR20717
Name of post : Senior Technical Assistant
Classification : {Group B Non Gazetted, Non-Ministerial}
Vacancy : 02{UR-02}
Department: Regional Fodder Station, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
Age : 18-30 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt
Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800/-+ G.P.Rs. 4200/-
Essential Qualification : (i) M. Sc degree in Agriculture (Agronomy) from a recognized University or Institute;
(ii) B. Sc in Botony or Zoology or Chemistry with M.Sc. in Dairying (with specialization in Forage Production) from a recognized University or Institute; OR
(i) B. Sc degree in Agriculture from a recognized University or Institute.
(ii) Two years experience of Fodder Development in a Government Agricultural Department or in a Rural Agriculture Cooperative or in the private sector.
D.Q : One year experience of organizing Field Demonstration of crops preferably of forage crops in a Government Agriculture Department or in a Rural Agriculture Cooperative Department.
Initial Place of posting : All India Service (there are eight Regional Fodder Station and posting is according to vacancy).
Job Requirements : The main function of Senior Technical Assistant (STA) is extension activity, field demonstration, conducting refresher training course, organization of farming fair and production of fodder seed. STA has to assist in the seed production and has to maintain records and register with the target of increased seed production, which is an important activity.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is not identified suitable for PH
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ Candidates.
NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible)
Post category No. : NR20817
Name of Post : Investigator (Language)
Classification : {Group B Non Gazetted, Non-Ministerial}
Vacancy : 02(UR-01 & SC-01)
Department : Ministry of Home Affairs, Office of the Registrar General, India, 2/A, Man Singh Road, New Delhi-110011
Age : 18- 30 years (as per Age relaxation is admissible Govt.
Pay Scale : Basic Pay of Rs. 35400/--1, 12,400/- at the entry level of 6 in new pay matrix as per CCS (RP) Rules, 2016. (G.P. 4200/-)
Qualification : (1) Masters Degree in Linguistics from a Recognized University,
(2) Two years experience in Research work in Desirable linguistics or Scrutiny and compilation of Language data of Census including investigation and preparation report on languages or Dialects or Mother Tongues.
Note 1: Qualification are relaxable at the discretion of the Staff Selection Commission for reason to be recorded in case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
Note 2: The qualification (s) regarding experience is/are relaxable at the discretion of the Staff Selection Commission, for reason to be recorded in writing in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes if at any stage of selection the Staff Selection Commission is of the opinion that sufficient number of candidate from these communities possessing the requisite experience are not likely to be available to fill up the posts reserved for them.
D.Q. : Nil
Initial Place
of Posting : Language Division, ORGI (Hqrs) New Delhi.
Job Requirements : (i) Scrutiny and Compilation work of Language data of Census and rendering assistance to the R.O (L)/ Linguist in all matters.
(ii) Carrying out field investigation on Language/Dialect/Mother Tongue independently or under supervision and preparation of reports and notes on the above subject for submission to the RO (L)/Linguistic.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is not identified suitable for PH
PH(Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ Candidate.
NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible)
Post category No. : NR20917
Name of post : Technical Clerk (Economics)
Classification : {Group C Non Gazetted & Non-Ministerial}
Vacancy : 01{UR-01}
Department: Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare.
Age : 18-27 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt
Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200/-+ G.P.Rs. 2400/-
Essential Qualification : Senior Secondary School Pass from a recognized Board or University.
Note: Preference shall be given to the candidates having Commerce as a subject at senior Secondary level.
D.Q. : NIL
Initial Place of posting : New Delhi (AISL)
Job Requirements : Compilation and posting of Agro-Economic data and other routine work.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is identified suitable for PH (HH)
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ Candidates.
NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible)
Post category No. : NR21017
Name of post : Junior Conservation Assistant
Classification : {Group C Non Gazetted & Non-Ministerial}
Vacancy : 07 (UR 04, OBC 02 & SC 01)
Department : Ministry of Culture, O/o Director of General, Archaeological Survey of India Janpath, New Delhi
Age : 18-25 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt.
Pay Scale : Rs. 19900-63200/-+ G.P.Rs. 1900/-
Essential Qualification : (i) Minimum 10th pass from recognized Board.
(ii) Industrial Training Institute Certificate in subjects relating in Civil Engineering.
D.Q. : NIL
Initial Place of Posting : Delhi-03, Rajasthan-03, Uttrakhand-01 (AISL)
Job Requirement : 1. Assistance to the Conservation Assistant concerned in respect of the defined for the letter.
2. (i) Maintenance of stock of tools, plants, equipments etc. in the field or at the Hqrs., (ii) muster rolls and records relating to labour at the site and (iii) supervision of the work of labour at the site and of monument attendant/cleaners/chowkidars etc.
3. Supervision of work of monument staff
4. Any other work relating to the office/Branch and his job assigned by superior officers.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is identified suitable for PH
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ (OH, HH) Candidates.
Post NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible)
Post category No. : NR21117
Name of post : Junior Analyst
Classification : {Group B Gazetted Non-Ministerial}
Vacancy : 01 (UR 01)
Department : Ministry of Home Affairs, Bureau of Police Research & Development, New Delhi.
Age : 18-30 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt.
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800/-+ G.P.Rs. 4600/-
Essential Qualification : 1. Masters degree in Social Work or Sociology or Criminology of a recognized university.
2. Two years experience of research or field work and collection, compilation and interpretation of Statistical data from any organization handling statistical data whether Central Government, State Government or in private sector.
D.Q. : NIL
Initial Place of Posting : New Delhi (AISL)
Job Requirements : 1. Collection, compilation, tabulation of data relating to the organization.
2. Analysis of data and preparation of Research Papers and Studies.
3. Communication with different Ministries including Ministry of Home Affairs.
4. Assistant to the Assistant Director and senior officers continuously.
5. Any other work assigned by the senior officers.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is not identified suitable for PH
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ Candidates.
Post NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible)
Post category No. : NR21217
Name of post : Sub Editor (Hindi)
Classification : {Group B, Non Gazetted & Non-Ministerial}
Vacancy : 01 (UR 01)
Department : Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Directorate of Extension, Krishi Vistar Bhawan, New Delhi.
Age : 18-30 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt.
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800/-+ G.P.Rs. 4200/-
Essential Qualification : (i) B. Sc. in Agriculture from a recognized University or Institute with Hindi as a subject upto 12th level in the 10+2
system or equivalent.
(ii) Two years experience of writing or editing or compiling
articles in Hindi on topics related to Agriculture or in audio visual presentations or exhibitions in Hindi medium on topics related to agriculture.
D.Q. : (i) Diploma in Journalism from a recognized University or Institute or equivalent.
(ii) M.Sc (Agriculture Extension) from a recognized University or Institute.
Initial Place of Posting : New Delhi (AISL)
Job Requirements : (i) To assist the Asstt. Editor in collection of material checking facts and figures collecting photographs and in editing Regional MSS., Presenting preparation of publication proof reading and attending on production of the materials.
(ii) To help Asstt. Editor in processing and publication of leaflets, Farm Features and Farm News Releases.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is not identified suitable for PH
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ Candidates.
Post NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible)
Post category No. : NR21317
Name of post : Chemical Assistant
Classification : {Group B, Non Gazetted & Non-Ministerial}
Vacancy : 167 (UR 79, OBC 46, SC 26 & ST 16)
Department : Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, Central Revenues Control Laboratory, Hill Side Road, Pusa, New Delhi-110012
Age : 18-30 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt.
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800/-+ G.P.Rs. 4200/-
Essential Qualification : (a) Bachelors Degree in Chemistry from a recognized University or institute.
(b) Two years experience in chemical analysis or Research in a Govt. Department or Autonomous or Statutory Body or Recognized Institute or University or Public Sector Organisation (Undertaking) or listed Private Sector organization.
D.Q. : NIL.
Initial Place of Posting : New Delhi, Mumbai, Nhava Sheva, Kolkata, Chennai, Kandla, Cochin, Vadodara, Goa, Tuticorin, Mangalore, Visakhapatnam, Ghazipur (U.P.) and Neemuch (M.P.) (AISL).
Job Requirements : Chemical Analysis of export & import samples of customs, central excise samples & assisting in analysis of narcotics samples.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is identified suitable for
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ OH(OA,OL) Candidates.
Post NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible)
Post category No. : NR21417
Name of post : Library & Information Assistant
Classification : {Group B, Non Gazetted & Non-Ministerial}
Vacancy : 01 (UR 01)
Department : Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, National Sample Survey Office (Field Operations Division) Hqrs. Office, New Delhi.
Age : 18-30 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt.
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800/-+ G.P.Rs. 4200/-
Essential Qualification : (i) Bachelor Degree in Library Science or Library and Information Science of a recognized University or Institute.
(ii) Two years professional experience in Library under Central or State Government or Autonomous or Statutory Organization or Public Sector Undertaking or University or recognized Research or Educational Institution.
D.Q. : Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized University or Institute.
Initial Place of Posting : Hqrs. New Delhi.
Job Requirements : Library work (Book collection and acquisition/Cataloging/Compilation of books etc (Copy enclosed)
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is identified suitable for PH
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ (OH, HH, VH) Candidates.
Post NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible)
Post category No. : NR21517
Name of post : Research Assistant (Environment)
Classification : {Group B Non-Gazetted}
Vacancy : 03 (OBC 02 & SC 01)
Department : Ministry of Environment, Forest Climate Change, New Delhi.
Age : 18-30 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt.
Pay Scale : Level-6 in the Pay Matrix, Rs. 35,400-1,12,400/- (G.P. 4200/-)
Essential Qualification : Masters Degree in Environmental Sciences/EarthSciences/Botany/Zoology/
Chemistry/Bio-Chemistry/Bio-Technology or bachelors Degree in engineering/technology in Environmental Sciences/Bio-Technology from a recognized University/institute.
D.Q. : NIL.
Initial Place of Posting : New Delhi, Bhubaneshwar (Odisha), Lucknow (U.P), Chandigarh(Punjab/Haryana), Dehradun (Uttarakhand), Shillong (Meghalaya), Chennai (tamilnadu), Bangalore (Andhra Pradesh) with All india Service Liability (AISL).
Job Requirements : 1. Examination of Environmental Management Plans for their approvals.
2. Monitoring of progress regarding implementation of Environmental management measures.
3. Monthly status of developments projects.
4. Collection, Compilation and collation of data related to parliament Questions, Parliament standing Committees.
5. Examination of Project Reports.
6. Preparation of progress Reports.
7. Preparation of summary note and appraisal of fresh proposal for environmental & site clearance.
8. Assisting in Parliament Questions.
9. Servicing of Expert Committees.
10. Preparation of draft sanction orders for ongoing projects.
11. Any other duty assigned from time to time.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is identified suitable for PH
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ {OH-(OL, OA), HH,
Post NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) VH-(B, LV)) Candidates.
Candidates Along with details of disability
Post category No. : NR21617
Name of post : Research Investigator (Forestry)
Classification : {Group B Non-Gazetted}
Vacancy : 01 (OBC 01)
Department : Ministry of Environment, Forest Climate Change, New Delhi.
Age : 18-30 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt.
Pay Scale : Level-6 in the Pay Matrix, Rs. 35,400-1, 12,400/- (G.P. 4200/-)
Essential Qualification : (i) Possessing Masters degree in Statistics or Operations Research or Forestry or Economics (with Statistics) or Commerce (with Statistics) or Mathematics (with Statistics) or Agriculture (with Statistics)
Two years Post-Graduate Diploma in Forestry Management from a recognized Institute/ University.
(ii) One years experience in collection or compilation or analysis of data including data in Agriculture or forestry work.
D.Q. : NIL.
Initial Place of Posting : New Delhi (AISL).
Job Requirements : 1. Collection/compilation/analysis of
Agriculture/Forestry data.
2. Examination and Scrutiny of various Project proposals.
3. Examination and Analysis of proposals received from Regional centers of the Ministry.
4. Examination and Scrutiny of quarterly/annual reports on various projects.
5. Release of funds under various schemes.
6. Monitoring and Evaluation of various projects.
7.Submission of material for various Reports/Returns/Parliament Questions and visit of Sr. Officers.
8. Management and Monitoring of functioning of Regional Offices.
9. Follow-up action with states/UTs with regard to forest Conservation Act/Environment Protection Act.
10. Processing, implementation and monitoring of bilateral and multilateral Research and Training Projects.
11. Coordination of Training Programme of IFS Officers.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is identified suitable for PH
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ {OH-(OL, OA), HH,
Post NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) VH-(B, LV)) Candidates.
Candidates Along with details of disability
Post category No. : NR21717
Name of post : Senior Geographer
Classification : {Group B, Non Gazetted & Non-Ministerial}
Vacancy : 01 (OBC 01)
Department : Ministry of Home Affairs, Office of the Registrar General, 2-A, Mansingh Road, New Delhi - 110011
Age : 18-30 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt.
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800/-+ G.P.Rs. 4600/-
Essential Qualification : (i) Masters Degree in Geography of a recognized university,
(ii) Two years experience in the field of Geography or Cartography in representation of economic data on maps and of drafting reports.
D.Q. : Certificate in Computer Mapping and Geographical information system of minimum six month duration from a
recognised Institute or University.
Note 1:- Qualification are relaxable at the discretion of the Staff Selection Commission for reasons to be recorded in writing, in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
Note 2:- The qualification regarding experience is relaxable at the discretion of the Staff Selection Commission for reasons to be recorded in writing, in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes, if at any stage of selection the Staff Selection Commission is of the opinion that
sufficient number of candidates from these communities possessing the requisite experience are not likely to be available to fill up the vacancy reserved for them.
Initial Place of Posting : New Delhi, (AISL)
Job Requirements : 1.Supervision of mapping work of Geographers/Cartographers and drawing staff.
2. Writing of analytical notes of maps,vcharts, diagrams, etc.
3. Scrutiny of maps for final printing.
4. Maintaining of progress of cartographic activities.
5. Preparation of experimental maps/charts/diagrams for census publications.
6. Drafting of instructions for cartographic/portrayal of census/non-census date.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is not identified suitable for PH
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ Candidates.
Post NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible)
Post category No. : NR21817
Name of post : Upper Division Clerk
Classification : {Group C, Non Gazetted & Non-Ministerial}
Vacancy : 01 (UR 01)
Department : Ministry of Law and Justice, Legislative Department, Shastri Bhawan New Delhi 110011.
Age : 18-27 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt.
Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200/-+ G.P.Rs. 2400/-
Essential Qualification : (i) Degree from a recognised University established or incorporated by or under a Central Act or Provincial Actor State Act or any institution for higher education deemed to be a University by the Central Government or any other institute or foreign University approved by the Central Government.
(ii) Working Knowledge of Hindi.
(iii) must be able to type in Hindi at a speed of 30 words per minute on computer only, Provided that a physically handicapped person who I otherwise qualified to hold the post but does not possess the said qualification in typewriting may be appointed subject to the condition that the Medical Board attached to the Special Employment Exchange for handicapped or where there is no such Board, the Civil Surgeon certifies that the
said handicapped Person is not in a fit Position to be able person is not in a fit Position to be able to type.
Note 1: Qualification are relaxable at the discretion of the Staff Selection Commission in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
Note 2: The qualification regarding experience ins relaxable at the discretion of the Staff Selection Commission in case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes, if at any stage of Selection, the Staff Selection Commission is of the opinion that sufficient number of candidates from these communities possessing the requisite experience are not likely to be available to fill up the vacancies reserved for them.
D.Q. : (i) Experience in establishment and administration work.
(ii) Ability to type with a speed of 35 words per minute in English on computer only.
Initial Place of Posting : New Delhi,
Job Requirements : To Diary and Dispatch
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is identified suitable for PH
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ (OH, HH, VH) Candidates.
Post NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible)
Post category No. : NR21917
Name of post : Assistant Research Officer (Hindi) & Assistant Research Officer (Regional Language-Telugu)
Classification : {Group B, Non Gazetted & Non-Ministerial}
Vacancy : 02 {UR 02 (Hindi-01, Telugu-01)
Department : Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Higher Education, West Block-VII, R.K. Puram New Delhi - 110066
Age : 18-30 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt.
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800/-+ G.P.Rs. 4600/-
Essential Qualification : For the post of Assistant Research Officer (Hindi)
(i) Masters degree in Hindi from a recognized University or Institute or masters Degree in Sanskrit with Hindi as an elective subject at bachelors degree level from a recognized University or Institute and
(ii) Studied English as a compulsory or optional subject at bachelors degree level.
For the post of Assistant Research officer (Regional Language)
- (i) Masters Degree in the regional language from a recognized University or Institute with Hindi and English as compulsory or optional subjects at the Bachelors degree level.
- (i) Masters Degree in Hindi from a recognized University or Institute with English and the Regional Language concerned at the Bachelors degree level.
Note 1: Regional language means the language quoted against each post as above.
Note 2: Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Staff selection Commission for reasons to be recorded in writing in case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
D.Q. : For the post of Assistant Research Officer (Hindi)
(i) Diploma from a recognized University or Institute in Translation from English or the Regional Language to Hindi and vice versa or Diploma in Applied Linguistics or in Journalism and Mass Communication from a recognized University or Institute and
(ii) Three years experience in teaching or research in Hindi under any Central Government or State Government department or in any Autonomous or Statutory Body or University or in any recognized Research Institution.
For the post of Assistant Research officer (Regional Language)
(i) Certificate/Diploma from a recognized Institute in translation or applied Linguistic or Functional Hindi.
Initial Place of Posting : New Delhi, (AISL)
Job Requirements : (i) To assist in the implementation of schemes relating to propagation & Development of Hindi.
(ii) To assist the publication of various periodicals.
(iii) To assist the preparation of dictionaries-Lingual, Bilingual and multilingual.
(iv) To assist the preparation of Dictionaries in Foreign language and culture exchange Programme.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is identified suitable for PH
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ (OH- one are disability up-to
Post NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates 40% is acceptable) Candidates.
Along with details of disability admissible)
Post category No. : NR22017
Name of post : Scientific Assistant (GCS Cadre, Non-Gazetted)
Classification : {Group C, Non Gazetted & Non-Ministerial}
Vacancy : 03 (UR 01, OBC 01, SC 01)
Department : Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare,
Department of Agriculture Cooperation & Farmers welfare, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi - 110011
Age : 18-25 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt.
Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200/-+ G.P.Rs. 2800/-
Essential Qualification : B. Sc with Botany or Zoology or B. Sc in Agriculture from a recognized university.
D.Q. : NIL
Initial Place of Posting : Bikaner-2 (Rajasthan), Barmer-1(Rajasthan), Churu- 1(Rajasthan), Jaisalmer-1 (Rajasthan), Jodhpur- 2(Rajasthan), Phalodi-1 (Rajasthan), Suratgarh-1 (Rajasthan), Sriganganagar-1 (Rajasthan), Banbasa-2 (Uttarakhand)
Job Requirements : (1) Duties of Scientific Assistant at Central integrated pest management centre.
(2) Laboratory Duties.
(3) Duties of Scientific Assistant at plant quarantine stations.
(4) Duties of scientific Assistant at Locust warning offices.
(5) Duties at field station investigation on locust.
(6) Duties of Scientific Assistant at plant Quarantine Stations.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is not identified suitable for PH
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ Candidates.
Post NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible)
Two Vacancies for Ex-servicemen (Horizontal component).
Post category No. : NR22117
Name of post : Section Officer (Horticulture)
Classification : {Group B Non-Gazetted}
Vacancy : 12 (UR 09, SC 03)
Department : Ministry of Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation Central Public Works Department, I.P. Bhawan New Delhi - 110002
Age : 18-30 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt.
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800/-+ G.P.Rs. 4200/-
Essential Qualification : (a) B. Sc. in Agriculture or Botany or Hort. from a recognized University.
(b) M. Sc in Agriculture with specialization in Hort., or M. Sc. in Landscaping/architecture Floriculture from a recognized University.
D.Q. : NIL
Initial Place of Posting : Anywhere in India (AISL)
Job Requirements : 1. The Section Officer selected for this job will be
Responsible for the progression and maintenance of the trees, lawn and the gardens of bungalows, residential colonies, parks and both sides of the roads.
2. The Section officer will be responsible for sharing the work with his subordinate employees presented.
3. He is also responsible for maintaining the accounts of tools and plants and the materials purchased for the store by him.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is not identified suitable for PH
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ Candidates.
Post NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible)
Post category No. : NR22217
Name of post : Stockman
Classification : {Group C, Non Gazetted & Non-Ministerial}
Vacancy : 01 (UR 01)
Department : Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Deptt. of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
Age : 18-27 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt.
Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200/-+ G.P.Rs. 1900/-
Essential Qualification : (i) 12th Class Pass from a Board.
(ii) Diploma or Certificate in Livestock from a recognized institute or University or Govt. Department.
D.Q. : NIL
Initial Place of Posting : Ajmer District Rajasthan (AISL)
Job Requirements : 1. House to house survey of Animals in the Breeding Tract.
2. Milk Recording of Animal in the breeding Tract.
3. Maintenance of Prescribed Registers and files.
4. Identification of Animals.
5. Conducted the Breeders Group Meeting in the Field.
6. Collect the Breeding and Production data from the field.
7. Identification of Animals.
8. Maintenance and upkeep of Registered animals Records.
9. Organize the Breeders Awareness and Publicity Camp in the Field.
10. Publicity & extension of Animals Husbandry activities in the Field.
11. Preparation and submission of Monthly/Quarterly and Annual Reports.
12. To collect the Information of Saleable Registered Animal and its progeny from the field.
13. Any other work assign by the Govt. & Head of office.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is not identified suitable for PH
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ Candidates.
Post NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible).
Post category No. : NR22317
Name of post : Assistant (Accounts & Statistical)
Classification : {Group C Non-Gazetted}
Vacancy : 03 (UR 02) (01-PWD-OL-One Leg)
Department : Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Department of Food & Public Distribution, Directorate of Sugar & Vegetable Oils, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
Age : 18-27 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt.
Pay Scale : Level 5 in the pay matrix (Rs. 29200-92300)
Essential Qualification : Degree in Commerce or Economics or Statistics or Mathematics from a recognized University.
D.Q. : NIL
Initial Place of Posting : Directorate of Sugar & Vegetable Oils, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
Job Requirements : (i) Formulation of plan scheme for requirement of sugar consumption in the country.
(ii) Maintain Balance Sheet of Sugar production, released etc.
(iii) Preparation of daily, weekly, fortnightly and monthly wholesale and retail prices of free sale sugar in the local national and international markets.
(iv) Preparation of estimated sugar production through correspondence with sugar factories in the country and from the State Governments.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is identified suitable for
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ PH (OH-OL) Candidates.
Post NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible).
Post category No. : NR22417
Name of post : Investigator (SS) Grade-I
Classification : {Group B Non-Gazetted}
Vacancy : 04 (UR 02, OBC 01, SC 01)
Departmen : Ministry of Home Affairs, Office of the Registrar General, 2/A, Mansingh Road, New Delhi 110011.
Age : 18-30 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt.
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800/-+ G.P.Rs. 4200/-
Essential Qualification : Masters Degree from recognized university or equivalent in Anthropology or Sociology with specialization in Village or Village or Community study with special reference to the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes.
Note: Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Staff Selection Commission, for reasons to be recorded in writing, in case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
D.Q. : NIL
Initial Place of Posting : Head Quarter, New Delhi (AISL)
Job Requirements : 1. To carry out and assist in planning and execution of ethnographic studies/surveys on SCs & STs, socio- ecoomic surveys of villages and towns, tabulation and analysis of field data and preparation of draft reports.
2. To assist the Research Officer (Social Studies) in: (i) scrutiny of ethnographic notes, village/town, study reports received from Census Directorates. (ii) Scrutiny of draft DCHB manuscripts, State level town directory, etc. particularly checking the statistical portion of the report.
3. To collect/consolidate statistical data in respect of ethnographic information on castes and tribes (with special reference to the SCs & STs) from various journals, book, etc, for the purpose of examination of the proposals concerning revision of State-wise SCs & STs lists received from the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment and Ministry of Tribal Affairs.
4. To prepare manuscript of ethnographic publications, town directories and drafting of bulletins/reports etc.
5. To undertake analytical social studies and preparation of reports.
6. To assist in the work relating to coding and editing of census data on religion SCs & STs.
7. To undertake analysis of VD/TD & PCA data and prepare analytical reports.
8. To assist in preparation of materials on questions received for reply in Parliament/State Assembles and other miscellaneous duties assigned from time to time by Senior Officers.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is not identified suitable for PH
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ Candidates.
Post NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible).
Post category No. : NR22517
Name of post : Assistant Archaeologist
Classification : {Group B Non-Gazetted}
Vacancy : 12 (UR 09, SC 03)
Department : Ministry of Culture, O/o the Director General, Archaeological Survey of India, Janpath, New Delhi - 110011
Age : 18-30 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt.
Pay Scale : Level 6 in the pay matrix (Rs. 35400-112400) as per 7th CPC.
Essential Qualification : Master Degree in Indian History with Ancient Indian History or Medieval Indian History as a subject or Master Degree in Archaeology or Anthropology with Stone age Archaeology as a subject or Master Degree in Geology with Pleistocene Geology as a subject from a recognized University or equivalent.
Master Degree in Sanskrit or Pali or Arabic or Prakit or Persian or Tamil or Telugu or Malayalam or Kannada or History of Art with Ancient or Medieval Indian History as a subject from a recognized University or equivalent.
D.Q. : (1) Any Higher qualification in the subject mentioned under essential qualification namely.
(i) Junior research fellowship or senior research fellowship or M. Phil or Ph.D from a recognized University or equivalent.
(ii) Post Graduate Diploma in Archaeology from Archaeological Survey of India or Diploma in Epigraphy or Archaeology or Museology of recognized University or equivalent.
(iii) 1 Year field experience in Archaeology.
Initial Place of Posting : (1) ASI, Hqrs., Janpath, New Delhi, (2) Bhubaneshwar, (3) Kolkata, (4) Aizwal, (5) Amrawati, (6) Institute of Archaeology (Red Fort), Delhi, (7) Dehradun, (8) Guwahati. (AISL).
Job Requirements : 1.Assisting the superintending Archaeologist/Deputy Superintending Archaeologist in all matters connected with exploration and excavation, report-writing and publication.
2. Conducting or supervising archaeological excavations and explorations, Preparing and keeping relevant records of purpose of preliminary and final reports and for research activities.
3. Documenting, cataloguing and indexing of the excavated, explored other archaeological material including loose sculptures at monuments and sites and museums.
4. Supervision of Muster Rolls or in the absence of M.R. Officers maintaining of muster rolls etc. and other records connected therewith the employment of labour for excavation or camp.
5. Keeping in safe custody excavated or explored material and records connected therewith.
6. Taking measures for the safe transpiration of all excavated material for purposes of study and exhibition and to arrange proper exhibition.
7. To take round visitors to the excavated sites, monuments and exhibitions whenever required.
8. Performing all work relating to village-to-village survey and preparing fully documental records thereof prescribed for the purpose, preparing periodical statements, returns etc. and maintaining all records, registers, accounts, stocks etc.
9. Preparing cultural/technical notes on monuments and antiquities.
10. Participation in all other academic activates connected with archaeology and contributory research paper.
11. Holding charge of the Museum under his full responsibility for the safety of the antiquities and the maintenance of display arrangements and organizing new galleries.
12. Safe keeping of the reserve collection of antiquities.
13. Maintaining museum-library and stock of publication, admission tickets and receipt books.
14. Personal supervision at the time of the opening and closing of the museum, when in headquarter keeping the keys in his custody and taking adequate arrangement in this regard during his absence.
15. Supervision of watch and ward duties of Class-IV staff including surprise checks at night, preparation of
duty roster of Chowkiders and museum attendants and enforcing strict compliance thereto.
16. Checking the sale of publication/tickets and other monetary transaction for the museum as per G.F.R. and other rules on the subject.
17. Accessioning indexing and cataloguing of antiquities and yearly verification of antiquities.
18. Taking adequate measure for the safety of museum objects and following instructions issued from time to time regarding theft attempted thefts or any others such incident in the museum.
19. Participation in all other academic activities connected with archaeology and contributory research paper.
20. Any other work relating to his office/Branch and his job assigned by superior officer.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is identified suitable for
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ PH (OH-HH) Candidates. {OH 01
Post NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates (ST, W, SE, RW, OA)}
Along with details of disability admissible).
Post category No. : NR22617
Name of post : Assistant Central Intelligence Officer
Classification : {Group B Non-Gazetted Non-Ministerial}
Vacancy : 01 (UR 01)
Department : Ministry of Home Affairs, Intelligence Bureau 35, S.P. Marg, P.O. Chanakyapuri, New Delhi - 110021
Age : 18-30 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt.
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800/-+ G.P.Rs. 4600/-
Essential Qualification : Masters Degree in Chemistry or Physics of a recognized University and One year practical experience in experience in examination of documents, handwriting and typescripts.
D.Q. : NIL
Initial Place of Posting : IB Hqrs. New Delhi (AISL)
Job Requirements : (i) To receive the cases and put up to GEQD/AGEsQD after preliminary examination and analysis.
(ii) To maintain library of questioned documents.
(iii) To assist in research work for evolving new techniques for examination of documents.
(iv) Any other work assigned by senior officers.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is identified suitable for
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ PH(OH) Candidates.
Post NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible).
Post category No. : NR22717
Name of post : Senior Translator (Hindi)
Classification : {Group B Non-Gazetted Non-Ministerial}
Vacancy : 01 (UR 01)
Department : Ministry of Law and Justice, Legislative Department, Official Languages Wing
Age : 18-30 years {age relaxation is admissible as per govt.
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800/-+ G.P.Rs. 4600/-
Essential Qualification : (i) Bachelors degree in any subject with Hindi and English as compulsory or optional subjects or either of the two as medium of examination and other as or compulsory subject.
(ii) Bachelors degree in law (LLB) from a recognized University established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act or any institution or foreign University approved by the Central Government.
(iii) Two years experience in legal matters or translation of legal matters in Centre or State or Union territory Administration or Public Sector Undertakings or ` Universities or Public Sector Banks.
D.Q. : Masters Degree of a recognised University established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act or any institution for higher education deemed to be a University by the Central Government or any other institution or foreign University approved by the Central Government in Hindi with English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level,
Method of recruitment: Whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by deputation/ absorption and percentage of the vacancies to be filled by various methods In case of recruitment by promotion/deputation/absorption, grades from which promotion/deputation/absorption to be made.
Initial Place of Posting : New Delhi
Job Requirements : Translation of Acts, Ordinances, Rules, Regulations, Constitution orders, Speeches, Notes for the Cabinet, Bills to be introduced I Parliament etc. from English into Hindi.
Instruction for PH (PWD Candidates) : Post is identified suitable for
PH (Whether post is identified SUITABLE/ PH (OH/HH/VH) Candidates.
Post NOT SUITABLE for PH (PWD) Candidates
Along with details of disability admissible).
SSC: Staff Selection Commission; M/o: Ministry of, D/o: Department of, O/o: Office of, Age: Age-limit, EQ: Essential Qualification, DQ: Desirable Qualification, IP: Initial Posting, AISL: All India Service Liability, JR: Job Requirements, UR: Unreserved, GEN: General, OBC: Other Backward Classes, SC: Scheduled Caste, ST: Scheduled Tribe, ExS: Ex-Serviceman, PH (PWD): Physically Handicapped (Persons with Disabilities), OH: Orthopedically Handicapped, HH: Hearing Handicapped, VH: Visually Handicapped, OA: One arm affected, OL: One leg affected, BL: Both legs affected, PD: Partially Deaf, LV: Low vision, CGCE: Central Government Civilian Employee; NA: Not Applicable; OEA: Other Employed Applicant.
A candidate must either be:
- (a) A citizen of India or
- (b) A subject of Nepal or
- (c) A subject of Bhutan or
- (d) A Tibetan Refugee who came over to India, before the 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or
- (e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
6.1. Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
6.2. A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to the Examination but the offer of appointment will be given only after the necessary eligibility certificate issued to him by the Government of India is produced by the candidate.
Rs. 100/- (Rupees Hundred only) through SBI Net-Banking, Credit Cards / Debit Cards of all Banks or through SBI Challan
Fee paid through any other mode will NOT be accepted. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Fee should be paid separately for each category of post applied.
All Women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Physically Handicapped and Ex-Servicemen eligible for reservation, are exempted from paying application fee, as per extant government orders.
- (ii) CANDIDATE MAY NOTE THAT ONLY ONLINE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT . Applications received through any other mode would be summarily rejected.
- (iv) Procedure for filing online Applications is given in Appendix I (A).
- (v) After filling up the Application Form Online and after making payment of Examination Fee, candidate should take a print out of the Application Form, sign the same, affix a copy of the same photograph used for filling up online application and attach self-attested copies of Certificates/documents in support of age, Essential Qualifications, Experience, where it is prescribed as Essential Qualification, proof of Caste/Category [SC/ST/OBC/PH(PWD)/EXS in the format as given in the Notice] issued by the Competent Authority and send the same to the Regional Director at the address mentioned below so as to reach the Regional Office within ten days from the closing date i.e. 24TH SEPTEMBER, 2017.
The Regional Director (NR),
Staff Selection Commission,
Northern Region,
Office of Northern Region
Block No.12, Kendriya Karyalya Parisar
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.
- (vi) The information furnished by the candidates in their applications will be verified by the Commission with reference to the original documents after the Computer Based Mode Examination. During verification of documents, if it is found that any information furnished by the candidate in the application is wrong, his/her candidature will be rejected forthwith. No appeal or representation against rejection of such candidature will be entertained. The candidates should ensure that they have furnished correct information in the application form.
- i. Essential Qualifications (EQs) & Age Limit for each Post are mentioned in Para - 4 of this Notice.
- ii. The Crucial Date for determining the possession of AGE AND ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION (EQs)/EXPERIENCE will be the closing date for filling up Registration Part/Application part of the application i.e. 24.09.2017
- iii. Before applying for the post, the candidates must ensure that they possess the ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS including Experience wherever it is prescribed as Essential Qualification and also meet the Age Limit as on the crucial date mentioned in Para 10(ii) above.
- iv. For posts where EXPERIENCE in a particular field/discipline for a specified period has been indicated as an ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION, the applicants should submit self attested copy of CERTIFICATE in support of their claim of possession of Experience in that field/discipline from the Competent Authority along with the print out of the application, failing which their application shall be rejected.
- v. If candidates claim that their Educational Qualifications are EQUIVALENT to the prescribed Essential Qualifications, it is the responsibility of the candidates to submit the necessary Documents/Certificates (Order/Letter with Number & Date) in support of equivalence, issued by the Government of India or by the Competent Authority from which they obtained the Educational Qualification, failing which their application shall be rejected.
- vi. In respect of Post(s) requiring proficiency in the relevant language as an essential qualification the applicant must have
- studied that language up to Matriculation level and in case the relevant language is not taught as a subject in Matriculation, the said language must be the mother-tongue of the applicant.
NOTE : As per Ministry of Human Resources Development, the Degree obtained through open Universities/Distance Education Mode needs to be recognized by Distance Education Council, GOI. Accordingly, unless such Degrees are recognized for the relevant period when the candidates acquired the qualification, they will not be accepted for the purpose of Educational Qualification.
The Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary Examination Certificate will be accepted by the Commission for determining the AGE and no subsequent request for change will be considered or granted.
Relaxation in upper Age-limit admissible to eligible categories of applicants is given below:
The Relaxation in upper Age-limit is admissible only when the applicants claim the same at Column No. 12 of the online Application Form and also properly fill the CATEGORY CODE at Column No.12.1 of the online Application Form.
The Category CODES, CATEGORY and Permissible Age Relaxation beyond the Upper age limit as mentioned at Para-10 of this Notice are given below:-
Category-Codes for claiming Age Relaxation as on the date of reckoning: Code No. |
Permissible Age Relaxation beyond the Upper age limit |
For Group-B & Group-C Posts |
01 |
SC |
5 years |
02 |
ST |
5 years |
03 |
3 years |
04 |
PwD |
10 years |
05 |
13 years |
06 |
15 years |
07 |
15 years |
08 |
Ex-Servicemen (Unreserved / General) |
03 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date for receipt of application. |
09 |
Ex-Servicemen (OBC) |
06 years (3 years+3 years) after deduction of the Military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date for receipt of application. |
10 |
Ex-Servicemen (SC) |
08 years (3 years+5 years) after deduction of the Military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date for receipt of application. |
11 |
Ex-Servicemen (ST) |
08 years (3 years+5 years) after deduction of the Military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date for receipt of application. |
For Group B Posts |
12 |
Central Government Civilian Employees (Unreserved / General) who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for receipt of application. |
05 years |
13 |
Central Government Civilian Employees (OBC) who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for receipt of application. |
08 (5+3) years |
14. |
Central Government Civilian Employees (SC) who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for receipt of application. |
10 (5+5) years |
15 |
Central Government Civilian Employees (ST) who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for receipt of application |
10 (5+5) years |
For Group C Posts |
16. |
Central Government Civilian Employees (Unreserved / General) who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date |
Upto 40 years of age |
17 |
Central Government Civilian Employees (OBC) who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date |
Upto 43 years of age |
18 |
Central Government Civilian Employees (SC) who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date |
Upto 45 years of age |
19 |
Central Government Civilian Employees (ST) who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date |
Upto 45 years of age |
20 |
Widows/Divorced Women/Women judicially separated and who are not remarried (Unreserved/ General) |
Upto 35 years of age |
21 |
Widows/Divorced Women/Women judicially separated and who are not remarried (OBC) |
Upto 38 years of age |
22 |
Widows/Divorced Women/Women judicially separated and who are not remarried (SC) |
Upto 40 years of age |
23 |
Widows/Divorced Women/Women judicially separated and who are not remarried (ST) |
Upto 40 years of age |
For Group `B & Group `C Posts. |
24 |
Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir from 01-01-1980 to 31-12-1989 (Unreserved/General) |
5 years |
25 |
Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir from 01-01-1980 to 31-12-1989 (OBC) |
8 years |
26 |
Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir from 01-01-1980 to 31-12-1989 (SC) |
10 years |
27 |
Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir from 01-01-1980 to 31-12-1989 (ST) |
10 years |
28 |
Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof (General/ Unreserved) |
5 years |
29 |
Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof (OBC) |
8 (5+3) years |
30 |
Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof (SC) |
10 (5+5) years |
31 |
Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof (ST) |
10 (5+5) years |
32 |
Others |
As per Government of Indias Orders issued from time to time. |
NOTE 1: The age relaxation for reserved category applicants is admissible only in the case of vacancies reserved for such categories. The reserved category applicants, who apply against posts, meant for UR category, will get age relaxation to the extent it is available to UR category candidates.
NOTE 2: Applicants shall check their eligibility for seeking relaxation in Upper Age Limit carefully. If eligible, they are required to fill the correct Age Relaxation Code as applicable to them. In case of filling up of wrong Age Relaxation Code by the applicant in the Application Form, age relaxation allowed at the application stage will be withdrawn and his/her candidature will be considered accordingly.
- i. SC/ST applicants seeking FEE CONCESSION, AGE-RELAXATION, RESERVATION etc. shall invariably submit, along with the print out of their Application Forms, the requisite Certificate as per FORMAT
- (Appendix-II of this Notice) from COMPETENT AUTHORITY (APPENDIX-I of this Notice) certifying that their Sub-Castes/Communities are approved by the Government of India under SC & ST Category on or before the closing date of receipt of applications otherwise their claims for fee concession, age-relaxation, reservation etc. shall not be considered.
- i. OBC applicants not covered under the Creamy Layer, as per the Standing Instructions of the Government of India as amended from time to time, seeking AGE-RELAXATION, RESERVATION etc. shall invariably submit, along with the print out of their Application Forms, the requisite Certificate as per FORMAT (Appendix-III of this Notice). A person seeking appointment on the basis of reservation to OBCs must ensure that he/she possesses the caste/ community certificate and does not fall in creamy layer on the crucial date. The crucial date for this purpose will be the closing date for receipt of applications. Candidates may also note in respect of the above that, their candidature will remain provisional till the veracity of the concerned document is verified by the Appointing Authority. Candidates are warned that they may be debarred from the examinations conducted by the Commission in case they fraudulently claim SC/ST/OBC/ExS/PH (PwD) status.
- ii. The closing date for receipt of application as mentioned at Para-9 of the Notice will be treated as the date of reckoning for Non-Creamy Layer status of applicants under the OBC category.
Whether the post is identified suitable for Physically Handicapped persons or not and the nature of disability admissible is indicated against each category of post. Physically Handicapped Candidates should apply only for posts for which they are eligible.
- i. Only the PH (PwD) persons having 40% or above disability are eligible for FEE CONCESSION, AGE-RELAXATION, RESERVATION etc.
- ii. They shall invariably submit, along with the print out of their Application Forms, the requisite Certificate as per FORMAT [Appendix-VI (Form-II)/(Form-III)/(Form-IV)] of the Notice, otherwise, their claim for PH (PWD) status will not be entertained.
a. Persons with visual disability of less than forty percent will not be treated as Visually Handicapped candidates. Visually Handicapped (VH) candidates with visual disabilities of forty percent and above and candidates suffering from Cerebral Palsy can avail the assistance of a SCRIBE to be provided by the Commission in the Computer Based Examination subject to such requests being made to the Commission while filling up the application form. Candidates suffering from Cerebral Palsy will also be provided with the facility of Scribe and compensatory time at par with VH candidates. Question Papers and Answer Sheets will not be provided in BRAILLE. Visually Handicapped (VH), including blind and partially blind, candidates
with visual disability of forty percent and above may bring their own TAYLOR FRAME AND BRAILLE SLATE WITH PAPER for solving Arithmetical problems. No attendant of VH/Cerebral Palsy candidates will be allowed inside the examination premises. In addition, the orthopedically handicapped candidates (other than a candidate afflicted by Cerebral Palsy) who has a locomotor disability(40% or more) wherein the dominant writing extremity is affected to the extent of slowing down the performance of the candidate (such deficiency to be indicated in the medical certificate submitted by the candidate), such candidates can also avail the assistance of a Scribe and a compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour in the examination, subject to such requests being made in the application form.
b. Provision of Compensatory Time: The Visually Handicapped candidates and candidates suffering from Cerebral Palsy, Locomotor candidates as mentioned above in para 12 D(a), will be allowed compensatory Time in the examination, as per the decision of the Commission.
- (i) ExS applicants seeking for FEE CONCESSION, AGE-RELAXATION, RESERVATION etc. shall invariably submit along with the printout of their Application Forms, the requisite Certificate as per FORMAT (Appendix-V of this Notice) from COMPETENT AUTHORITY (APPENDIX-I of this Notice) and also submit a Declaration as per FORMAT [Appendix-V(A) of this Notice] otherwise their claims for fee concession, age-relaxation, reservation etc. shall not be considered.
- (ii) For any serviceman of the three Armed Forces of the Union to be treated as ExS for the purpose of securing the benefits of reservation etc.; he/she must have already acquired, at the relevant time of submitting his/her application for Post/Service, the status of EXS and/or is in a position to establish his/her acquired entitlement by documentary evidence from the COMPETENT AUTHORITY that he/she would complete specified term of engagement with the Armed Forces within the stipulated period of ONE YEAR from the closing date of receipt of applications as stipulated at Para-9 of this Notice, or otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency.
F. EX-SERVICEMAN: An Ex-Serviceman means a person
- i. who has served in any rank whether as a combatant or non-combatant in the Regular Army, Navy, Air Force of the Indian Union, and
- a. who either has been retired or relieved or discharged from such service
whether at his own request or being relieved by the employer after earning his/her pension; or
b. who has been relieved from such service on medical grounds attributable to military service/circumstances beyond his control and awarded medical or other disability pension; or
c. who has been released from such service as a result of reduction in
ii. who has been released from such service after completing the specific period of engagement, otherwise than at his own request or by way of
dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency, and has been given a gratuity; and includes personnel of the Territorial Army, namely pension holders for continuous embodied service or broken spells of qualifying service;
iii. Personnel of Army Postal Service who are part of Regular Army and retired from the Army Postal Service without reversion to their parent service with pension, or are released from the Army Postal Service on medical grounds attributable to or aggravated by military service or circumstances beyond their control and awarded medical or other disability pension;
iv. Personnel, who were on deputation in Army Postal Service for more than six months prior to the 14th April, 1987;
v. Gallantry award winners of the Armed Forces including personnel of Territorial Army;
vi. Ex-recruits boarded out or relieved on medical ground and granted medical disability pension.
G. The period of Call up Service of an ExS in the Armed forces shall also be
treated as service rendered in the Armed Forces for purpose of age relaxation, as
per rules.
- i) A Matriculate Ex-Serviceman (includes an Ex-Serviceman, who has obtained the Indian Army Special Certificate of education or corresponding certificate in the Navy or the Air Force), who has put in not less than 15 years of service on the closing date of receipt of applications as stipulated in Para-9 of this Notice with Armed Forces of the Union shall be considered eligible for appointment to the Group C. Posts. Thus, those Non-Graduate Ex-Servicemen who have not completed 15 years of service as on the closing date of receipt of applications as stipulated at Para-9 of this Notice shall not be treated as a deemed graduate applicant.
Further, as per extant guidelines of Department of Personnel and Training deemed graduation of Indian Army Special Certificate of education or corresponding certificate in the Navy or the Air Force on completion of 15 years in Armed Forces is not applicable for Group B posts.
- ii) As per Department of Personnel & Trainings O.M. No. 36034/6/90-Estt-SCT Dated 24.4.92, such EXS applicants who have already secured employment under the Central Govt. in civil side after availing of the benefit given to them as ExS for their re-employment, are eligible for age-relaxation prescribed for ExS for securing another employment in a higher grade, but will not be eligible for the benefit for reservation for the ExS for securing another employment in a higher grade. They will also not be eligible for fee concession admissible to EXS. Such ExS would have to pay the requisite fee for this recruitment.
However, as per the Department of Personnel & Trainings O.M. No. 36034/1/2014-Estt- (Res.) dated 14.08.2014, the Govt. of India has
now decided that if an ex-serviceman applies for various vacancies before joining any civil employment, he/she can avail of the benefit of reservation as ex-servicemen for any subsequent employment. However, to avail of this benefit, an ex-serviceman as soon as he/she joins any civil employment should give self-declaration/undertaking to the concerned employer about the date-wise details of application for various vacancies for which he/she had applied for before joining the initial civil employment. Further, this benefit would be available only in respect of vacancies which are filled on direct recruitment and wherever reservation is applicable to the ex- servicemen.
- i. Central Govt. Civilian Employees should have rendered not less than 3 years continuous service on a regular basis (and not on ad hoc basis) as on the closing date of receipt of applications as mentioned at Para-9 of the Notice and should remain in Central Government Service holding civil post in any Department/Offices of Government of India till the candidate receives Offer of Appointment from the Office/Department where the candidate gets finally recommended for appointment.
- ii. For claiming the benefit of age relaxation they shall invariably submit along with the printout of their Application Forms, the requisite Certificate as per FORMAT (Appendix-IV of this Notice) from the COMPETENT AUTHORITY (APPENDIX-I of this Notice) and also submit a Declaration [Appendix-IV(A) of this Notice] otherwise their claims for age-relaxation shall not be considered.
- iii. Central Government Civilian Employees applying for any post shall invariably submit along with the print out of their Application Forms, a Declaration [Appendix-IV (A) of this Notice] that they have intimated their Office. Further, they would require to furnish NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from their EMPLOYER at the time of VERIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS, failing which their candidature is liable to be cancelled at that very stage or at any stage of recruitment process.
Candidates should note that in case a communication is received from their employer by the Commission withholding permission to the candidates applying for appearing in the examination, their applications shall be rejected and candidature shall be cancelled.
(a) Applicants must submit Self Attested legible Copies of all their Certificates/Documents, along with the print out of their Applications, in support of the information given in their Application Forms about their Educational Qualifications; Experiences; Percentage of Marks obtained; Proof of Age; Proof of Category [SC/ST/OBC/PH (PwD)/ExS in the format as given in the Notice] from the Competent Authorities, otherwise their candidature is liable to be rejected at any stage of the recruitment process.
(b) They shall be in a position to produce all the ORIGINAL CERTIFICATES/DOCUMENTS in support of the information given in their Application Forms at the time of VERIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS after the Computer Based Examination, failing which their candidature is liable to be cancelled at that very stage or at any subsequent stage.
(c) Candidates are warned that they may be permanently debarred from the examinations conducted by the Commission in case they fraudulently claim SC/ST/OBC/PH(PwD)/ExS/C.G.C.E. Status or submit false Certificates/Documents/Mark Sheets claiming reservation / age relaxation admissible to these categories or in support of Essential Qualification/Experience/Age-proof.
- i. Applications being incomplete.
- ii. Any variation in the Signatures.
[All the SIGNATUREs (in FULL NOT IN SHORT) done on the Print out of the Application Form and also on other Documents must be THE same.]
- iii. Application without CLEAR and LEGIBLE PHOTOGRAPH.
- iv. Non-payment of Examination Fees, if not otherwise exempted.
- v. Fee not paid as per instructions.
- vi. Under aged/over aged candidates.
- vii. Non forwarding of Self Attested legible Copies of all the relevant Certificates/Documents issued by the competent authority, along with the print out of Application Forms, in support of the information given in their Application Forms about their Educational Qualifications; Experiences; Percentage of Marks obtained; Proof of Age; Proof of Category [SC/ST/OBC/PH(PwD)/ExS].
- viii. Not having the requisite Educational Qualification/Experience/Category Status as on the closing date.
- ix. Incorrect information or misrepresentation or suppression of material facts.
- x. Non-receipt / Late receipt of the printout of the Application Form along with self-attested copies of the relevant documents.
- xi. For carrying mobile phones / accessories in the Examination premises/Hall.
- xii. Any other irregularity.
- xiii. Non-production of Original Certificates at the time of Verification of Documents
- (a) The Government has dispensed with Interviews for Junior Level Posts. Accordingly, recruitment to Selection Posts will be made through Written Examination in Computer Based Mode consisting of Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions.
- (b) Candidates will be shortlisted for Computer Based Examination based on the percentage of marks in Essential Qualifications as indicated by them in their application. Candidates will be shortlisted in the ratio of 1:50, i.e. 50 candidates for every vacancy, subject to availability of sufficient number of eligible candidates. Candidates will be shortlisted by applying suitable cut off in the percentage of marks, in multiples of five. The number of candidates shortlisted may be slightly more or less due to the criteria of applying cut off in multiples of five.
(c) For the purpose of shortlisting of candidates for Computer Based Examination, the Commission will follow the yardstick adopted by the University/Institution and take into account the percentage of marks as indicated in the Final Year Marks Statement. The Commission will not take the responsibility of working out the percentage of marks by adding up the marks secured by the candidates in different subjects/each year of Graduation and instead take into account the percentage of marks / CGPA as indicated in the Final Year Marks Statement.
(d) Where the Merit of the candidate is indicated in the Final Year Marks Statement in CGPA without indicating the corresponding percentage of marks, the Commission will follow the criteria indicated by the University/Institution in the Certificate, if any, for arriving at the corresponding percentage. In all other cases, the Commission will apply the conversion formula of CGPA (as indicated in the Final Year Marks Statement) multiplied by (x) 9.5.
- (e) The criteria followed by the Commission in shortlisting candidates will be final. No appeal or representation will be entertained against such Shortlisting criteria.
f) The information furnished by the candidates in their applications will be verified by the Commission with reference to their original documents after the Computer Based Examination. During verification of documents, if it is found that any information furnished by the candidate in the application is wrong, his/her candidature will be rejected forthwith. No appeal or representation against such rejection of candidature will be entertained. The candidates should ensure that they have furnished correct information in the application form.
- (i) There will be three separate Computer Based Examinations consisting of Objective/Multiple Choice Questions, for posts with minimum Educational Qualification of Matriculation, Higher Secondary and Graduation & above levels. The details of subjects for Questions, marks and number of Questions subject-wise are given below:-
Subject |
No. of Question |
Maximum Marks |
Total Duration/Timing |
General Intelligence |
25 questions |
50 |
60 Minutes (Total) |
English Language (Basic Knowledge) |
25 questions |
50 |
For VH/OH (afflicted by Cerebral Palsy and locomotor disability wherein the dominant writing extremity is affected to the extent of slowing down the performance of the candidates). (Pl. see Para 12 (C ) & (D) of notice).-80 Minutes |
Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill) |
25 questions |
50 |
General Awareness |
25 questions |
50 |
There will be negative marking of 0.50 marks for each wrong answer.
Answer Keys will be placed on the Commissions website after the Examination. Candidates may go through the Answer Keys corresponding to their Test Form and submit representations, if any within the time limit given by the Commission through on-line modality only, on payment of Rs.100/- per answer. Any representation regarding Answer Key received within the time limit fixed by the Commission at the time of uploading of the Answer Key will be scrutinized and the decision of the Commission in this regard will be final. No representation regarding Answer Keys shall be entertained afterwards.
- (ii) Indicative Syllabus for written examination:
- (a) Matriculation level
General Intelligence: It would include questions of non-verbal type. The test will include questions on similarities and differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discriminating observation, relationship concepts, figure classification, arithmetical number series, non-verbal series etc. The test will also include questions designed to test the candidates abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationship, arithmetical computation and other analytical functions.
English Language : Candidates' understanding of the Basics of English Language, its vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms and its correct usage, etc. his/her writing ability would be tested.
Quantitative Aptitude: This paper will include questions on problems relating to Number Systems, Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals and Fractions and relationship between Numbers, Fundamental arithmetical operations, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, use of Tables and Graphs, Mensuration, Time and Distance, Ratio and Time, Time and Work, etc.
General Awareness: Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidates general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to Sports, History, Culture, Geography, Economic scene, General Polity including Indian Constitution, and Scientific Research etc. These questions will be such that they do not require a special study of any discipline.
NOTE: For VH candidates of 40% and above visual disability and opting for SCRIBE there will be no component of Maps/Graphs/Diagrams/Statistical Data in the General Intelligence & Reasoning / General Awareness Paper.
- (b) 10+2 (Higher Secondary) level
General Intelligence: It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type. The test will include questions on Semantic Analogy, Symbolic operations, Symbolic/Number Analogy, Trends, Figural Analogy, Space Orientation ,Semantic Classification, Venn Diagrams, Symbolic/Number Classification, Drawing inferences ,Figural Classification ,Punched hole/pattern-folding & unfolding , Semantic Series, Figural Pattern folding and completion, Number Series, Embedded figures, Figural Series, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Emotional Intelligence, Word Building, Social Intelligence, Coding and de- coding, Other sub-topics, if any Numerical operations.
English Language: Spot the Error, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms/Homonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/ Detecting Mis-spelt words, Idioms & Phrases, One word substitution, Improvement of Sentences, Active/Passive Voice of Verbs, Conversion into Direct/Indirect narration, Shuffling of Sentence parts, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, Cloze Passage, Comprehension Passage.
Quantitative Aptitude: Arithmetic: Number Systems: Computation of Whole Number, Decimal and Fractions, Relationship between numbers Fundamental arithmetical operations: Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest (Simple and Compound), Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Allegation, Time and distance, Time and work. Algebra: Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra and Elementary surds (simple problems) and Graphs of Linear Equations. Geometry: Familiarity with elementary geometric figures and facts: Triangle and its various kinds of centres, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles. Mensuration: Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons, Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square Base Trigonometry: Trigonometry, Trigonometric ratios, Complementary angles, Height and distances (simple problems only) Standard Identities like sin20 + Cos20=1 etc., Statistical Charts : Use of Tables and Graphs: Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar- diagram, Pie-chart
General Awareness: Questions are designed to test the candidates general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. Questions are also designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of an educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially 10 pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General policy and scientific research. For VH candidates of 40% and above visual disability and opting for SCRIBES there will be no component of Maps/Graphs/Diagrams/Statistical Data in the General Intelligence & Reasoning / Quantitative Aptitude.
(c) Graduation and above levels:-
General Intelligence: It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type. This component may include questions on analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, spatial orientation, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning and figural classification, arithmetic number series, non-verbal series, coding and decoding, statement conclusion, syllogistic reasoning etc. The topics are, Semantic Analogy, Symbolic/Number Analogy, Figural Analogy, Semantic Classification, Symbolic/Number Classification, Figural Classification, Semantic Series, Number Series, Figural Series, Problem Solving, Word Building, Coding & de-coding, Numerical Operations, symbolic Operations, Trends, Space Orientation, Space Visualization, Venn Diagrams, Drawing inferences, Punched hole/pattern folding & un-folding, Figural Pattern folding and completion, Indexing, Address matching, Date & city matching, Classification of centre codes/roll numbers, Small & Capital letters/numbers coding, decoding and classification, Embedded Figures, Critical thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, Other sub-topics, if any.
English Language: Candidates ability to understand correct English, his basic comprehension and writing ability, etc. would be tested. The questions in Parts A, B, & D will be of a level commensurate with the essential qualification viz. Graduation and questions in Part C will be of 10th standard level.
Quantitative Aptitude: The questions will be designed to test the ability of appropriate use of numbers and number sense of the candidate. The scope of the test will be computation of whole numbers, decimals, fractions and relationships between numbers, Percentage. Ratio & Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Alligation, Time and distance, Time & Work, Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds, Graphs of Linear Equations, Triangle and its various kinds of centres, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles, Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons , Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base, Trigonometric ratio, Degree and Radian Measures, Standard Identities, Complementary angles, Heights and Distances, Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar diagram & Pie chart
General Awareness: Questions in this component will be aimed at testing the candidates general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of every day observations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of any educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Policy & Scientific Research.
NOTE-1: The Commission shall have the discretion to fix different minimum qualifying standards in each component of the Examination taking into consideration among others, category-wise vacancies and category-wise number of candidates.
(iii) Skill Tests like Typing/Data Entry/Computer Proficiency Test, etc., where prescribed in the Essential Qualification, will be conducted, which will be of a qualifying nature.
(iv) Final Merit List will be drawn on the basis of performance in Computer Based Examination.
17. Resolution of TIE CASES.
In case two or more candidates secure equal marks in the Computer Based Examination, the tie will be resolved by the following procedure:
- i. On the basis of date of birth with the older candidate being placed higher in merit.
- ii. Alphabetical Order of first names of the candidates.
18. IMPORTANT NOTE: Computer Based Examination for Selection Posts will be held only in Regional Head Offices (HOs)/Cities/Centres and the Commission reserves the right to call candidates to any of the identified Centres for the Examination. The Commissions decision regarding allotment of Examination Centre shall be final and no request/appeal will be entertained for change of Centre.
- i. The Commission will have the full discretion to fix separate minimum qualifying marks in Computer Based Examination/Skill Test, wherever applicable, for each category of candidates [viz. SC/ST/OBC/PH(PwD)/ExS/General (UR)].
- ii. After the Examination and Skill Test, wherever applicable, the Commission will draw up the Merit List, on the basis of the marks obtained by the candidates in the Computer Based Examination. Based on the position in the Merit List, candidates equal to the number of vacancies advertised will be recommended for appointment, subject to their obtaining the minimum qualifying cut-off marks prescribed by the Commission for different categories of candidates.
- iii. SC, ST and OBC candidates, who are selected on their own merit without relaxed standards (i.e. relaxation in age limit and short listing criteria), will not be adjusted against the reserved share of vacancies. Such SC, ST and OBC candidates will be adjusted against the general/unreserved vacancies as per their position in the overall Merit List. The reserved vacancies, if any advertised, will be filled up separately from amongst the eligible SC, ST and OBC candidates on relaxed standards fixed for their respective categories.
- iv. A PH (PwD) candidate who meets the standards fixed for candidates of his/her respective category without availing relaxation in selection and in short listing criteria fixed for such categories, will be recommended against an unreserved vacancy, provided the post is identified suitable for persons with that particular category of disability.
- v. An Ex-Serviceman or PH (PwD) category candidate who qualifies on the basis of relaxed standards will be considered against vacancies reserved for them only.
- vi. Insofar as cases of Ex-Serviceman/PH candidates are concerned, age relaxation is permissible against the reserved or unreserved posts and such exemption cannot be termed as relaxed standards in regard to age.
- vii. Success in the examination confers no right of appointment unless the Government is satisfied, after such enquiry/verification of documents, as
- may be considered necessary, that the candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment to the service/post.
20. In pursuance of the Governments initiative of increasing access of the unemployed to job opportunities, the Regional Offices of the Commission will upload on their websites, the details of the non-selected candidates applied for different posts, who meet the minimum qualifying cut off marks prescribed for different categories of candidates, along with the marks secured by them in the qualifying Examination. The objective is that other private/public agencies, if they so desire, can use the data for making recruitment to posts in their organisations. For this purpose, the candidates will have to exercise their option in the online application form. Data of candidates who opt out of the disclosure scheme would not be placed on the website.
a. who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or
b. who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person, shall be eligible for appointment to the service, Provided that Central Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
A candidate must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient discharge of his/her duties as an Officer of the service. A candidate who, after such medical examination as may be prescribed by the competent authority, is found not to satisfy these requirements, will not be appointed. Only such candidates as are likely to be considered for appointment will be medically examined.
Note : In the case of the disabled Ex-Defence Services personnel, a certificate of fitness granted by the Demobilisation Medical Board of the Defence Services will be considered adequate for the purpose of appointment.
(i) Candidates are warned that they should not furnish any particulars that are false or suppress any material information while filling in the application form. Candidates are also warned that they should in no case attempt to alter or otherwise tamper with any entry in a document or the attested certified copy submitted by them nor should they submit a tampered/fabricated document. If there is any inaccuracy or any discrepancy, an explanation regarding this discrepancy should be submitted.
(ii) Without prejudice to criminal action/debarment upto 3 years from Commissions examination wherever necessary, candidature will be summarily cancelled at any stage of the recruitment in respect of candidates found to have indulged in any of the following:-
- i. In possession of mobile phone and/or accessories and other electronic gadgets are strictly not allowed in the Examination Lab, whether in use
- or in switched off mode.
- ii. Involved in malpractices.
- iii. Using unfair means in the examination hall.
- iv. Obtaining support for his / her candidature by any means.
- v. Impersonate/ Procuring impersonation by any person.
- vi. Submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered with.
- vii. Making statements which are incorrect or false or suppressing material information.
- viii. Resorting to any other irregular or improper means in connection with his/her candidature for the examination.
- ix. Misbehaving in any other manner in the examination hall with the Supervisor, Invigilator or Commissions representatives.
- x. Taking away the Answer Sheet with him/her from the examination hall,
or passing it on to unauthorized persons during the conduct of the Examination.
- xi. Intimidating or causing bodily harm to the staff employed by the Commission for the conduct of examination.
Canvassing in any form will disqualify the applicant.
The decision of the Commission in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, penalty for false information, mode of selection, conduct of examination(s), allotment of examination centres and selection will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry/correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
Sl. No. |
Appendix No. |
Caste/ Community/ Category/ |
Competent Authority |
1. |
Instruction for Filling up online Application Form / Instructions For Filling up the Application |
2. |
i. |
District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/ Collector/ Deputy Commissioner/Additional Deputy Commissioner/ Dy. Collector/1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/ Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Extra-Assistant Commissioner/ Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate. |
ii. |
Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate. |
iii. |
Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar. |
iv. |
Sub-Divisional Officers of the area where the applicant and or his family normally resides. |
Note: |
ST applicants belonging to Tamil Nadu State should submit Caste Certificate only from the REVENUE DIVISIONAL OFFICER. |
3. |
District Magistrate / Deputy Commissioner etc. |
4. |
Head of Office or Head of Department |
5. |
Applicants themselves |
6. |
Commanding Officer |
7. |
Applicants themselves |
8. |
Members/Chairperson of Medical Board & Counter signed by the Medical Superintendent/CMO/Head of Hospital |
Procedure/Instructions for Registration/ Online Submission of Application & General Important Instructions to Candidates
- 1. To apply for Selection Posts, candidates are required to register themselves on . Candidates may register once and can apply for any Recruitment Examination advertised by SSC.
- 2. Candidates should read the instructions given in the Notice of Examination carefully before filling up the Online Registration Form/ Application Form.
- 3. After reading the instructions candidates should move to the Registration Part and fill up the online Registration Form.
- 4. In the Registration Part, candidates will have to fill in basic information relating to them. On submission of details, candidates shall be prompted to check the details and make, corrections, if any, before submitting the Form.
- 5. Candidate should provide all the required details while filling up the Online Registration/Application Forms. Mandatory fields are marked with * (asterisk) sign.
- 6. On submission of the Registration Form, a page with Registration ID and password will appear. Note down the Registration ID and password and keep them safely. This would be your permanent Registration ID & Password which would be required to apply for Selection Posts as well as for any other Recruitment Examination of the Commission.
- 7. After submission of the Registration Form, candidate should upload his/her latest colour photograph of the stipulated size and signature.
- 8. The signature and photograph must be uploaded in jpg format. The digital size of the signature file must be more than 1 KB and less than 12 KB. The digital size of the file of the photographs must be more than 4 KB and less than 20 KB.
- 9. The Registration becomes complete only after the photograph and signature are uploaded by the candidate.
- 10. After completion of the Registration Part the candidates should proceed to fill up the Online Application Form.
- 11. Candidates already registered can directly log into the system and proceed to fill up the Application Form.
- 12. Candidates should read the instructions in the Notice carefully before filling up the Online Application Form.
- 13. In case, there is any discrepancy in One time registration data filled by the candidate, photograph / signature, etc., One time Registration data may be suitably edited before proceeding to fill online application form. The commission allows editing of information like name, fathers name, mothers name, date of birth, gender and matriculation roll number only once after Registration. Therefore, these fields MUST BE ENTERED / EDITED VERY CAREFULLY. Other fields in the One Time Registration can be edited once before every examination but prior to submission of Application for Examination. SUCH EDITING IS ALLWED BEFORE SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION. ONCE THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN SUBMITTED, NO CHANGE IN One Time Registration and Application data will be allowed.
- 14. The facility of on-line application (including payment of fees through debit/credit card of all Banks) will be available from 25.08.2017 to 24.09.2017 (5.00 PM). Candidates, who wish to make the payment through challan of SBI, may make the payment at designated branches of SBI within the working hours of bank upto 27.09.2017 provided the Challan has been generated by them before 5.00 PM of 24.09.2017. The Challan generation facility will be available upto 24.09.2017 (05:00 PM) only.
- 15. Request for change/correction in the Application Form shall not be entertained under any circumstances.
- 16. The application form without photograph/signature or with Blurred photograph/signature or incomplete in any manner will be rejected.
- 17. Candidates who are not exempted from fee payment must ensure that their fee has been deposited with SSC. If the fee is not received by SSC, status of Application Form is shown Incomplete and this information is printed on the top of the Application Form. Further, such status can be verified at Check your Application Status Here tab provided at . Such applications which remain incomplete due to non-receipt of fee will be SUMMARILY REJECTED and no request for consideration of such applications and fee payment after the period specified in the Notice of Examination shall be entertained.
- 19. Only the Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation / Secondary Examination Certificate or an equivalent certificate available on the date of submission of application will be accepted as proof of date of birth.
- 20. No admission certificates for aforesaid examination will be issued by post. Candidates are required to download admission certificate for the examination from the website of concerned Regional/Sub-Regional Offices.
A candidate who claims to belong to one of the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes should submit in support of his claim a Self Attested/certified copy of a certificate in the form given below, from the District Officer or the sub-Divisional Officer or any other officer as indicated below of the District in which his parents (or surviving parents) ordinarily reside who has been designated by the State Government concerned as competent to issue such a certificate. If both his parents are dead, the officer signing the certificate should be of the district in which the candidate himself ordinarily resides otherwise than for the purpose of his own education. Wherever photograph is an integral part of the certificate, the Commission would accept only Self Attested photocopies of such certificates and not any other Self Attested or true copy.
(The format of the certificate to be produced by Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates applying for appointment to posts under Government of India)
This |
is |
to |
certify |
that |
Shri/Shrimati/Kumari* |
son/daughter of |
Of |
village/town/* in District/Division |
* of the State/Union Territory* belongs to the
Caste/Tribes which is recognized as a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe* under:- The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) order, 1950
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) order, 1950
The Constitution (Scheduled Caste) Union Territories order, 1951 * The
Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Union Territories Order, 1951*
As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists(Modification) order,1956, the Bombay Reorganization Act, 1960 & the Punjab Reorganization Act, 1966, the State of Himachal Pradesh Act 1970, the North-Eastern Area(Reorganization) Act, 1971 and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order(Amendment) Act, 1976.
The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Order, 1956_
The Constitution (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1959 as amended by the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes order (Amendment Act), 1976*. The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes order 1962. The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes Order 1962@. The Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order 1964@
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Uttar Pradesh) Order, 1967 @
The Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled Castes Order, 1968@ The Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order 1968 @
The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1970 @ The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Castes Order 1978@
The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Tribes Order 1978@
The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Tribes Order 1989@ The Constitution (SC) orders (Amendment) Act, 1990@
The Constitution (ST) orders (Amendment) Ordinance 1991@ The Constitution (ST) orders (Second Amendment) Act, 991@
The Constitution (ST) orders (Amendment) Ordinance 1996
The Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 2002
The Constitution (Scheduled Caste) Orders (Amendment) Act, 2002
The Constitution (Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes) Orders (Amendment) Act, 2002
%2. Applicable in the case of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes persons who have migrated from one
State/Union Territory Administration.
This certificate is issued on the basis of the Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes certificate issued to
Father/mother of
of village/town* in District/Division* _of the State/Union Territory*
belongs to the Caste/Tribe which is recognized as a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe in the State/Union Territory* issued by the dated_ .
%3. Shri/Shrimati/Kumari and /or * his/her family ordinarily reside(s) in
of District/Division*
of the State/Union Territory of
Signature ___________________
** Designation....................................
(with Seal of Office)
* Please delete the words which are not applicable
@ Please quote specific presidential order
% Delete the paragraph which is not applicable.
NOTE: The term ordinarily reside(s) used here will have the same meaning as in section 20 of the
Representation of the People Act, 1950.
** List of authorities empowered to issue Caste/Tribe Certificate Certificates:
i. District Magistrate / Additional District Magistrate/ Collector/ Deputy Commissioner / Additional Deputy Commissioner/ Dy. Collector / 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate / Sub-Divisional Magistrate / Extra-Assistant Commissioner/ Taluka Magistrate / Executive Magistrate.
ii. Chief Presidency Magistrate / Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate / Presidency Magistrate. iii. Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar.
iv. Sub-Divisional Officers of the area where the applicant and or his family normally resides.
Note:- ST applicants belonging to Tamil Nadu State should submit Caste Certificate only from the REVENUE DIVISIONAL OFFICER.

This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari
Son/ Daughter
of of village/town in
in the State/Union Territory
Belongs to the Community which is recognized as a
backward class under the Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerments Resolution
dated *.
and/or his/her family ordinarily reside(s) in
District/Division of the
State/Union Territory. This is also to certify that he/she does not belong to the persons/sections of (Creamy
Layer) mentioned in column 3 of the Schedule to the Government of India, Department of Personnel &
Training OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT) dated 08.09.1993**.
Seal of Office
District Magistrate / Deputy Commissioner etc.
*- The Authority issuing the Certificate may have to mention the details of Resolution of
Government of India, in which the Caste of candidate is mentioned as OBC
**- As amended from time to time.
Note: The term ordinarily reside(s) used here will have the same meaning as in section 20 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950.
(To be filled by the Head of the Office or Department in which the candidate is working).
[Please see Para-12(H) of the Notice]
It is certified that *Shri/Smt./Km. is a Central Government Civilian employee holding the post of ---------------------------------- in the pay scale of ` with 3 years regular service in the grade as on _.
Signature Name & Designation
Place: Date :
Office seal
(*Please delete the words, which are not applicable.)
[Please see Para- 12(H) of the Notice]
I declare that I have already informed my Head of Office/Department in writing that I have applied for this examination and no vigilance is either pending or contemplated against me as on the date of submission of application.
I further submit the following information:
Date of Appointment :
Holding present Post & Pay Scale :
Name & Address of Employer with
Tel. No./FAX/E-mail
Place & Date:
*Full Signature of the applicant
[Please see Para-12(E) & (F) of the Notice]
I hereby certify that, according to the information available with me (No.).............. (Rank) (Name)......................................................... is due to complete the specified term of his engagement with the Armed Forces on the (Date).................
Place: Date:
Signature of Commanding Officer
Office Seal:
DECLARATION TO BE GIVEN BY THE EXS APPLICANT [Please see Para-12(E) & (F) of the Notice]
I understand that, if selected on the basis of the recruitment/examination to which the application relates, my appointment will be subject to my producing documentary evidence to the satisfaction of the Appointing Authority that I have been duly released/retired/discharged from the Armed Forces and that I am entitled to the benefits admissible to Ex-Servicemen in terms of the Ex-Servicemen Re-employment in Central Civil Services and Posts rules, 1979, as amended from time to time.
I also understand that I shall not be eligible to be appointed to a vacancy reserved for Ex-S in regard to the recruitment covered by this examination, if I have at any time prior to such appointment, secured any employment on the civil side (including Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies/Statutory Bodies, Nationalized Banks, etc.) by availing of the concession of reservation of vacancies admissible to Ex-S.
I further submit the following information:
a. Date of appointment in Armed :
b. Date of discharge : c. Length of service in Armed Forces : d. My last Unit / Corps :
e. Details of Re-employment, if any. :
Place & Date:
*Full Signature of the applicant
(See Rule 4)
Recent Pass Port size Attested Photograph (Showing face only) of the person with disability |
Certificate No.------------------ Date:------------------------- |
This is to certify that I have carefully examined Shri/Smt./ Kum. son/wife/daughter of Shri Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY) Age years, Male/Female Registration No. permanent resident of Home No. Ward/Village/Street Post Office District State , whose photograph is affixed above, and an satisfied that (A) he/she is a case of: locomotor disability blindness (Please tick as applicable) (B) the diagnosis in his/her case is (A) He/She has % (in figure) percent(in words) permanent physical impairment/blindness in relation to his/her (part of body) as per guidelines(to be specified). 2. The applicant has submitted the following document as proof of residence:- |
Nature of Document |
Date of Issue |
Details of Authority issuing Certificate |
(Signature and Seal of Authorised Signatory of notified Medical Authority) |
Signature/Thumb impression of the person in whose favour disability certificate is issued. |
Recent Pass Port size Attested Photograph (Showing face only) of the person with disability |
Certificate No.------------------ Date:------------------------- |
This is to certify that I have carefully examined Shri/Smt./ Kum. Son/wife/daughter of Shri Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY) Age years, Male/Female Registration No. permanent resident of Home No. Ward/Village/Street Post Office District State _, whose photograph is affixed above, and am satisfied that : (A). He/She is a Case of Multiple Disability. His/her extent of permanent physical impairment/disability has been evaluated as per guidelines(to be specified) for the disabilities ticked below, and shown against the relevant disability in the table below: |
S. No. |
Disability |
Affected Part of Body |
Diagnosis |
Permanent Physical impairment/ mental disability (in %) |
1. |
Locomotor disability |
@ |
2. |
Low vision |
# |
3. |
Blindness |
Both Eyes |
4. |
Hearing impairment |
5. |
Mental reterdation |
X |
6. |
Mental-illness |
X |
(Please strike out the disabilities which are not applicable) (@ e.g. Left/Right/both arms/Legs )(# e.g. Single eye/both eyes)( e.g. Left/Right/both ears.) (B). In the light of the above, his/her over all permanent physical impairment as per guidelines ( to be specified) is as follows:- In figures: _percent In words:- percent. 2. This condition is progressive/non progressive/likely to improve/not likely to improve. 3. Reassessment of disability is: (i). not necessary Or (ii). is recommended/after years months, and therefore this certificate shall be valid till / / (DD/MM/YY) |
4. The applicant has submitted the following document as proof of residence:- |
Nature of Document |
Date of Issue |
Details of Authority issuing Certificate |
5. Signature and Seal of Medical Authority |
Name and Seal of Member |
Name and Seal of Member |
Name and Seal of Chairman |
Signature/Thumb impression of the person in whose favour disability certificate is issued. |
Recent Pass Port size Attested Photograph (Showing face only) of the person with disability |
Certificate No.------------------ Date:------------------------- |
This is to certify that I have carefully examined Shri/Smt./ Kum. son/wife/daughter of Shri Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY) Age years, Male/Female Registration No. permanent resident of Home No. Ward/Village/Street Post Office District State , whose photograph is affixed above, and am satisfied that he/She is a Case of disability. His/her extent of percentage physical impairment/disability has been evaluated as per guidelines(to be specified) for the disabilities (to be specified) and is shown against the relevant disability in the table below:- |
S. No. |
Disability |
Affected Part of Body |
Diagnosis |
Permanent Physical impairment/ mental disability (in %) |
1. |
Locomotor disability |
@ |
2. |
Low vision |
# |
3. |
Blindness |
Both Eyes |
4. |
Hearing impairment |
5. |
Mental retardation |
X |
6. |
Mental-illness |
X |
(Please strike out the disabilities which are not applicable) (@ e.g. Left/Right/both arms/Legs )(# e.g. Single eye/both eyes)( e.g. Left/Right/both ears.) 2. This condition is progressive/non progressive/likely to improve/not likely to improve. 3. Reassessment of disability is: (i). not necessary Or (ii). is recommended/after years months, and therefore this certificate shall be valid till / / (DD/MM/YY) (@ e.g. Left/Right/both arms/Legs )(# e.g. Single eye/both eyes)( e.g. Left/Right/both ears.) |
4. The applicant has submitted the following document as proof of residence:- |
Nature of Document |
Date of Issue |
Details of Authority issuing Certificate |
(Authorised Signatory of notified Medical Authority) (Name & Seal) |
(Countersignature and seal of the CMO/Medical Superintendent/Head of Government Hospital, in case the certificates issued by a medical authority who is not a permanent servant(with seal) |
Signature/Thumb impression of the person in whose favour disability certificate is issued. |
************************* |
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 25-Aug-2017 | 24-Sep-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Staff Selection Commission, Northern Region
- Organization City, State : new delhi, delhi
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