(AGP Rs.6000/Rs.7000/Rs.8000)
Advertisement No.: NITT/R/F/2017/03 dated 11.10.2017
Last date for online application : 11.11.2017
Last date for submission of hardcopy: 21.11.2017
The National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli has distinguished itself on the national scene this year by being ranked first among all NITs and Eleventh among all the Technical institutes in the country by the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2017, Government of India. Established as the Regional Engineering College (REC) in 1964, the salubrious campus became NIT, Tiruchirappalli in 2004 and is an autonomous Institution under MHRD, Government of India. The President of India is the visitor of the Institute. |
Online Applications are invited from Indian Nationals, with excellent academic background and commitment to quality teaching and research, for faculty positions in various departments of NIT, Tiruchirappalli.
Candidates are advised to read all the Instructions carefully before filling up the online Application.
- A. General
- 1. Details of the Post:
Advt. No. |
Name of the post |
Pay Scale |
Preferable Age Limit |
NITT/R/F/2017/03 |
Assistant Professor |
Pay Band-3 with Academic Grade Pay of Rs.6000 (on Contract) /Rs. 7000(on Contract) |
32/35 Years |
Pay Band-3 with Academic Grade Pay of Rs.8000 with a minimum pay of Rs.30000/- |
38 Years |
- 2. Essential Qualifications:
- (i) Detailed Educational Qualifications, Experience and other criteria for selection shall be as per the modified recruitment rules for Faculty in NITs. It shall be as per schedule E of the first statutes of the NITs (amendment statutes 2017) reference Gazette of India dated July 24th 2017. (http://recruitment.nitt.edu/advt/gazetteofindia.pdf )
- (ii) All new entrants shall have Ph.D.* in the relevant / equivalent discipline and shall have First Class in the preceding Degrees
Preceding Degrees: -
- For All Engineering/Architecture Departments: B.Tech./B.Arch. or any equivalent degree AND M.Tech./
M. Arch. or any equivalent degree in relevant discipline.
- Candidates having Ph.D. Degree directly after B.Tech. from reputed Institutions/Universities will also be considered, if other norms are fulfilled.
- For Humanities/ Management/ Applied Sciences: B.A./ B.Sc./B.Com. or any equivalent undergraduate degree and/ or M.A./ M. Sc./ M. Com./ M.B.A./MCA or any equivalent P.G. degree in relevant discipline.
* Relaxation for applying to Assistant Professor (On Contract) AGP Rs.6000/Rs.7000 in Architecture Department as per Gazette of India notification.
- 3. Desirable Qualifications/experience/achievements:
- i) Qualified in GATE/SLET/NET.
- ii) At least 2 SCI Journal publications
- iii) Experience in INSPIRE Faculty position
- iv) Good and consistent academic record from 10th Standard/Matriculation onwards.
- v) At least one of the qualifying Degrees from a Centrally Funded Institution
- 4. Reservation policy will be as per Government of India norms.
Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBCnon creamy layer/PwD should enclose a copy of the certificate issued by the competent authority along with the Application; candidates belonging to OBC Category Non- Creamy Layer should enclose photocopy of the OBC Certificate issued by competent authority after 01/04/2017; otherwise their Application will be considered in unreserved (UR) category.
- 5. This being an advertisement governed by the Flexible Faculty Recruitment Rules, relevant instructions from MHRD issued till the date of interview will be applicable.
- 6. Candidates who have obtained or expected to obtain their most recent degree (Ph.D.) from NIT, Tiruchirappalli, will normally not be considered for recruitment, except where there is a 3 years gap between date of award of Degree and last date for receipt of application.
- 7. Period of Probation will be one year, which may be extended by the Board of Governors of NIT, Tiruchirappalli, depending on the performance during the first year.
- 8. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidature of the applicant.
- 9. Selected candidates to the above faculty positions will be fixed in the minimum basic pay as per norm and only the regular service at NIT, Tiruchirappalli, will be counted for any purpose, thereafter. Earlier service will not be considered for any purpose and candidates who are willing to accept this condition may only apply.
- 10. The number of vacancies in each department is provided separately. However, the numbers are tentative and the Institute reserves the right to change the number of vacancies, to cancel the recruitment process of the faculty positions in partial or full without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
- 11. The Selection Process consists of Shortlisting, followed by Department Presentation and Interview.
- 12. More than six months of experience in regular position in any organization will only be considered as total experience. Experience rendered on part-time, daily wages or as visiting faculty will not be counted as experience.
- 13. Mere fulfilling of the minimum qualifications and experience does not entitle any candidate for an interview call. The Institute reserves the right to set higher criteria than the Essential Qualifications for short listing the candidates for Department Presentation/Interview. Different Departments may set different short listing criteria and the same Department may also set different short listing criteria for different specializations
- 14. The Institute reserves the right to short list candidates in the allied disciplines/specializations (Other than the ones mentioned in the Annexure-I) with superior academic record, appropriate course background and relevant research experience.
- 15. The Institute Screening Committee will shortlist the applications based on shortlisting criteria of the individual department for Department Presentation and Interview. The date and time of the Department Presentation and Interview will be informed only through the Institute website/ e-mail.
- 16. Candidates in India, if invited, have to appear personally in the interview. Those abroad, if unable to attend in person, may be interviewed by video conferencing. However, the institute does not guarantee consistent connectivity and the candidate will appear at his/her own responsibility.
- 17. Original Documents will have to be produced at the time of interview for verification.
- 18. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates called for Department Presentation/Interview. However, PwD candidates will be paid TA as per Government of India norms.
- 19. The decision of the committees involved in Selection process is final and binding. No interim correspondence / inquiries will be entertained from the candidates in connection with the process of shortlisting. Any dispute with regard to selection process will be subject to court/tribunal having jurisdiction over Tiruchirappalli.
- 20. The Institute shall retain the online application /hard copy of non-shortlisted candidates only for three months after the completion of recruitment process.
- B. Facilities available for Faculty Members
- 1. Reimbursement of the Expenditure towards presenting papers in National/Inter-National Conference/ Workshops/Symposia; membership fee and contingent expenses under Cumulative Professional Development Allowance (CPDA) at the rate of Rs. 1 Lakh per year (3 Lakhs per block period of three financial years).
- 2. Provision to undertake Industrial Consultancy as per Institute Norms.
- 3. Reimbursement of Telephone /Data Card bills as per Government of India norms.
- 4. Reimbursement of Tuition Fees for children studying up to XII Standard as per Government of India norms.
- 5. LTC as per Government of India norms.
- 6. Medical Facilities to faculty and their dependent family members as per Institute Norms/ Government of India norms.
- 7. Quarters Facilities with Wi-Fi & Intranet service depending on the availability as per Institute norms.
- 8. Fresh appointees will be covered under the New Pension Scheme [NPS-2004] as per Government of India rules.
C. Application process
- i) Candidates should fill the online Application form with correct details for every item. Candidates should carefully fill up all the details required in the online application form including certificate relating to age, Education Qualification, valid Community/PwD Certificates, the details of the online payment etc. Candidates are advised to make sure that all the details entered are correct and final before Final Submission.
- ii) This online facility will be available in the Institute website www.nitt.edu from 11-10-2017 to 11-11-2017. The online application process will be closed at 12.00 Midnight on 11-11-2017.
- iii) Candidate should pay a non-refundable application processing fee for each application through online payment as below:
- For the candidates other than SC/ST/PwD/Woman Category: Rs. 1,000 (Rupees One Thousand only).
- For SC/ST/ Category: Rs.500 (Rupees Five hundred only)
- For Woman/PwD Candidate: No fee is required.
- Application fee once paid for each application will not be refunded under any circumstance.
Candidates who are studying/working outside India and satisfying the required conditions can also apply online with the same non-refundable application fees.
- The faculty working at NIT Tiruchirappalli are exempted from paying the application fee.
- iv) Candidates who wish to apply for more than one position/department should apply separately, with all enclosures.
- v) Incomplete Application/ Application without required information/ Application without proper enclosures/ Application without details of non-refundable application fee / Application filled with discrepancy /Application Forms which are not forwarded through proper channel will be rejected without intimation.
- vi) Candidates employed in Government and Semi-Government Organizations, Public Sector Undertakings, autonomous bodies of Govt. of India or the State Government must apply through their present employer.
- vii) The Institute will not be responsible for any postal delays or loss of the application during transit.
- viii) The applicants are requested to visit the website of the Institute periodically for any updated information regarding the
recruitment process.
- ix) Candidates shall indicate two references of eminent persons in the field/ profession and their recommendation letters in separate sealed envelope shall be sent by post along with computer generated application form and other documents.
- x) On completion of filling /uploading of the on-line application form and submission, download a copy of the signed application form and enclose the Self-Attested photo-copies of the certificates/testimonials/research papers etc., and send to Registrar, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 620015. TamilNadu by Speed/Registered post on or before 21.11.2017 mentioning on the cover APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (AGP ___________) IN THE DEPARTMENT OF_____________.
Annexure - I
Desirable Areas of Specialization
Assistant Professor AGP (6000/7000/8000)
Sl. No |
Department |
Desirable Area / Specialization |
1. |
Architecture |
Digital Architecture, Building Engineering and Management/ Construction Management/ Building Technology /Urban Design/ Housing/ Building structure / sustainable Architecture / Energy efficient Building design / Landscape Architecture / General Architecture / Fine Arts (Painting)/ emerging area of specialization related to its discipline |
2. |
Chemical Engineering |
Transfer operation, Thermodynamics, Reaction Engineering, Process Modelling and simulation, CFD, Process control, Process integration and Optimization, Biochemical Engineering, and Chemical process safety |
3. |
Civil Engineering |
Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Technology and Management, Remote Sensing/GIS |
4. |
Computer Science and Engineering |
Theoretical Computer Science, Systems, Database, Networking, Software systems, Data Sciences |
5. |
Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
B.E./B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering/ Electrical and Electronics Engineering M.Tech./M.E./M.S.(by research) in Power systems, Power Electronics, Electrical Machines and drives, Control system, Applied Electronics, Electronics, Energy Engineering, Energy Systems, Computer science and Engineering or any relevant specialization in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Ph.D. in any of the above areas. |
6. |
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
Microelectronics, Applied Electronics, Embedded System, VLSI System, VLSI Design, Communication Systems, Microwave Engineering, Optical Communication, Photonics, RF-MEMS, Signal Processing, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Wireless Communication, Wireless Networks, Nano Technology, Bio-Medical Engineering and in any other emerging areas of ECE. |
7. |
Instrumentation & control Engineering |
MEMS and Nano technology, Embedded system design, sensor networks / IoT, Bioinstrumentation, Automotive instrumentation and control, Optical instrumentation, Image processing in sensor/instrumentation design, Robotics and nonlinear control, Aerospace instrumentation, Cyber physical systems, Instrumentation system and sensor development, Electronic systems, mechatronics, Industrial automation. Any other area of specialization related to the discipline |
8. |
Mechanical Engineering |
Thermal Science, Mechanical Engineering Design, and Industrial Safety Engineering. |
9. |
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering |
B.E./ B.Tech. in Metallurgy/ Metallurgical and Materials Engineering/ Metallurgical Engineering/ Materials Engineering/ Materials Science & Engineering/ Polymer Engineering/ Ceramic Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Production Engineering or Equivalent M.E./M.Tech./M.S.(by Research) in Metallurgy/ Metallurgical and Materials Engineering/ Metallurgical Engineering/ Materials Engineering/ Materials Science & Engineering/ Polymer Engineering/ Ceramic Engineering/ Process Metallurgy/ Industrial Metallurgy/ Corrosion Engineering/ Welding Engineering and Ph.D. in any one of these areas. |
10. |
Production Engineering |
Unconventional/Conventional manufacturing, Tribology/Surface Engineering, Maintenance Engineering, Metrology, FMS, Composite Materials Processing, Micromachining, Additive Manufacturing, Mechatronics, Computational Mechanics, Product Development Management, Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Robotics, Multiphysics Modelling, Supply chain Management/Logistics, Project Management, Quality Engineering, Material Management, Lean Manufacturing, Data Analytics, Systems Engineering, Optimization, Multi criteria decision making, Modelling and Simulation, Ergonomics, Operational Management, Sustainable Manufacturing, Agile Manufacturing |
11. |
Energy & Environmental Engineering |
B.E./B.Tech. and M.E./M.Tech./M.S.(by Research) in Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical, Biotechnology, Energy and Environment and Ph.D. Degree related to Energy and Environment. |
12. |
Physics |
Astrophysics, Quantum optics, Bio-Physics, High energy Physics, Non-Destructive Technology, Nuclear Physics. |
13. |
Chemistry |
Organic, Inorganic, Physical or Analytical Chemistry. In addition, M.Sc. Chemistry/Applied Chemistry/Equivalent to Chemistry |
14. |
Mathematics |
Applied Mathematics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Differential Equations, Numerical Methods, Operations Research, Probability and Statistics. |
15. |
Humanities & Social Sciences |
Economics: Economics, Industrial Economics, English: English Language Teaching, English Literature, Linguistics |
16. |
Computer Applications |
Algorithms, Big data, Computer Organization and Architecture, Computer Networks, Computer Vision, Cryptography, Data Base Management System, HumanComputer Interaction, Object Oriented Programming, Operating System, Problem Solving and programming, Theory of Computation, Very large Data Base, Information Processing, information Retrieval Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Bio informatics |
17. |
Management Studies |
Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Management, Systems, operations. |
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 11-Oct-2017 | |
Applications | 11-Nov-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute Of Technology
- Organization City, State : tiruchirappalli, tamil nadu
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results