Applications are invited in the prescribed form to fill up the post of University Officers in the University.
Application form and instructions to candidates and the details of the name and number of posts, scale of pay, qualifications etc as per the Regulations of the University could be downloaded from the TNFU website www.tnfu.ac.in. The duly filled in application should reach the Registrar, Tamil Nadu Fisheries University, Nagapattinam-611 001 on or before 5.00 pm on 12.06.2017 along with the Registration Fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five hundred only)/ Rs.250/- (Rupees Two hundred and fifty only) in the case of SC/ST candidates by crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of The Finance Officer, Tamil Nadu Fisheries University, Nagapattinam at any nationalized bank payable at Nagapattinam. The Demand Draft should be dated not earlier than 13.05.2017. The candidates should specify in their application form Application for the post of ------------- University Officer.
Cut off date for all qualification is 30.04.2017. Proof (Photo copies) should be enclosed with the application. Certificates issued after the cut off date will not be considered.
Dated :13.05.2017
Place : Nagapattinam
No. 1498/R1/TNFU/2017 |
Office of the Registrar, First Line Beach Road, Nagapattinam - 611 001. |
Dated: 12.05.2017 |
Sub: TNFU Recruitment Filling up of the posts of University Officers applications called for reg.
Applications are invited for the following tenure posts in the cadre of University Officers, from the persons possessing the following qualifications, as per TNFU Regulations of the University.
Registrar - 1 Post
Dean, Fisheries College and Research Institute, Ponneri - 1 Post
Director of Research - 1 Post
An academician in the field of Fisheries Science with a degree of Bachelor of Fisheries Science not lower in rank that of an University Professor.
Minimum service of five years as Professor in the University with the total service of 20 years
Ph.D. Degree in Fisheries Sciences
Minimum service of five years as Professor in the University with the total service of 20 years with a basic degree of B.F.Sc.
Administrative experience in senior level responsible position in the University/Colleges/other units of the University.
Post-doctoral research outputs as added advantage.
With awards / honours / and recognitions.
Additional research degrees, patents and Intellectual Property Rights on products and processes developed / technology transfer
achieved in the case of teachers in science and technology.
(v) Any contribution to educational innovation, like design of new curricula and courses, and technology mediated teaching learning process.
Rs.37400-67000 with AGP of Rs.10,000/- (Pay band 4) with a special allowance as stipulated by UGC/ICAR.
Application form along with Instructions to the candidates and Performance Appraisal for the recruitment of University Officers can be downloaded from the TNFU website www.tnfu.ac.in. Application for each post should be submitted separately through proper channel.
Applicant should also send a brief write up on his/her achievements with specific particulars for the past three years. Only those activities, which have been accomplished by personal initiative, should be listed out. The write up should be sent to reach the Vice-Chancellor in a name cover on or before 12.06.2017 and the cover should be superscribed as Write up on achievements for the post of
-----------------------. It should also contain the proposed plan of action in the new post.
Completed applications alongwith performance appraisal should reach the Registrar, Tamil Nadu Fisheries University, Nagapattinam before 5.00 p.m. on 12.06.2017.
/By order of the Vice Chancellor/
All the University Officers
All Heads of Department/Chairs/Centres
CC to : PA to VC, TNFU, Nagapattinam Stock/Spare
(For Technical Posts Only)
Advertisement Number :
Date :
Application Number
(For Office use Only)
Application Fee Details :
DD No. :
Date :
Bank :
Amount (Rs.) :
Application for the Post of In the discipline of
1 |
Name of the Applicant (In BLOCK LETTERS) |
2 |
Fathers Name Mothers Name Spouse Name |
3 |
Date of Birth Age (as on cutoff date) Enclose Attested Proof |
4 |
Place of Birth and Nativity (District and State): Enclose Attested Proof |
5 |
Gender ( mark) Male |
Female |
Transgender |
6 |
Nationality |
7 |
Community ( mark) Caste |
8 |
Marital Status ( mark) |
9 |
Permanent Address (Door No., Street Name, Village/Town, Distict, State, Pin code) |
10 |
Address for Correspondence (Door No., Street Name, Village/Town, Distict, State, Pin code) |
E-mail Address |
Mobile Number |
11 |
Mother Tongue |
12 |
Vernacular Language in School / College |
13 |
Other Languages known To Read To Write To Speak |
14 |
Name of the Qualification / Examination |
Name of the qualifying examination |
Name of School/ College/ University |
Period of study |
Part time / Full time |
Degree/ Diploma received |
OGPA/ Marks/ Percent |
Specialization |
From |
To |
X or SSLC |
XII or HSC |
UG Degree |
PG Degree |
Ph.D. Degree |
Note: Attach attested copies of certificates in support of each degree or diploma received |
Details of NET passed (Attach Evidence) ( mark)
Yes No
Subject Year of Pass
Details of previous and present employment If employed,
Present designation
Name and designation of the present employer
Reason for
Note: Period spent on study for Masters /Ph.D. degree should not be included except the part time study period. Use a separate sheet if required.
Experience Regarding Teaching / Research / Extension / Administration
Experience in Post Held Place of
Period Duration
From To Y M D
Teaching Research Extension Administration
Note: Use a separate sheet if required
Publication Details
Research Paper First Author Co-Author
Research Report/Lab/Field Research
Short communication
Popular articles, published in Journal/ Magazine/ Newspaper Booklet, Pamphlets, etc., prepared
e |
List of Books / Book chapters/Manuals published |
Title |
Year |
Author |
Co-Author |
Publisher |
Note: Furnish only the number published for a to d, Enclose the list of publications with Author(s)/ Year/ Title / Journal/ Separately and use a separate sheet if required. |
19 |
Workshop / Seminar / Symposia / Summer Institute/ Refresh course Attended and conducted |
Title |
Attended From To |
Conducted From To |
National |
International |
Note: Use a separate sheet if required. |
20 |
Training Attended and Conducted |
Title |
Attended From To |
Conducted From To |
National |
International |
Note: Use a separate sheet if required. |
21 |
Guidance of research scholars as Chairman of the Advisory Committee (Enclose Certificate page of Thesis) |
Degree |
Awarded |
Submitted |
In-Progress |
Ph.D. |
B.F.Sc., |
Others |
22 |
Medals/Awards won |
Name of the award (Indicate) |
Year |
Award given by (Organization) |
Award given for (Purpose of award) |
International |
National |
State |
University |
Society |
Others |
Note: Use a separate sheet if required. |
23 |
Funds mobilized |
Position |
Name of the Research Scheme |
Funding agency |
Duration |
Amount |
Pl |
Co-Pl |
Others |
24 |
Patent / Innovation / Technology Transferred |
Name of the patent/ Innovation / Technology |
Year |
Beneficiary |
Utility |
25 |
Extracurricular Achievements (NCC/NSS/Sports and Games) |
Activity |
Period |
Level |
From |
To |
Note: Use a separate sheet if required. |
26 |
Details of Passing ASRR Examination: (For TNFU candidates) |
27 |
Special Additional Assignments undertaken
28 |
Scale of Pay in the Present Post and Basic pay drawn |
29 |
Are you willing to accept the basic pay in the scale applicable for the post? If No, what is the minimum pay you request for? Give reason in support of the request. |
30 |
Is there any commitment to serve any organization? Yes / No If yes, furnish details. |
31 |
Countries visited, if any and the duration and purpose of visit |
Country visited |
Duration |
Purpose of visit |
Note: Use a separate sheet if required. |
32 |
List three referees known to you who can certify your professional competency |
Name |
Address with Phone number |
Note: Testimonial from referees to be produced at the time of interview |
33 |
Any Other Information regarding experience, etc., in support of satisfying the eligibility conditions prescribed for the post now applied for. Note: Use a separate sheet if required. |
34 |
List of Professional Societies in which you are member and position, if any |
Professional Society |
Position |
Note: Evidence to be produced at the time of interview |
I solemnly and sincerely affirm that all information furnished in the application are true and correct to be best of my knowledge and belief.
Should there be any incorrect or false information having been furnished that may come to light in due course, I find myself for such action as the University may decide.
I understand that I am liable for criminal prosecution and the University has the right to cancel my candidature / selection as the case may be and I would forego my selection and the application fee.
I further undertake to submit all the required originals at the time of interview process, as per the Tamil Nadu Fisheries University rules, failing which I would forego my interview.
Signature of the Candidate
Date of birth
Date of retirement
Total No. of years of Service in the University
i) Assistant Professor
ii) Associate Professor
iii) Professor
iv) Other services
No. of Research papers published during last three years
i) International Journals
ii) National Journals
No. of Text books/Practical manuals published
i) Teaching
ii) Research
iii) Extension
iv) Administration
a) Budget Operated
Administrative reforms introduced :
Creation of new sections in the :
Development of New Department / :
New courses
New Land / Properties / buildings : constructed for the development of the University
No. of Projects obtained from External Funding Agencies:
Name of the Scheme / Project
Name of the
Funding Agency
Funds obtained
Project leader for Schemes funded by :
external agencies
No. of Summer Institute/ Symposia / :
Workshop / Seminar etc. organized ( indicate separately)
Training prgrammes organised :
Acted as Chairman / Member in University :
Students guided
.3. |
16. |
Additional workload as Warden / Vice- President / Cafeteria / Co.Ordinator / NSS / NCC/ Co.OP. Stores / Off Campus Programme / Library / Editor etc. (details with period of service) |
: |
17. |
Patent / New strains/ Fishery Products/ new Techniques / Vaccines etc. developed |
: |
18. |
Medals / Prizes / Fellowships received |
: |
19. |
Investigation on alarming incidences such as disease outbreaks/ pollution problem/ red tides/mass mortality of fishes/rejection of export products etc. |
: |
20. |
Notable guest lectures |
: |
21. |
Name of the Foreign Countries visited on invitation and purpose |
: |
22. |
Member in Scientific / Professional bodies |
: |
23. |
Charges / Punishment if any |
: |
24. |
Future plan of action proposed for the post applied |
: |
25. |
Outstanding contribution in Teaching / Research / Extension / Management including Innovation / New ideas |
: |
26. |
Date of passing of ASRR Examination (Proof should be attached) |
: |
27. |
Any other matter |
: |
The application form shall be filled in, complete in all respects, giving correct information. Defective and incomplete applications and those with wrong or false information will be rejected.
The application form along with a crossed Demand Draft for Rs.500/- and in the case of SC/ST Rs.250/- drawn in favour of the Finance Officer, Tamil Nadu Fisheries University, Nagapattinam should be sent so as to reach the Registrar of the University before the prescribed time and date. Application unaccompanied by the Demand Draft will be rejected. TNFU employees are exempted from payment of Registration fees.
Persons who are already working in State or Central Government or any other organization should send their applications through proper channel / Employer. Any delay in sending the applications through proper channel / Employer is not the responsibility of this University. Advance copies of the applications reaching Registrar, Tamil Nadu Fisheries University, 1st line Beach Road, Nagapattinam-611 001, within the prescribed time limit shall be entertained. However, in such cases the candidates called for interview shall have to produce no objection certificate or original application duty forwarded by the competent authority, failing which he/she shall not be allowed to appear before the selection committee.
Candidates may send copies of testimonials from persons intimately acquainted with his/ her work and character and must also give name and address of three persons to whom references can be made. If he/she has been in employment he should either give his present or more recent employer or immediate superior as a referee or submit a recent testimonial from him. He/She should also submit an attested copy of the entry relating to his / her date of birth, from the Matriculation or Secondary School Leaving Certificate and attested copies of his/her Degree Certificate or / and Diploma testimonials.
If a candidate desires to name as a referee any person residing outside India he/she should write to that person asking him to send direct to the Registrar, Tamil Nadu Fisheries University, 1st line Beach Road, Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, India, a statement of his opinion concerning the candidates character and suitability for the post. The reply will be treated as confidential.
Evidence of Degree/Diploma Certificates and testimonials should be brought in original only at the time of interview.
Separate application with separate Registration fee is required for each post.
Applications should reach the Office of the Registrar, Tamil Nadu Fisheries University, 1st line Beach Road, Nagapattinam-611 001, before the time and date fixed. Applications received after the last date shall stand rejected automatically.
Candidates who apply for teaching posts in Fisheries faculty Bachelor of Fisheries Science is a mandatory qualification.
Candidates who apply for Engineering / Technology posts, the eligibility criteria shall be as per AICTE and UGC from time to time.
Eligible candidates will be informed about the date and place of interview through intimation. However, University will not take any responsibility for non-receipt or delayed receipt of the intimation by a candidate.
Applicants for the post of Assistant Professor and equivalent should indicate clearly whether they have qualified the NET.
Period mentioned in the columns viz., Teaching/ Research/ Extension/ Administration should tally with the total period of experience committed.
Candidates must be Indian Nationals
Candidates who are in abroad may apply together with an International Money Order to cover the Registration fee of Rs.500/-
Candidates who satisfy the conditions prescribed to the satisfaction of the University authorities should be prepared to appear before the University Staff Selection Committee for an Interview at their own cost.
Candidates may be called for interview as per the list prepared by the Screening Committee appointed for the purpose and approved by the Vice-Chancellor. The summoning of the candidate for interview merely indicates that it is felt that he/she with others may be suitable for the post and conveys no assurance whatsoever that he/she will be recommended or selected or his / her conditions specified in the application will be accepted.
It will be open to the University not to fill up any of the posts now advertised.
The University reserves the right to fill up larger number of posts than the number advertised.
Any attempt by the candidates, either directly or indirectly to influence the Selection Committee or other authorities of the University will disqualify the candidate for the post.
All technical posts of equivalent pay scales are interchangeable, within the broad disciplines / departments, at the discretion of the University.
The service conditions and other terms of appointment in the University shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Management of the Tamil Nadu Fisheries University.
Candidates selected for the posts shall be liable for transfer to any other post in that category within the jurisdiction of the University.
Selection of candidates already in employment will be subject to the employers agreement to relieve them.
The age of retirement is sixty years.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 13-May-2017 | |
Applications | 12-Jun-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Tamil Nadu Fisheries University
- Organization City, State : nagapattinam, tamil nadu
- Organization Website : www.tnfu.ac.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results