Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Skin Disorders

CentraL Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India

New Rajiv Nagar, Payakapuram, Vijayawada- 520 015 (A.P), India

Email: or



0866 - 2402535

0866 - 2401358

Date : 23-05-2017

Advertisem ent No. 02/ 2017

Walk-in- Interview

Walk-in-Interview for the post of SRF (Ayurveda) will be held in the office of the Assistant Director-in-Charge, Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Skin Disorders, New Rajivnagar, Payakapuram,

Vijayawada-520015(A .P ).

Name & No. of
the post
Qualification, experience and age limit Remuneration
Date and Time of
1 Senior
Fellow(Ay) -
(i)Essential BAMS

Preference will be given to those who possess higher qualification or who have previous research experience i.e. having
worked for any research project funded
,DST or equivalent organization.

(iii) Age not exceeding years 35 years
on date o f interview
Rs. 28,000/- + HRA
per month
Written test followed
by Interview on
30-05-2017 at

* No. of posts may be varied.

Interested candidates fulfilling the qualifications prescribed above are requested to appear for written test/interviews at the above mentioned address, date and tim e along with the originals for verification. A pplicants should submit their application in the prescribed format with two passport size photographs and self-attested photocopies o f the certificates at the time o f interview.

General Conditions:

1. Age limit of the candidate will be determined as per the interview day (30-05-17). Relaxable in case o f SC/ST/OBC as per Govt, rules.

2. The engagement of SRF (Ay.) post is for the THCRP Project of the Institute.

3. Appointment is initially for a period for six months which may be curtailed or extended at the discretion of the competent authority and their engagement will be co-terminus with the project.

4. The engagement of the above post will be purely on contractual basis and no right to claimfor continuation or regular appointment.

5. Applicants should bring their Bio-data along with original certificates, experience certificate etc. with a set of photo copies and 2 recent passport size photographs.

6. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the written test/interview.

7. The format for submission of Bio-data may be downloaded from C ouncil's website

Important Dates

Start Date End Date
Notification Issued 23-May-2017
Interviews 30-May-2017

Notification Issued By

  • Organization : Regional Ayurveda Research Institute For Skin Disorders
  • Organization City, State : vijayawada, andhra pradesh
  • Organization Website :

  • Notification
  • General Information
  • Important Dates
  • How To Apply
  • Applications
  • Exam Fees
  • Eligibility
  • Educational Qualifications
  • Age Limits
  • Reservations
  • Posts / Positions / Services
  • Job Vacancies List
  • Examination Centres
  • Plan Of Examination
  • Exam Syllabus
  • Exam Instructions
  • Previous Question Papers
  • Interview Questions
  • Interview Experience
  • Results