Barrack No.1 . Unit - V Bhubaneswar - 75 l 054
Advertisement No.IIE-153/2015/4161/OSSC;
Recruitment for the Technical posts i.e. Offset Machine Operator, Graphic
Designer, Desktop Printing Operator, Senior Mechanic (Mechanical
/Electrical) & Pharmacist on contractual basis under Directorate of Printing,
Stationery & Publication, Odisha. Cuttack.
Post code- (OMO/126)
Website www.ossc.gov.in
Online application form will be available from Dt.02.01.2017 till Dt.02.02.2017by 11.59 P.M.
Last date of receipt of DAF (Detailed Application Form) along with OSSC copy and other required documents as at Clause-8 below, to the Commission's office through Speed post/Regd. Post is 10.02.2017.
Applications received after the last date of DAF & applications not enclosed with the required documents will be out-rightly rejected and no correspondence in the matter , will be entertained.
The candidate according to his qualification may apply for only one type of post.
The candidates applying for the post must go through this advertisement and ensure : that they fulfil all the eligibility criteria prescribed for the post as laid down in this / advertisement. Admission of a candidate for the written examination & other Tests/ shall be provisional and would be on the basis of the information furnished byi him/her in the on-line application form. i
If at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, it is found that any information furnished by the candidate in his/her online application is false/incprrect or the candidate has suppressed any relevant information or the candid te otherwise does no satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post, his/her candidature for thePost/examination will be cancelled forthwith and he maybe debarred from appearingany further recruitment examination conducted by OSSC either temporarily olf permanently. '
The appointment will be initially on contractual basis carrying a consolidate4 pay of Initial Pay + Grade Pay as detailed at clause-3 of this advertisement and appointment will be guided by the Odisha Group-C & Group-D Pos1* (contractual appointment) Rules-2013 Notified vide G.A. Department /Notification No.32010/Gen. dtd.12.11.2013.i
No Call letter/Admission letter for the recruitment at any stage shall be sent ti candidates by post. The candidates are therefore advised to access to Commission'
website www.ossc.gov.in regularly to know about the status of their application an date of examination /test.Online Applications are invited for six(6) different types of Technical Posts from intending
candidates with requisite qualifications in Directorate of Printing, Stationery & Publicatiorls Odisha, Cuttack under Commerce & Transport Department, Odisha, Bhubaneswar. i
How to apply:
The applicants have to go through this advertisement before filling up the onli e application. !:
(a) Aspirants have to apply online using the website of the Commis*on www.ossc.gov.ib, The a_ppl cants other than the ategory of S._C., S.T. & P D candida es 4re required to dep.os) t examination fee of Rs.100/- either through onlme or offlme mode usmg he Treasury Portal or by the conventional mode in the Head of Account- "0051-PSC-104-UP$C/SSC-Examination Fees-0047-Fees collected for conducting examinations-02041-Examiatition Fees" as detailed in the clause-7 of this advertisement before proceeding to fill in the online application for the post. By clicking on the tab 'online application' in th age o the website, differentadvertisement for online application along with different useful details wu be displayed on the computer screen. The instructions provided in this Advertisement are required to be re carefully before proceeding to complete the application process.
There will be 2 links under "Form Links" column for each advertisemen t.!
For Registration
For registered user login
All the Candidates first need to complete the Registration process before filling ttje Application Form .
For Registration the candidate needs to click the link "For Registration" present in ttje Form Link section. i
On clicking the link mentioned, he/she will be redirected to the Registration Form, whe e few basic Details will be required like:-
Applicant Full Name
Applicant Father's Name
Applicant Mother's Name
Name of the husband (In case of Married female applicant)
10th Standard Roll Number (As Mentioned in the Certificate) viii. 10th Standard Year of Passing
10th Standard Board
10th Standard Passed Exam Type
Whether passed minimum Seventh class exam. in Odia
Mobile Number
Email Address
All the above fields need to be filled in mandatorily by the candidate. : Caution: The candidate must submit the correct data in this section as the subseque4t section will be automatically populated with the data filled in this section. No change in t e section will be allowed after the candidates submit the 'I Agree' box. Once the above details are filled in by the candidate, 1 CAPTCHA image will be shown tothecandidate which he/she needs to enter correctly in the field given below and then need to chetjk the box "I Agree" for declaration and submit the registration form.
On Submitting the registration form a unique Application Sequence No. will be generated addwill be shown to the candidate. '
Application Sequence No. generated will act as the user id for the candidate. , Email and SMS will be sent to the candidates through his registered email id and mobile nio intimating the 'User id' and 'password'.
The details submitted by the candidate for 10th Standard Roll Num er (As Mentioned inthe Certificate), 10th Standard Board , 10th Standard Year Of Passi g & 10th StandardPassed Exam Type (Annual or Supplementary) need to be furnished correctly.
Furnishing of any wrong information may lead to reiection of thel application and norequest in this regard for correction of the same will be entertained.
User registration is only required once during applying for a specific p st/advertisement.
After successful submission of the registration form "Go to Application Form" &'Logout' button will be visible on the top right hand comer of the window.
cndidate can click the "Logout" button if he/she wishes to exit the current session.
Candidate can also click on the "Go to Application Form" to continue wit the filling of the application form.-
For registered user login
In order to fill the Application form candidate needs to click the link present under "For registered user login" present in the Form Link section.
The same will redirect the candidate to the login page of the Application Form. The candidate needs to login using the 'user id' and 'password' he/she received after registration though e-mail as well as sms in the registered mobile no. & e-mail id.
Once the candidate successfully logged in to the application form he/she will be getting 4 tabs
Personal Details
Additional Details
Qualification details
Document Upload & Payment details
All the details required in the above 4 tabs need to be furnished correctly by the candidate. The details submitted by the candidate during submission of the registration form will be auto populated in the respective fields of the application form.
The candidate have the option of filling the application form in more than 1 session but before logging out he/she needs to ensure that all the data filled by him/her has been saved by clicking "Save & Continue button" present in the end of the each tab.
Candidate can preview the application by clicking the "Preview Application" button present in the end of "Document Upload & Payment details" tab as and when required.
All candidate mandatorily need to upload the scanned image of his/her recent passport size photograph and scanned image of his/her full signature in the on line application form
which must be within max 80 kb (The Format supported is JPEG, JPG). With addition to the above requirement all the candidate needs to upload their 10thStandard mark sheet/certificate containing the 10th Standard Roll Number given in the registration form (File
size max 300kb, format supported pdf).In Document Upload & Payment details section.
Candidate Claiming "Category Claimed" as SC, ST and SEBC needs to upload cast certificate (File size max 300kb, format supported pdf). In Document Upload & Payment details section.
Candidates Claiming "Physically Challenged"/PWD needs to upload PWD certificate (File size max 300kb, format supported pdf) in Document Upload & Payment details section.
Candidates Claiming "Ex-Serviceman" category need to upload Ex-Serviceman proofs like Discharge Certificate/lcard/NOC (any 1 document) needs to be uploaded in Document Upload & Payment details section (File size max 300kb, format supported pdf).
Candidates other than SC/ST or PWD category who are paying the examination fees of Rs. I 00 though treasury challan needs to update the same (File size max 300kb ,format supported-pdf) in document Upload & Payment details section.
In-service contractual employees in the category I &II (G.A Departqient Notification No.32010/Gen. dated 12.11.2013) claiming age relaxation up to 45 years as on\01.01.2016 must upload the required certificate issued by the concerned employer indicating ! there in date of appointment, Order No. and date, years of contractual service rendered ,and scheme under which appointed.
The uploaded documents must be clearly identifiable /visible, otherwist the application is liable to be rejected and no correspondence in this regard will be enterta ned.
The candidates are also advised to fill up relevant details under different tabs, mentioning category, special category, present address, permanent address, full marks, arks secured and percentage of mark in H.S.C (Excluding Extra Optional Marks), and any ther educational qualification required for eligibility of the post for every candidate as per Clause-3 of this advertisement. The filled in Application Form can be submitted by clicking on the 'submitbutton'. Before submitting the online application the applicant must re-check the information filled in and ensure that the information provided and the scanned signature and scanned photographs are clearly identifiable and visible and then click the 'submit button'. After the form is successfully submitted , the candidate has to take the printout of the filled application form for further action.
If any defect is noticed in the application form submitted, the appijcant can edit theapplication form by accessing the candidate's 'log in' within 48 hours of clicking the'submit button'. Editing of the application will not be possible after 48 hours or last date ofonline application whichever is earlier.
Editing of following fields will not be possible once the same has been submitted duringregistration. The candidates are therefore directed to keep extra vigil dgring the filling upof the information at the time of registration.
10th Standard Roll Number As Mentioned in the Certificate
10th Standard Year Of Passing
10th Standard Board
10th Standard Passed Exam Type
Whether passed minimum Seventh class exam. in Odia
Mobile Number
Email ID
1. (b) The candidate has to take print of the Applicant's copy and the OSSC copy. The OSSC copy duly singed in by the candidate in full signature (in running letters) and enclosing all the required documents as detailed in clause-8 of this advertisement is required to be promptly sent to the Secretary, in the following address by By Speed Post/ Regd. Post so as to reach in the office of the Commission by 5 P.M. of 10.02.2017.
"Secretary, Odisha Staff Selection Commission,
Barack No-1, Unit-V, Bhubaneswar, Pin- 751054."
Any application received after the last date will be rejected out rightly andcorrespondence/ request on the matter will be entertained.
1. (c) The Applicant's copy contains the 'user ID' and 'pass word' printed on the bottom o the Application Form. The applicant has to keep it carefully for his future reference to access t :
the website to know the status of the application and also to down load the call letter from th : Commission's website to appear the Examination/Test.
1. (d) Applications received incomplete or received through any mode other than online modeare liable to be summarily rejected.
(e) The candidate may find out the status of his/her application a$ well as hall ticket generated for examination by accessing OSSC website, clicking therein online application! tab, and thereafter clicking on the link present under "For registered user login" in Form Linksection against that particular advertisement/post , by using the user ID /and password.
1.(f) Candidates should possess a valid E-mail address & Mobile num er which should remain active till publication of the final result pursuant to the Ad ertisement. The Commission shall not be responsible for any loss/ non receipt of messag /information sent on the wrong/invalid e-mail address & mobile number provided by thd candidate in the online registration form or for delay/non-receipt of information if a candidate fails to access his/her E-mail or Mobile phone in time. Candidates will be allowed in the examination hall only if they possess a valid admission letter issued by the Commission and a valid Photo Identity proof issued by any Govt. Authority.
l(g). Last date for receipt of applications.:
The last date for online submission of Application in response to this advertisement is 11.59P.M. of 02.02.2017. The system will be automatically disabled from 11.59 P.M. of the said date after which the application form for this particular post will not be generated any more at the candidate's end.
l.(h) The closing time for receipt of the DAF (i.e. the OSSC copy of the Application form duly ink signed at appropriate place, Treasury Challan (if any) and other documents (refer to clause-8 together called the OAF) in the Commission's office is 5 PM of 10.02.2017 through Speed post/ Registered post only. No application will be entertained in the Commission's office after the date and time stipulated above. No Application form will be received by hand /in the drop box in the office of the Commission. The online applications without submission of OAF within the stipulated date will be summarily rejected.
Vacancy position:
(a)Number of posts to be filled up and reservations:
As per requisition received from the Director of Printing, Stationery & Publication, Odisha,
Cuttack, vide their Letter No.3616/PSP dated 25.08 .2016, the category-wise break-up ofvacancies for the total no. of posts to be filled up by this recruitment are as follows:
Sl.No Name of the post Details of vacancies
Off-set Machine Operator
Graphic Designer
Desktop (DTP)Printing Operator
Senior Mechanic (Mechanical)
Senior Mechanic (Electrical)
6 Pharmacist - 01 - - 01 Total 01 04 01 08 14 Nos
The candidate according to his qualification may apply for only one type of post above.
As per requisition there is no vacancy reserved for spec al categories such as PWD , Ex-Serviceman, & the Sports person. However , the PWD catetory candidates in thecategory of OL, BL, HI (with suitable aid) & OA are eligible to iapply for the postofGraphic Designer & Pharmacist. For the posts of Sr. Mechanic (Mechanical/ Electrica )
PWD candidates in the category of OL, HI (with suitable aid) & BL (Having Mobility Standing Ability) are eligible to apply for the posts. The PWD category candidates are not eligible to apply for the of Off-set Machine Operator & DTP Printing Operator.:While submitting the application on-line, candidates should I note that categoqy (UR/SC/ST/SEBC) and Spl. Category (Ex-serviceman/ PWD) once submitted in the on-lineapplication is final. Any subsequent claim for change in category or Spl category shall n be entertained by the Commission.
3(b) The number of vacant posts to be filled up on the basis of this recruitment is subject o
change without any prior notice as per discretion of the Commission and the Requisitioning
Authorities I the Government. !
Off-Set Machine Operator (Contractual): Scale of Pay:-5200-20200/- + G.P. Rs.2800/Educational qualification:
Matriculation(HSC) or equivalent andNational Trade Certificate or equivalent in the trade of offset Printing/Lit 'o Offset Machine Minder and should possess. ,
(iii) At least 3 years of practical experience in multi colour offset printing from reputed registered printing organization.
Graphic Dcsigner(Contractual):
Scale of Pay:-5200-20200/- + G.P. Rs.2400/-
Matriculation (HSC) or equivalent and \
Diploma in Fine Arts from a recognized Institution with two years experienceingraphic designing in any registered printing industry Or,
National Trade Certificate in any printing trade from recognized Institution wi certificate in Desk Top Printing from recognized Institution along with 5 yea experience in graphic designing in any registered printing Industry and
He must have possessed specialization certificate in graphic designing.
Desk Top Printing (DTP) Operator(Contractual):
Scale of Pay:-5200-20200/- + G.P. Rs.2400/-
Educational qualification:
Minimum Intermediate having Desk Top Printing Certificate from a recogniz p institution and
He must be a National Trade Certificate holder (either in Litho Offset MachineMinder or Plate making or retouching trade) and should possess .
At least 2 years of trade experience from any Regd. Firms/ Organisation.
Senior Mechanic (Mechanical) (Contractual): Scale of Pay:-5200-20200/- + G.P. Rs.2800/
Educational qualification:
(i) Matriculation or equivalent and
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and
Sufficient Trade Experience. Sufficient Trade Experience means have one year Trade experience in the Trade from any Organisations.
Senior Mechanic (Electrical)(Contractual): Scale of Pay:-5200-20200/- + G.P. Rs.2800/
Educational qualification
Matriculation or equivalent and
Diploma in Electrical Engineering.
(vi) Sufficient Trade Experience. Sufficient Trade Experience means the candidate must have one year Trade experience in the Trade from any Registered Firms/ Organisations.
Pharmacist (Contractual:
Scale of Pay:-5200-20200/- + G.P. Rs.2400/
Educational qualification
Diploma in Pharmacy.
However the candidates shall have to submit the self attested copy of the Trade Experience certificate/ Practical Experience along with DAF (OSSC copy and other documents) in the following format from competent registered Firm/ authority as the case may be along with the DAF, as per the minimum criteria prescribed for the post for considering their eligibility for the post.
Condition of Service.-
Signature of the Proprietor/Director/ Chief Executive Officer of the Press/ Firm.
The appointment shall be made initially on contractual basis in a consolidated salary as per Initial pay + grade pay as mentioned against each post as per Odisha Group-C and Group-D posts (Contractual Appointment) Rules , 2013 notified vide G.A. Department Notification No. GAD-SC-Rules-0009-2013-32010/Gen dated 12.1l.2013. The salary/scale of pay may vary according to decision of the Governrnent from time to time.
Eligibility: S(a) Age:
(i) The candidate applying for the post must be between 18 years to 31 years of age as o 01.01.2016. However the upper age is relaxable by 5 years for SC, SEBC & WOMEN category candidates, 10 years for PwD categories & by the Period ot service rendered in Defence Forces for Ex-Servicemen category. To be eligible, candidates not enjoying any relaxation of upper age limit must not have been born earlier than 2nd January, 1984 and not lattf than 1st January 1998.The persons in defence forces having more than six months to retire/ to b discharged from the forces as on the date of the submission of online application are not eligibleto apply for the post. However such candidates have to submit the discharge certificate on thb date of certificate verification for considering their claims under Ex-Serviceman categor)!', Border Security Force, Indian Coast Guard, CRPF and other Para Military Forces a1not within the definition of Ex-Servicemen.-
However the candidates may get only one type of age relaxation as per Rules.
As per G.A. Department Notification No.17376/Gen dated 10.08.2016 the PWD /SC/ STcandidates in the category of Hearing impairment & Loco motor disability cumulative age relaxation to apply for the posts.
However the upper age limit is relaxable for in-service contractual employees engaged by
the Govt. or through manpower service provider agencies in the State Govt. offices or the Sta* Govt. of Odisha who have completed at least one year of continuous service on the date df publication of advertisement as per provision of "Odisha Group-C, D posts (Contractw appointment) Rules,2013. ". As such they must be less than 45 years as on 1.1.2016. Theb,, should submit the required proof from their employer for availing the age relaxation and subm t their required documents as mentioned in Clause l(a) above in case of selection in writtep examination.
As per Apex Court Judgment in AIR 1995SC1115, age relaxation to the extent f period of apprentice training undergone by the candidate would be given in case of posts like Offset Machine operator, Graphic Designer & Desk Top Printing (DTP) Operator.
The trade and the maximum apprentice period to be counted towards age relaxation are as follows.
Litho Offset M/C Minder
3 years
3 years
Plate Maker
2 Years
Date of birth entered in the High School Certificate Examination by the Board of Secondacy Education, Odisha or equivalent Certificate issued by the recognised Board/Council/ by an
Indian University as equivalent there to shall only be acceptable to the Commission.
General eligibility criteria.
In order to be eligible for appearing in the examination a candidate must satisfy the followingconditions.
The candidate must be a citizen of India.
Be able to speak, read & write Odia.
Be of good character & conduct.
Be of good mental condition and bodily health and free from any physic#l defect likely to interfere with the discharge of his duties in the service.
If married, must not have more than one spouse livirtg.
He must have passed Middle School examination whh Odia as a language subject, or,
Have passed Matriculati:n or equivalent examinatiJ with Odia as a
medium of examination in non-Language subject, or, I
Have passed in Odia as a language subject in the fin l examination of Class VII or above; or
Have passed a test in Odia in Middle English School Standard conducted by the Education Department.
Examination Fee:
The candidates other than SC, ST & PwD category shall have to pay examination fee of Rs.100/-. The fees can be deposited either through online or offline mode using the Treasury Portal or by the conventional mode of deposit in the Treasury. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility before paying the examination fee.
7(1)* In case of e-payment the applicant is required to log on to www.odishatreasury.gov.in or access through the link available in the OSSC portal.
She/He will click on the option of e-Payment and choose the option 'Other Deposit'
The details of the challan will be filled in by the applicant
She/He will choose the option for making the payment either through online or over the Bank counter mode of payment. In either case on submission of valid information, a Challan Reference ID will be generated.
7(2)* For online payment, the payment will be made through Net Banking of the designated banks or through Debit Card. On successful payment, an e-Challan will be generated from the Treasury portal.
7(3)* For over the Bank counter mode of deposit, the applicant will choose any designated Bank provided in the Treasury Portal and then proceed to the Bank branch where Offline payment of Government receipt is accepted. (The list of Bank branches for making offline payment is available at the Treasury Portal).
On receipt of the payment, the depositor copy of the Challan form will be handed over to the depositor by the Bank.
The challan will be deposited under the Head of Account-"0051-PSC-104-UPSC/SSC Examiantion Fees-0047-Fees collected for conducting examinations-02041-Examiantion Fees".
The applicant will fill in the challan reference ID and date in the online application.
7(4) The candidate has also the option to deposit the fee through the conventional mode into the Treasury under the Head of Account-0051-PSC-104-UPSC/SSC-Examiantion Fees-0047- Fees collected for conducting examination-02041-Examiantion Fees". In this case the candidate has to mention the Treasury Challan No. and date in the online application.
SC, ST & PWD candidates are exempted from paying examination fee. The candidates other than these categories have to upload the Treasury Challan/E-challan in Document Upload & Payment details section (File size max 300kb, format supported pdf).
Certificates / documents to be submitted in the detailed application form ( DAF) by the candidates by the last date i.e. by
Hard copy of the application i.e. 'OSSC Copy' referred to at l(b) above duly signed the declaration by the candidate.
Candidates other than the category of SC, ST & PWD category shall enclose original e challan receipt/original Treasury Challan. (Depositor's copy)
Candidates of SC/ST category shall enclose self attested photocopy of caste certificate issued by the competent authority.
Self attested photocopy of HSC or equivalent pass certificate & mark sheet in support ofdeclaration of age issued by the concerned Board/Council. ;: Self attested photocopy of certificate of the relevant qualifying examination as p rclause-3 of this advertisement & mark sheet.
Self attested photo copy of Practical experience Cerificate/ Trade experience certificate asproforma prescribed in clause-3 of this advertisement from registered firm/authority in relevant field.
In case of Ex-Servicemen, an attested copy of Identity Card/Discharge Certificate and the documents indicating the period of service rendered in armed forces along with anundertaking that he has not availed of the benefit as Ex-Serviceman for his employme*t earlier.
Candidates have to submit a certificate either of passing HSC examination or equivalent examination or have acquired any other higher education degree with Odia as a subjeqt, or have Odia as medium of examination in non-language subjects at H.S.C. or equivalent examination as per clause-6(vi) of this advertisement.
The candidates claiming age relaxation under Person with Disability quota must sub t the self attested Xerox copy of the Disability Certificate issued by the Competent Medical Board of the District.
The in-service contractual employees have to enclose necessary !certificate from the employer regarding the Order No. and date of appointment, post held, period of service rendered. The copy of the appointment Order may also be enclosed.
Self attested copy of any of the Identity Card such as Voter ' s I. Card/PAN Card/PassPort/Addhaar Card/ D.L. etc issued by any Govt. Authorities , with candidates photograph there in.
Note: The DAF submitted by the candidates will be checked/verified prior to writt examination basing on which the candidate will be allowed to appear theExamination. The candidates who don't have the minimum eligibility for the post per documents submitted or have not submitted required documents will not to be allowed to appear in the examination. No communication on the matter willbeentertained.
The plan of examination for the post is as follows.
Written Examination (Two papers)-
Professional Trade Test 150 marks.
50 marks
Total- 200 iparks.
Written Examination:
1st Paper: Objective Type - 50 marks. 1 hrs. (General English, Odia Languag , General Awareness of H.Sc. Standard.) (Objective Type.) , : 2nd Paper: (Technical). Professional Trade Theory (Objective Type) from respective Trade.- 100 marks-2 Hrs. (Objective Type) :
The 1st paper will be compulsory and Common for all candidates which will be held in one sitting.
Professional Trade Test: (Practical): 50 Marks.
Candidates numbering about three times of the vacancy of each post category wisein order of merit on the basis of written marks secured in 1st paper and 2nd paper will be shortlisted to appear the Professional Trade practical test. Candidate's practical Knowledge in the respective Trade /post will be assessed with reference to his technical qualification and the post applied for. For the purpose the Commission will constitute different boards for different Trades for conducting the professional Trade Test.
Final Merit list will be prepared on the basis of Total marks secured by the candidates both in paper I & paper-II & Professional Trade Test (Practical) in order of merit category wise for different post as per vacancy advertised.
Syllabus of the written examination:
The syllabus for the 1st paper will comprise of questions of General English , Odia language ,G.K. & other Miscellaneous matter of H.S.C. standard. There is no specific course prescribed for the post, however the standard relating questions will be such as commonly expected from aH.S.C. passed student.
The syllabus for 2nd paper i.e.Technical paper of different posts and for professionalTrade Test as provided by the Director of Printing , Stationery & Publication Odisha, Cuttack is enclosed as Annexure-A to this Advertisement.
Candidates three times of the vacancies as advertised, for different posts, in order of merit category wise basing on the marks in the written examination will be shortlisted for verification of original certificates/ documents (as detailed at Clause-8) before conducting of the professional Trade Test. The candidates not having the required documents will not be allowed to appear the Professional Trade Test.
The date/time/ venue of the Written Examination and the Professional Trade Test will beconveyed to the eligible candidates in the admission letters, in due course which will be ,, downloaded by the eligible candidates by accessing the Commission's website from a date to benotified later. The candidates are therefore directed to be in touch with the website of theCommission regarding intervals to know about programme of the examination etc.
No Admission Letter/ call letter at any stage will be despatched to any candidate bypost.
Select list
The merit list for different posts as per this advertisement will be prepared in order of meritcategory wise on the basis of the sum total marks secured by the candidate both in the WrittenExamination and Professional Trade Test. The candidates will be selected in order of merit asper vacancy advertised.
The results of the selected candidates will be published as per the Jacancy advertised i due course in the Commission' s website. I .
NOTE :- Blue/Black ball point _pen only should be used for darkening the correc Roll Number, Set code and answering (ovalling) in OMR sheet, whiteners/eraser should not be used in the OMR sheet. Use of whitener /eraser in OMR Answe * Sheet/darkening of wrong circle/ wrong Roll Number and Set code by the candidat or any deviation of above instruction shall render the OMR sheet unfit foit evaluation.
The candidates are required to visit the website of the Commission at'www.ossc.gov.in' at regular interval for detailed information about the programmeof the written examination/Professional Trade test etc. , notice regarding rejectio of the application, other important notices etc. and also keep track of publication ofvarious notices of this recruitment to be published in the leading local daily newij papers for information about the examination.:
The candidate should furnish correct mobile number for sending SMS by OSS<; relating to examination. -
Mobile phone or any other communication device is not allowed into the premises qf the OSSC examination centre. The candidates are advised not to bring any sucb. banned items to the examination centre venue. Any infringement of these instructions will entail debarment of the concerned candidate from the examinatio
Brief History of printing; comparative analysis of different printing processes.
Printing surfaces-Outline of preparation for all processes.
Lithographic Plates and Printing machinery-Outline of history and development.
Photomechanical process; classification; equipment and material used for plate making and offset printing.
Plates-Metals used, aluminium , zinc and copper; properties, their handling , care and use; Pre-sensitised plates.
Lining up table; layout sheets-Handling and use.
Plate Graining-Equipment and materials used-Quality of the grain.
Plate making-Surface and deep-etch plates; Outline of chemical and solutions used for plate making; coating of plate for light sensitivity use of whirler.
Light so ur ce- Kinds ; exposure-Printing-down-frame-Use.
- Measuring gauges; hyd rometer , hygrometer , densitometer, etc their handling, care and use.
Proof and transfer presses-Kinds; Mechanical and operational features; hand transfering of images.
Printing machines for litho, offset printing-Kinds; Mechanical and operational features; Inking and dampening systems.
Simple Imposing schemes with relation to folding schemes.
Ro llers-Kinds ; setting , cleaning, handling and storage, Nap roller - preparation and treatment.
Paper-Standard sizes; division and subdivision; kinds qualities.
Ink-Kinds; q ua li t i es .
General care and maintenance of plate-making and Litho-offset printing machinery and equipment.
Safety-Hazards in plate making and machine rooms-preventive measures.
Profing-press and printing machinery used for Litho Offset printing; Single and multi-colour units; sheet-fed and web-fed; mechanical 1and operational feature.
Cylinders-Plate cylinders, Blanket cylinder and impression cylinder; adjustments.
Plates for surface and deep-etch processes-multi-metal plates, Anodized Plates; Presensitised Plates; their preparation, -propertise and use; handling and stores; corrections-additions and deletions.
Chemicals and solutions used in the printing machine room; their preparation, handling care and storage; their properties and uses.
Offset Blanket properties; selection, care, handling and storage.
Rollers-Inking and dampening; kind, covering materials used for dampeners; properties; handling, washing, care and storage.
Automatic feeders-Kinds; mechanical and operational features; setting and operation.
Set-off causes and remedies; Anti set-off (Spray) equipment; kinds and use.
Delivery systems-Kinds; comparative analysis.
Wash-up, washing of rollers by hand and mechanical methods.
Machine operation; running problems; causes and remedies; Register, Quality control; multi-colour printing-Sequence of printing of colours.
Imposition schemes-General and with relation to folding machines-Simple and Complex schemes up to 32 pages.
PH-Definition; effects on Fountain Solution; treatment and control.
Temperature and Relative Humidity-Effects on plates and paper; control; Air conditioning-Advantages.
Halftone-Theory of halftone; Dot formation-Control of size of dots;screens-Kinds and use.
Paper-Brief outline of manufacture-Raw materials used; classification; properties; Selection of paper for printing-Governing factors; machine direction and its Static electricity--its effects and nutralisation Handling and storage of printed and unprinted stock.
Ink-Brief outline of manufacture-Raw materials used classification properties; selection of ink for printing governing factors Driers reducers; Kinds and uses importance.
Colour-Principles of colour; Additive and subtractive theories Mixing and matching of colours.
Lubricats-Lubrication systems used on printing machines; kinds and methods.
Drive-Methods of transmission of power.
Miscellaneous work on printing machines-Bronzing, varnishing, metal printing , etc.
Safety-Hazards; preventive measures.
General care and maintenance of printing machines and other equipment in a machines- room ; cleaning, lubrication and overhauling.
Daily routine; docket and output records; maintenance.
Calculations-Consumption of paper, ink; wastage; speed; output. 44. Planning and arrangement of a machine-room.
45. Modern developments in litho-offset printing machinery; Brief outline of development in printing machinery of other process.
Professional Trade Test(Practical) :
Roller setting both ink & damper , Paper feeding, Multi Colour Printing trial and printing out put both in Sheetfed and Web Offset Machine.
Introduction to computers, Hardware & Software.
Computer applications.
Input devices : Keyboard, Mouse OCR, OMR, MICR , Digitizer, Scanner etc.
Storage Media- Magnetic Disk, Hard Disk, Floopy Disk, CD, etc.
Output Devices: Hard copy devices & Soft copy devices
Types of Softwares:
- System & Application Software
- Concepts:
Bits, Bytes, RAM, ROM, ASCII etc.
Introduction & version
Familiarization with various commands/tools.
MS Windows:
Introduction & Version
Desk Top & its terminology
Setup using Control Panel
Windows Accessories
File management/ Folder concept
Networking Concept:
File & Printer Sharing
Introduction & Use of Internet
Conceptualization of Document
Desk Top Publishing:
Merit and demerit
Comparative analysis between DTP and traditional composing processes.
Costing, estimating of DTP Unit.
Word Processing through MS-Word
Types (Fonts), Type size, different families .
Point system and other system of measuring.
Coasting off; typography, proof reading, familiarization with symbols/proof reading marks used in marking copy/typescript for press.
Determining line measure and page depth and margin , House styles.
Page composing through Page Maker.
Composing Process:
Introduction of various methods of composing.
Different composing processes and their development. Suitability for job merits and demerits.
Brief description of different composing machines.
Output Devices : Inkjet printer, Laser printer, Image setters, computer to plate, computer to printing machine, Light sensitive materials used in output devices i.e. Film/Bromide types of films used in image setter.
Page , composing through Quark Express.
Digital Printing:
Type of digital printi ng .
Uses in commercial operations.
lnkjet/bubble jet/ thermal printer/ laser printer used for small and big formats.
Page composing through Regional Language Software.
Graphic reproduction:
Tonal value, Tonal gradiation.
Continuous tone, Half tone, Moir pattern.
Highlight, Middle Tone Shadow areas, contrast & details .
Principle of scanning.
Types of scanners (Flatbed & Drum) and its use.
Printing through Photo editing Software.
Preparation of OCR.
Graphic Design:
Principle of page design.
Elements of design.
Colour- Define colour, type of colours, impact of colours, colour wheel, achieving of different colours through appropriate colour percentage. Selection of types (Fonts) for text/ display work.
Preparation of Graphics
Creation of rough sketches.
Colour Selections.
Font & Image selection.
Page make-up:
Principles of page make-up of Books.
Board Room/Seminar Presentation material preparations.
Copy preparation and copy fitting procedures.
Imposition schemes.
Various Types of Printers and their uses.
Merit & Demerits.
File format supported for printing, Familiar with various file format i.e., EPS, PDF, etc.
Using ICC based colour management.
Common Topics for all Printing Trades Apprentices :
History of printing.
Types of printing.
Comparative Analysis.
Paper-Standard sizes; division and subdivision; kinds qualities.
Ink-Kinds; qualities.
Imposition schemes-General and with relation to folding machines-Simple and Complex schemes up to 32 pages.
Colour-Principles of colo ur; Additive and subtractive theories Mixing and matching of colours.
Professional Trade Test(Practical)
MS Office, Pagemaker , Photoshop , CorelDraw and internet browsing, use of scanner,
Skill Test in typing: English(corrected) 40 w.p.m. minimum speed Odia(corrected) 20 w.p.m. minimum speed
Diploma in Fine Arts. (The Syllabus of any reputed recognized institution may be referred to)
In case of N.T.C. holders in any printing trades, the syllabus meant for D.T.P. Operator post is applicable.
Theory :
Lettering and Typography :
Details study of letter forms of both Roman and Indian as design form : Spacing, study of various types of faces, study of fundamentals of layout and their practical application , preparation of simple typographical layout for news papers, principles of typography, Design suitability, legibility and readability of printed matter, spacmg materials for line , words and letters, Anatomy of letters and exercise.
Study of internation of negative-positive space, line and exercises in basic shapes and texture in relation to the space.
Communication Design : Designing of logos, Singns, monograms, symbols, tags, shopping bags, bebels, stickers, novelities , gift articles, book jackets, record jackets, public relation promotional materials.
Illustration : Elementary exercises in illustrations on given subjects Pictorial and Dimensional representation in opeque and transparent colours, both in line and half tone for letter press and offset printing.
Poster Design : History of Poster, different influences on poster designing exercises to make different kinds of posters.
Drawing & Illustration:
Drawing from life for use in illustration.
Project oriented illustration : Influence of Modern trends, Editorial illustrations for letter press & printing.
Principle of page design :
Comparative study of different types of layouts. Designing for press and magazine advertisements, folders and booklets etc. (Single colour). Study and selection of types faces,. Calculation of copy according to given space.
Details on Adobe Pagemaker, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Adobe Indesign.
Professional Trade Test(Practical)
Book Art(Book cover and text design, Book Jacket design, Book Illustration design etc.)
Typography(Calligraphy skill) understanding typo related experiments.
Branding(Poster, Kiosh , Leaflets, Catelauge, Hoading, Logo etc.).
Skill test of Adobe Pagemaker, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw etc.
The syllabus meant for Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Semistar-III to VI prescribed by State Council of Technical Education and Vocational Training, Odisha, Bhubaneswar is applicable. (Available inhttp://sctevtodisha.nic.in/ website).
Professional Trade Test (Practical) :
Repairing/Rectification of different Mechanical defects of printing and alfied machines.
Practical test on lathe and other machines of mechanical workshop.
The syllabus meant for Diploma in Electrical Engineering from Semistar-III to VI prescribed by State Council of Technical Education and Vocational Training, Odisha, Bhubaneswar is applicable. (Available inhttp://sctevtodisha.nic.in/ website).
Professional Trade Test(Practical) :
Repairing and rectification of electrical and electronics defects of printing and allied machines
The syllabus prescribed by the Pharmacy Council Of India for D-Pharma Course is applicable. (Available in http://www.pci.nic.in/ website).
Professional Trade Test(Practical) :
On first-aid and knowledge of different medicines. General idea about common diseases, record maintenance, OPD Dispensing, Practical test in Intravenous (IV) & Intramuscular Injection, Saline administration, Minor surgical procedure.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 23-Dec-2016 | |
Applications | 02-Jan-2017 | 02-Feb-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Odisha Staff Selection Commission
- Organization City, State : odisha, odisha
- Organization Website : www.ossc.gov.in
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