Advertisement No.IIE-48/2016/4224/OSSC ;
Date : 26-12-2016
Recruitment for the post of Electrician Grade-II on contractual basis under
Engineer-in-Chief(Electricity-Cum-PCEI), Odisha. Bhubaneswar.
Post code- ( EG/ 131 )
Online application form will be available from Dt.04.01.2017 till Dt.03.02.2017 by11.59 P.M.
Applications will be received ONLINE only through OSSC website www.ossc.gov.in
Detailed Application Form (DAF) i.e. OSSC copy along with all requisite self attested documents (As mentioned in clause 1-(C) of the detailed Advertisement) through speed post/Regd.post by 5.00 PM of 18.02.2017 to the Secretary, OSSC, Barrack No-1, Unit-V, Bhubaneswar-751054.
The minimum educational qualification for the post is H.S.C. with ITI in Electrician Trade.
The appointment will be initially on contractual basis carrying consolidated pay of Rs.5200/- + Grade Pay Rs.2,000/- in the scale of pay Rs.5,200/- to Rs.20,200/- + G.P. Rs.2000/-
Appointment shall be guided by the Odisha Group-C posts (Contractual Appointment) Rules, 2013 notified vide the Government in G.A Department Notification No.32010-GAD-SC-RULES-0009-2013/Gen dated 12.11.2013.
The candidates applying for the post must go through the detail advertisement and ensure that they fulfil all eligibility criteria prescribed for the post as laid down in this advertisement. Admission of a candidate for the written examination & other Tests shall be provisional and would be on the basis of the information furnished by him/her in the on-line application form.
If at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, it is found that any informationfurnished by the candidate in his/ her on line application is false/ incorrect or the candidate has suppressed any relevant information or the candidate otherwisedoes not satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post, his/ her candidature for the examination will be cancelled forthwith and he may be debarred from appearing any further recruitment examination conducted by OSSC either temporarily or permanently.
No Call letter/Admission letter for the recruitment at any stage shall be sent to candidates by post. The candidates are therefore advised to access to Commission's website www.ossc.gov.in regularly to know about the status of their application and date of tests.
Online Applications are invited from intending candidates for selection of forty nine (49) Posts of Electrician Grade-II under the Engineer-in-Chief (Electricity-Cum-PCEI), Odisha, Bhubaneswar.
l.How to apply:
The applicants have to go through the detail advertisement before filling up the online application.
(a) Aspirants have to apply on line using the website of the Commission www.ossc.gov.in.
The applicants other than the category of S.C., S.T. & PWD candidates are required to deposit examination fee of Rs. I 00/- either through online or offline mode using the Treasury Portal or by the conventional mode in the Head of Account- "0051-PSC-104-UPSC/SSC-Examination Fees-0047-Fees collected for conducting examinations-02041-Examiantion Fees" as detailed in the clause-7 of this advertisement before proceeding to fill in the online application for the post. By clicking on the tab 'online application' in the home page of the website, the different advertisement for online application along with different useful details will be displayed on the computer screen. The instructions provided in this Advertisement are required to be read carefully before proceeding to complete the application process.
There will be 2 links under "Form Links" column for each advertisement.
For Registration
For registered user login
All the Candidates first need to complete the Registration process before filling the Application Form.
For Registration the candidate needs to click the link "For Registration" present in the Form Link section.
On clicking the link mentioned, he/she will be redirected to the Registration Form, where few basic Details will be required like:-
Applicant Full Name
Applicant Father's Name
Applicant Mother's Name
Name of the husband (In case of Married female applicant)
I 0th Standard Roll Number (As Mentioned in the Certificate)
I 0th Standard Year of Passing
l 0th Standard Board
l 0th Standard Passed Exam Type
Whether passed minimum Seventh class exam. in Odia
Mobile Number
Email Address
All the above fields need to be filled in mandatorily by the candidate.
Caution: The candidate must submit the correct data in this section as the subsequent section will be automatically populated with the data filled in this section. No change in the section will be allowed after the candidates submit the 'I Agree' box.
Once the above details are filled by the candidate, 1 CAPTCHA image will be shown to the candidate which he/she needs to enter correctly in the field given below and then need to check the box "I Agree" for declaration and submit the registration form.
On Submitting the registration form a unique Application Sequence No. will be generated and will be shown to the candidate.
Application Sequence No. generated will act as the user id for the candidate.
intimating the 'User id' and 'password'.
The details submitted by the candidate for 10th Standard Roll Number (As Mentioned inthe Certificate), 10th Standard Board , 10th Standard Year Of Passing & 10th StandardPassed Exam Type (Annual or Supplementary) need to be furnished correctly.
Furnishing of any wrong information may lead to rejection of the application and norequest in this regard for correction of the same will be entertained.
User registration is only required once during applying for a specific post/advertisement. After the successfully submission of the registration form in the top right hand corner of the "Go To Application Form" & Logout button will be visible.
Candidate can click the "Logout" button if he/she wishes to exit the current session.
Candidate can also click on the "Go To Application Form" to continue with the filling of the application form.
For registered user login
In order to Fill the Application form candidate needs to Click the link present under "For registered user login" present in the Form Link sect io n.
The same will redirect the candidate to the login page of the Application Form. The candidate needs to login using the 'user id' and 'password' he/she received after registration though e-mail as well as sms in the registered mobile no. & e-mail id.
Once the candidate successfully logged in to the application form he/she will be getting 4 tabs
Personal Details
Additional Details
Qualification details
Document Upload & Payment details
All the details required in the above 4 tabs need to be furnished correctly by the candid ate. The details submitted by the candidate during submission of the registration form will be auto populated in the respective fields of the application form.
The candidate have the option of filling the application form in more than 1 session but before logging out he/she needs to ensure that all the data filled by him/her has been saved by clicking "Save & Continue button" present in the end of the each tab.
Candidate can preview the application by clicking the "Preview Application" button present in the end of "Document Upload & Payment details" tab as and when required.
All candidates mandatorily need to upload the scanned image of his/her recent passport size photograph and scanned image of his/her full signature in the on line application form which
must be within max 80 kb (The Format supported is JPEG,JPG). With addition to the above requirement all the candidate needs to upload their 1Oth Standard mark sheet/certificate containing the 10th Standard Roll Number given in the regist rat ion form (File size max 300kb, format supported pdf).In Document Upload & Payment details section.
Candidate Claiming "Category Claimed" as SC, ST and SEBC needs to upload cast certificate
(File size max 300kb, format supported pdf). In Document Upload & Payment details section.
Candidates Claiming "Ex-Serviceman" need to upload Ex-Service Man Documents (Discharge Certificate/1.card/NOC any I document needs to be uploaded). In Document Upload & Payment details section (File size max 300kb, format supported pdf).
Candidates other than SC/ST or PWD category who are paying the examination fees of Rs. I00 though treasury challan needs to update the same (File size max 300kb ,format supported pdf) in document Upload & Payment details section.
The uploaded documents must be clearly identifiable /visible, otherwise the application is liable to be rejected and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
The candidates are also advised to fill up relevant details under different tabs, mentioning category, special category, present address, permanent address, full marks, marks secured and percentage of mark in H.S.C, or equivalent examination etc & qualification in computer application which are required for eligibility of every candidate. The filled in Application Form can be submitted by clicking on the 'submit button'. Before submitting the online application the applicant must re-check the information filled in and ensure that the information provided and the scanned signature and scanned photographs are clearly identifiable and visible and then click the 'submit button'. After the form is successfully submitted, the candidate has to take the printout of the filled application form.
If any defect is noticed in the application form submitted, the applicant can edit theapplication form by accessing the candidate's 'log in' within 48 hours of clicking the'submit button'. Editing of the application will not be possible after 48 hours or applicationend date whichever is earlier.
The following fields will not be editable once the same has been submitted once during registration
10th Standard Roll Number As Mentioned in the Certificate 10th Standard Year Of Passing
10th Standard Board
10th Standard Passed Exam Type
Whether passed minimum Seventh class exam. in Odia Mobile Number
Email ID
(c) The candidate has to take print of the Applicant's copy and the OSSC copy. The OSSC copy duly singed in by the candidate in full signature (in running letters) and enclosing all the required documents as detailed below is required to be promptly sent to the Secretary of this Commission in the following address by Speed Post/Regd. Post so as to reach in the office of the Commission by 5.PM of 18.02.2017.
"Secretary, Odisha Staff Selection Commission, Barrack No.l, Unit-V, Bhubaneswar-751054"
The candidates belonging to special category such as PwD & Ex-Serviceman and the In-Service Contractual employees claiming age relaxation etc. should also submit the following required documents by the last date i.e. 5.00 P.M of 18.02.2017 failing which their candidature/claim for the post will not be entertained/ considered later and their application will be rejected out-rightly.
Any application received after the above last date will be rejected out-rightly and no correspondence/request in the matter will be entertained.
OSSC copy of the application form duly ink- signed by the applicant in running letter.
H.S.C. or equivalent pass certificate & mark sheet.
ITI in Electrician Trade pass certificate & mark sheet.
Candidates claiming age relaxation under SC/ST/SEBC category must submit caste certificate issued by Competent Author ity. In case of SEBC the certificate should have been issued within one year from the last date of the online applica tio n.
Candidates claiming age relaxation & reservation under Ex-servicemen category must submit self attested photocopy of discharge certificate/copy of P.P.0., identity card and the document indicating the period of service rendered in defence forces and date of discharge in case of Ex-Servicemen candidates. The candidates under Ex-SM category who are likely to be discharged within six months of the date of application must submit the NOC from competent authority indicating there in the likely date of Discharge and the years of service rendered in Defence Service.
Candidates claiming age relaxation under PwD category must submit Disability certificate from the concerned Medical Board of the District.
Candidates have to submit a certificate either having odia as a subject up to Class-Vil/ passing HSC/or equivalent examination with Odia as a compulsory subject, or any higher education degree with Odia as a subject or equivalent examination, conducted by School and Mass Education Department.
Original Treasury Challan in support of payment of examination fees except SC, ST & PwD category candidates.
The in-service contractual employee claiming age relaxation must submit a certificate from the employer indicating there in the appointment order No and date, date of appointment, period of service, post held, nature of post, scheme under which appointed & "no objection" to appear the examination along with a copy of the appointment order.
1. (d) The Applicant's copy contains the 'user ID' and 'pass word' printed on the bottom of the Application Fonn. The applicant has to keep it carefully for his future reference to access to the website to know the status of the application and also to down load the call letter from the Commission's website.
1. (e) Applications received incomplete or received through any mode other than online mode are liable to be summarily rejected.
1.(t) If at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, it is found that any information furnished by the candidate in his application is false/incorrect or the candidate has suppressed any relevant information or the candidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post or
has not paid the requisite examination fee, his/her candidature will be cancelled forthwith. Further, OSSC reserves the right to debar such candidates from applying for other recruitment examinations conducted by OSSC either temporarily or permanently.
(g) The candidate may find out the status of his/her application as well as hall ticket generated for examination by accessing OSSC website, clicking therein 'online application' tab, and thereafter clicking on the link present under "For registered user login" in Form Link section against that particular advertisement/post , by using the user ID and password.
1.(h) Candidates should possess a valid E-mail address & Mobile number which should remain active till publication of the final result pursuant to the Advertisement. The Commission shall not be responsible for any loss/ non receipt of message/information sent on the wrong /invalid e-mail address/ mobile number provided by the candidate in the on line registration form or for delay/non-receipt of information if a candidate fails to access his/her E-mail or Mobile phone in time. Candidates will be allowed in the examination only if they possess a valid admission letter and a valid Photo Identity proof issued by any Govt. Authority.
Last date for receipt of applications:
The last date for online submission of Application in response to this advertisement is 11.59
P.M. of Dt. 03.02.2017. The system will be automatically disabled from 11.59 P.M. of the said date after which the application form for this particular post will not be generated any more at the candidate's end. Last date for submission of DAF through Speed Post/Regd. Post alongwith required documents as detailed at l(c) to the Commission's office is 5 PM of dtd.18.02.2017.
Vacancy position.
(a) Number of posts to be filled up and reservations:
As per requisition received from the Engineer-in-Chief (Electricity-Cum-PCEI) the category-wise break-up for Male, Female & Trans-gender of the total no. of posts to be filled up by this recruitment are as follows:
SI. No
Name of the Post
Vacancy details
One(l) post reserved for PwD (Hearing impairment-HI), one(]) post reserved for Ex Servicemen & one (1) post reserved for Sports Person, out of the total vacancies advertised. PwD candidates of following functional disability are eligible to apply for the post. HI,OL,BL(MNR), OL & BL(MNR) category candidates can avail age relaxation only.
NOTE:- SC - Schedule Caste ST- Scheduled Tribe,
SEBC- Socially & Educationally Backward Class, UR- Un-Reserved
HI - Partially deaf OL - One Leg affected
BL(MNR) - Both leg affected but Mobility not restricted
While submitting the application on-line, candidates should note that category (UR/SC/ST/SEBC) and Spl. Category (Ex-serviceman/ PWD) once submitted in the on-line application is final. Any subsequent claim for change in category or Spl category shall not be entertained by the Commission.
3(b) The number & other conditions of vacant posts to be filled up on the basis of this
recruitment are subject to change without any prior notice as per discretion of the Commission, Requisitioning Authorities or the Government.
Scale of Pay & Condition of Service.
(a)The appointment will be initially on contractual basis carrying consolidated pay of Rs.5,200/
+ Grade Pay Rs.2,000/- in the scale of pay Rs.5,200/- to Rs.20,200/- + G.P. Rs.2,000/ (b)Appointment shall be guided by the Odisha Group-C posts (Contractual Appointment) Rules, 20 I 3 notified vide the Government in G.A Department Notification No.32010-GAD-SC RULES-0009-2013/Gen dated 12.11.2013.
Eligibility: 5(a) Age:
The minimum age for the post is 18 years and the maximum age is 32 years as on 01-01-2016. The upper age Jim it is relaxable by 5 years for candidates belonging to SEBC, SC, ST & Women candidates, I 0 years for candidates belonging to PwD category and the total period of service rendered in defence service in case of Ex-Servicemen Personnel. However , a candidate can only avail any one type of age relaxation as per rule. PWD candidates in the ST & SC category shall be entitled to cumulative age relaxation of ten years over & above the normal relaxation specified for the category. To be eligible, candidates not enjoying any relaxation of
upper age limit must not have been born earlier than 2nd January, 1995 and not later than Ist
January 1984.The persons in defence forces having more than six months to retire/ to be discharged from the forces as on the date of the submission of online application are not eligible to apply for the post. However such candidates have to submit the discharge certificate on the date of certificate verification for considering their claims under Ex-Serviceman category. Border Security Force, Indian Coast Guard, CRPF and other Para Military Forces arenot within the definition of Ex-Servicemen.
Once an Ex-Serviceman has joined the Govt. Service in civil side after availing of the benefit as an Ex-Serviceman for his re-employment, his ex-serviceman status for the purpose of re-employment in Govt. Jobs shall cease to exist. He can avail age relaxation only.
Date of birth entered in the High School Certificate Examination by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha or equivalent Certificate issued by the recognised Board/Council/ by an Indian University as equivalent there to shall only be acceptable to the Commission.
5(b) Educational Qualification
The candidate applying for the post must have passed H.S.C. Examination conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Odisha or equivalent thereto from a recognised Board and I.T.I. in Electrician Trade certificate from a recognised institution .
General elieibility criteria
In order to be eligible for appearing in the examination a candidate must satisfy the following conditions.
The candidate must be a citizen of India.
Be able to speak, read & write Odia.
Be of good character & conduct.
Be of good mental condition and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the discharge of his duties in the service.
If married, must not have more than one spouse living:
Examination Fee:
The candidates other than SC, ST& PwD category shall have to pay examination fee of Rs. I 00/-. The fees can be deposited either through online or offline mode using the Treasury Portal or by the conventional mode of deposit in the Treasury. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility before paying the examination fee.
7(1)* In case of e-payment the applicant is required to log on to www.odishatreasury.gov.in or access through the link available in the OSSC portal.
She/He will click on the option of e-Payment and choose the option 'Other Deposit'
The details of the challan will be filled in by the applicant
She/He will choose the option for making the payment either through online or over the Bank counter mode of payment. In either case on submission of valid information, a Challan Reference ID will be generated.
7(2)* For online payment, the payment will be made through Net Banking of the designated banks or through Debit Card. On successful payment, an e-Challan will be generated from the Treasury portal.
7(3)* For over the Bank counter mode of deposit, the applicant will choose any designated Bank provided in the Treasury Portal and then proceed to the Bank branch where Offline payment of Government receipt is accepted. (The list of Bank branches for making offline payment is available at the Treasury Portal).
On receipt of the payment, the depositor copy of the Challan form will be handed over to the depositor by the Bank.
The challan will be deposited under the Head of Account-"0051-PSC-104-UPSC/SSC Examiantion Fees-0047-Fees collected for conducting examinations-02041-Examiantion Fees".
The applicant will fill in the challan reference ID and date in the online application. 7(4) The candidate has also the option to deposit the fee through the conventional mode into
the Treasury under the Head of Account-0051-PSC-104-UPSC/SSC-Examiantion Fees-0047- Fees collected for conducting examination-02041-Examiantion Fees". In this case the candidate has to mention the Treasury Challan No. and date in the online application.
SC, ST & PWD candidates are exempted from paying examination fee.
(i) Plan of Examination.
The plan of examination will be as follows:
A- Written Examination-100 marks (Objective Type) to be answered in OMR sheet (Duration 1 & Year)
Note: There will be negative marking @ 0.25 for each wrong answer. There shall be no Viva-voce Test.
Syllabus for Written Examination.
Candidates having ITI qualification in Electrician Trade shall appear the objective type written examination (in OMR sheet) to be conducted by setting up questions from the Electrician Trade.
Place and date of written examination.:.
The date/time/ venue of the Written Examination will be conveyed to the eligible candidates in the admission letters, in due course which will be downloaded by the eligible candidates by accessing the Commission's website from a date to be notified later.
Admission letter:-
The Commission shall upload the Admission letter in different stages of the examination on its Website. "www.ossc.gov.in". The candidate has to log on to the website of the Commission by clicking on the button 'candidates login' and then provide 'user Id' and 'password' to "Download Admit Card" from the above website. The admitted candidates will have to produce the admission letter at the allotted venue for appearing in the examinations/tests. The admission letter will carry intimation about the date, time, subject and venue of the examination, and will bear the photo and signature of the candidate and facsimile signature of the Secretary of Commission.
No Admission Letter/ call letter at any stage will be despatched to any candidate by
Select list
The final select list for the post will be prepared on the basis of marks secured by the candidates in the written examination. The candidates will be selected category wise in order of merit as per vacancy position advertised.
The results of the selected candidates will be published as per the vacancy advertised in due course in the Commission's website. Decision of the Commission regarding allotment of candidates to the offices is final.
NOTE:- Blue/Black ball point pen only should be used for darkening the correct Roll Number, Set code and answering (ovalling) in OMR sheet, whiteners/erasers should not be used in the OMR sheet. Use of whitener /eraser in OMR Answer Sheet/darkening of wrong circle/ more than one option/wrong Roll Number and Set code by the candidate or any deviation of above instruction shall render the OMR sheet unfit for evaluation.
The candidates are required to visit the website of the Commission at'www.ossc.gov.in' at regular interval for detailed information about the programme of the examination/ test etc. , notice regarding rejection of the application, other important notices etc. and also keep track of publication of various notices of this recruitment to be published in the leading local daily news papers for information about the examination.
The candidate should furnish correct mobile number for sending SMS by OSSC relating to examination.
Mobile phone or any other communication device is not allowed into the premises of
the OSSC examination centre. The candidates are advised not to bring any such items to the examination centre venue. Any infringement of these instructions will
entail debarment of the concerned candidate from the examination.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 26-Dec-2016 | |
Applications | 18-Feb-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Odisha Staff Selection Commission
- Organization City, State : odisha, odisha
- Organization Website : www.ossc.gov.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results