Advertisement No. Rect/AdmnII/2018/8

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, an Institute of national importance adjudged as Institute of Eminence, invites online applications for the following position(s). The requisite qualification & experience etc. are givenbelow:

1. 1 [OBC (NCL)] Senior Technical Officer Essential Qualifications: (ScaleA)B.Tech. /B.E. / M.Sc. or equivalent

degree inComputer Science/Information

Pay Level: 12 (78800209200)

(Job no. 309)

Technology/ElectricalEngineering or equivalent witha minimum of55%

Appt Type: Permanent marks or equivalent grade point average withrelevant experience of

Age Limit: 50 yrs five years in a technical/scientificpost inPB3 withGP ofRs. 5400 andabove or equivalent, anddemonstratedability ofmanagement oflaboratory andoperationoftechnical/scientificresearchfacilities.

Desirable Skills and Experience :

M.E/M.Tech inComputer Science/InformationTechnology/ElectricalEngineering or equivalent, expert levelknowledge in the fieldofpracticalComputer Networking andInternet Services. Fifteenyears work experience after qualifying degree inthe fieldofcomputer network andservices designandimplementation, network administration, systems administration. Five ofthese years shouldhave beenina senior leadership andarchitect role where duties included: designing a campussizednetwork from scratch, selecting technologies andproducts for sucha network including physicalcomponents suchas switches, cables, routers, wireless APs for the network, as well as servers (preferably Linuxbased) for running Internet services, software/hybridproduct solutions for email, proxies, firewalls, designing a data center etc. Maintaining, upgrading andgrowing sucha network anddata center. Experience inleading a team ofmore than10 network andsystems administrators. Experience inprocurement processes andmanaging vendors. The idealcandidate willbe cluedinto latest technologies in this space andshould have a constant desire to use technicalsophistication (machine intelligence, automation, models, etc) innetwork andservices management, monitoring andtroubleshooting andlong term planning. He/she shouldbe willing to take judicious risks intrying out latest technologies, while stillproviding a reliably working network to the campus.

Job Profile:

To leada team ofnetwork andsystem administrationstaffthat maintains, updates anddesigns the data network ofthe campus. Duties include but are not limitedto: designing a campussizednetwork from scratch, selecting technologies andproducts for sucha network including physicalcomponents suchas switches, cables, routers, wireless APs for the network, as well as servers (preferably Linuxbased) for running Internet services, software/hybridproduct solutions for email, proxies, firewalls, designing a data center etc. Maintaining, upgrading andgrowing sucha network anddata centre to meet diverse quality ofservice requirements. Long term planning for technology updates while understanding user needs as well as budget andcosts. Leading a team ofmore than10 network andsystems administrators, assigning roles andtasks. Carrying out procurement for various equipment andservices, andmanaging vendors.

2. 1 (UR) Assistant SecurityOfficer Essential Qualifications: (Female)

Bachelor's Degree withsecurity

related supervisory experience offour years, after the qualifying degree, in

Pay Level: 6 (35400112400)

(Job no. 313)

Government or a reputedorganization. Applicants shouldbe

On successfulcompletionof

conversant withsecurity rules andcontract periodof3 years,

procedures andshouldpossess validemployee willbe eligible for

driving license for light motor vehicle placement inLevel 7

andmotor cycle.

(44900 142400) ina substantive

post subject to satisfactory

Desirable Skills:


Certificate ofNCC andFire fighting

training andexperience ofworking in

Appt Type: OnContract for a

residentialinstitutionalcampus, electronicsurveillance, computer

periodof3 years

system for informationprocessing and retrieval. Exservicemen wouldbe preferred.

Age Limit: 32 yrs


2 (UR)

Assistant SecurityInspector

Essential Qualifications: (Female)

Bachelor's Degree withsecurity

related experience ofthree years. Applicants shouldpossess validPay Level: 4 (2550081100)

(Job no. 314)

driving license for light motor vehicle andmotor cycle. ExservicemenAppt Type: OnContract for a

wouldbe preferred. periodof3 years

Age Limit: 27 yrs

4. 2 (UR) Technical Assistant Essential Qualifications:

3year Diploma inEngineering inComputer/IT/ICT discipline and2year

ConsolidatedPay Range:

(Job no, 312)

relevant experience after the 22000 to




10+2 pass withcertificate ofallowance ofRs.3500/andInaddition, out ofcampus

proficiency inComputer/IT/ICT area, reimbursement ofhealth

duly recognizedby government allowance onthe yearly

agencies for vocationaltraining andinsurance premium upto

skilldevelopment, and2year Rs.10,000/for a family ofupto

relevant experience after the four (self, spouse andtwo

certificate ofproficiency. children)

Job Profile:

1. Managing computer resources and

Appt Type: Temporary for a

providing support to users (students, staffandfaculty). Job includes

periodof1 year

preventive androutine maintenance ofIT infrastructure (hardware, software andnetworking), followup

Age Limit: 27 yrs

andliaisonwithComputer Center ofIITB andIT equipment vendors. Installationandconfigurationofapplicationsoftware anddatabases suchas PROWESS andCapitalLine. Managing centralfacilities suchas an email/web server file andprint servers andprinters.

  1. Managing (help to purchase, maintainandsupport) entire IT resources. The resources include hardware, network, operating systems (Windows 2000/XP, Linux, etc) email servers, internet, system software, applicationsoftware, subscribed databases (like PROWESS andCapital Line) anddatabases.
  2. Providing IT support to endusers including installations/upgrades andtrouble shooting, checking/shifting ofcomputer andcomputer accessories, stock maintenance, problem detectionandsolving ofsoftware andhardware.

General Information:

  1. Post ofSr. TechnicalOfficer (ScaleA) {Job No. 309}is a permanent position.
  2. Post of Assistant Security Officer (Female) [Job No. 313] and Assistant Security Inspector (Job No. 314) would be initially on a contract for a period of 3 years'. The performance of the selected/appointed staff member(s) shall be assessed before the expiry of their contract and only those found suitable will be offered a substantive post after completion of 3 years service on contract. Appointment of staff members on contract who are not found suitable for substantive post shall be terminated on completion of the contract period.
  3. Post of Technical Assistant (Job No. 312) is temporary and shall not have claim on any regular position and shall not bestow any of the privileges available to regular employees ofIIT Bombay.
  4. Candidates are advisedto satisfy themselves before applying that they possess the minimum essential qualifications and experience (if any) laid down in the advertisement. Qualificationobtained has to be from recognizedUniversity /Institute.
  5. Diploma inthe document is normally implied to be post class 10, unless statedotherwise. For a diploma (assumedas post class 10) ina givendiscipline, ifthe prerequisite happens to be (10+2), the requiredexperience willbe reduced by two years.
  6. Incomplete application shallbe summarily rejected.
  7. Allthe details furnishedin the online applicationwillbe treatedas finalandno changes shallbe entertained.
  8. Eligibility of a candidate for the post shall be considered as on date of closing online applicationinterface.
  9. The Institute reserves the right to: (a) not to fill any of the advertised positions (b) fill consequential vacancies arising at the time of selection and make a panel from available candidates for near future vacancies. The number of positions is thus opento change.
  10. Job no. 314 is identifiedsuitable for PwD (OL/OA) candidates withnot less 40% disability.
  11. The age limit criterion will be relaxed for persons working in any department / section / unit / project of IIT Bombay for at least three years (220 days or more per year) andwho have crossedthe age limit criterionduring the above period, provided that they have acquired the requisite qualification before reaching the prescribed age limit for the post.
  12. Age relaxationwouldbe as per Institute norms.
  13. Candidates desirous to apply for more thanone post shouldapply online for eachpost separately
  14. For Job no. 309 candidates (other than those belonging to PwD and women) are required to pay an application fee of Rs. 100/ (nonefundable) through online. Candidates applying for Job No. 312, 313 & 314 are not required to payapplicationfee.
  15. The appointment ofthe selected candidates is subject to being foundmedically fit as per the requirements ofthe Institute.
  16. Candidates shoulduploadcopies ofcertificates insupport oftheir qualification (matriculationonwards), experience, Date ofBirth, Caste certificate etc. Original certificates shouldbe produced at the time ofSelectionProcess as well as while joining.
  17. Female candidates applying for job no. 313 and 314 are required to upload valid driving license for light motor vehicle andmotor cycle.
  18. Applicant is requiredto uploadcertificate/s insupport ofminimum requiredexperience in proper format i.e. it shouldbe onthe organizations letter head, bearing the date ofissue, specific period of work, designation, pay drawn for each position, duly certifiedby the concernedissuing authority.
  19. The applications receivedinresponse to advertisement willbe scrutinizedandonly short listedcandidates will be calledfor selection process. Merely fulfilling the requirements laid down in the advertisement will not automatically entitle any candidate to be called for further selectionprocess.
  20. Age relaxationfor SC/ST/OBC (NCL) candidate is applicable only ifthe post is reserved for particular category as per rules. Age relaxationto PwD candidate & Exservicemenare as per rules.
    1. Candidates seeking reservationbenefits available for OBC(NCL)/PwD must be inpossession ofthe certificates inthe format prescribedby GoI insupport oftheir claim at the time of
    2. application. Candidates seeking reservationfor OBC (NCL) is required to attach a declaration, in addition to certificate in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority enclosedat AnnexureI.
  21. Decision of the Institute in all matters relating to the eligibility of the candidate, screening/skill/written test and selection would be final and binding on all the candidates.
  22. No correspondence or personalinquiries shallbe entertained.
  23. For Job no. 312, Screening test / Trade test and / or Computer proficiency test may be conducted for shortlisting criteria as per the nature of the post. For Job no. 313, applicants will be required to pass a test of proficiency in security related aspect. For Job no. 314, applicants will be required to pass a test of physical fitness and computer applications toqualifyfor the selection.

Final selection will be done on the basis of written test. A candidate is required to obtain 60% & more marks inthe writtentest to be eligible for recruitment.

  1. No correspondence willbe entertained from candidates regarding conduct andresult of Written test/Skilltest/Interview andreasons for not being called.

  2. Candidates serving in Central/State/Semi Government organizations, Autonomous Body, Public Sector Units etc. must apply through proper channel and such candidates will be required to produce relieving letter at the time of joining, if selected, failing which they willnot be permittedto jointhe post.

  3. Incase ofany inadvertent mistake in the process ofselectionwhichmay be detectedat any stage even after the issue ofappointment letter, the Institute reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancelany communicationmade to the candidates.

  4. Incase ofany dispute/ambiguity that may occur inthe process ofselection, the decisionof the Institute shallbe final.

  5. The Institute shallverify the antecedents or documents submittedby a candidate at any time at the time ofappointment or during the tenure ofthe service. Incase, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, then his/her services shall be terminated and legal action may be initiatedagainst suchcandidates/employees.

  6. For Job No. 313 andJob No. 314, no traveling allowance (TA) shallbe paidto the outstation candidates for attending the selectionprocess. However, SC/ST candidates attending the writtentest shallbe paidto & fro secondclass railway fare by shortest route, subject to productionoftickets andcaste certificate. SC/ST candidates already in Central/State Government organizations, Autonomous Body, Public Sector Units etc. Service are not admissible for the same.

  7. Outstation candidates called for final interview for Job No. 309 will be reimbursedair fare by economy class (by Air India only) to the Institute andback from city of your residence (in India) by the shortest route on production of the proof of onward journey & return journey (Photocopy of the ticket/ receipt and the Boarding Pass for onwardjourney). Fare willnot be paidonthe spot, but willbe reimbursedsubsequently.

  8. Canvassing inany form will be a disqualification.

  9. No interim correspondence willbe entertained.

  10. For a query related to submission of online application you may send email on id : However, enquiry/ queries related to eligibility for the post /interpretationofrules willnot be entertained.

  11. Candidates are advised to mention their correct and active email address in the application, as all the correspondence like issuance of call letter or any other information will be communicated through email only. Hence, all candidates are requested to remain updated for Selection Process date and venue etc., by visiting IIT Bombay website

  12. Addendum /corrigendum ifany, in respect ofthis advertisement shallbe publishedonly on only. Accordingly, all applicants in their owninterests are advisedto keep trace ofthe same.

  13. Candidates possessing the requisite qualification and experience may apply online at only.

Soft copy of application sent over email to any Institute Officials will not be considered for selectionprocess. Hard copyof online applicationis not required to be sent by post.

The date of closing the online application interface is 7.12.2018.

Date: 5.11.2018 REGISTRAR

Copy to:

  1. AllHeads/Incharges ofthe Deptts./Sections/Centres

  2. AllNotice Boards



I, ........................................................................................................... son/daughter of Shri............................................................................................. resident ofvillage /town / city .................................................. district .......................................... state hereby declare that belong to the ............................................................. community which is recognized as a backward class by the Government of India for purpose of reservation in services as per orders contained in Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum NO.36012/22/93Estt. (SCT) dated 8.9.1993. It is also declared that I do not belong to persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column3 ofthe Schedule to the above referredOffice Memorandum dated8.9.1993.

Date : Signature ofthe Candidate

Place :

Important Dates

Start Date End Date
Notification Issued 05-Nov-2018
Applications 07-Dec-2018
Admit Cards
Examinations (Preliminary)
Exam Results (Preliminary)
Examinations (Mains)
Answer Keys
Exam Results (Mains)
Final Results

Notification Issued By

  • Organization : Indian Institute Of Technology, Bombay
  • Organization City, State : mumbai, maharashtra
  • Organization Website :

  • Notification
  • General Information
  • Important Dates
  • How To Apply
  • Applications
  • Exam Fees
  • Eligibility
  • Educational Qualifications
  • Age Limits
  • Reservations
  • Posts / Positions / Services
  • Job Vacancies List
  • Examination Centres
  • Plan Of Examination
  • Exam Syllabus
  • Exam Instructions
  • Previous Question Papers
  • Interview Questions
  • Interview Experience
  • Results