e$g 9sDr.Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi


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"SW' Vidyapeeth

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Dapoli 4L57L2, Dist Ratnagiri.

Web -unaru-dbskly.sg No. CAET/SWCE/RK\rYI ( lof 2018 Date: I B stP qi tB

NOTIFICATION are invited from the eligible candidate for a post purely temporary and on

Applications contract basis in "Innovative Water Resources Development for Enhancing the Agricultural productivify,, scheme/ projects being implemented in the Universiry" Candidates are hereby intbrmed to submit the application on or before lzlfil2}18 in office of The Associate Dean, L--ollege of Agriculrural Engineering & Technology, Dr-BSKKV, Dapoli, Disl'-Ratnagiri, Pin-415712.

are more" The list

The applications will be short listed on merit basis if no. of candidates of eligible canclidares for interview will be displayed on University website, r^lnl'.dtr-gkkvJlrg on finAnAfi at 17.00 hrs. The interview of only eligible candidates will be conducted on

l9ll0l20lg at 11"00 hrs in the RKVY Training Hall, Department of Soil ancl Water Conservation Engineering, CAET, Dr. BSKKV, Dapoli, Dist.: Ratnagiri,415712.

Sr. Name of the Name of the Post No. Name of station/ Consolidated
No. Schemel project of post plaee of work Pay Per Nlonth (Rs.)
"Innovative Rashtriya Krishi
Water Resources Development for Enhancing the Agricultural Productivity" Researeh Associate 0l Vikas Yojana, College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Dapoli 38,000/40,000/-
Essential ualification/el

Essential qu alifi cation/ eligibility

Name of the posts

M.Tech / Ph.D (SWCE/IDE)

Researeh .Associate

Terms and Conditions:

1. Age limit not more than 38 years (Relaxation as per rule for SCNT atrd o[her categories)

Z. Candidates should submit the appiication giving flill details in the prescribed Proforma enclosed. The application shoultl be addressed to the The Associate Dean, College of Agrieultural Engineering & Technology Dr. BSKKV. Dapoli, Dist"-Ratnagiri, Piri415712"

-1. The envelop should be super scnbed as '" Innovative Water Resources Development for Enhancing the Agrieultural Froduetivity" RK\ry Project, Applieation for the post of'. ...

4, The eiigible candidates will be interviewed by the selection committee.

  1. Original certificate will have to be produced at the time of inten.iew.

  2. No TAiDA shall be paid to the candidates appcaring for interview"

1. The selected candidate will be required to give an undertaking on stamp paper worth Rs. 100/-that he / she will not leave the 1ob during appointment period and shall complete the assignment.

8. The candidate wiil be initially appointed purely on construal basis for 06 month.

9" The candidate's performance will be evaluated by the Director of Research /Principal lnvestigator after four months for satisfactory performance. if the work and conduct of the candidate is not found satisfactory during this period his/her services will be ternrinated even before completion of the term forwhich he/she is appointed.

10. According to the Hon. Supreme Court litigation No. M.L" P. -54531q0 the candidate will have no claim for his/her absorption and regularization in services of Dr. B.S. Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli"

I i. The candidate will have to give one month advance notice if he / she desired to leave the job failing which he/she will have to surrender one month salary.

  1. The undersigned reserves the right to reject one or all the application at this discretion without quoting any reason thereoi-.

  2. Candidaie has to performed his duties anywhere in project area as per requirement.

  3. The appointment as well as any claims for payment will be co-tenninus with operation of scheme.

  4. The project is related to research and development activities. So selected candidate has to u'ork with responsibility and full fill the objectives of the project and submit the report to the University and funding agency in prescribe format as and when required.

t6. The University reserve the right to make amendment in consoiidated pay. I 7. Candidate has to submit NOC of current employer if his presently working.

18. Canvassing of any tlpe will lead to disqualification of candidate. 19" Any type of misbehavior and misconduct by candidate will lead to disquaiitication.

20. University not be responsible for any type of postal delay.

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Principal Investigator (RI(VY) and Professor and Head, SWCE, eAET, Dapoli 415 712 Dist-Ratnagiri

Copy f.w"e .s" to the following for information and with a request to give wide publicity for the notification:

I The Registrar, CAET, Dr.B.S.Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Dist-Ratnagiri.

  1. The Director of Extension Education, Dr.B"S.Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Dist Ratnagiri.

  2. The Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Dr.B"S.Konkan KrishiVidyapeeth,

Dapoli, Dist-Ratnagr ri. 4, The Comptroller, Dr.B.S.Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Dist-Ratnagiri.

  1. Associate Dean, Coliege of Agriculturai Engineenng and Technology, Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri.

  2. P.A. to Hon. Vice Chancellor, Dr. B.S. Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth Dapoli for informatton

.7/ In charge, ARIS CELL, Dr. B.S.Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli


2l-He is instructed to upload this notification on the Dr. BSKKV website with irnmediatr effect.

8. The Notice Boards of CAETi Library-AICiRP-ESA/ACD office.

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C:\Users\mugurrao\Desktop\Recruitment oItenDorry sta0 NEW\RA3 & TA i AdvrtisEmenr 20t8-ig\RKVY 2018-!9No!ificarion.docx


Position applied for

2" Name of the Scheme/Project


Fuli name of Applicant

4. Address

  1. Date of Birth

  2. Age as on

  3. Contact No. & E-mail ID

Educational lification: Name of Universiry Marks/ Specialization


Nature of work Place of work

I l. Any other information :

12. Declaration

I hereby declare that all the statement made are true, complete and correet to the best of my knowledge and belief" I also declare that (i) I have never been punished or debarred from Government, Autonomous Organization and ICAR Service (ii) I have not been eonvicted by court of law for any offence. In the event of any information being found lhlse/ incorrect/ ineligible detected at any time before of after the examination/ interviewiappointment, I am aware that an aetion may be taken against me and I shall be bound by decision of the employer. I will work sincerely and render the service as per requirement of scheme"

Signature Date:-

NOTE: Please fumish only attested copies of the doeument in support of the above information.

C:\Users\mugulrao\Dsktop\Recrui(menr oi rerrporary slaffNEW\RA3 & T\ I Aavnisemen! 2018-t9\RKVY 2018-1g\Nor;ficarrcn-docx

Important Dates

Start Date End Date
Notification Issued 28-Sep-2018
Applications 12-Oct-2018
Admit Cards
Examinations (Preliminary)
Exam Results (Preliminary)
Examinations (Mains)
Answer Keys
Exam Results (Mains)
Interviews 19-Oct-2018
Final Results

Notification Issued By

  • Organization : Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth
  • Organization City, State : dapoli, maharashtra
  • Organization Website : www.dbskkv.org

  • Notification
  • General Information
  • Important Dates
  • How To Apply
  • Applications
  • Exam Fees
  • Eligibility
  • Educational Qualifications
  • Age Limits
  • Reservations
  • Posts / Positions / Services
  • Job Vacancies List
  • Examination Centres
  • Plan Of Examination
  • Exam Syllabus
  • Exam Instructions
  • Previous Question Papers
  • Interview Questions
  • Interview Experience
  • Results