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Applications are invited on the prescribed format for the recruitment of faculty on contract basis with designation as Assistant Professor of Bio Technology, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Instrumentation & Control Engineering, Industrial & Production Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Textile Technology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics ,Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Mining Engineering and Humanities & Management for a period of one year at first instance. The contract may be renewed/terminated on yearly basis depending upon the performance for a maximum period upto 3 years.
Duly completed application form along with all necessary documents (according to eligibility criteria available in the Institute website) compiled in a single pdf file (no image file will be accepted) should be submitted electronically to the recruitment@nitj.ac.in . Reservations for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates will be applicable as per Govt. of India norms.
The last date of receipt of application by email to the recruitment@nitj.ac.in shall be 30th June,2017 till 5.00 pm.
Important Dates
June 30th, 2017 Last date of receiving applications electronically
July 06th, 2017 Shortlisted candidates for interview will be intimated through email only
For further detail, please visit the Institute website www.nitj.ac.in
None other than electronic submission of application will be entertained
Detail of Positions and Essential Minimum Qualifications
Sr. No. |
Department |
No. of positions |
Essential Minimum Qualifications * |
Bio Technology |
08 |
B.Tech, MTech and Ph D in relevant branch of Engineering/Technology with 1st class both at B.Tech and MTech level(60% or equivalent CGPA 6.75 on 10 point scale) |
Chemical Engineering |
11 |
Civil Engineering |
10 |
Computer Science & Engineering |
11 |
Electronics & Communication Engineering |
09 |
Instrumentation & Control Engineering |
09 |
Industrial & Production Engineering |
09 |
Mechanical Engineering |
13 |
Textile Technology |
05 |
Information Technology |
02 |
Mining Engineering |
02 |
Electrical Engineering |
02 |
Physics |
04 |
Ph D with first class both at B Sc and M Sc in relevant discipline (60% or equivalent CGPA 6.75 on 10 point scale) PhD with first class MBA/MA in relevant discipline with 1st Class both at UG and PG level (60% or equivalent CGPA 6.75 on 10 point scale) |
Chemistry |
04 |
Mathematics |
06 |
Humanities & Management |
11** |
*For SC/ST Candidates relaxation in marks will be considered as per Govt. of India rules
**09 Management, 02 English
Note:- Institute reserves the right to increase or decrease or not to select any candidate without assigning any reason.
- 1. Candidates are requested to apply only against this advertisement in prescribed format. The same is available on the institute website www.nitj.ac.in and DO NOT write to the Institute for Application forms. Candidates are also requested to carefully go through the details of posts and instructions available on the website.
- 2. Required essential minimum qualifications on the last date of application are available on the above website.
- 3. Number of vacancies may change. No claim arising out of change in number of post, advertised shall be admissible. The Institute reserves the right to keep vacant any or all the advertised posts.
- 4. Candidates applying for multiple posts should submit separate application for each post.
- 5. No TA/DA shall be provided to the candidate for attending the interview.
- 6. Reservation shall be applicable as per the policy of Govt. of India.
- 7. Maximum age limit is 35 years on the last date of receipt of application. Relaxation in age is applicable as per Govt. of India rule.
- 8. The consolidated salary for the candidate with Ph D degree will be Rs.54000/ per month.
- 9. The qualification and experience prescribed are minimum and mere possession of the same shall not entitle a candidate to be called for interview. Short listing criteria may be set higher than the minimum advertised.
- 10. The screening committee shall shortlist the eligible and most desirable candidates to be called for interview from amongst the applicants, based on specialization, availability of candidates and requirements of the departments.
- 11. Incomplete application form or application without supporting copies of certificates/documents and applications received after the due date will not be considered and be rejected.
- 12. Canvassing in any form will lead to rejection of application.
- 13. No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from the candidates regarding reasons for not being called for interview or selection.
- 14. Original documents/certificates will have to be produced at the time of interview for verification.
- 15. Candidates called for interview may have to give power point presentation on the lecture on any topic of UG course.
- 16. No accommodation will be provided to the selected candidates. In case, the accommodation is made available, the house rent component and necessary license fees and other applicable charges will be deducted from the consolidated salary as per Institute norms.
- 17. Short listed candidates will be intimated the exact date and venue for interview over email. No separate list shall be displayed on the Institute website.
- 18. The interview for the shortlisted candidates shall be held tentatively in the 2nd / 3rd week of July, 2017.
- 19. The candidates presently employed in Govt. /Semi Govt. /Quasi Govt. organization should send their application through proper channel. Such candidates are required to produce the No Objection Certificate at the time of interview, failing which they will not be considered.
- 20. The candidates who have completed Ph D in the year 2017 have to produce Provisional degree certificate at the time of interview, failing which they will not be considered for the interview.
- 21. In case of non-availability of candidates with B Tech, M Tech and Ph D in relevant branch of Engineering, candidates with B.Tech and M Tech in relevant branch with first class both at UG and PG level may be considered on semester basis at a gross salary of Rs.45000/- per month. The other relevant conditions for such cases will be same as above.
- 22. In case of non-availability of candidates in Humanities & Management with MBA/M Phil and Ph .D in relevant discipline, candidates with MBA/ M. Phil with first class both at UG and PG level may be considered on semester basis at a gross salary of Rs.45000/- per month. The other relevant conditions for such cases will be same as at Sr No. 1-20.
- 23. In case of non-availability of candidates in sciences with B Sc, M Sc / M. Phil and Ph D in relevant discipline, candidates with M Sc / M. Phil with first class both in B Sc and M Sc, may be considered on semester basis at a gross salary of Rs.45000/- per month. The other relevant conditions for such cases will be same as at Sr No. 1-20.
- 24. The candidates are advised to visit the Institute website from time to time for any relevant updates.
- 1. Copies of all certificates/testimonials should be attached along with this
duly filled application form in a single pdf file and to be submitted Electronically
- 2. Originals will have to be shown at the time of interview
1 . Application For
[a] |
Name of the Department: |
[b] |
Post Applied: |
[c] Specialization : |
[d] |
Theory subject on which lecture to be delivered by the candidate, if called for interview |
2. Personal Information:
[a] |
Name of the Candidate: |
[b] |
Fathers Name: |
[c] |
Date of Birth: |
[d] |
Category: Gen/SC/ST/OBC |
[e] |
Gender |
[f] |
Marital Status: |
3. Complete Correspondence Address:
Email ID |
Mobile |
STD Code |
Phone No |
4. Educational Qualifications:
Sl. No. |
Examination Passed |
Year of Passing |
Board/University/ Institute |
Subject/Discipline |
Percentage/ CGPA |
Class/Division |
X (10th) |
XII (10+2) |
UG |
PG |
Ph D |
Post Doctoral |
5. Employment Record [starting from the most recent employment]:
Sl. No. |
From |
To |
Total Experience [in Years & Months] |
Position Held |
Organization |
- 6. Teaching Experience:
Particular |
Detail |
Courses taught |
U.G. projects supervised |
P.G. thesis supervised |
- 7. Scholastic Achievements(Please use separate sheet, if necessary)
Particular |
Number |
Publications in International Journals |
Publications in National Journals |
Publications in Conferences (if any) |
Book[s] published (if any) |
Book chapter[s] contributed (if any) |
- 8. Other Activities (Please attach the documents in support of claim):
Particular |
Nature of Event |
National |
International |
Short-term courses organized |
Conference/Seminar/Workshop organized |
- 9. Academic excellence, if any:
Particular |
If yes, please provide detail |
Have you been a rank holder during Academic Career? |
Have you cleared NET/SET/GATE? |
- 10. Ph D thesis Title :
- 11. Reference (Give particular of two referees, not directly related the candidate) :
Name |
Designation |
Email Address |
Mobile No |
Phone No |
- 12. Have you even been prosecuted, kept under detention or bound down/fined/convicted by a court of law for any offence or debarred/disqualified by any University/Public Service Commission from appearing at its examination/selection? Is any case pending against you in any court of law at the time of filling up of this application form? If the answer is Yes, full particulars of the case, detention, fine, conviction, sentence etc. should be given on a separate sheet.
I hereby declare that the information furnished above is correct.
[Signature of the Applicant]
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | ||
Applications | 30-Jun-2017 | |
Admit Cards | ||
Examinations (Preliminary) | ||
Exam Results (Preliminary) | ||
Examinations (Mains) | ||
Answer Keys | ||
Exam Results (Mains) | ||
Interviews | ||
Final Results |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology
- Organization City, State : jalandhar, punjab
- Organization Website : http://www.nitj.ac.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results