(A Central U University established by an Act of Parliament in 1998) (Accredited A Grade by NAAC) GGachibowli, Hyderabad (T .S) 500 032.

EMPLOYMENT N NOTIFICATION No.46 /2017 DATED. 31.1 10. 2017

Information Boo oklet in respect of NonTeaching posts notified d vide Employme ent Notification No.46/2017, dated: 31.10.2017
The University invites application ns for the following NonTeaching posts:
Sl. | Total | Category | ||||||||
No | Name of the post | Pay Band | GP | Posts | UR | SC | ST | OBC | PWD | |
1 | Medical Officer # | Rs.1560039100 | Rs.5400 | 01 | 01 | |||||
2 | Asst. Registrar | Rs.1560039100 | Rs.5400 | 01 | 01* | |||||
3 | Producer I Media Centre | Rs.1560039100 | Rs.5400 | 01 | 01 | |||||
4 | Personal Secretary | Rs.930034800 | Rs.4600 | 01 | 01 | |||||
5 | Section Officer | Rs.930034800 | Rs.4600 | 01 | 01* | |||||
6 | Asst. Accounts Officer | Rs.930034800 | Rs.4600 | 01 | 01* | |||||
7 | Assistant | Rs.930034800 | Rs.4200 | 01 | 01* | |||||
8 | Lower Division Clerk | Rs.520020200 | Rs.1900 | 02 | 01 | 01 |
Abbreviations: URUnreserved d; SCScheduled Caste; STScheduled Tribe; O OBCOther Backward Classes; PWDPersons with Disaabilities * Backlog vacancies # The person appointed against th he post of Medical Officer is required to stay in the e University campus at
Gachibowli and no HRA shall be adm missible
- Medical Graduate e (Allopatic) with 5 years experience as Geneeral Duty Officer in a residential teeaching institution or a hospital of repute. Candidates with post-graduate Me edical qualification will be preferred.
- Knowledge of Urddu reading, writing and speaking is preferablee.
- Age limit: Not ab bove 50 years.
- Good academic re ecord plus Masters degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent of B B in the UGC seven-point scale.
- Five years of expe erience as Section Officer / Superintendent in n Central / State University Office es.
- Knowledge of Urddu reading, writing and speaking is essential. .
- Age Limit: Not A Above 35 years.
- Masters Degree in any subject or Bachelors degree in Engineering with 3 years experience in video production or direction preferably in Educational TV OR PG Diploma in direction from FTII or equivalent qualification.
- OR Masters Degree in Communication and 2 years experience in video production preferably in Educational TV
- Masters Degree in any subject or Bachelors degree in Engineering with 3 years experience in video production or direction preferably in Educational TV OR PG Diploma in direction from FTII or equivalent qualification.
- Knowledge of Urdu reading, writing and speaking is preferable.
- Age: Not above 35 years.
- Graduate in any discipline
- Qualified in the following examinations held by any Board of Technical
- Education or its equivalent examination a) Typing speed 40 w.p.m b) Stenography speed 100 w.p.m
- Qualified in the following examinations held by any Board of Technical
- A good knowledge of computers with Urdu software
- Experience as Personnel Assistant of not less than 5 years in State/ Central Universities.
- Knowledge of Urdu reading, writing and speaking is essential.
- Age Limit: Not above 33 years.
- Graduate in any discipline.
- Knowledge of computer application.
- Five years experience as Superintendent / Senior Assistant in State / Central Universities.
- Knowledge of Urdu reading, writing and speaking is essential.
- Age Limit: Not Above 33 years.
- Graduate with at least 55% of marks
- 5 years experience as Sr. Assistant / Assistant in State / Central Govt. Offices / Reputed Organization
- Adequate knowledge of accounts
- Knowledge of Urdu reading, writing and speaking is preferable.
- Age Limit: Not above 33 years.
- A Bachelors Degree
- At least 3 years experience as UDC or equivalent level in State / Central / Universities / Other Organizations, etc.
- Knowledge of Urdu reading, writing and speaking is essential.
- Age: Not above 32 years.
- 10+2 or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University
- A typing speed of 30 w.p.m in English / Diploma in Computer Application
- Knowledge of Urdu reading, writing and speaking is essential.
- Age Limit: Not above 30 years
- Desirable: Graduate with good academic record.
O= Outstanding | 5.506.00 | 75100 |
A= Very Good | 4.505.49 | 6574 |
B= Good | 3.504.49 | 5564 |
C= Average | 2.503.49 | 4554 |
D= Below Average | 1.502.49 | 3544 |
E= Poor | 0.501.49 | 2534 |
F= Fail | 00.49 | 024 |
- (i)
- Selected Candidates shall be posted at Headquarters or any of the Institutions/ Offices of the University in the Country.
- (ii)
- The prescribed qualifications and experience are minimum and the mere fact that a candidate possesses the same will not entitle him/her for being called for test/interview. The University reserves the right to restrict the candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable number on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed; or by any other condition that it may deem fit. Those who are possessing higher qualifications may be given preference in shortlisting the candidates. The University may constitute a Screening Committee to scrutinize the applications and shortlist the candidates. Call letters for test/interview will be sent only to the shortlisted candidates and no correspondence will be made with applicants who are not shortlisted.
(iii) It would be open to the University to consider the names of suitable persons who may not have applied, but recommended by experts in their respective fields.
- (iv)
- The University will have the right to relax any of the qualifications, experience, age, etc in deserving cases.
- (v)
- The maximum age limit is relaxable by 5 years in respect of SC/ST and Women candidates, 3 years for OBC candidates and 10 years for Persons with Disabilities (PWD). In case the PWD candidates belong to SC/ST/OBC categories, such SC/ST cum PWD candidates are eligible for 15 years and OBCcumPWD candidates are eligible for 13 years relaxation in the age limit prescribed for respective posts.
(vi) The number of vacancies indicated in the Employment Notification and in this booklet are tentative. The University reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts at the time of selection and make appointments accordingly, if more vacancies do exist in between and advertisement and Selection Committee meetings.
(vii) The panel of selected waitlisted candidates will be valid for one year from the date of selection.
(viii) Reservation for SCs/STs/OBCs and PWD for all posts is as per GOI rules. Candidates applying for the reserved posts should clearly state to which category they belong. They must also enclose attested photocopies of valid Caste Certificate / Medical Certificate from the concerned competent authorities as per Govt. of India Orders.
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- (ix)
- The candidates applying against vacancies reserved for OBCs should note that they have to produce a valid Caste Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed format during the preceding three years wherein it should be compulsorily mentioned that he/she does not belong to Creamy Layer of the OBCs. Further, the caste to which the candidate belongs should be the one included in the Central list of OBC issued by the Government of India. The OBC certificate obtained before 31.10.2014 shall not be considered. Without valid certificate, the applications will not be considered against the reserved posts. A format of OBC Certificate is attached at AnnexureI.
- (x)
- The University may offer lower post to a candidate who may have applied for a higher post in case suitable candidates are not available for the advertised posts.
- (xi)
- Outstation candidates belonging to SC/ST categories and Women candidates called for test/interview will be paid sleeper class rail fare (to & fro) by shortest route towards journey expenses on submission of original tickets).
(xii) Canvassing in any form on behalf of any candidate will disqualify such a candidate.
(xiii) The Selection Committee may decide its own method of evaluating the performance of the candidates through interview/ Test. The University may utilize written test / skill test as a method of selection. There shall not be interview for the post mentioned at Sl. 4 to 8. However, the details of test viz., subjects, descriptive, objective, skill test, aptitude etc shall be communicated to the eligible candidates after screening of applications.
(xiv) The inservice candidates should apply through proper channel.
(xv) Separate application should be submitted for each post.
(xvi) Qualifications, experience, etc. will be reckoned as on the last date for receipt of filledin applications i.e. 30.11.2017. Clear photocopies of all important certificates must be attached with the application. The request for including any documents / information to the application forms after the last date of submission of applications shall not be entertained and no correspondence will be made in this regard.
(xvii) Incomplete applications in any respect shall not be considered at all.
(xviii) No interim queries regarding test / interview selection will be entertained.
(xix) University reserves the right not to fill any of the vacancies advertised, if the circumstances so warrant.
(xx) University will not be responsible for any postal delay at any stage.
(xxi) New Pension Scheme as introduced by the Government of India with effect from 1st January, 2004 will be applicable. However, if the selected candidates entered into Central/State Government Services or in the services of Central/State Autonomous Body set up by the Central/State Government, as the case may be, on or before 31st December, 2003, satisfying the conditions laid down in Government of India, Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms, O.M/No.2810/84Pension Unit dated 29th August,1984 read with Department of Pensions and Pensioner Welfare,
O.M. No.28(10)/84P&PW/Vol.II dated 7th February 1986 as revised from time to time and are governed by the old pension scheme under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 or old Pension Scheme similar to Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules,1972, they will continue to be governed by the old pension scheme. They will be eligible for counting of their past services for this purpose under Rule 26(2) of Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 or under the provisions of O.M. dated 29th August,1984 read with O.M. dated 7th February 1986 subject to payment of prorata retirement benefits for their past services to MANUU and submission of technical resignation from the present employment in terms of Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare O.M.No.28/30/2004P&PW(B) dated 26th July, 2005 as modified vide O.M. of even no. dated 28th October, 2009 to take up the appointment offered by MANUU where pension scheme under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 already exists for employees who had entered into service on or before 31st December, 2003. However in the case of tenure post, NPS shall be applicable.
(xxii) In case of any disputes / suits or legal proceedings against the University, the Jurisdiction shall be restricted to the Courts in Hyderabad, which is the Headquarters of the University,
Errors and omissions are subject to correction.
i) Application form is available only on University website: www.manuu.ac.in and the same can be downloaded.
ii) The filled in application form along with copies of required documents viz. education & experience certificates, etc., together with registration fee as mentioned below in the form of crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad on any Nationalized Bank Payable at Hyderabad should reach through Speed / Registered Post to the Assistant Registrar, ERII Section, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500 032 (T.S.) on or before 30.11.2017.
Details of Registration Fee:
SC/ST/PWD and Women candidates need not to pay the registration fee.
For the posts mentioned at Sl. No.1 to 3 | For General & OBC candidates: Rs.500/registration fee. | |
For other post mentioned at S.No.4 to 8 | For General & OBC candidates: Rs.300/registration fee. |
iii) Those who are submitting application through the post must to be enclosed selfaddressed envelope with Rs.5/postal stamp. The applicant must write name of the post applied, his/her name and address on the back of the Demand Draft (Cheques / Money Orders / Postal Orders will not be accepted). Fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances. Applications received after the last date with incomplete information or without requisite fee will be summarily rejected. The University will not be responsible for any postal delay at any stage.
NOTE: In case the applicant is inservice and delay is expected in getting endorsement of the employer concerned on the original application being sent to the University, the applicant may submit an Advance Copy of the application along with original Demand Draft and all enclosures. A photocopy of the Demand Draft may be enclosed with the original application being sent through proper channel / employer. If the original application through proper channel has not been received by the University by the last date mentioned in the employment notification, the candidate / applicant will have to submit NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE obtained from his/her employer at the time of interview, if he / she is called for interview. Hyderabad Registrar Dated: 31.10.2017
Annexure I
OBC Certificate Format
This certificate MUST have been issued on or after 31st October 2014.
This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kum. ________________________________________________________ Son/Daughter of Shri/Smt. _______________________________________ of Village/Town ________________________________ District/Division_______________________________ in the _____________________________ State belongs to the ________________________Community which is recognized as a backward class under:
i. Resolution No. 12011/68/93BCC(C) dated 10/09/93 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 186 dated 13/09/93.
ii. Resolution No. 12011/9/94BCC dated 19/10/94 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 163 dated 20/10/94.
iii. Resolution No. 12011/7/95BCC dated 24/05/95 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 88 dated 25/05/95.
- iv.
- Resolution No. 12011/96/94BCC dated 9/03/96.
- v.
- Resolution No. 12011/44/96BCC dated 6/12/96 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 210 dated 11/12/96.
vi. Resolution No. 12011/13/97BCC dated 03/12/97.
vii. Resolution No. 12011/99/94BCC dated 11/12/97.
viii. Resolution No. 12011/68/98BCC dated 27/10/99.
- ix.
- Resolution No. 12011/88/98BCC dated 6/12/99 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 270 dated 06/12/99.
- x.
- Resolution No. 12011/36/99BCC dated 04/04/2000 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 71 dated 04/04/2000.
xi. Resolution No. 12011/44/99BCC dated 21/09/2000 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 210 dated 21/09/2000.
xii. Resolution No. 12015/9/2000BCC dated 06/09/2001.
xiii. Resolution No. 12011/1/2001BCC dated 19/06/2003.
xiv. Resolution No. 12011/4/2002BCC dated 13/01/2004.
xv. Resolution No. 12011/9/2004BCC dated 16/01/2006 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 210 dated 16/01/2006.
Shri/Smt./Kum. _________________________________ and/or his family ordinarily reside(s) in the ____________ District/Division of ___________________________ State. This is also to certify that he/she does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the Schedule to the Government of India, Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No. 36012/22/93Estt.(SCT) dated 08/09/93 which is modified vide OM No. 36033/3/2004 Estt.(Res.) dated 09/03/2004.
Dated: District Magistrate/ Deputy Commissioner, etc. Seal
a. | The term Ordinarily used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the Representation of the People | |
Act, 1950. | ||
b. | The authorities competent to issue Caste Certificates are indicated below: | |
i. | District Magistrate / Additional Magistrate / Collector / Deputy Commissioner / Additional Deputy Commissioner / | |
Deputy Collector / Ist Class Stipendiary Magistrate / SubDivisional magistrate / Taluka Magistrate / Executive | ||
Magistrate / Extra Assistant Commissioner (not below the rank of Ist Class Stipendiary Magistrate). | ||
ii. | Chief Presidency Magistrate / Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate / Presidency Magistrate. | |
iii. | Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar and | |
iv. | SubDivisional Officer of the area where the candidate and / or his family resides. |
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 31-Oct-2017 | |
Applications | 30-Nov-2017 | |
Admit Cards | ||
Examinations (Preliminary) | ||
Exam Results (Preliminary) | ||
Examinations (Mains) | ||
Answer Keys | ||
Exam Results (Mains) | ||
Interviews | ||
Final Results |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : UGC Academic Staff College, Maulana Azad National Urdu University
- Organization City, State : , telangana
- Organization Website : http://www.manuu.ac.in/asc.php
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results