- Advertisement for the post of Technical Program Coordinator and Project Assocaite
- Application for Technical Program Coordinator and Project Associate
Electronics and ICT Academy, NIT Patna
(An initiative of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India) National Institute of Technology Patna
(An Institute of National Importance, MHRD, Govt. of India)
Patna, Bihar-800005 INDIA
Advt No: NITP/EICT-02/Rect./2018 Date: 07/08/2018
Advertisement for the Post of Technical Program Coordinator and Project Associate
Electronics and ICT Academy, NIT PATNA invites applications from motivated and qualified individuals for the post of Technical Program Coordinator and Project Associate.
Last date for the receipt of application forms is August 24th, 2018 by 05:00 PM.
Details about the following posts:
S.No |
Post |
No. of post |
Qualification, Experience requirement and age limit |
Nature of appointment |
Consolidated Salary |
1. |
Technical Program Coordinator |
01 |
Minimum Qualification: M.Tech / M.E and B.Tech / B.E (in Electronics, Electrical and Computer Science) with first division or minimum 60%. Desirable: Ph.D. or PhD Pursing with some experience |
Purely on contract and initially for one year (may be extended based on the performance) |
Rs- 45,000/- per month consolidated |
2. |
Project Associate |
01 |
Minimum Qualification: Post Graduate with 4 year experience. Desirable: Experience in project handling, data management & Technical writing from reputed Institute/Organization. Essential: Different tools for data management, Computer knowledge like: Microsoft Office, Oracle, MySQL, AutoCAD, etc. |
Purely on contract and initially for one year (may be extended based on the performance) |
Rs- 20,000/- per month consolidated |
- The tenure of the posts is coterminous with the tenure of the E&ICT Academy, NIT Patna. Appointments will be purely on contract basis and may be terminated as per the terms and conditions mentioned in the appointment offer.
General Information for candidates:
- 1. Candidates should have a good academic record and should possess good communication and soft skills.
- 2. The posts are purely on consolidated amount basis and no other benefit (such as housing, transportation, etc.) will be provided to the selected candidates.
- 3. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the written test / interview.
- 4. Candidates will have to report for written test/interview with their detailed bio-data, 2 passport size photos, original and attested photocopies of all the certificates, mark sheets, degrees and testimonials.
- 5. Persons employed in Government/Semi-Government Organization are required to produce a no-objection certificate at the time of interview (if shortlisted for interview).
- 6. No correspondence will be entertained from candidates regarding results of written test / interview, reasons for not being called for interview etc.
- 7. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
- 8. Applicants are requested to refer the website of NIT Patna (www.nitp.ac.in) or the Electronics and ICT Academy (http://nitp.ac.in/ict/) from time to time for information updates etc.
- 9. The Institute reserves the right to fill or not to fill any of the posts advertised.
- 10. The posts are advertised by E&ICT Academy as a project of NIT Patna and not by the Institute. The candidate will have no direct or indirect claim of a regular appointment on the post at National Institute of Technology Patna.
- 11. Reservation cases (OBC/SC/ST) will be as per the central Govt. norms.
Interested and eligible candidates may apply on the prescribed application form which may be downloaded from the website of the Institute or E&ICT Academy. The completed application form should reach to the Registrar, NIT Patna, Ashok Rajpath, Patna - 800005 by 24th August, 2018. Application should sent the application by Speed Post/Registered Post only. Mere fulfilment of minimum qualification does not ensure the call for interview. If number of candidates are more against a post then shortlisting criteria to restrict the number to be called for interview will be displayed on the Institute website. The institute reserves its right to cancel the recruitment procedure to any post or all posts without any prior notice and without assigning any reason thereof. The institute will not be responsible for any postal loss or delay.
NIT Patna
PATNA-800 005 (BIHAR)
Advertisement No:..............................................................
To The Director National Institute of Technology Patna Ashok Rajpath Patna- 800 005 (Bihar) |
Post Applied for |
1. |
Name in full (in capital letters) |
2. |
Fathers / Husbands Name |
3. |
Mothers Name |
4. |
Date of birth (please attach true copy of certificate ) |
Day Month Year |
Age on 24.08.2018 |
Year Month Day |
5. |
a) Marital Status : Married/Unmarried |
b) Gender : Male / Female |
6. |
a) Permanent address |
b) Correspondence Address |
Phone (withSTD code)/ Mobile No. |
E-mail ID |
7. |
Nationality |
Religion |
8. |
Category |
Percentage of disability, if any (please attach true copy of certificate ) |
9. |
Were you at any time declared medically unfit; asked to submit your resignation; discharged or dismissed from Govt./PSU/ Autonomous Body or Private Service? If yes, give details in a separate sheet. |

10. Details of Educational Qualification (Attach Attested copies of certificates & Marks-sheets):
Exam. Passed |
Specialization |
Board/University |
Passing Year |
Class/ Division |
% marks/ CGPA |
10th |
12th |
Bachelors Degree |
Masters Degree |
Others (if any) |
11. Details of employments:
(i) (a) Working Experience Total .. Years
S.No. |
Name and address of employer |
Designation |
Pay-scale |
From |
To |
Duration in yy/mm/dd |
Reasons for leaving |
12. Administrative Positions held / Continuing
S.No. |
From |
To |
Position held |
Responsibilities |
13. Other information:
(For each of the above items, please give full details in separate sheets)
14. Name and address of two References:
1st Reference |
2nd Reference |
Name |
Name |
Position |
Position |
Address |
Address |
Phone No. |
Phone No. |
E-Mail ID |
E-Mail ID |
15. Did you previously apply for any post in this Institute? If yes, give particulars:
I hereby declare that I fulfill the eligibility conditions to the post and that the statements made by me in form are true, complete and correct to best of my knowledge and belief.
Place:. Signature of Applicant
Date.. Name
Certified that Mr/Ms.--------------------------Son/Daughter of Shri-----------------------------
-----------------is a permanent /temporary /adhoc employee of the department/ institution/ organisation since-------------------------------. The Department/Institution/organisation has no objection if he/she is appointed in National Institute of Technology Patna against the posts advertised by the NIT Patna vide advertisement No.
Signature with seal
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 07-Aug-2018 | |
Applications | 24-Aug-2018 | |
Admit Cards | ||
Examinations (Preliminary) | ||
Exam Results (Preliminary) | ||
Examinations (Mains) | ||
Answer Keys | ||
Exam Results (Mains) | ||
Interviews | ||
Final Results |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : National Institute Of Technology
- Organization City, State : patna, bihar
- Organization Website : http://www.nitp.ac.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results