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No. MPSC/ADVT-39/1/2018-2019/41 Dated Shillong, 8th June, 2018
On behalf of the Government Departments concerned, Applications (Online-mode only) are invited from genuine citizens of India who are desirous to apply as per the terms and conditions of this Advertisement for recruitment to the various categories of posts specified in the table below.
Online Application will be received up to 16:59 hrs on 10th July, 2018 and no application will be entertained after the closing date.
***IMPORTANT : It is mandatory for the applicant to have acquired the requisite educational qualification prescribed for the post, as on the last date fixed for submission of applications.
The date on which an applicant is deemed to have acquired the requisite educational qualification shall be the Date on which the result of the last examination for such qualification /degree is declared by the Universities / Board / Institutions.
Sl. No. No. | Name of Posts, Pay Scale and Required Qualification | No. of Vacancies | Age & Relaxation as on 1.12.2017. |
1. | Judicial Magistrate Grade III of the Meghalaya Judicial Service, Law Department, Meghalaya.
Rs 27700-770-33090-EB-920-40450-1080-44770/-pm.
LLB Degree from any recognized University and must have the knowledge of Khasi or Jaintia or Garo languages.
Syllabus for the written examination has been uploaded in the MPSC website
9 | Candidate should not be less than 21 years of age and not more than 35 years. Upper age limit relaxable upto 38 years for candidates belonging to SC/ST and 35 years of age in case of others.No age limit for those candidates who are already in Meghalaya Government Service provided they entered service within the prescribed age limit.
2. | Junior Co-operative Officer under the Co-operative Department, Meghalaya.
Level 11 of the Meghalaya 5th Pay Commission, under the initial pay Scale of Rs. 37,800/- plus other allowances.
Bachelor Degree in any discipline from any recognized University.
The O/o the Registrar of Cooperative Societies wishes to inform that the posts are transferable and the person maybe posted anywhere in the State of Meghalaya mostly in rural and interior areas.
41 | Candidate should not be less than 18 years of age and not more than 27 years. Upper age limit relaxable by 5 years for candidates belonging to SC/ST. No age limit for those candidates who are already in Meghalaya Government Service provided they entered service within the prescribed age limit.
For Persons with Physical Disabilities (PWDs), age is relaxable by 10 years (15 years for SC/ST) applicable to posts where reservation is admissib le to PWDs as per Government notification No. PER(AR).150/88/Pt/282, Dtd. 25th January, 2012.
The date of birth to be accepted by the Commission is as entered in the Matriculation/Secondary School Leaving Certificate/or a Certificate recognized by an Indian University as equivalent to Matriculation or an extract from the official Registers duly Certified by the proper authority of the Board of School Education. Proof other than these, will not be accepted by the Commission.
PARA 3: FEE (Inclusive of Examination Fee) Non-Refundable
Fee @ prescribed in the Table below is required to be paid through On-line mode only using the On-line payment gateway GRAS.
Post Description | Amount of Fee | Remarks |
For post at Sl. No.1. | 460 | Half the rate for SC/ST who are permanent resident of the State of Meghalaya |
For post at Sl. No 2. | 360 | |
For Persons with Physical Disabilities (PWDs). Application Fee is exempted subject to furnishing of Disability Certificate to the Commission. (as per Notification No. PER (AR). 150/88/Pt.I/43 Dated 29th April, 2015. |
Candidates are to apply and submit their applications through Online mode only by clicking on the Online Application icon appearing in the MPSC website viz Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected.
For candidates applying for the first time through Online mode, a one-time registration process is required to enable them to apply against the advertised vacancies/posts. Kindly read the instructions on the web page carefully before applying. Last date for online application is 16:59 hrs on 10th July, 2018.
Candidates who have already registered with the Commissions website may log in and apply directly against the advertised vacancies/posts of their choice.
Payment of Application Fees
Candidates who wish to apply may pay the application fees using any one the following modes of payment only:-
- (a) SBI Debit cum ATM cards/Net banking of only SBI Accounts.
- (b) eChallan
Kindly note that payments using Credit cards of any banks and also Debit cards other than SBI accounts will not be accepted by the bank.
Payment via Debit cum ATM card/Net-banking:-
Debit cum ATM cards/ Net-banking of only State Bank of Indias account holders are accepted for payment of fees through this mode. Please select e-Payment (Internet Banking including SBI Debit Card) and to select State Bank of India in the Meghalaya Payment Portal page and proceed for payment.
Cash Payment at any branch of SBI:-
Candidates who do not have an account with SBI may opt for Cash payments at any of the branches of SBI. For cash payments, please select Payment across Bank Counter. Fill in the required details, an eChallan will be generated. Take a printout of the eChallan and make the required payment at any branch of SBI.
Kindly note that an additional amount in the form of Banks commission may be applicable depending upon the mode of payment.
The amount once deposited shall not be refundable or adjusted against any other purpose.
In case of any problem being faced in the processing of the online application, applicants can contact the Office of the Meghalaya Public Service Commission directly in person or e-mail at along with their phone number.
- I. Applicants are advised to apply well in advance without waiting for the closing date .
- II. Meghalaya State Government Employees will also have to apply through Online mode only. Such applicants must upload a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE duly signed by the Controlling Officer indicating also the Application Code generated by the MPSC portal and also the Name of Post applied for, in a single file either in .pdf/ .jpg or .png file extension and the file size should not exceed 1 MB and should be legible when a printout is taken. The NOC maybe uploaded by clicking on the Upload NOC link. The NOC must be strictly uploaded on or before the last date of receipt of applications after which the link will automatically be disabled.
NOTE: Candidates who wish to apply for more than one post should upload separate NOCs for each post and follow the above instructions for uploading the same.
- III. Candidate must appear for Written Test/Interview at his/her own expenses.
Admission at all stages of the recruitment process for which the candidates are admitted by the Commission will be purely provisional and is subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If, on verification at any stage of the recruitment process, it is found that applicants/candidates do not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, their candidature for the post will automatically be cancelled by the Commission without notice.
As per Reservation Policy issued by the State Government of Meghalaya.
Only preliminary scrutiny of the applications and other aspects will be undertaken before proceeding to the next stage of the recruitment and therefore, the acceptance of candidature will only be provisional. Candidates are advised to carefully go through the eligibility criteria prescribed for each post such as educational qualification, age, physical standards etc. and satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the posts, before applying. After such scrutiny a Proposed Rejection/ Ineligibility List shall be published and hosted in the Commissions website as well as in the Notice Board of the M.P.S.C Office/Cells. A candidate is allowed 15 days time to file representat ion against such proposed Rejection. Copies of supporting documents will be sought only from those candidates who qualify for the Personal Interview. When detailed scrutiny is finally undertaken, if any claim made in the application is not found substantiated the candidature will be cancelled and the Commissions decision in this regard shall be final. Candidates who have not fulfill the requisite qualification as on the last date of receipt of application will not be eligible to apply the posts.
The final selection/ recommendation of suitable candidates against the vacancies notified in this Advertisement shall be made by the Commission through any of the following processes.
- 1. Typing Speed, English Composition and Stenography Test, in recruitment to post of Typist and Stenographer (All Grades) as the case may be.
- 2. I. Written Examination (Where syllabus has been provided by concerned Department) Personal Interview.

II. Screening Test Personal Interview

III. Screening Practical Test Personal Interview

IV. Preliminary Screening Test Main Examination Personal Interview

V. Physical Efficiency Test Preliminary Screening Test Main Examination Personal Interview.

VI. Any other method as may be adopted by the Commission.
****It will be the discretion of the Commission to cancel any processes mentioned above if found that illegal/unfair means have been adopted during the conduct of the recruitment process.
I(a)- Written Examination- This shall be mandatory in respect of recruitments to posts where the Service Rules has specifically prescribed the conduct of such examinations. In such cases, the subjects, syllabus, total marks and pattern of examination shall be as notified by the concerned Government Department under such Rules.
II(b)- Screening Test- This shall be applied /conducted by the Commission in respect of all recruitments to those posts where the method of selection/Syllabus has not been prescribed by the Service Rules. The objective of the test is to shortlist the number of eligible candidates in recruitments where the number of candidates is disproportionately large compared to the available vacancies.
III(c)- Screening Practical Test- This shall be applied/conducted by the Commission in respect of all recruitments to those posts where the method of Skill Test has not been prescribed by the Service Rules.
IV(d)- Preliminary Test- The Commission may, at its discretion, decide to hold Preliminary Test in those categories of recruitment where the number of candidates disproportionately large compared to the notified vacancies or may hold the Preliminary Test as per requirement in the syllabus provided by the department concerned.
V(g)- Personal Interview- On the result of such Screening Test/ Screening Practical Test/ Written Examination, the Commission shall call such number of candidates as it may think appropriate to appear for the Personal Interviews. The principle/policy followed is as per decision made by the Commission on 28th July, 2017 with variation from 1:10 to 1:2.5 depending on the number of posts advertised.
VI(e)- Main Examination- On the basis of such Preliminary Tests, the number of candidates who shall be called to appear for the Main Examination shall not be more than 10(ten) times the number of vacancies declared.
VII(f)- Physical Efficiency Test (PET)- Wherever required and prescribed by the Service Rules shall be conducted by the Commission assisted by a Medical Board duly constituted for the purpose, in accordance with the norms/standards and such specification as prescribed under such Rules.
***Only candidates who have produced all the required documents in the original relating to their educational qualification, date of birth, caste, community and other certificates wherever required and prescribed by Rules will be deemed qualified to be called for Personal Interview.
Multiple Choice OMR based Test-
Screening Tests or Preliminary Screening Tests, where decided to be held, shall be Multiple Choice OMR based Tests. The subjects for the Multiple Choice OMR based Tests shall be as follows:-
- (i) General English Marks to be specified as per the standard and qualification for the post.
- (ii) General Awareness & Aptitude Test Marks to be specified as per the standard and qualification for the post .
- (iii) Arithmetic/Mathematics Marks to be specified as per the standard and qualification for the post for the post.
- (iv) For Technical post relevant subjects will be included - Marks to be specified as per the standard and qualification
for the post
- (v) Any other subject to be included as per the standard and qualification for the post.
Essay Type Test
Written Examination/Main Examination where decided to be held shall be of Essay Typed. The subjects to be notified for such essay typed examination shall be strictly as per the syllabus forwarded by concerned department for the said post.
(a) Candidates should make sure of their eligibility for the post applied for and that the declaration made by them in the format of application regarding their eligibility is correct in all respects. Any candidate furnishing incorrect information or making false declaration regarding his/her eligibility at any stage or suppressing any information is liable TO BE DEBARRED FROM APPEARING FOR ANY OF THE EXAMINATIONS CONDUCTED BY THE COMMISSION, and summarily rejection of their candidature for this recruitment.
(b) The Commission is vested with the constitutional duty of conducting recruitment and selection as per rules duly maintaining utmost secrecy and confidentially in this process and any attempt by anyone causing or likely to cause breach of this constitutional duty in such manner or by such action as to violate or likely to violate the fair practices followed and ensured by the Commission will be sufficient cause for rendering such questionable means as ground for debarment.
(c) If any candidate is or has been found impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person or resorting to any other irregular or improper means in connection with his/her candidature for selection or obtaining support of candidature by any means, such a candidate may in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution, will be liable to be debarred permanently from any exam or selection held by the Meghalaya Public Service Commission.
Meghalaya Public Service Commission,
Memo. No. MPSC/ADVT-39/1/2017-2018/41-A Dated Shillong, 8th June, 2018
Copy forwarded for information and wide circulation in their respective jurisdiction to:
- 1. Honble Chairman / Honble Members of the Commission.
- 2. The Officer on Special Duty, Meghalaya Public Service Commission Cell, Tura, Jowai, Nongstoin, Baghmara, Williamnagar & Nongpoh along with 20 copies of the Advertisement for circulation in their respective Districts.
- 3. The Director of Employment and Craftsmen Training and Apprenticeship Adviser, Shillong.
- 4. The Deputy Commissioner, East Khasi Hills District / West Khasi Hills District / South West Khasi Hills District / Ri-Bhoi District/East Garo Hills District/West Garo Hills District / South Garo Hills District / North Garo Hills District / South West Garo Hills District / East Jaintia Hills District / West Jaintia Hills District.
- 5. S.D.O. Mairang / Amlarem/ Sohra/ Dadengiri/ Pynursla/ Mawshynrut/ Chockpot/ Raksamgre Civil Sub-Division.
6. The Assistant Director of Employment, Divisional Employment Exchange, Shillong.
7. The Employment Officer, District Employment Exchange, Jowai, Tura, Williamnagar, Nongpoh & Mawkyrwat.
8. The Employment Officer, Coaching-cum- Guidance Centre for ST/SC, Shillong
9. The Assistant Employment Officer, District Employment Exchange, Nongstoin / Baghmara
10. The Assistant Employment Officer, Sub-Divisional Employment Exchange, Sohra / Mairang / Pynursla/ Mawshynrut/ Chockpot/ Raksamgre.
11. The District Employment Officer, Shillong
12. The Assistant Employment Officer:
Shillong / Jowai / Nongstoin / Williamnagar / Sohra / Nongpoh / Ampati / Mairang.
13. The Chief Executive Member, Khasi Hills District Council/Jaintia Hills District Council/ Garo Hills District Council.
14. The News Editor All India Radio, Shillong/Tura/Jowai.
15. Junior Employment Officer, Sub Divisional Employment Exchange, Resubelpara, East Garo Hills.
16. All Block Development Officers.
17. Confidential Branch.
18. Station Director, Doordarshan Kendra, Shillong/Tura/Jowai.
19. The Treasury Officer, Shillong, Tura, Jowai, Ampati and Williamnagar Sub Treasury Resubelpara Sub Treasury, Baghmara Sub-Treasury.
20. MPSC website.
21. Concerned Dealing Assistant.
22. Departments concerned.
Meghalaya Public Service Commission,
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 08-Jun-2018 | |
Applications | 10-Jul-2018 | |
Admit Cards | ||
Examinations (Preliminary) | ||
Exam Results (Preliminary) | ||
Examinations (Mains) | ||
Answer Keys | ||
Exam Results (Mains) | ||
Interviews | ||
Final Results |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Meghalaya Public Service Commission
- Organization City, State : shillong, meghalaya
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results