24 www.employmentnews.gov.in ~E:: C:: ~LJ 1--rIVI E:: 1'.1--r Employment News 24 -30 March 2018
Advertisement Year 2018/CIET
No. F. 3-9/2017 -18/CIETf Estt.)/f Pt.)
Vacancy Notice
Applications are invited for filling up the following posts direct recruitment through open
Number of Post Level 10 (Rs. 56,100 Pay Level 1 (1-UR)
to 1 ,77 ,500) Level 10 (Rs. 56,100 5 (2-UR, 3-0BC)
to 1 ,77 ,500) Lev el 6 (Rs. 35,400
2 (1-UR, 1-0BC)
to 1,12,400) Lev el 6 (Rs. 35,400
1 (1-UR)
to 1,12,400) Lev el 6 (Rs. 35,400
3 (1-UR, 2-0BC)
to 1,12,400) Lev el 6 (Rs. 35,400
1 (1-0BC)
to 1,12,400) Lev el 5 (Rs. 29,200
1 (1-UR)
to 92,300) Lev el 5 (Rs. 29,200
3 (1-SC, 2-0 BC)
to 92,300) Lev el 5 (Rs. 29,200
1 (1-UR)
to 92 ,300) Lev el 5 (Rs. 29,200
7 (4-UR, 3-0BC)
to 92 ,300) Lev el 4 (Rs. 25,500
2 (2-0BC)
to 81 ,100) Lev el 4 (Rs. 25,500
2 (1-UR, 1-0BC)
to 81 ,100) Lev el 5 (Rs. 29,200
1 (1-UR)
to 92 ,300) Level 2 (Rs. 19 ,900
1 (1-UR)
to 63 ,200) Level 2 (Rs. 19 ,900
1 (1-0BC)
to 63 ,200) Level 2 (Rs. 19 ,900
1 (1-UR)
to 63,200) Level 2 (Rs. 19 ,900
1 (1-UR)
to 63,200) Level 2 (Rs. 19 ,900
1 (1-UR)
to 63 ,200)
competition. S.No.
Name of post
T.V Produ cer Grade-1

Assistant Engineer
Gr. 0A"
T.V. Producer Grade-II
Script Writer
Camer aman Grade-II

Engineering Assistant
Audio Radio Producer Grade-Ill
T.V. Producer Grade-Ill
Field Investigator
Technician Grade-I
Floor Assistant
Film Assistant
Photographer Grade-II
Dark Room Assistant16.
Film Joiner18.
Selected candidate can be posted at NCERT, New Delhi and its constituent units situated at various states in India. The applications should reach to the Under Secretary, CIET Chacha Nehru Bhavan,
NCERT New Delhi-16 within 21 days from the date of advertisement published in the
Employment News. Incomplete applications/application received after the last date will not be entertained. For further queries, please contact the Under Secretary, CIET over Telephone No. 011 -26963311 during office hours.
In case of alteration/modification/deletion/additions/updation in the advertisement (if any) the same will be uploaded in the NCERT website at -www.ncert.nic.in only. The council reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of vacancies and not to fill up any of the advertised positions. Eligibility Criteria: 1 T.V Pr oducer Grade-1
Educatio nal and Qualification: other qualifications A. Essential:
Age limit
Post Graduate degree in any discipline and a Post Graduate
Diploma or equivalent in any area of media/visual or performing arts Or
Post Graduate degree in relevant area of media production and
management Experience:
05 years of relevant experience in reputed media organizalions/Industry at the level of producer, active engagement
with production and dissemination of media.
B. Desirable
Experience of development and dissemination of media/ Information & Communication Technology (ICT) content
Experience of working with media/I CT for education and children at Institutes of National/International recognition having awards or publications.
Not Exceeding 35 years. Rela xable for Govt. Servant's upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government, 10 years age relaxation for the
employe es of the Council.
2. Assistant Engineer Gr.-"A"
Educatio nal and Qualification: other qualifications
A. Essential: Bachelor Degree in Electronics and Communication
Engineering/Engineering with specialization in lnformation Technology or equivalent. or Masters Degree in Electronics and Communication, or relevant area of Information & Communication Technology (JCT). Experience: 05 years of relevant experience in reputed organisations/ industry and active engagement with operations and maintenance of relevant hardware and software/TV & Radio broadcast equipments.
B. Desirable:
1. Experience of leading teams in design, establishment,
operations and maintenance of media/Multimedia/ lnformation & Communication Technology (ICT) Hardware and Software systems/TV & Radio broadcast equipments.
- Experience of working with a wide range of operating systems, relevant software applications and troubleshooting.
- Post graduate diploma in any area of media or ICT hardware/soflwa re.
Age limit Not exceeding 35 years. Relaxable for Govt. Servant's upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government, 10 years age rela xation for the
employees of the Council.
3. T.V. Producer Grade-II

Educational and other qualifications
Age limit
5. Cameraman Grade-II
Educational and other qualifications
Age lim it
A. Essential:
- Post Graduate Degree in any discipline from a recognized University.
- 03 years experience of writing shooting scripts for film/TV
- Research experience leading to scripts.
- Proficiency in any one of the main languages mentioned in the 8th schedule of the constitution.
B. Desirable: Having experience of writing scripts for Educational Television Programme.
Not exceeding 30 years. Relaxable for Govt. Servant's upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government, 10 years age rela xation for the
employees of the Council.
A. Essential:
- Graduate degree in any discipline.
- Diploma from a recognized institute where the course of studies includes the critical aspect of still ph otography, videography, cinematography and film production or performing arts. OR
- Graduate degree in media production and manage- ment/Mass Communication.
- Diploma from a recognized Institute where the course of studies includes the critical aspect of still ph otography, videography, cinematography and film production or performing arts.
B. Experience: 03 years practical experience in different aspects of motion picture, photography such as shooting, developing, printing, editing, dubbing, sound recording including 3 years experi
ence of handling still and movie camerasMdeo cameras and film production/educational video programme production.
Not exceeding 30 years. Relaxable for Govt. Servant's upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government, 10 years age rela xation for the employees of the Council.
Employment News 24 30 March 2018 ~E:: ~~LJ 1-Y-IVI E:: 1'.1-Y-www.employmentnews.gov.in 25
- Engineering Assistant:
- Audio Radio Producer Grade-Ill
Educational and | A. Essential: |
ot her qualifications | Bachelor Degree in Engineering w~h specialization in Electro |
onics, Communication and Information Technology. | |
Experience: | |
5 years of relevant experience in reputed organisations} | |
industry; active engagement with operations and mainten | |
ance of relevant hardware and softwareffV & Radio broad | |
cast equipments. | |
Desirable: | |
Experience of working with a wide range of Information & | |
Communication Technology (ICT) based media equipment in | |
production and broadcast environments. | |
Experience of working with a wide range of operating sys | |
tems, relevant software applications and troubleshooting. | |
Age lim it | Not exceeding 30 years. Relaxable for Govt. Servant's upto |
5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued | |
by the Central Government, 10 years age relaxation for the | |
employees of the Council. |
Educational and ot her qualifications
Age Limit
8. TV Producer Grade-Ill
Educational and ot her qualifications
Age limit
9. Field Investigator
Educational and other qualifications
Age lim it
A. Essential: Graduate degree in any discipline with Diploma in Media (Audio-Radio Production) or Graduate degree in media production and management and
Mass Communication.
B. Experience: One year of relevant experience in reputed media organisationslindustry at the Level of production assistant or higher; active engagement with production and dissemination of
C. Desirable:
Experience of Educational Audio Programme Production.
Experience of development and dissemirnation of media/ ICT content.
Experience of working with media/ICT for children and education.
- Having National/International recognisition, awards or publication.
Not exceeding 27 years. Relaxable for Govt. Servant's upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government, 10 years age relaxation for the
employees of the Council.
A. Essential:
- Degree from a recognized University.
- One year experience in research for writing TV scripts or
collection of data and materials for writing books. OR Post Graduate Diploma in media or equivalent in relevant area of Media.
B. Desirable:
Familiarity with TV equipment.
- 2 years Experience of having worked as Production Asstt on TV or having worked as TV continuity in filmffVproduction/ ICT.
Not Exceeding 27 years. Relaxable for Gov-t. Servant's upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Governmenl, 10 years age relaxation for the
employees of the Council.
A. Essential:
- A Masters Degree with high Second class in Education/ Psychology/Sociology/Hu man ities/C hild Development/ Social work/Anthropology.
- Good knowledge in language concerned (language to be specified).
- One year experience in teaching/researclh/working with children.
B. Desirable:
- Degree or diploma in teaching/research experience in area of Educational Technology/ICT.
- Experience of TV Script -writing/Story board development/ Multi media Production/ Presentation.
Experience of collection and analysis of qualitativ e and quantitative data.
Not exceeding 27 years. Relaxable for Govt. Servant's upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government, 10 years age relaxation for the employees of the Council.
10. Technician Grade-I:
Educational and | Qualification | ||
other qualifications | A. Essential: | ||
1. 10th/12th passed. | |||
2. Three years Diploma with | Electronics, | Communication | |
or relevant area of Inform ation Technology/lnforrnation | |||
and Communication Technology/Radioffelevision Comm- | |||
unication. | |||
B. Experience: | |||
3 years of relevant experience in re puted m edia organisa- | |||
lions/industry activ e engagement with operations and | |||
maintenance of relevant hardware and software. |
Age limit
11. Floor Assistant:
Educational and other qualifications
Age limit
12. Film Assistant:
Educational and other qualifications
Age limit
C. Desirable: Experience of handling and troubleshooting rel!evant hardware and softwareffV & Radio equipments used for Audio/
Video Programme production.
Not Exceeding 27 years. Relaxable for Govt. Servant's upto
5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government, 10 years age relaxation for the employees of the Council.
Qualification: Essential :
- 10+2 or equivalent from a recognised Institute.
- One year experience in handling erection of sets in stage, Film or TV or Diploma from a recognised Institutions in stage Craft.
- Good physique and capacity for undertaking strenuous physical work.
Not Exceeding 27 years. Relaxable for Govt. Servant's upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government, 10 years age relaxation for the
employees of the Council.
Qualification: Essential:
- Graduation in any discipline from a recognized University.
- Diploma/Certificate in a related media field from a recognised institute. Experience:
At least one year experience of video editing/Computer Graphic/Computer animation.
Not Exceeding 27 years. Relaxable for Govt. Servant's upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government, 10 years age relaxation for the employees of the Council.
13. Photographer Grade-II:
Educational and other qualifications
Age limit
14. Electrician:
Educational and other qualifications
Age limit
15. Lightman:
Educational and other qualifications
Age limit Qualification:
- A . Essential: ~2th Pass Diploma in PhotographyNideography/Cinematography from a recognized Institute with 03 (three) years experience as photographer/videographer/m oviefTV Cameraman.
- Desirable: Experience of photography with double exposure, super imposition/preparation of video clips.
Not Exceeding 27 years. Relaxable for Govt. Servant's upto
5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government, 10 years age relaxation for the employees of the Council.
- ITI Certificate or equivalent in the trade of Enectrician or Wireman.
- At least two years experience in electrical installation and wiring.
Not Exceeding 27 years. Relaxable for Govt. Servant's upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government, 10 years age relaxation for the employees of the Council.
A . Essential
- 10th/12th pass from any recognised board/Institution.
- 3 years experience of lighting in stage, Film and Television.
B. Desirable: Experience of handling studio lights/portable lights/lights on outdoor location while shooting.
Not Exceeding 27 years. Relaxable for Govt, Servant's upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government, 10 years age relaxation for the employees of the Council.
16. Dark Room Assistant:
Educational and other qualifications
Age limit
17. Carpenter:
Educational and other qualifications Qualification:
A . Essential:
- 10th/12th pass from any recognised Board/Institution.
- ITI in relevant trade with one year experience of handling audio equipmentsMdeo equipmentsJFilm Equipments and editing.
B. Desirable: Experience of working as an Assistant/helper im Media I nslitution s.
Not Exceeding 27 years. Relaxable for Govt, Servant's upto
5 years in accordance with instruction or orders issued by the Central Government, 10 years age relaxation for the employees of the Council.
A . Essential:
- 10th pass from any recognised Boardnnstitution.
- ITI in relevant trade with 3 years experience.
B. Desirable: Experience of construction of sets for stage/filmffV Progra
mme. Continued on page 26 _
26 www.employmentnews.gov.in ~~~~LJ1-r-IVI ~......_.-r Employment News 24 -JO March 2018
Continued from page 25
Age limit
18. Film J oiner: | |
Educational and other qualifications | Qualification: A. Essential: 1. 10th/12th pass from any recognised Board/Institution. 2. ITI in any trade with one year experience of handling audio equipmentsMdeo equipments and Editing/Film Equipments. B. Desirable: Experience of working as an Assistant/help er in Media Institutions. |
Age limit
Not Exceeding 27 years. Relaxable for Govt. Servant's upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government, 10 years age relaxation for the employees of the Council.
Not Exceeding 27 years. Relaxable for Govt. Servant's upto
5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government, 10 years age relaxation for the employees of the Council.
- Candidates who fulfill the prescribed qualifications, experience and other eligibiltty condttions as on 1.2.2018 should apply giving full particulars (Bio-data) as per proforma enclosed supported by self attested copies of all the relevant certificates and documents and a passport size photograph to be affixed on the application.
- Candidates who are already working in Government service should send their application through proper channel. Applications not found as per prescribed proforma and not supported by duly attested documents or attested photograph will not be entertained.
- Candidates who do not fulfill the prescribed qualifications and other eligibility conditions need not apply.
- Fee of Rs. 200/-(Rupees Two hundered only) has to be paid in form of DD/IPO payble in favour of "Secretary, NCERT at New Delhi".
- The fee once paid will not be refunded or re-adjusted under any circumstances.
- No fee is required for SC/ST & PwD category and Women candidates.
- The age limit shown against all ttems is the normal age limit and the age is relaxable for SC/ST candidates upto 5 years and upto 3 years for OBC candidates in respect of vacancies reserved for them. SC/ST/OBC Candidates have to produce a caste certificate in prescribed proforma.
- A candidate will be eligible to get the benefit of communtty reservation only in case the particular caste to which the candidates belong is included in the list of reserved communities issued by the Central Government. If a candidate indicates in his/her application form that he/she belongs to SC/ST/OBC/General category but subsequently writes to the Council to change his/her category, such request shall not be entertained by the Council.
- MINIMUM ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: All applicants must fulfil the essential requirements for the post and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement. They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the essential qualifications laid down for various posts. No enquiry asking for advice as to eligibility will be entertained.
- The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for Written Examination/Interview.
- After scrutiny of the applications, the candidates who are found eligible for consideration will be called for Written Test/Technical Aptitude TesV Practical Aptitude Test as the case may be.
- The candidates who qualify in the prescribed tests will be empanell ed in the order of merit for appointment.
- No TA/DA will be payable to the candidates for appearing in the Examin ation/lnterv iew.
- The Director, NCERT reserves the right to cancel/restricVenlarge/modify/alter the recruitment process, if needed, without issuing any notice. In case of any disputes, Legal Jurisdiction will be Delhi.
- The applications in a sealed cover indicating Application for the post of "________ thereon should reach within 21 days from the date of advertisement to Under Secretary,' CIET, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi -110016.
- Applications received after due date will not be entertained.
- The detailed Scheme of examination/syllabus, as the case may be, shall be
placed on webstte of NCERT http:lincert.nic.in before issuing call letter. Under Secretary,
New Delhi Dated:
Proforma for Application:
APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ......... Name: _____________________________
Father's Name: --------------------------
Date of Birth --------------------------Age as on 1.2.2018: ____Years ____ Months __Days Correspondence Address:
Contact No.:
Affix latest passp ort size photo duly self attested
E.mail: ------------------------------------- Whether belongs to GEN/SC/ST/OBC/PH/Ex-Serviceman -----------(Proof shall be enclosed in case of SC/ST/OBC/PH/Ex-Serviceman) Educational/Techniccal Qualification from 10th class onwards and experience in relevant field (for technical qualifications) (Attach copies of educational
qualification and certificate in support of experience as shown below from the respective organizations). Details of experience in the relevant field: Duration of Experience in years & months and period {from-to )
1 .
5. Whether working in Government/Semi-Government/Public Sector Undertaking/ Nationalised Bank: (If Yes, fill in the following) YES/NO
- (i)
- Post held------------------
- (ii)
- Department -----------------
(iii) Duration _______ Years _____ months
- (iv)
- Period : From _____to -----
- (v)
- Level in Pay Matrix and Basic Pay: ---------------
Certified that all the information furnished above by me is correct to the best of my
knowle dge. | ||
Place: | Signature of the Candidate | |
Date: | ||
Name of the Candidate | ||
EN 52/7 |
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 30-Mar-2018 | |
Applications | 14-Apr-2018 | |
Admit Cards | ||
Examinations (Preliminary) | ||
Exam Results (Preliminary) | ||
Examinations (Mains) | ||
Answer Keys | ||
Exam Results (Mains) | ||
Interviews | ||
Final Results |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : National Council of Educational Research and Training
- Organization City, State : , delhi
- Organization Website : http://ncert.nic.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results