Advertisement No. 5/2018
Advertisement for the Post of Consultant

Applications are invited form eligible candidates for filling up the post of a Consultant in CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI), Nagpur under the project Evaluation of Electrolytic Defluoridation Plants based on CSIR-NEERI Technology as per details given below :

- 1. Name of the post : Consultant in CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur
- 2. Period of Consultancy : One Year
- 3. Nature of Duties : The Consultant will coordinate technical
discussions visit to iron/fluoride/arsenic removal plants for evaluation, making presentations and facilitating discussion on technical know how of water treatment technologies with MSMEs, periodic meetings, day to day communications and affairs of the project
- 4. Job Location : CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur
- 5. Qualifications/Essential Criteria : B.Tech.(Chemical Engg.) and M.Tech
(Environmental Engg.) with minimum 30 years experience in the above specified area.
- 6. Age : Maximum Age 65 Years
- 7. Desirable Criteria : Research experience in any of the National level institutes in particular related to water treatment technologies
- 8. Remuneration & Entitlements : (1) The Consultant will be paid an all inclusive mutually agreed upon monthly remuneration, depending on qualifications, past experience, and his/her performance in the interview.
- (2) The employment will be strictly contractual, and will not confer any other benefits to the candidates. In case the consultant is required to travel domestically and internationally as part of
- his duties then travel formalities will be as per CSIR rules.
- (3) Those selected are required to enter into a contract with CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur regarding a non-disclosure agreement pertaining to process, technology, know-how in the project which they are involved.
9. How to apply : Interested person may apply in a prescribed
form to be download from with recent photograph along with relevant copies of proof of claims made with respect to age, Educational Qualifications, Experience etc.
Scanned copy of signed applications should be mailed to latest by 26th October, 2018 and hard copy of the application alongwith relevant enclosure may be sent in a sealed envelope cover mentioning Application for the Post of Consultant Advt. No. 5/2018 latest by so as to reach on the below mentioned address latest by 26/10/2018
Scientist & Head WT&MD,
CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI),
Nehru Marg, Nagpur 440020 (Maharashtra) India
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
CSIR- National Environmental
Engineering Research Institute,
Nehru Marg, Nagpur 440 020
IMPORTANT: This application form, duly completed in the candidates own handwriting or neatly
typed, must reach The Administrative Officer, CSIR-National Environmental Engineering
Research Institute, Nehru Marg, Nagpur - 440020
- 1. Advertisement No. :Advt. No. 5/2018
2. |
Post |
: |
Affix a signed |
copy of your |
3. |
Area |
: |
recent size |
photograph |
4. |
Name of the candidate |
(in Block Letters) |
5. |
Sex (Male / Female) |
6. |
Fathers Name |
7. |
Nationality (mention by |
birth / domicile) |
8. |
Present Postal Address |
(for communication |
purpose) |
Pin Code |
Tel/Mobile No.: |
E-mail : |
9. Permanent Address
Pin Code
Tel/Mobile No.:
E-mail :
10. |
Date of Birth |
: |
(As per Matriculation / |
SSCL Certificate) |
11. |
Age |
: |
(As on closing date of |
Application) |
12. |
Recognized educational/ professional qualification relevant to |
the position : (Enclose documentary proof) |
Examination |
Year of |
Class / Grade |
Board / University / |
Passed |
passing |
Obtained |
Institution |
13. |
Experience : |
Period |
Designation/ Post |
Permanent/ Temporary |
Held |
Post |
From |
to |
Note: *Please indicate whether the organisation belongs to Govt. / PSU or Pvt. Also enclose copies of certificates/testimonials etc in support of proof of experiences.
- 14. Any other details :
15. Particulars of close relatives
: Name
working in NEERI, if any
Designation :
Relationship :
- 16. Are you under any bond/contractual obligation to serve Central/ State Government / PSU / Autonomous or any other body
organization, YES NO
- 17. Whether dismissed form service form any other Institution / Office or
debarred by the Public Service Commission, YES |
NO |
, |
if yes, give details |
- 18. ENCLOSURES: (Please tick the appropriate box and arrange the enclosures as per the serial number)
- 1. SSLC/ 10th Std. Certificate (Proof of date of birth)
- 2. Degree
- 3. Proof of experience
- 4. Others
I hereby declare that the information given above is correct, true to facts and nothing has been concealed / distorted. I am aware that, if at any time I am
found to have concealed/ distorted any material information, my candidature/ appointment is liable to be summarily terminated without notice.
Signature of the candidate
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | ||
Applications | 26-Oct-2018 | |
Admit Cards | ||
Examinations (Preliminary) | ||
Exam Results (Preliminary) | ||
Examinations (Mains) | ||
Answer Keys | ||
Exam Results (Mains) | ||
Interviews | ||
Final Results |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
- Organization City, State : , maharashtra
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results