INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE EDUCATION AND RESEARCH PUNE (An autonomous Institution of Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India) Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Pune : 411 008
ADVT. NO.: 59/2018
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune is a premier autonomous Institution established by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, for promotion of high quality science education and research in the country.
Institute invites online applications from Indian nationals for the following position:
Post | Superintending Engineer (Direct Recruitment / Deputation) |
Number of Post and Reservation | 1 (Un-Reserved) |
Scale of Pay | Level 13 (Entry Pay Rs. 1,23,100/-) as per the 7th Pay. |
Age Limit | Preferably below 50 years. In case of deputation, not more than 56 years as on closing date of advertisement. |
Essential Qualification | First class degree or equivalent grade in Civil Engineering from a recognized University /Institute. |
Experience | In case of Direct Recruitment : 15 years' experience in the fields given in the job requirements as Engineer (GP of Rs. 5400/-/ Level 10 [7th CPC] ) or higher level from CPWD, State PWD or Semi-Govt. / PSU / Statutory or Autonomous organization / University / Institutions of national importance / reputed organization under Central / State Govt. of which 5 years should be as Senior Executive Engineer in the GP of Rs. 7600/-/ Level 12 (7th CPC) or its equivalent. [In case, suitable candidates with 5 years experience in GP of Rs. 7600/-/ Level 12 are not available, candidates from GP of Rs. 6600/-/ Level 11 may be considered with minimum 15 years of experience as stated above.] In case of Deputation : Officers of the Central PWD / State PWD or similar services / Semi-Govt. / PSU / Statutory or Autonomous organization, University / Institutions of national importance / reputed organization under Central/ State Govt., a ) i) Candidates holding analogous post OR ii) Candidates with at least 10 years' regular service as Executive Engineer in the PB -3 with GP of Rs. 6600/-as per the 6th CPC / Level 11 as per the 7th CPC or equivalent; and b) Possessing educational qualification and experience as prescribed for Direct Recruitment. |
Job Requirements | Construction and execution of building works, Planning & Execution of Civil Engineering Projects, Design and Estimation, Contract Management and services like water supply, sewerage, road, knowledge of preparation of estimates and tender documents. |
Maintenance of campus having academic and residential buildings, Scientific Laboratories, Sports Facilities and other civil services. Knowledge of CPWD Works manual, CPWD specifications, Structural designing, Tender documentation, CPWD account code, Financial accounting, arbitration and reconciliation, administration and working knowledge of inter disciplinary engineering fields like electrical, HVAC etc. Liasoning with Local Bodies. | |
Desirable | i) Knowledge of Computer-aided Design (CAD) and latest Construction Management Technology / other relevant software. ii) Proven track record of handling construction projects / Consultancy in organizations of repute. |
1) Above post is as per the Central Government pay scale and carry allowances like House Rent, Transport and Childrens Education as admissible to Central Government employees posted in Pune.
2) Post is covered under New Pension Scheme of Govt. of India and incumbent will be eligible for other benefits like Medical, LTC, etc. as per the Government / Institute norms.
3) The qualification prescribed should have been obtained from recognized Board / University / Institution.
4) Age relaxation as admissible to Physically Handicapped / Ex-Serviceman applicants will be considered subject to maximum age of 56 years as on closing date of advertisement. Such candidates must ensure that they are entitled to relaxation and posses the valid certificates / documents prescribed by GoI in support of their claim
5) Application from the candidates working in Government Departments, Public Sector Undertakings and Government Funded Research Agencies must be sent through proper channel and with a clear certificate that the applicant will be relieved within one month of receipt of appointment order, if selected. However, an online application to be submitted before the last date as an advance copy.
Candidates preferring appointment on Deputation basis must indicate their preference while submitting their application to their office for forwarding.
Forwarding letter from the office of the candidate must clearly state that the permission is granted to consider his/her application on Direct Recruitment / Deputation as the case may be.
Candidates to enter preference for appointment i.e. Direct Recruitment OR Deputation in the field at Sr. 10 Any other relevant Information while filling the online application failing which application will be considered under Direct Recruitment
6) The prescribed Essential Qualifications / Experience indicated are bare minimum and mere possession of same will not entitle the candidates to be called for the selection process. Where number of applications received in response to an advertisement is large, it may not be convenient or possible for the Institute to call all eligible candidates for selection process. The Institute may restrict the number of candidates to be called for selection process to a reasonable limit, on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than that of the minimum prescribed in the advertisement. The candidates should, therefore, furnish full details of qualifications and experience possessed in the relevant fields, over and above the minimum prescribed. Documentary evidences will be verified during the selection process.
7) Relaxation in age, educational qualification and / or experience may be considered in case of exceptionally meritorious candidates, with prior approval of the Competent Authority.
8) No interim enquiries / correspondence / communication of any sort will be entertained on the matter.
9) Canvassing in any form and / or bringing any influence, political, or otherwise, will be treated as a disqualification for the post applied for.
10) Application incomplete in any respect will be summarily rejected.
HOW TO APPLY: Please read following instructions carefully before submitting the Online Application.
Last date for submitting online applications is October 18, 2018. Candidates need NOT send hard copy of the application.
Candidates fulfilling the eligibility as per the given criteria may apply online in the prescribed application format. Click on the link Apply Online available below this advertisement and apply for the post. Please keep your personal details, qualification details, details of references, experience details, other relevant details, soft copy of the passport size photograph (Less than 1 MB) with you and printer attached to your desktop before starting online application.
In case, name of the degree that you possess is not listed in the drop down option, please select other and then enter Name of the Degree in the appropriate field.
In case the applicant has completed the degree/s, course/s through Distance learning / Correspondence / Part Time method:
Please mention in the Specialization field if the particular degree / course has been done through Distance / Correspondence / Part-time as the case may be and then enter specialization.
Final result declared with CGPA / GPA to be converted in % as per the formula given by the respective University / Institute and to be entered in the respective field.
While entering the details of employment, details under the column Pay Scale should be entered as under:
1] In case applicant is/was drawing salary as per the 6th pay scale Just Enter Pay Band and Grade Pay of the post (Example PB 3 + GP Rs. 5400/-). 2] In case applicant is/was drawing salary as per the 7th pay scale Just Enter Level (Example Level 10 or Level 11 as the case may be). 3] In case applicant is/was working in PSU Enter PSU (Write Scale). Example: PSU-18000-240026060 4] In case applicant is/was working in Pvt. Organization then enter Basic salary i.e. Rs. 55000 OR Rs. 78000. 5] In case applicant is/was drawing consolidated pay enter Consolidated Pay i.e. Rs. 55000 OR Rs. 78000
In case of re-appointment / promotion / Up-gradation in different scale while working in the same organization / Institute, please mention on the subsequent row with all required details.
After you complete the application, click on the Preview button. Please see the print preview from browser option and adjust page margins if printable area is not covered.
Go to the end of the preview page, click in the box provided for declaration. Before submitting the application click on the Print button to take printout of the filled application. Please keep one copy for your record.
Once you submit the application, you will not be able to retrieve the application for printing / editing / reference. Candidates who have submitted Online application only shall be considered for selection process.
Shortlisted candidates only will be informed by SMS on Mobile, Email OR Post. Therefore, please mention active Mobile Number and Email ID in the online application form. FOR UPDATES, INSTITUTE WEBSITE MAY PLEASE BE SEEN REGULARLY.
If called for the selection process, applicants will have to bring printed copy of the online application, self attested certificates in support of age, mark sheets and certificates of educational qualification, experience certificate/s, Category related Certificates (as applicable), No Objection Certificate and other documents in support of the information submitted in the online application.
Advt. No.: 59/2018/IISER-P/Rect/27.09.2018 Registrar
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 27-Sep-2018 | |
Applications | 18-Oct-2018 | |
Admit Cards | ||
Examinations (Preliminary) | ||
Exam Results (Preliminary) | ||
Examinations (Mains) | ||
Answer Keys | ||
Exam Results (Mains) | ||
Interviews | ||
Final Results |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Indian Institute Of Science Education And Research
- Organization City, State : pune, maharashtra
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results