MODEL AND SUPER SPECIALITY HOSPITAL, EMPLOYEES STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION , , -691 002, ASRAMAM, KOLLAM, KERALA -691002 Website: www.esichsuperspecialitykollam.com , E-mail: mh-ashramam@esic.nic.in
Ph: 04742742833, 2766618(M.S) Fax: 0474-2768837 [.. 9001:2008 ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED]
No. 542/A/46/12/06/2008 MHA (Adm) Date: 28.06.18
Applications in the prescribed proforma are invited from eligible candidates for filling the vacant posts of Part Time Super Specialists, Part-time Specialists , Senior Residents ( 1 & 3 years on contract basis) in ESIC Model & Super Speciality Hospital, Asramam, Kollam. Interested candidates may attend the walk-in interview on 25.07.2018 at 11.AM in the Office of the Medical Superintendent, ESIC Model & Super Speciality Hospital, Asramam, Kollam.
Detailed notification and application forms are available in our websites www.esic.nic.in and www.esichospitals.gov.in
sd/-Medical Superintendent
, , -691 002, ASRAMAM, KOLLAM, KERALA -6910

Website: www.esichsuperspecialitykollam.com , E-mail: mh-ashramam@esic.nic.in Ph: 04742742833, 2766618(M.S) Fax: 0474- 2768837 [.. 9001:2008 ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED]
No. 542/A/46/12/06/2008 MHA (Adm) Date: 28.06.18
Applications in the prescribed proforma are invited from eligible candidates for filling the vacant posts of Part time Super Specialist/ Part-time Specialists / Senior Residents in ESIC Model & Super Speciality Hospital, Asramam, Kollam.
S.N | Department | No. of Vacancy | UR |
1 | Nephrology | 1 | 1 |
2 | Oncology | 1 | 1 |
Total | 2 | 2 |
No. of vacancies. | 2 (One year contract or till regular incumbent joins whichever is earlier.) |
Qualification & Experience required. | DM /MCh or equivalent Qualification. |
Duties/Remuneration. | To work for three hours session per day x five days in a week. Rs 60,000/-per month. On giving undertaking to be available for emergency call duty after the schedule timings Rs 10,000/-per month . |
Age. | Not exceeding 64 years as on the date of interview. |
S.N | Department | No. of Vacancy | UR |
1 | Anesthesia | 1 | 1 |
2 | Pulmonology | 1 | 1 |
3 | Orthopedic | 1 | 1 |
Total | 3 | 3 |
No. of vacancies. | 03 (One year contract or till regular incumbent joins whichever is earlier.) MORNING DUTY PREFERRED. |
Qualification & Experience required. | PG degree or equivalent with minimum 3 years experience after PG degree/ PG diploma with minimum 5 years experience in respective speciality, after PG diploma. |
Duties/Remuneration. | To work for four hours per day for five days in a week. Remuneration Rs. 40,000/- p. m. Additional Rs. 8000/-admissible if willing to perform emergency call duty. |
Age. | Not exceeding 64 years as on the date of interview. |
3. SENIOR. RESIDENTS (3 year Contract)
No. of vacancies. | 6. (3 year contract or till regular incumbent joins whichever is |
earlier) | |
Qualification & Experience required. | PG degree/diploma, in concerned speciality from recognised University and registered with MCI. |
Remuneration. | Rs.67700/-in Level 11 and other allowances. Total emoluments |
Rs.92000/- (approx.) | |
Age. | Not exceeding 37 years as on the date of interview. Relaxation for |
SC, ST & OBC as per rules. |
Department | No Of Vacancy | SC | ST | OBC | UR |
General Medicine | 1 | - | - | - | 1 |
General Surgery | 2 | 1 | - | - | 1 |
Radiology | 1 | - | 1 | - | - |
Gynaecology | 1 | - | - | 1 | - |
Anesthesia | 1 | - | - | - | 1 |
Total | 6 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
4. SENIOR RESIDENT (1 Year Contract)
No. of vacancies. | 17. [Against vacant posts of General Duty Medical Officers (for one year contract, or till regular incumbent joins, whichever is earlier)]. |
Qualification & Experience required. | PG Degree or PG Diploma candidates or candidate with 2 years experience after MBBS out of which one year in the concerned speciality in Govt./ reputed hospitals will be considered if PG candidates are not available. |
Remuneration. | Basic pay of Rs.18750/-plus GP Rs.6600/-(pre-revised pay scale) and other allowances. Total emoluments Rs.81000/-(approx. subject to revision.) |
Age. | Not exceeding 37 years as on the date of interview. Relaxation for SC, ST & OBC as per rules. |
No. of vacancy | SC | ST | OBC | UR | |
TOTAL | 17 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 9 |
5. Physician (Homoeo) - UR
No. of vacancies. | 1. For one year contract, or till regular incumbent joins, whichever |
is earlier)]. | |
Qualification & Experience required. | PG Degree in Homeopathy of recognized University/ Statutory State Board/ Council or equivalent, recognized under the Homoeopathic Central Council Act, 1973 (ii) Enrollment on the Central register of Homeopathy. One year professional experience . |
Remuneration. | To work for five hours per day for six days in a week. Remunera |
tion Rs. 50,000/- p. m. | |
Age. | Not exceeding 37 years as on the date of interview. Relaxation for |
SC, ST & OBC as per rules. |
- Application Fee (For All Posts) Rs. 250/- (Rupees two hundred and fifty only) for General & OBC Candidates and Rs. 50/-(Rupees Fifty only) for SC/ST candidates by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of ESI Fund Account No.2
- PWD/Female applicants are exempted from Application Fee.
- Those who belong to SC/ ST/ OBC category should produce valid caste certificate issued by the Tahasildar / Revenue Divisional Officer. OBC certificate should be in the prescribed form as per Government of India instructions which should certify that the candidates does not belong to anyone of the Creamy layers.
- Interested candidates may appear for walk-in interview on 25.07.2018 at ESIC Model and Super Speciality Hospital, Asramam, Kollam along with application in the prescribed proforma, all original documents including caste certificate, one set of Xerox copies of all original documents, two recent passport size photographs (one affixed on the application) and the requisite application fee.
- The candidates must bring the original documents for verification at 9.00 AM sharp on the date of the interview.
- Candidates who have already worked as Senior Resident for 3 years in any Central Institutions are not eligible for the post of Senior Resident.
- Private practice of any kind will not be allowed.
- No TA/DA will be admissible for Walk-in-Interview.
- Vacancies indicated above may change as per actual requirement on the date of interview.
- Canvassing in any form shall be a disqualification.
1 | Name | ||||||
2 | Fathers/Husbands name | ||||||
3 | Date of Birth | ||||||
4 | Post Applied for | ||||||
5 | Caste | SC/ST/OBC/GENERAL | |||||
6 | Age as on date of interview | ||||||
7 | Educational Qualification:- | ||||||
Degree/ Diploma | Year of passing | University | % of Marks | ||||
8 | Experience:- | ||||||
Sl No | Name of Hospital | Post Held | Period | ||||
From | To | Total Period (Years & Months) | |||||
9 | MCI Registration No._________ Name of Medical Council _____________ |
Affix recent passport-size Photograph
10 | Present Address | |
11 | Permanent Address | |
12 | Contact No & Email ID | |
13 | Place where presently working | |
14 | Particulars of DD |
Signature of the Candidate Testimonials to be enclosed:-
Demand Draft towards application fee.
Original & Xerox copies of following documents, as applicable:-
MBBS Degree Certificate. MCI Registration Certificate. PG Degree/Diploma, Experience Certificate, Caste Certificate, if applicable. LPC/No Due Certificate from previous employer. Any other relevant documents.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | ||
Applications | ||
Admit Cards | ||
Examinations (Preliminary) | ||
Exam Results (Preliminary) | ||
Examinations (Mains) | ||
Answer Keys | ||
Exam Results (Mains) | ||
Interviews | 25-Jul-2018 | |
Final Results |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Employees State Insurance Corporation
- Organization City, State : kollam, kerala
- Organization Website : www.esichsuperspecialitykollam.com
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results