No. A-12030/03/2017-CLS-[ Government of India Ministry of Labour & Employment


Shram ShaKi Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi -110001, Dated 25 June,2018

To, The Registrar General, All High Coufts.

Sub: Filling up the post of Presiding Officer of Central Government Industrial Tribunal-cum-Labour Court-I/National Industrial Tribunal, Mumbai. Sir,

I am directed to say that the post of Presiding Officer of Central Government Industrial Tribunal-cum-Labour Court (CGIT-cum-LC)-IlNational Industrial Tribunal (Nf[ at Mumbai is to be filled up in accordance with the provisions contained in Sections 78 & 7C of the Industrial Disputes Acl-, t947 (relevant extract of the Act placed at Annexure-I). According to these provisions, the post can be held by a person who is, or has been, a Judge of a High Court, The terms and conditions of appointment of a Judge to the post of Presiding Officer will be as per the Presiding Officers of the Labour Court, Industrial Tribunal and NaUonal Tribunal (Salaries, Allowances and other Terms and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2015 (Annexure-ll).

  1. The pay attached to the post of Presiding Officer of CGIT-cum-LC/NIT, Mumbai-I is Rs.80,000/-(fixed) per month(pre-revised).

  2. It is requested that this Circular may be given wide publicity and names of judicial officers who are willing to be appointed as Presiding Officer of CGIT-cum-LC-I/NIT, Mumbai and who fulfill the eligibility conditions may please be furnished so as to reach this Ministrv within a oeriod of forty five(45) days from the date of issue of this letter. The Bio-Data of each officer may be fumished in the proforma placed at Annexure-Ill to be filled up by the concerned officer and attested bv the concerned Reoistrar General.

  3. It may be noted that the nominations with complete proforma (Annexure-Ill) received on or before the stipulated date will only be considered by the Ministry.



(Ajay Malik)

Under Secretary to the Government of India

Encl: As above

Copy to: Ministry's website

&nnn l-t-

Sec. TDl The Industrial Dispuies Act, 1947

"(aa) he is, or has beery a District Judge, or,,. lVide Mysore Act 6 of 7963, sec. 2 (w.e.f. ;t-t_rSOSl.t

(2) l:r clause (aa) as hserted !f yf::f ect e of lg|l, after the words ,,Disirict

Judge,,,i*"rl_ $S words "for a period of not less than tfuee vears.,,

lVitle Mysore Aci 25 of t963, sec. z 1*.".i. tz_ti-isil\.1

Ecr. lne above satd amendments were made prior to the-amendments made by Central Act

46 of 1982, sec. 4 (w.e.f. 2I-B-1984\. section 7A, in sub_section (3), after clause (a), insert the following clause,


"(aa) he has been a member of the Orissa Superior Judicial Serwice for a peri.od of not

less than seven years.,, lVlde orissa Act 6 of i960, sec. 2 (w.e.f. 1.7-3_1960\.1West Bensa!.-In section ff,, in sub_section (3),'i,' .tu.,r" (a), after the words ,,Hieh

Court", insert dre words ,,or ^--,,

a Dis'trict ;"aF";;'Xiai;;; il#.ifiage;l "**

[Vide Wesi Bengat Act 12 of 1958, iec."3 (-.".f. 2r_t_i9i8i.i

rn sectron 7A. rn sub-section (3) for dause (aa), the folowing crause, narnelv:

"(aa) he is, or has been,.a Disrrict Judge ij, * Aa'aG"*i oiiffiliil;;;;;:--/

lVide Wesr Bengal Act 35 of 1989, sec.'4.1"

Povrer to constitute Industrial


, . S"lt91 JA e_mgowels the appropriate Government to constituie one or more 3l:::l^"1 Hb5*_for adjudicarion of *re disputes relating to any maner spectied in theicneoules.

rne becond schedure enumerates the matters which farl within the jurisdiction

of &e Labour court. The Third schedure enumerates th" ,outt"r, which fa11 within thel.Tl**:: q{ ft" Industrial Tribunal-lagdish Narain Sharma v. Rnjisihan pafika Ltd; 6;iLLr1 ZbJ (rcll).

1[78. Nitional Tribunals.-(1) The Central Govemment may,.by notificationin the-official cazette, constilrte one or more Niti""J rr.'J*Hlit;;;uI'ff;

industrial disputes which, in th" optnio., of Ure C"r,r.J

F^.-.:9:{::19 -of

yoy".rr+n"T/ ,*"9ry-". queshons.of national importance oi are of such a nature mar lndustnal estabush.ments sifuated in more than one state are likely to bei.rrterested in, or affected by, such disputes.

(2) A National rribunai sha11 consiist of one person only to be appointed by

the Central Govemment. (?) 4 person.shall. not be quaMied for appointment as the presidins officer

, r rlbunal .[un]ess he is, or has been, a Judge of i High C;urt].

or a .Nanonat

(4) The Cenhal Covemment may, if it ,o thirrk. ht, a"ppoint t"-o g"rro# u,assessors to advise the National Tri6unal in the proceeoing Detore rt.j

-1[7c. Disqi.lalifications for the presiding' officers "of Laboui courts,Tribunals and-National t'ribunars.-iNo p"ii." "trr"u be appointed to. or :giFrg in,,the office of the presiding offider of a UUour-Co'.!t,;; ;;

r\ anona] I rlDunal f

(a) he is not an independent person; or

service of presidinc


Of,/icer.-Notwithstanding anything contained in this Acf A" il^hfi;;;;:

,uoaappointment, term of office,. salarie!. and allowances, resignation


and other terms and conditions of service of the presiding officer of theIndush'ial rribunal appointed by the Cenhal Govemment und6r sub-section (1)

  1. Irx. by Act 36 of 1956, sec. 4 (w.e.f . fi-3-I957\.

  2. Subs. by Act 46 of 7982, sec. S, for ce ain words (w.e.f. 21,-B_.t984\.

  3. Ins. by the Finance Act,2017 (7 of 2077), sec. 158(b) lw.e.f .26_5_20t2, aide S.O. 1696(E), dated26tlt May, 20171.


' RUCL. N(). D-r,l3!!4/99

dffi qo do qdo-lltD4lYg




ffi,7 6he (6sz elte of .sndta


EXTRAORDINARY iIFT II-EI!-g 3 stl-Evg (i) PAR'I Il-section 3 Sub-scclion (i) crfuq'R t e-6rRrd

ffi, Esid-cn, eltd lo, zot sr*vrs 10' 1et7 NEW DtrLHI, THRUSDAY' APRIL 30' 20IS/VAISAKHA l0' 1937




r ft.aft, 6 3ri.{, 2015 336(4.-];*q qr+'rr, :'*-eirR-+ R"qra erfhn-'lq' tsaz fi trnr aa ff sq-qrrr (1) h ffitr{d G-'rq{flfi i' q'rl{

de FT) aTIT rfi '9.Iffii +r q'irr Tra ErT '{fiFr crc drr qT($q..{1) q.f Raqi qir ifglE qlq 'Iq ;)llqTq-z{, 3fujtR-tr 3{m-fiIr 3iT l]-fr'',r 34ft-$1nT

t . ta-.r*, .ri .rt' '+q i-+r h ftr'er+ 'itr rril fi{q, ZOt S * r

(2) i rrsrt t s-t} rrrqm * erft'q t r+n qtq t

2. cRqTcrS.-(1) s{ fi-:rft t wq a-q; ft ra:i R er.'rrn ercF'l-{ c;I:

(rF) tTldRi{{' t qHrFt-{ ff=rT{ 3Tfl'9Jftqc ' '1947 (1947 61 14) 3TFqi-{ + ;

(q)tffiq3mrfirfi.,q"{Bft."{qfi9lT{T7,?rnT7+.rrerRTTr{}'qfr"i.ffirdeTffihI{c dRTf,qR,qfti"at t

(z) :-* rradi *-{'Tet b, qi .gT Mi fr qw * ftn qfttnRa i-f; t qts 3{Frfr.qq { 'Ifrqrfr-{ * sa-* q-& i{.,t * iif rtr ;ri}R?rq ii tr'qry: s;rh fl |

3.firfurq.*ffii-qF-{;4r{eft,TffffidarfMtw+iiq,fimfiq,ntNfrffitrrqqfa rrrrrr:rrcqrfi-qq{'ftfrft3iaffi3-i';'{|qeftTfftcniiffiEq-44{fi3{rgn'shftqatiftt


l9t6 Gy:015


4. +fl{.{1) rtflq 3rFr+Tjr r.ffiT{ 3ifffi {,I *aa so,ooo d. G"fi) cftqq ft ftTd <-{ t tn

BiT Grst 3ia+d t-fl4 ;qm'fiqrf fi Ern t nfrFtrJFs qp ffi-5 ;qmefteii ft sqn it q+-q icrn frfr "o1

qq;qrqfda qr 3fu}fi-fi 3rfu{tur + ffi{ qffi fl *cq ftq*rn :
R-rr;+mfm (yBB R-r.) -51 ,550-1230-58,930-1380-63,070
R-qr;qrqrsftq (qaa ffi; -57,700-1230-58,930-1380-67,210 r.

(iii) F{dr;Trqfral (qftTT.T a-il{) -70,290-1540-76,450 r.

rft 116 h *d-{ t q-+,q itqn, tsm r{g"q qr 3ri,r ffi T Ft"P'fi {, aR aid fr :

q-q rd ft ffiE qfffi * Fc t -tfr qft fi ffi, fi sqn ri, w ;qrft-n t-qr qr 3rr TeI srrl engs ({*q) ql rrsq w+rr } vgu 3{r{-tr } q< n ffi-Id t cia ffi Eqrq ft ffi ar.r ffi ffi h sTq? TT cm ftqr ? qr fftr 6r rET * qt rm +rt h fu gr'En d' rPn' *, ffiq qfffi + m iS'

F'q-a ta-a't q-r..r isn h a-..rd-{ ft rq.q {q rr fr{r ilrlrr I

s. {en rrr.-(fic arf-}+-:,'r fi'ffi{ 3{ffi idrnf qlr rq e{ t xm ar-i fr sq;qrqreru h i-+;qo ;qr**ril qir ?q t r

(2) Tq .{rqwc cr 3H}ft-d srfur,Trr * qtzrfi-{ qffit air qa qF{-dq {ail sffiI {rs +;d } 5aq] a*ffq qcr,n * iT{E'r,'' sTFl-+rFai Ertr TFIq-qrt w wqft{ ftqr sr ra t :ir tqffi-q-{ ft ffiP} n +ff{ 3lrcFr sq".F"?r,n it rre< irra h r,q nr fu; wi * qrd h qaq"ft{


6. {{n rRTtqi qTr.{1) lTfr-{ qf}r,{]'t } 'ffi'{ 3Tffii fr q.6' q'r|{: cft'Is rrm tq d-fl-s} Tq ;qrqrrdt * ;'nqr*sit ai Fr * t

(2) Tq;{|q.rdffi qr eizfrft-f, qftfi-lr, h'ffiTi qfffii + q-rR {ftT{6 lTt }Fftq qir'rr * ${t 'o' 3Tfffit fr uw rrl ft:mi h 3ifr"{ Rffid' 6tt t

7 . Rftsr Rcrq-d.---il*-{ 3rff+r.-T + ffi{ eTfDmrfui h ftI }-ftq vrfir csf..zq i-q-{r ft VRflC

sq* ffi T p{Fr qT itqq-"cr r.erft .ir wO a'aq s;5q ri5q61 rqr.m ii q-ff t q-{T'rr } }*q i'+r

(frftifl' cngsi) ft{q, 1944 fr qqr-sqdf,r}d {G-,:rT fri +; Rq atA;r,

(2) Tq ;qgrd1q qr eMft-r 3TFrfiq * ffi{ 3Tfffit b ft'-', ftftet-tfrenq ?*fi'q F{+Ir

* tqd tF eTFffit 6r a-{'r crrlFllit } wfii Gffi-o drft t

+ R't', gA i-riziftld qr{rq g-g;qlq-|q'n t ful1(

8. g.$.-l]Sq 3T&rr!r F ffi{ qffit qrq"ficl*qPfiqrflii t

' (2) qq ;qrrlT?rzprT e,lHfr-f, qftfiq h ffiT{ 3Tfffii h fuq' gfr fr {idftl{ qlq-A ?*fi'q qcrlr i TTf '+' qf*ffi fr rprr cqMt a vfi-a frffit qin t

g Tmrc ft{rqr f,frr.-(1) {rfic arfuflrr h ffi-< qffii } frq ftilqr rrm g{kd flq-tRfi rn qqrF{R W +fr{ e;r dts cftcm ft qa t q-{,rt ftrrqT rrm or q'j?r frqr qrrFfi


(2) 'rq FqTTr.T{ 3{t( ffift-s aTft+-r:rlt ffi-a qffit t frq ?'*q qior * cTs'+' {ffii h ftq qm :r$t ur;rt Fa-r+r qtr q;l xi'r ft:,)n flr.{..rr


qlfd SI lFlrft : 3I$clRUI

trlFl ll-grg 3(i)l

10. Trfl {rflr.-*ar{t{ 3fffii fr e-t* 54ffiq-< } qqq'{T irrl fli rr "rqc f,T?rfl h er{qr {rtr ffi-r*rffirdTr


1 1, g6 T|1.I ft{rq(-1 r 1 rrdj"r 3lfa".{aT h ffiT{ 3fffii h fu ?rflrq {.{;r' F( h gg.dc, m } ftq a*' srg*n ezi eir 3gq + Rq g-S qr*r fi-rrrurd Ar{fr t

(2) Tq;{rqrq-q qh 3MtR-{' qtrr{-rrr:F rffi{ qf* :iflffii

t a; ft'q "T.ryy|i3llr

Fsrftr""; -rr* q-5 p-gft; { ar+r 5affif*a af+ di tw -n1 ffit * 3{eft-{ Gffi-d ihn r

12. Er{qq-frr.{1)?]fiq3rR-{i:1rT*ffz1fi-{qftqitri}fua;dlqe--6|aArflqrqqn-aq-{aRF}d

* qf frq-{ T+q'+' r.,c it qlFd wlT Fr q;Ier fr';{r wr.rrl I

(2) qq ;7JIqT.TC 'n ffiR-+ 3{eil]rf * -ffi-{ drffi m '16 G-+'.v r.en ft qr } qrn-ftq

.{rr n} qr".{'Tt fl?q {r Wi-{T Yfia.l TEm ft,rr qr.r'{qdnT frz{i-{rd

fiifh l,?i].-q"i.+ Fl"g


EITI ;fiT I Mt } RC :rgil ernimn si-{r Tf,rq jtrirR-d

13 eT|aiir$r ql?'r qTT.{l) *-qtrq ffi

sTB+TrT qrdq -qTTFrq sr d-fr#gr rrt + fu rl?-{fi' nt r{"Tl"iq ird 3it{ qfiism * rirm a}i qr Tql-{q r rF Trrr 1+. {,I Fqrri?Tur qtrdl ll=iT 7, rfi I

(2) dq qlTfdq {r 3i,errF|+ qfl*flrT 6 .ffirq 3fffit * fru e'rnimor qr4T'irin 5qftir.q-{+****rum"*""n*n"4ft*Rq?ffiqqrqn-nqqr;tnftq-qii6




5'rffiv-{ fi erats } *a< {s{ 6I ET Ar'r'r t

15. Erq *n {Iif.---sc q.lq-d fi qrqa trn} flt fi *'"i qft;q-o s'raitr q-ff q:rrT qq I qgqe{ qI 3ra{ q"Ri fi n-{r + R-q*]Ti *r rrd + q;ifrT q]qq"f qi kf,f'q q13',R * ffi'.rq + ftq 'I-rt.;qr{FT4. 3iEirfr4; qft,-qr:rr q.r r:rfrq qR-mr'r aTl] fi.tfin ft'l ar-1,1, jt"{ }-ft.4 q-;l-{ 6Fr s{ qa RR',fi crsTq:,rft 6.r{n t

I 6. Rrfrq 611 + qrfr.-idrq r{sr{ qir Eq Mi n ffi sq'ii?r * ffi fli qr F+i z qRnfr ft Er+q f*f*q$ri ftqIfuIrft


t{i. }s-25025/057291 3-firtr{tr5-21 eft'r+5cn, riTfi{R-4

MTNISTRY OI'-LABOUR AND 1]]\lPLOYNTl'NT NOTIIIIC'A'TION Ncw Delhi, thc 61h APril, ?01-s G.S,R. 336(U).-ln exccrcisc ol tlrc powcls conlcrrctl by clause (c) ol sub-secrion(l) ol section 38 ol ihe lndustrial t)isprltos Acl. 1947. lhe (lon1rltl (iovsrrtn)crl hcrcby Lnakos tho lirllowing ruics' namcly:-I i Thess rules rrrly te callod rlre Presitling OUlcers o1' tho l'ahour

l . Short tille and comtrrencemenl -i court. Indus0.inl Tribu ul antl Nutional Tribtrral (Salarics, Alluwlrncus and 0lhcr Tcrrnr und {itnditions of service)

Rules,20l5. {2)Theyshallcomcinlo|brcconlhedatco|'thcirpublicatitlnintheofticialGizettc.

2. Delinitions'-( l) ln tlrsse rulcs. ttnlcss tlrc cottlcxt olllolwis!-fctltlirc\'{a) "Ac(-' means lhc lndu\triirl l)ispulcs Acl' l9l7 (ll ol l947):


(b) "Prcsiding Ofllcer" rncuns r pcrson ilppointcd lrs presiding olliccr uncler Sections 7, 7A or Section 78 ol lhc Act

(2) All other wonls and exprcssions uscd and nol dcfined in thcsc rulcs but deflnecl in thc Act shall have meanings respnctivcly assigned to thenr in the Act,

3, Dura(ion.-In caseof appointn'rent on deputation ol scrvingjudgcs os presiding ol'licur. thn nDrmal period of appointmenl shall be tbr a peliod of three years and in case of relired judgei, the appointnrent shall be till the age of 65 years.

4. Salary.-( l) The Pay ol lhc Presitlin-v Ofliccr of National Tribunal shall bs lixed @ Rs 80,000/-{tixed) per month and rhis shall inclutle the dsputlrtion allowlnce in case of selving ju(lgss nd gross pension in ctse oi rctircd judges.

(2) The Salary ol the Presiding Otficer of the Labour Court or Iudustrial Tribunal shall be

the DistrictJudge (Entry Level) -Rs. 51.550-1230-58,930-1380-63,070
the Distfict Jlrdge (Sclcction Cn(lc) -Rs. 57,70G !2-10-58.930-1380-67,210

(iii) thc Dislrict.luctgc (S|lps[ tinre Scalc)-Rs, 70,290-1540-76.450

per nronth inclusive o1'gross persir.rn, pension equivalent or other retircmcnt benefits, if any:

Provided that in the case of an appeintrlent of a person a.s a prcsiding oflicer, who has retircd from Judicial Service or as Dcprty Chiel'Labour Conrnrissioner (Central) or Joint Commissioncr of the State Covcrnment and who is in [eceipt of ol has receivetl or has bscomg entitled to rcceive any retirr]ment hcnofit by way of pension, the pay of presiding ollicer shall bo rcduced by the gross amount ofPension fiom lhe Pay so l'ixed.

5. Dearness Allowanee.---(l )Thc presicling ol'liccrs ofNational Tlibunal shall reccive the rlearness allowancc at the rale as admissible to the servingjudges of the High Court.

(2) The presidin-q olficers of the Labour Coufl or lndrNtriirl Tribr.rnirl shall be entitled to dcarness allowance as applicuble to G{oup- "A" C)flicers of the Cenlral Ct:vernnrcnt dr0wing aa equivalcnt pay l'ron] tinre to tine subject lo thc condition that rclicf ol'pcnsion is dcducled fionr tlrc enrolument tlrawn tiuring thc period ol' re-en]ploynrent.

6 City Compensator_v Alkrwance.-(l) For presiding olficers ol Nutional Tribunals. lhe city compensatory allowance shall be as admissiblc to the servingjuclges ol High Ceurts.

(2) For presitling olTicers el Lahr:ur Court or Industrii Tribunrl. thc city compensalory allowance shall bc regulated un(.ler the rules as applicable to the Group -"A" Of'licers ol tlrg Central Government.

7, i\.tedical Concssion.-( l) Fo| presiding ollicers of the National Tribunal, the Central Government Health Scheme lacilities shall be available atthe station of posting and where the Central Covemment Health Schenre is not itt operation, thoy shall be entittled lothe t'acilities iu provitled in lhe Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944.

(2) Fof presitling otficers ol' tho L0bour Court or lndustrirl T|ibunal, thc mcdical lacilities shall be reguliltcd under the rules as applicable to the GrouPj' A" Ofticers of thc Central Gor'e|nment

8, Leave.---(l) For presiding ofticers of the National Tribunal, thc matters rclaling to leave shall be as adnrissibl to the servin-ujudges of the High Courts.

(2) For pr.csitling otficcrs ol'the Labour Court or lndustrid Tribunal, thc matlcrs relating to leavc shall bc regulatcd under the nLlcs as applicable to thc Gfoup-"A" Cllficcrs of tlre Certtal Govsmment.

9. House Reut Allowance.-( l) F-or the presiding ollicers ofthe National Tribunal. there shall be provided rent free f'urnished accomnudation or, as lhe case may bc. the house rent allowance at the rate ol'lhirty Per cent of the basic pay.

(2) For thc presidin-s offlcers of the Labour Court or lndusrial Trihunal, there shall be pr-ovided the House Rent AIlowaDce as admissible kr thc CrouPj'A" Olllccrs ol'the Cenll l Govenrmcnt.

10, Travelling Allowances.-The presiding oflicers shall be entitlcrl the travelling allowance as per their entillement on the mtes at the fine o[ thcir re-enlPloymcDt.

qrtd qt l|!T(rt : 3{{[qRql

lqn [-lqo-s 3(i)]

ll.LeaveTrsvelConcession'_(|)Forthgpresidingol't'icer.solthuNalionnlTribunal.theleavetlavel eoncession for sell and fhmily shall be as atlmissiblc to thc ltighesr grade in the central GoYernment'

(2) For the presiding olficers of the LaLroLr court or Induslriitl Trihunal. the bave Tmvcl Concession

shall be regulared under ihe rules as applicable to re-employed person in respect of Presiding Officers appointed on re-enrploycd basis'

12. Conveya'ce Alowsncc.-( l) lbr lhs pfuiiding olficcrs ol tlrs National Tribunal. rhcrc shall be prt.rvided the conveyance allowance in the lbrm 0l a lixed amount tQ bc tlccirled by the central c()ternmen{ f'ton1 tin1c to time'

(2) Thc presiding olliccrs ol lhc f,abour court or lndustrial Tribunal nray have an oPtion either to have a slatf car tbr 0lticial purpr;ses or use ol'ordfl vchicle wirh a grant of seventy five litres of petrol per monlh. 13, Trnnsfer Trsyelling Allowance,-( l) Thc translcr favelling allowancc shall be as adnrissible 1u a Government Servanl ot the highest gracle liom homc lown to headqua ers lol jr:ining the National lndustrial Trihunal or l,abour Court and Ii om headquafiers t(t honle town at the entl of the assignment' (?) For rhe presiding oflicsrs ot'rhe l-abour Coun or Industrial Trihunal. the transter tmvelling allowance

shal|beasperCenlfillcoveln|ncnlru)usasapplicabletore-cnployedPe'soninresPectofpresiding ol'licers appoinlcd on rc-ernployctl hasis'

  1. Contribulory provident Fund Scherne,-Thc prcsitting ol'l'iccrs shall bo cntitled to join Contdbutory Provident Fund Schenre as per rules during thc period ()f re-emPloymenl

  2. Other Conditions of Servicr.-Maltcrs rclaling 1() lhc tcrms and condilions of servicc ollhe Chairperson or other Members with respect to which no express provisiuns has been made in these rules, shall tre retbrred by the

labour Courl, Industrial Tribunal oI Nalional Tribunal to thc Cantral GQvemmenl lur its decision' and lhc decisien of the Cantral Govcrnment thereon slrall bc binding.

16'Powertore|ax._ThcCrgntra|GovernnrenthavepoweltolelllxthcproYision0fany0ltheserulesin respect of any class or categories of Persons. LN o. L2 5025 I o 5 l2o I 3-cLS-U



antl-PuhlishuLt b! tho Controllur {)l Publicltirtt$' Diihi-I 1005'l'


Proforma for Bio-data (to be filled by the judicial officer concerned)

  1. Name (in full)

  2. Date of Birth

  3. Educational Qualification

  4. Particulars of Service in brief with dates of each appointment held from the level of High Court Judge

(In Chronological Orde)

(Note: Experience with regard to Labour matters may be specifically mentioned)

5. Details Name of the last/current post in

Date of appointment to


last/current postof last/ Date of retirement


Scale of pay

post Last pay drawn


  1. Address for communication

  2. Phone no. (Otrice) (Residential) (Mobile)

  3. E-mail address

Date: Signature:

Place: Name:

Important Dates

Start Date End Date
Notification Issued 25-Jun-2018
Applications 08-Aug-2018
Admit Cards
Examinations (Preliminary)
Exam Results (Preliminary)
Examinations (Mains)
Answer Keys
Exam Results (Mains)
Final Results

Notification Issued By

  • Organization : Ministry of Labour and Employment
  • Organization City, State : , delhi
  • Organization Website :

  • Notification
  • General Information
  • Important Dates
  • How To Apply
  • Applications
  • Exam Fees
  • Eligibility
  • Educational Qualifications
  • Age Limits
  • Reservations
  • Posts / Positions / Services
  • Job Vacancies List
  • Examination Centres
  • Plan Of Examination
  • Exam Syllabus
  • Exam Instructions
  • Previous Question Papers
  • Interview Questions
  • Interview Experience
  • Results