Note: (1) Please download the relevant Application form and carefully go through the Instructions and the Recruitment Rules for this post appended to the Application form.
(2) Even though initially appointed to a particular Campus, the Campus Director shall be liable for transfer to any other Campus.
Advt.No.: IMU/HQ/ADMN/CD/Rectt./2018/01 dtd. 17.03.2018

1 | Name in full (in capital letters) | |
2 | Fathers Name | |
3 | Marital Status | Married / Unmarried |
4 | Sex | Male / Female |
5 | a) Date of birth (Day/Month/Year) b) Age as on the last date for receipt of applications by the University | ________ /________ /________ _____Years_____ Months ____ Days |
6 | Are you a citizen of India? | Yes / No |
7 | (A) Community (GEN/SC/ST/OBC-NCL) (B) Are you Physically Challenged (PwD) candidate? | (A) (B) If Yes, please provide details and copy of self attested Medical certificate. |
8 | a. Permanent address | b. Address for correspondence |
Mobile No. Email ID |
Details of Educational Qualifications: Please give particulars of all examinations
passed and Degrees obtained starting with the High School Leaving (10th
Sl. No. | Name of the Board/University/ Institution | Examination/ Degree/ Diploma passed with year of passing | Distinction/ Class / Division | Subjects (Please mention field of specialization, honours, etc., where applicable | Percentage of marks |
10. Details of Employment: Please give particulars of your present and past employment in chronological order, starting with the present one.
Sl. No. | Organization/ Institution | Whether Government/ Quasi-Govt./ Private ** | Position held | Date of joining | Date of leaving | Scale of Pay/ Pay Band/ Grade Pay |
**Public Universities and equivalent Educational Institutions, Government-aided colleges, Public Sector Undertakings and other such Autonomous organizations will be considered as Quasi-Government.
11. Details of Certificates/Testimonials/Commendations/Awards received:
12. Category: Candidates for the post of Director may be drawn from any of the 4 Categories given below. A given candidate can belong to only one of the 4 Categories. Please go through the qualifications prescribed for the post of Campus Director in IMUs Recruitment Rules appended to this application form.
Please tick any ONE of these 4 boxes:
Category 1 | Category 2 | Category 3 | Category 4 |
(Academics) | (Research Organisations) | (Mariners) | (Naval Officers) |
13. Fulfillment of Educational and Service Qualifications: Please fill the relevant fields pertaining to your Category only. Self-attested photocopies should be furnished as proof for educational qualifications. For service
qualification a certificate signed by a Notary Public supported by self-attested photocopies of relevant documents should be furnished as proof.
Category 1 -(Academics):-
Candidate qualified to be appointed as a Professor in any of the School(s) in IMU. However, the applicable age limit shall be 62 years. | Yes/ No Present Designation:_______________ ________________________________ Name of the University/ Institution/ Organisation: _______________________________ _______________________________ Scale of Pay:_____________________ AGP Rs.: ________________________ No. of years of experience in the present grade:__________________ Age: ___________________________ |
Category 2 Research Organisations :
(i) Graduate Degree in relevant engineering discipline. (Please specify): ______________________________________ _____________ | (Please specify) Percent / Grade |
(ii) Post Graduate Degree in relevant engineering discipline (Please specify): ______________________________________ | Percent / Grade |
(iii) Ph.D. Degree in Engineering (Please enclose copy of Synopsis of Thesis): ______________________________________ | Title:______________________ Dept.:_____________________ University:_________________ Date of award:______________ |
(iv) Number of years of experience in the rank of Scientist F or equivalent in Research Organisation. | years months days (Please specify) |
(v) Number of years of experience in the rank of Scientist G or equivalent in Research Organisation. | years months days (Please specify) |
Evidence of publications in peer reviewed journals:
Category 3 Mariners:
(i) DG(S) recognized MEO Class I (Motor)/ Master Mariner (FG) Certificate of Competency. | MEO Class I (Motor) CoC Master Mariner (FG) CoC |
(ii) Sailing experience at Management level within the meaning of STCW Convention in force. | years months days |
(iii) A Ph.D. Degree in relevant discipline. | Yes/No, if Yes please mention the Discipline _______________________ Title:___________________________ Dept.:__________________________ University:______________________ Date of Award:___________________ |
(iv) At least 20 years total work experience in shipping industry (sailing, on-shore, academics, classification society, and other related fields). For the purpose of calculation of total work experience, the sailing experience shall be multiplied by a factor of two. | Yes/No years months days |
[or] At least 10 years of sailing experience which includes 2 years sailing experience at Management level referred to in clause (ii) above. | Yes/No years months days |
a) Evidence of publications in peer reviewed journals: |
b) Extra Masters or Extra First Class or PGDMOM obtained prior to 2014 or Ph.D: |
Category 4 Naval Officers:-
Serving/Retired Naval officer with 5 years of experience in the rank of Commodore or equivalent/above and with experience in navigation/marine or electrical engineering/ naval architecture branches. | Yes/No years months days Name of the Rank: _______________ Name of the branch: ______________ |
a) Evidence of publications in peer reviewed journals: |
b) Experience in Navy Training Institutes/Headquarters: |
14. Details of Enclosures to be sent with the Application:
a) The following enclosures are common to all 4 categories of candidates:
- Self-attested photocopy of 10th standard certificate or equivalent in support of Date of Birth.
- Self-attested photocopy of Community certificate/ PwD certificate.
- Self-attested photocopies of Certificates/ Testimonials/ Commendations/ Awards.
- Self-attested photocopies of evidence of published work publications as books and / or research/ policy papers in refereed journals.
b) Enclosures applicable to Category 1, 2 & 4 candidates:
- Self-attested photocopies of U.G and P.G degree certificates.
- Self-attested photocopies of P.G degree mark sheets or grade sheets.
- Self-attested copy of Ph.D. Degree certificate in relevant discipline and copy of the synopsis of thesis.
4. Certificate of Service Qualification as Associate Professor signed by a Notary Public and supported by self-attested photocopies of relevant documents.
c) Enclosures applicable to Category 3 candidates:
- Self-attested photocopies of DG(S) recognized MEO Class I (Motor) Certificate of Competency.
- Self-attested photocopies of relevant documents as proof as sailing experience at Management level.
- Self-attested photocopy of Ph.D Degree in relevant discipline and copy of the synopsis of thesis.
Certificate of Service Qualification and Sailing experience signed by a Notary Public and supported by self-attested photocopies of relevant documents.
- (i)
- I declare that I have carefully read and fully understood the various instructions, Recruitment Rules for the post and other conditions and I hereby agree to abide by them.
- (ii)
- I declare that all the entries made by me in this application form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
(iii) I declare that I have not suffered any punishment so far in my career and that no disciplinary or criminal case is pending against me.
(iv) I am aware that if any of the particulars furnished or statements made by me in the application are found to be false, my appointment (if selected) is liable to be terminated summarily by IMU without any notice and I agree to the same.
Date: __________________

The Registrar, Indian Maritime University, Headquarters, East Coast Road, Semmencherry, Sholinganallur (P.O.) Chennai-600119
Endorsement from the Present Employer
The application of Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms., submitted for the post of Campus Director in the Indian Maritime University is forwarded to the Registrar, Indian Maritime University, Chennai, India. He/She is working in this organization, viz.__________________ in the post of _________________ in a temporary/permanent capacity with effect from in the Scale of Pay Band / Grade Pay of Rs.___________ . He/She is drawing a basic pay of Rs.________________ . Further, it is certified that the applicant has not suffered any punishment and that no disciplinary or criminal case is pending/ contemplated against him/her.
(Signature of the forwarding officer with Seal) Place: Name:
Date: Designation:
The Registrar,
Indian Maritime University,
Headquarters, East Coast Road,
Semmencherry, Sholinganallur (PO),
Chennai -600119
Application for the post of Campus Director DECLARATION OF MINIMUM SERVICE QUALIFICATION
(N.B. This Declaration should be signed by the candidate and got attested by a Notary Public)
I ___________________________ son/daughter of Shri. _____________________ hereby solemnly declare that I have worked in Organizations/Institutions as per the details given below:-
S. No. | Organization/ Institution name | Whether Govt./QuasiGovt./Private | Position held | Experience in Academics/Research Organizations/Marin e/Naval (Please Specify) | Date of joining | Date of leaving | Last drawn monthly salary |
Date: Place: | Signature of candidate | |
Attested by Notary Public With Seal |
(N.B. This Declaration should be signed by the candidate and got attested by a Notary Public)
I ___________________________ son/daughter of Shri. _____________________ hereby solemnly declare that I have Educational/other qualifications as per the details given below:-
S. No. | Category 1: *Academics | Category 2: *Research Organizations | Category 3: *Mariners | Category 4: *Naval Officers |
- *-The qualifications should be as per recruitment rules mentioned in Advt.
- Write NA for columns which are not applicable.
Date: Place: Signature of candidate
Attested by Notary Public With Seal
Advt.No. IMU/HQ/ADMN/CD/Rectt./2018/01 dtd. 17.03.2018
1. | The Indian Maritime University is looking for Campus Directors for its various Campuses presently located at Chennai, Mumbai Port, Navi Mumbai, Cochin, Vishakhapatnam and Kolkata, who are outstanding and whose interests will expand or complement the existing academic programs/administrative functions of the university. Indian Citizens are encouraged to apply for this position. Interested candidates may apply in the prescribed form which can be downloaded from the link available at |
2. | General Eligibility Conditions in r/o Essential / Desirable Qualifications / Duties and Responsibilities: Please Refer attached/uploaded Recruitment Rule of the Post at |
3. | Selection Process : All applications will be screened by a Expert Scrutiny committee. The committee will shortlist candidates based upon their relevant records/output. Short-listed candidates will be invited for an Interview. Ability to manage and communicate effectively with Students, Faculties and other officials will form an important component of the assessment of a candidate for this position. |
4. | Pay: As per 6th CPC -Pay Band 4 Rs.37400-67000 with AGP Rs.10,000 ( Likely to be revised as per 7th CPC). |
5. | Other General Instructions : a. Please read the instructions and general conditions before preparing and submitting the application form. b. The application form is a MS word document that may be filled on computer and printed out for signing and submission. c. Please note that the candidates who are currently employed will have to submit a No-Objection Certificate(NOC) from their current employer. This no-objection certificate may be submitted along with the application form itself or at the latest, presented at the time of interview. The candidate can also submit his application through Proper Channel within specified time limit as per advertisement. This certificate is to ensure that selected candidates will be relieved from their current positions without undue delay. |
6. | General Conditions: a. Please note the following general conditions about the selection process for the post. The Indian Maritime University reserves the right: i. to emphasize that the prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum ones and mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview. Where the number of applications received in response to an advertisement is large, the University at its discretion may restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview on the basis of qualifications/experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement; and decision of the Expert Scrutiny Committee in this regard shall be final. ii. to draw reserve panel(s) against the possible vacancies in the future; iii. to relax any of the desirable qualifications/experience/age at its discretion; iv. not to fill up any or all the advertised posts (or) to cancel the recruitment at any stage; v. to disqualify any candidate who indulges in canvassing of any kind;. vi. to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidate, in case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage before or after the issue of offer/order of appointment. |
7. | Submission of Application: a) Applications, along with all the requisite documents as mentioned in the application form must be submitted by post only (Speed / Registered). b) Incomplete & Late applications will not be entertained. c) The last date for receiving the applications is 45 days from the date of publication in Employment News. d) The Application, with the endorsement from the candidates Present Employer (if applicable), should reach the Registrar not later than the date of the interview. If the candidate is unable to produce the endorsement from his/her Present Employer even on the date of the interview, for whatsoever reasons, he/she will not be permitted to take the interview. e) Duly filled & completed application forms to be sent to The Registrar , Indian Maritime University, Headquarters, East Coast Road, Semmencherry, Sholinganallur (PO), Chennai 600119. |
8. | The following words: Application for the post of Campus Director, Indian Maritime University on Direct Recruitment basis/Deputation shall be super-scribed on the envelope without fail. |
9. | Candidates should submit their Applications only in the prescribed format. |
10. | Candidates should submit along with the Application all the enclosures prescribed in Item no.14. IMU reserves the right to summarily reject any application which is incomplete in any aspect or does not have one or more of the prescribed enclosures. |
11. | Proof of Service Qualification should be furnished as specified in Item nos. 13 & 14. IMU reserves the right to summarily reject any Application that does not meet the requirement. |
12. | The crucial date for determination of eligibility shall be the last date prescribed for the receipt of applications by the University. |
13. | No correspondence will be entertained from candidates regarding postal delays, conduct of and result of interview, the reasons for not being called for the interview or for not being selected or for confirming the equivalence of qualifications/experience , etc. |
14. | If any of the particulars furnished or statements made by the candidate are found to be false or wrong or incorrect, his/her appointment (if selected) is liable to be terminated summarily by IMU without any prior notice. |
15. | The selected candidate will be required to furnish a certificate in the prescribed format from his current employer to the fact that he/she has not suffered any punishment and that no disciplinary or vigilance or criminal case is pending or contemplated against him/her. |
16. | Disclaimer: In case of any inadvertent error/omission in the details provided above, Universitys Rules/Regulations/Ordinance/Statute will prevail as final. |

Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 17-Mar-2018 | |
Applications | ||
Admit Cards | ||
Examinations (Preliminary) | ||
Exam Results (Preliminary) | ||
Examinations (Mains) | ||
Answer Keys | ||
Exam Results (Mains) | ||
Interviews | ||
Final Results |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Indian Maritime University
- Organization City, State : , tamil nadu
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results