kjr ljdkj lapkj ea=ky; nwjlapkj fokx ofjV mi egkfunskd dk;kZy; fkeyk fgekpy iznsk Government of India Ministry of Communications, Department of Telecommunications O/o Sr. Dy. Director General Himachal Pradesh Licensing Service Area Telephone Exchange Building, Boundary Estate, Shimla (H.P) 171002 |

No. 2003/HP LSA/Deputartion Group B / 30 Dated: 25-05-2018
Sub: Notification in respect of vacancy to fill up Assistant Director (AD) and Junior Telecom Officer (JTO) posts in HP LSA, DoT, Shimla, on deputation basis.
It is proposed to fill up the posts of Assistant Directors / Junior Telecom Officers on deputation basis from among the staff working in Central / State Government Office / PSUs. The detail of posts, grade pay etc. is given below:
Name of the post |
Scale of pay ( as per 6th pay commission) |
Grade pay |
No. of posts likely to be filled. |
Assistant Director. |
PB-2 Rs. 9300-34800 |
Rs 4800/- |
06 (six) |
Junior Telecom Officer |
PB-2 Rs. 9300-34800 |
Rs 4600/- |
07 (seven) |
2. The guidelines for filling up the application is at Annexure B. The eligibility conditions and job profile for the above posts are given in Annexure-B1 Application form is given at annexure B2
3. The period of deputation is three years initially, extendable further up to 5 years or till superannuation whichever is earlier. The deputation can be terminated at any time prior to completion of deputation tenure as per requirement.
4. The pay and terms & conditions for deputation of the officers selected shall be regulated in terms of OM No. 6/8/2009 Estt (Pay II ) dated 17.06.2010 and subsequent O.M No. 2/11/2017 Estt (Pay II) dated 24.11.2017 of Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and pension ( Department of Personnel and Training) and other rules and instructions on deputation as amended from time to time.
5. The application for the post should reach latest by 17th July, 2018 to the Office of Sr. DDG, TERM HP LSA, 2nd Floor, Telephone Exchange Building, Boundary Estate, Chotta Shimla-171002 (H.P.). For any clarification/query in this regard applicant may contact to this office at phone Nos. 0177-2625048 & 0177-2620626.
Director (Admin.)
O/o Sr. Deputy Director General
TERM, DoT, HP LSA, Shimla.
Ph: 0177-2621999
Fax: 0177-2622599
Annexure B
Guidelines for applicants
- 1. The eligibility conditions for selection to the post of Assistant Directors (Ads)/ Junior Telecom Officers (JTOs), brief description of duties and application form is attached at Annexure B1& B2.
- 2. The terms and conditions for this deputation are attached at Annexure B3.
- 3. The period of deputation is three years initially extendable further up to 5 years to till superannuation whichever is earlier. The deputation can be terminated at any time prior to completion of deputation tenure as per requirement.
- 4. The age of the applicant shall not exceed 56years as on the closing date of receipt of application.
- 5. The pay and terms & conditions for deputation of the officers selected shall be regulated in terms of O.M No. 6/8/2009-Estt (pay II) dated 17/06/2010 and subsequent O.M No. 2/11/2017-Estt (pay II) dated 24/11/2017 of Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pension (Department Of Personnel and Training) and other rules and instructions on deputation as amended from time to time.
- 6. Only those applications, which are received through proper channel along with attested copies of APARs for preceding 5 years and vigilance clearances, shall be considered for selection.
- 7. Selection shall be approved by the Head of LSA.
- 8. The application for the post should reach latest by 17th July, 2018 to the Office of Sr. DDG, TERM HP LSA, 2nd Floor, Telephone Exchange Building, Boundary Estate, Chotta Shimla-171002 (H.P.). For any clarification/query in this regard applicant may contact to this office at phone Nos. 0177-2625048 & 0177-2620626.
- A. Eligibility Conditions:
- 1. Assistant Director:
Officers working under Central / state Govt. / BSNL/ MTNL/Other PSUs&
- i) Holding analogous post of Assistant Director on regular basis in Central/State Govt. in the pay scale of PB2 with Grade Pay of Rs.4800 ( As Per 6th CPC ).
- ii) Holding SDE/ Sr. SDE or analogous post in BSNL/ MTNL/ITI/TCIL/Any other PSU in the pay scale of 20600-46500 in current IDA scale.
- iii) Holding a post inPB2 with GP of 4600 in CDA OR holding a post in the pay scale of 16400-40500 in IDA with minimum of 5 years experience in the grade.
- 2. Junior Telecom Officer:
Officers working under Central / state Govt./BSNL /MTNL other PSUS&
- i) Holding analogous post of Junior Telecom Officer on regular basis in Central/State Govt in the pay scale of PB2 with Grade Pay of Rs.4600 ( As per 6th CPC ).
- ii) Holding JTO or analogous post in BSNL/MTNL/ITI/TCIL/Any other PSU in the pay scale of 16400-40500 in current IDA scales
The functions of DoT Field Units are broadly divided into following verticals:
- (i) Service Compliance CAF Audit, EMR Audit, Service Testing, roll-out obligations etc.
- (ii) Security-Security Audit, CMS, Grey Market detection, etc.
- (iii) Technology- Secured dedicated Communications Network, Time synchronization of Telecom Networks. Disaster Technology/Management. Interconnect Exchange, Inspections of licensee networks, Advocacy and public awareness etc.
- (iv) Rural- Rural connectivity for DBT. verification of USO sites, RF coverage testing/ telecom connectivity checking etc.
- (v) Admin, Legal, PG and Vigilance - Admin, PG, Building, and Vigilance court cases & Misc admin activities, etc.
AD/ JTO level officers are at the working level and may be assigned work related to any of the above functional verticals.
Application Format
1 |
Name of the Official |
: |
2 |
Date of Birth & Age |
: |
3 |
Post held at present & Office Address with name of the Deptt/Ministry/ PSU |
: |
4 |
Whether employee of central Govt./state Govt. / PSU: |
: |
5 |
Present Scale and Pay |
: |
6 |
Educational Qualification |
: |
7 |
Working experience including extent of working with computer |
: |
8 |
Date from which present post held |
: |
9 |
Nature of appointment i.e. whether adhoc or regular |
: |
10 |
Brief service particulars/ nature of duties performed for the last 10 years, date wise (Separate sheet may be attached if required) |
: |
11 |
Remarks, why the candidate feels he is suitable for the Job |
: |
Signature of Applicant
I I---------------------------------hereby declare that my posting as --------------in the office of the ------------------------------LSA Department of Telecom is purely on temporary basis and shall not have any right to claim for seniority in the said post in respect of service rendered by me on Deputation Basis.
II I am not entitled to absorption as ---------------------in the Department of Telecommunications and therefore will not resort to lay any claim for the same.
III I am liable to be repatriated to my parent department/ organization for any inaccuracies in the details noted above or for contravention of any provisions in the rules/ orders governing deputation.
Place: Signature of the applicant
Signature of the Controlling Officer with seal
Certificate to be recorded by the Head of office / Department while forwarding the application
Certified that:
- 1. The particulars given by the applicant are true and have been verified from the service record.
- 2. The applicant, if selected, will be relieved immediately, along with relevant details e.g. leaves availed/balance, LPC,etc.
- 3. Copies of ACR/APAR for the last five years are enclosed.
- 4. No Disciplinary/ Vigilance case is pending or contemplated against him/her ineligible for consideration of appointment to the post applied for No major/minor penalty is in force or current against the official.
- 5. Recommendations:
Dated Signature of Head of Office/ Department
Place : with official seal & Telephone & email Id
Annexure B-3
Department of Telecommunication
(SEA III Section)
Terms and Conditions at Group B (Non-gazetted )/Group C staff of BSNL working on deputation in DoT and its field officers.
The admissibility of various allowances to BSNL staff who are on deputation in DoT & its field officers has been under consideration in view of the instructions in DoT & its filed offices has been under consideration in view of the instructions in DoT OM dated 10.01.2012 wherein it was prescribed that the engagement of BSNL staff in field offices of DoT is to be brought under purview of standard terms of deputation under the provisions of DoP&T OM No 6/8/2009-Estt.(Pay II) dated 17.06.2010 . The field officers of DoT were instructed therein to regularize the existing arrangement of BSNL staff under provisions of para 7.6 of the above cited OM dated 17.06.2010 and allowances as are not admissible to regular employees of corresponding status in the borrowing department / organization shall not be admissible to the officers / officials on deputation/ foreign service, even if they are admissible in the parent department /organization. The conditions in respect of tenure of deputation /Foreign Service leave rules and premature reversion will also be regulated in accordance with DoP&T OM dated 17.06.2010.
2. The pay and allowances of BSNL staff on deputation in DoT & its field offices shall be regulated as under:
2 (a) The pay fixation and admissibility of various allowances / facilities expressly as provided in the DoP&T OM dated 17.06.2010 will be regulated accordingly as provided in the OM.
2(b) The ad-hoc CDA Bonus as declared by GOI during the deputation period, may be paid to the BSNL , employees on deputation to DoT as they will not be eligible to get BSNL/PLI, if any, declared by BSNL for its employees.
3. (i) HRA/Transport allowance: The employees on deputation will draw these allowances W.R.T the option exercised for fixation of pay. If the option is exercised for fixation of pay in the Government, the employee concerned will be governed by the rules of Gol for drawl of HRA/ Transport allowance. If the option is for drawing the scale of pay of the parent organization, the same will be regulated as per the rates admissible to employees of BSNL at the station. BSNL specific allowances Viz. professional Up gradation, Furnishing allowance, Outdoor Medical Facilities will not be given to BSNL employees on deputation to DoT.
(ii) IT/IT pay: The joining time, Where applicable, will be allowed under CCS (JT) Rules, 1979. Joining time pay will be the pay drawn immediately before the relinquishment of the charge of the post. The JT pay while proceeding and repatriation will be drawn/ borne by the borrowing Department.
(iii) TA/ Transfer TA: Tour TA will be regulated w.r.t rules applicable to Central Govt. employees, at par with the corresponding grade of employees. Transfer TA will be borne by the Govt. for both transfer on deputation and repatriation on completion of deputation, as admissible to corresponding grades of employees.
(iv) CEA: This will be regulated in accordance with the rules in the GOI and the cost will be borne by the Govt., for the corresponding years/ blocks as applicable to the period of deputation. In the event of
the official on deputation not availing this facility during his stay on deputation there shall not be any reimbursement/ adjustment on accrual basis.
(v) Encashment of Leave at the time of LTC: Presently, no facility exists in BSNL. As such, it will not be payable. In case of subsequent restoration of LTC facility by BSNL matter will be relooked into.
4. Pension Contribution in respect of absorbed employees is normally to GOI by BSNL on account of pension liability under rule 37 A of CCS (Pension) rules, 1972 Pension contribution in respect of BSNL employees on deputation to DoT shall be execrated from payment to GOI during the period of deputation of the employee in Govt. A remark to this effect will be recorded in the services record of the official during the period of deputation. In case of employees covered under EPFO. However, DoT shall reimburse to BSNL on a quarterly basis.
5. Leave salary contribution will be borne by the GOI as per extant rules in FRSR part.1
6. The deduction of subscription/recovery towards GPF made from the salary of these employees will be accounted in DoT in respect of the employees who are subscribers to GPF.
7. The employees of BSNL while on deputation CGHS facility in accordance with the rules of borrowing organization i.e. as applicable to DoT unit. The CGHS card is required to be surrendered at the time of repatriation.
8. The family planning allowances will be regulated as per GOI, MOF OM No. 07(39)-E111/79 Dated 19th July, 1980 under rule FR 27. The compulsory Insurance Scheme and standard License Fees will be regulated as per option of employees.
9. In case of any dispute, in r/o interpretation of any of the clauses of this understanding, the decision of Secretary, Dot will be final and binding.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 25-May-2018 | |
Applications | 17-Jul-2018 | |
Admit Cards | ||
Examinations (Preliminary) | ||
Exam Results (Preliminary) | ||
Examinations (Mains) | ||
Answer Keys | ||
Exam Results (Mains) | ||
Interviews | ||
Final Results |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Department Of Telecommunications
- Organization City, State : shimla, himachal pradesh
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results