"Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply."
Recruitment of 494 vacancies for the post of Senior Technical Assistant B (STA B) under Defence Research & Development Organisation Technical Cadre (DRTC)
Advertisement No.:CEPTAM-09/STA-B
Crucial date for eligibility : 29 August 2018 Date of DRDO Entry Test-2018 (Tier-I & Tier II): Closing date for submission of application: 29 August 2018 To be announced on website
DRDO offers exciting and challenging career opportunities to work on defence systems, infrastructure & related activities in a broad spectrum of subjects/disciplines at its more than 60 laboratories/establishments spread throughout the country. Online applications are invited for recruitment to the post of Senior Technical Assistant B (STA B) through DRDO Entry Test-2018 in various subjects/disciplines as per section-1 below. Candidates are advised to read the complete advertisement carefully, before filling up the online application form. Instructions for filling-up of online application and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are available on CEPTAM notice board of DRDO website www.drdo.gov.in. This advertisement consists of five sections. All details given in these sections are applicable to candidates. Translation ambiguity, if any, shall be resolved by referring to the English version of the advertisement published in the Employment News. In case of any ambiguity, the decision of DRDO will be final. Any dispute will be subject to the courts/tribunals having jurisdiction over Delhi only.
1.1 ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENT (EQR): Bachelors degree in science or Three years Diploma in engineering or technology or computerscience, or allied subjects in the required discipline. Candidates must have acquired the EQR as on crucial date of eligibility for the posts they are applying. Those awaiting results of the final examination as on crucial date of eligibility for the prescribed qualification are not eligible and hence should not apply. B.Sc. candidates must have read the required subject for at least 02 years in the course of B.Sc. programme. Please note that the candidates possessing higher qualification, viz., M.Sc. or B.Tech. or B.E. or Ph.D. degree etc., as on crucial date of eligibility, shall not be considered for the recruitment. Mere fulfilment of the minimum eligibility does not entitle any candidate to claim his/her candidature for selection to any post.

0115 | Mathematics | B.Sc. degree in Mathematics from recognized University/ Institute (candidates of PCM etc. may also apply). | 3 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 8 | These reservations are applied horizontally as per Govt. rules. | D2,M2 |
0116 | Mechanical Engineering | Three years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or Mechanical Engg(Production/ Automobile/ Refrigeration/ Air Conditioning/ Maintenance etc.) from Technical Board/ Institute. | 30 | 9 | 35 | 66 | 140 | A1,A2,A3,B1,B2, C2,D1,D2,H2,J1, K1,K2,N1,P1,P2, V1 | |
0117 | Metallurgy | Three years Diploma in Metallurgical Engineering from recognized Technical Board/ Institute. | 2 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 8 | A3,H2 | |
0118 | Photography | B.Sc. degree Or Three years Diploma in Photography or Cinematography (Vocational Photography & Cinematography) from recognized University/ Technical Board/ Institute (Applied courses and Bachelor in Fine Arts are not eligible). | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | B1,C2 | |
0119 | Physics | B.Sc. degree in Physics from recognized University/ Institute (candidates of PCM/PCB etc. may also apply). | 1 | 2 | 2 | 11 | 16 | C1,D1,D2,H2,K2, P2,V1 | |
0120 | Psychology | B.Sc. degree in Psychology from recognized University/ Institute. | 0 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 5 | D2 | |
0121 | Zoology | B.Sc. degree in Zoology/ Life Science from recognized University/ Institute (candidates of ZBC etc. may also apply). | 0 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 5 | D2,G1,L1 | |
TOTAL | 68 | 36 | 130 | 260 | 494 | 20 | |||
Note: The number of vacancies may increase or decrease depending upon requirement. A vacancy may be kept unfilled, if no candidate is found suitable. SC/ST/OBC vacancy reservations are applied vertically as per Govt. rules.1.3 PAY: Pay at level 6, as per 7th CPC Pay matrix and other benefits (Approx. Rs. 50,000 per month including allowances in class X cities#)1.4 AGE LIMIT AS ON CRUCIAL DATE OF ELIGIBILITY: Candidate must be between 18 and 28 Years of age (relaxable for SC/ST/OBC/ESM/PWD etc. as per Govt. of India rules)1.5 CODES OF POSTING STATIONS (REFER TABLE 1.2 IN SECTION 1): A1=AGRA; A2=AHMEDNAGAR; A3=AMBERNATH(EAST); B1=BALASORE; B2=BENGALURU; B3=BHUBANESWAR; C1=CHANDIGARH; C2=CHENNAI; D1=DEHRADUN; D2=DELHI; G1=GWALIOR; H1=HALDWANI; H2=HYDERABAD; J1=JAGDALPUR; J2=JODHPUR; K1=KANPUR; K2=KOCHI; L1=LEH; M1=MUSSOORIE; M2=MYSORE; N1=NASIK; P1=PANAGARH; P2=PUNE; V1=VISAKHAPATNAM |
2.1 REMUNERATION AND SERVICE CONDITION: Pay, as per 7th CPC Pay matrix, at level 6 and other benefits include dearness allowance, house rent allowance, transport allowance, children education allowance, leave travel concession, medical facilities, CSD facility and other allowances/advances. Recruited candidates will be covered under national pension system (NPS) of the government unless provided otherwise as per Govt. of India rules. DRDO has beautiful well laid out green campuses with residential quarters, general amenities & sports facilities at most of the laboratories/ establishments. The recruited candidates will be governed by the central government rules. The personnel policies in DRDO are well laid down. The selected candidates will be appointed on probation and are liable to serve anywhere within limits of union of India including field locations / remote areas, as and when required, as per Govt. of India rules. These posts are covered under merit based limited flexible complementing scheme of DRTC for promotion to next higher grade.
2.2 TERMS OF POSTING: Candidates must give his/her preferences for posting to various stations related to the post code in his/her application. The preference of posting to stations once given by the candidate, will be treated as final and irreversible. Subsequent request for change in preference will not be entertained under any circumstances/ reasons. Candidates are, therefore, advised to carefully give preference of posting stations in online application form. DRDO reserves its right to nominate the candidate anywhere in India depending upon organizational requirement. Candidates are required to serve a minimum of five years at the first place of posting and no request for transfer will be entertained during this period. However, they may be transferred to other locations in public interest by DRDO.
2.3 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: All eligibility conditions, will be determined with reference to the crucial date of eligibility as mentioned in this advertisement. A) NATIONALITY: Candidate must be a citizen of India. B) Age Limit: Please refer 1.4 of this advertisement for age limit. C) EQR: EQR as per section-1 should be from recognized institutions and approved by suitable bodies like UGC/AICTE/State/Central education board or similar appropriate statutory authority. D) MEDICAL FITNESS: Candidates must be in good mental and physical health and free from any physical deformity which may interfere in efficient discharge of duties. Provisionally shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a medical examination as prescribed by the competent authority, before the appointment is issued. If a candidate is found unfit, he/she will not be offered an appointment. For PWD candidates, medical fitness standards are as per Govt. of India rules. E) NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE (NOC): Candidates serving in Govt., PSU, Autonomous organizations, Armed Forces and Departmental candidates must apply through proper channel. Candidate should obtain NOC from the present employer at appropriate time. Application submitted without NOC will be treated as provisional. NOC must be submitted along with other documents at the time of document verification, if shortlisted. Note: i) Candidates should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria for the post they are applying. Their admission at all stages of the selection process will be purely provisional, subject to fulfilling prescribed eligibility criteria. If, on verification, at any time during or after the selection process, it is found that, they do not fulfill any of the eligibility criteria, their candidature/appointment will be cancelled without notice, and no representation in this regard will be entertained under any circumstances.ii) Provisional shortlisting/selection at any stage of the process or success in the examination confers no right of appointment, unless the government is satisfied, after such enquiry as may be considered necessary, that the candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment to the service/post.iii) The decision of DRDO in all matters related to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, mode of selection, conduct of examination(s), allotment of examination centres, and nomination of provisionally shortlisted candidates to a specific lab/city will be final and binding on the candidates and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
2.4 RESERVATION/RELAXATION BENEFITS: A) Reservation/ relaxation benefits regarding age, minimum qualifying criteria etc. are applicable to the SC/ST/OBC/PWD etc. candidates applying against vacancies earmarked for them, in accordance with the instructions / orders / circulars, as per extant Govt. of India orders. All candidates applying against unreserved (UR) vacancies will be treated as general candidates. B) Candidates seeking reservation/relaxation benefits must support their claim with duly selfattested copies of relevant certificates issued by Govt./notified competent authority, at the time of submitting online applications and document verification or whenever required by DRDO, else their claim for any relaxation/concession etc. will not be considered and their application will be treated under unreserved category. C) A candidate seeking reservation/ relaxation benefits of OBC must ensure that he/she possess a genuine caste/ community certificate in central Govt. format and does not fall in creamy layer on the crucial date of eligibility. D) Candidates with physical disability of 40% and more only would be considered as person with disability (PWD) and entitled to reservation for PWD. E) It may be noted that, candidature will remain provisional till the veracity of the concerned documents are verified/reverified by the appointing authority.
2.5 AGE RELAXATION: A) The candidate must be within prescribed age limit on the crucial date of eligibility. However, upper age limit is relaxable for SC, ST, OBC, PWD, ESM, Central Govt. Civilian Employees, Disabled Defence Services Personnel, Persons domiciled in Jammu & Kashmir state during the period from 01-01-1980 to 31-12-1989 as per the rule prescribed by the Government of India. No age relaxation is allowed to SC/ST/OBC candidates applying against unreserved (UR) vacancies. Candidates belonging to PWD, ESM, Central Govt. Civilian Employees, Disabled Defence Services Personnel, Persons domiciled in Jammu & Kashmir state during the period from 01-011980 to 31-12-1989 categories, who are applying against UR vacancies will get age relaxation benefit only for their respective category as above and no additional relaxation will be given for belonging to SC/ST/OBC category (Refer FAQ for further details). B) For relaxation, proforma for certificates may be downloaded (if required) from the CEPTAM notice board on DRDO website
3.1 HOW TO APPLY: Candidates must satisfy themselves, before applying, about their eligibility for the post. Candidates are, therefore, urged to carefully read the advertisement and complete the application form and submit the same as per the instructions to avoid rejection later. A) All candidates must apply online through the link available on CEPTAM notice board (https://www.drdo.gov.in/drdo/ceptam/ceptamnoticeboard.htm l). Applications received by any other mode will be summarily rejected. B) The online application portal will be opened on 04 August 2018 and closed on 29 August 2018 (05:00 PM). C) Firstly, the candidate must register online by filling up the basic details. After registration, the candidate will get a user Id & password (note it down & keep safely), which will be used to login for filling of application. D) Candidates are advised not to wait until last date to submit their applications. CEPTAM will not be responsible, if candidates are not able to submit their applications on time due to last minute heavy rush, network congestion etc. E) The following documents and their scanned copies must be kept ready before filling the application: (i) 10th class or equivalent certificate for age proof. (ii) EQR certificates e.g. Graduation, Diploma etc. (as applicable). (iii) Photograph (Use only recent colour photograph taken within last 30 days. Keep 7 copies of the same photograph for future use.) (iv) Clear Left thumb impression taken with stamp pad on plain white paper. (v) Signature on plain white paper. (vi) Caste certificate in Central Govt. format (wherever applicable). (vii) PWD certificate (wherever applicable). (viii) Identity proof (ID) (e.g. Aadhaar, Passport, Voter ID, PAN, Official ID, etc.) which must be carried during the examination & document verification. F) Candidates must fill their name, date of birth, fathers name & mothers name as given in matriculation/secondary examination certificate, otherwise their candidature may be cancelled. G) Candidates should have their own mobile number and valid & active personal email id. H) Contact details such as e-mail, mobile number, communication & permanent address etc. must be correct & active during the recruitment cycle as all communication will be done through them. I) Submission of Application: (i) Candidates should read the instructions carefully before making any entry or selecting options. The detailed instructions for filling-up of online application are available on our website. (ii) Candidates should save and review his/her application before submission. (iii) Candidates are required to make online payment of application fee (wherever applicable). (iv) After final submission, request for change/correction in the particulars given in the application form, shall not be entertained under any circumstances. CEPTAM will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of non-acceptance of any correction/deletion in any particular given by candidates in application form. Hence candidates are advised to fill the application form carefully. J) Candidates are advised to take a printout of application and keep safely, bring it, at the time of document verification (if shortlisted). No printed copy of application is required to be sent to CEPTAM. However, candidates have to produce duly signed printed copy of application at the time of document verification, if provisionally shortlisted.
3.2 APPLICATION FEE, EXEMPTION FROM PAYMENT OF FEE AND MODE OF PAYMENT: A) APPLICATION FEE: Non-refundable application fee of Rs. 100/-(Rupees one hundred only) is to be paid by the candidate. The fee should be paid separately for each post code applied. B) EXEMPTION FROM PAYMENT OF FEE: All women and SC/ST/PWD/ESM candidates are exempted from payment of application fee, as per Govt. of India rules. C) MODE OF PAYMENT: Fee is to be paid online through credit card/debit card/net banking. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. D) Ex-servicemen, who have already secured employment in civil side under Central Government on regular basis after availing of the benefits of reservation given to ex-servicemen for their reemployment, are NOT eligible for fee concession.
3.3 A) EXAMINATION CITIES FOR TIER-I: Candidates are advised to choose any three different cities from the following list in order of preference for Tier-I examination. The option/preference once given by the candidate will be treated as final and irreversible. No request for change of examination city will be entertained. CEPTAM reserves the right to add/delete any examination city and allot the candidates to any examination city other than chosen by candidate depending upon the operational constraints.
01 | AGRA | 17 | IMPHAL | 33 | MYSORE |
02 | AHMEDABAD | 18 | INDORE | 34 | NAGPUR |
03 | BALASORE | 19 | ITANAGAR | 35 | NASIK |
04 | BENGALURU | 20 | JABALPUR | 36 | PANAJI |
05 | BHOPAL | 21 | JAIPUR | 37 | PATNA |
07 | BIKANER | 23 | JAMSHEDPUR | 39 | PUNE |
08 | CHANDIGARH | 24 | JAMMU | 40 | RAIPUR |
09 | CHENNAI | 25 | JODHPUR | 41 | RAJKOT |
10 | DEHRADUN | 26 | KANPUR | 42 | RANCHI |
11 | DELHI NCR | 27 | KOCHI | 43 | SILIGURI |
13 | GUWAHATI | 29 | LUCKNOW | 45 | VARANASI |
14 | GWALIOR | 30 | MADURAI | 46 | VIJAYWADA |
16 | HYDERABAD | 32 | MUMBAI |
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B) EXAMINATION CITIES FOR TIER-II: No choice for city is required to be given by the candidates for Tier-II examination. Examination cities for the same will be decided by CEPTAM based on the operational requirement.
3.4 REJECTION CRITERIA: The rejection of applications will be based on following grounds: A) Not meeting EQR. B) Incomplete or partially filled Application. C) Applications without Fees (wherever applicable). D) Applications not received through proper mode/channel. E) Applications having blurred/irrelevant photo, signature, thumb impression or other documents. F) Underage or overage as on crucial date of eligibility. G) Higher qualification viz. M.Sc. or B.Tech. or B.E. or Ph.D. degree etc. as on crucial date of eligibility. H) If a candidate submits more than one application successfully for same post code, then only the latest application with application fee (if applicable) will be considered and other applications will be rejected.
3.5 A) DATE OF EXAMINATION AND ADMIT CARD (TIER-I & TIER-IIEXAMINATION): The date of examination will be published on website later. The date, time & venue of examination will be given on admit card. The eadmit cards will be available on our website (https://www.drdo.gov.in/drdo/ceptam/ceptamnoticeboard.htm l) for download/ print, at least 02 weeks prior to examination. Admit cards will not be sent by post. Candidates must print (preferably in colour) the admit card and carry it for appearing in examinations. Valid original photo Id (as mentioned in the application form) is mandatory with admit card to appear in the examination. CEPTAM reserves the right to divert candidate of any centre to other centre depending upon operational constraints. CEPTAM will not entertain any request for any change in examination centre, date and session allotted to candidate(s). Mere issue of e-admit card to the candidates will NOT imply that their candidature has been finally accepted by the CEPTAM.B) APPLICATION FOR MULTIPLE POSTS: Candidates applying for more than one post code should submit their application, complete in all respects, separately. Tier-I examination: Candidates, who have applied for more than one post code, should be aware that centre for each examination may be different, and examination may be on the same day/shift. If the examinations are in two different shifts on the same day, it will be the candidates responsibility to reach the allocated centre. If the examination for two post codes applied by candidate is in the same shift, he/she will be able to appear in the examination of one post code as per his/her own choice.Tier-II examination: It is to be noted that Tier-II examination will be in one shift in parallel for all post codes, so candidate will get opportunity to appear in the examination of only one post code as per his/her own choice.
4.1 SELECTION PROCESS: The selection process will consist of DRDO entry test in two tiers: Tier-I, Tier-II & preliminary document verification. Tier-I & Tier-II Tests: i) Both the test will be Computer Based Test (CBT). CBT will be conducted in two tiers as described in Table-1. ii) The CBT will consist of objective type-multiple choice questions only. iii) The syllabus of the examinations will be commensurate to essential qualification required for the post. iv) The medium for examination will be Hindi or English. v) Tier-I examination is for screening only. vi) Tier-II examination is for provisional selection. vii) Marks will be normalized in Tier-I & Tier-II examination as per best practices.
4.2 RESOLUTION OF TIE CASES FOR TIER-II EXAMINATION: In cases where more than one candidate secure the equal aggregate marks in Tier-II examination, tie cases will be resolved by applying following criteria, one after another, as applicable till the tie is resolved. (i) Marks obtained in Tier-I examination. (ii) Date of birth, older candidate placed higher in merit list.
(iii) Alphabetical order in which the names of the candidates appear.
4.3 PROVISIONS FOR PWD CATEGORY:(i) Visually impaired/cerebral palsy, orthopedically handicapped candidates who has a locomotor disability wherein the dominant writing extremity is affected to the extent of slowing down the performance of the candidate (such deficiency to be indicated in the medical certificate submitted by the candidate) will be allowed compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour in the examination. Question papers will not be provided in Braille. Candidates who are availing compensatory time will have to arrange scribe on their own. (ii) For visually impaired candidates, there will be no component of maps/graph/diagrams/statistical data in the Question paper.
4.4 PRELIMINARY DOCUMENT VERIFICATION: Candidates will be called for examinations without any detailed scrutiny, therefore, their admission in examinations are only provisional. Candidates are advised to ensure meeting all eligibility criteria to avoid rejection in future. The original certificates pertaining to EQR and other relevant documents will be examined at the time of document verification. Preliminary document verification will be held after Tier-I examination. The date, time, venue and detailed instructions will be given on website later. Provisionally shortlisted candidates for Tier-II examination need to produce all the relevant certificates in original at the time of preliminary document verification, failing which the candidature of such candidates will be cancelled. Candidates may be asked at any stage of the recruitment process to produce original documents/certificates for the verification of its authenticity by forensic expert/issuing authority.
4.5 NOMINATION FOR POSTING TO LABS/ESTTS.: The function of the CEPTAM is to select and nominate the name of suitable candidates to the concerned DRDO lab/estt. on the basis of availability of vacancies in various DRDO labs/estts. Nomination shall be on the basis of merit of the candidates in the Tier-II examination, outcome of preliminary document verification and preference of posting to stations (refer 2.2) given by the candidates in their application for further processing of their candidature. Offer of appointment letter will be issued by concerned lab/estt. subject to satisfying all eligibility criteria including antecedents and character. DRDO reserves the right to nominate candidates to any place in India depending upon organisational requirements/constraints.

Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | ||
Applications | 29-Aug-2018 | |
Admit Cards | ||
Examinations (Preliminary) | ||
Exam Results (Preliminary) | ||
Examinations (Mains) | ||
Answer Keys | ||
Exam Results (Mains) | ||
Interviews | ||
Final Results |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Defence Research and Development Organisation
- Organization City, State : , delhi
- Organization Website : http://www.drdo.gov.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results