- Conditions:
- No.NIT/PD/2018/364 Date: 19-01-2018
INSTITUTE OFLOGY SRINAGAR, J & Webs National Institute of Technology Srinagar ( J & K) NIT/PD/2018/364 Dated:- 19-01-2018 RECRUITMENT FOR FACULTY POSITIONS Advt. No. NIT/Faculty-Recruitment/2018/02(F), Dated 19th January, 2018

Applications are invited from qualified Indian Nationals for the positions of Assistant Professor (Contract) in OPEN, OBC, SC, ST and PwD categories, Associate Professor and Professor in various disciplines. Please visit the Institute website: www.nitsri.ac.in for details.
- 1.Candidates willing to apply for one or more posts are requested to apply separately for each post advertised..2.Filled applications along with all self attested documents should reach the office of the Registrar, N.I.T Srinagar (J & K) on or before 28 February 2018 (Wednesday) by 4.30 p.m.3.In view of the recent modifications in the Recruitment Rules made by MHRD, earlier recruitment notification of the Institute issued vide No.NIT/PD/2015/4634dated:23-12-2015 stands cancelled. Those who have applied against the said notification need to apply afresh.
Hazratbal Srinagar ( J & K)-190 006. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No.NIT/PD/2018/364 Date: 19-01-2018
Note: In view of the recent modifications in the Recruitment Rules for faculty made by MHRD, earlier recruitment notification for recruitment of faculty positions of the Institute vide No: Advt No.NIT/PD/2015/4634 dated:23-12-2015 stands cancelled. Those who have applied against the said notification need to apply afresh. The advertisement has to be read together with the relevant details given in the following: Gazette Notification of India, EXTRAORDINARY PART II-Section 3-Sub-section(i), Published by Authority, No.651,New Delhi, Monday, July 24th July, 2017/Sravana 2, 1939. F.No.33-9/2011TS. Ill, GOI, MHRD dated 13th September, 2017.F.No.33-9/2011TS. Ill, GOI, MHRD dated 6th October, 2017.F.No.33-9/2011TS. Ill, GOI, MHRD dated 17th November, 2017.F.No.33-9/2011TS. Ill, GOI, MHRD dated 30th November, 2017.F.No.33-9/2011TS. Ill, GOI, MHRD dated 4th December, 2017, and subsequentnotifications in lieu of the above.
- The candidates are requested to go through the above mentioned documents thoroughlybefore submitting the application. Qualifications and essential requirements are given inGazette notification given above and reproduced for advertised positions at Annexure-1. Ph.D specializations in various Departments are given in Annexure-2.
- All new entrants shall have Ph.D in specializations mentioned and shall have first class inpreceding degrees. (The applicable degrees at B.Tech level/M.Sc level are given inAnnexure-3)b.
- For departments which are not having any vacancy, movement to higher Academic GradePay or cadre shall be carried out as per specified selection process but it will be restrictedto only for serving faculty members of the respective departments.
1.NIT Srinagar, J & K (here-in-after referred as NITSRI) is an Institute ofNational Importance. It strives to have a workforce which reflects an all-Indiacharacter and hence candidates from all over the Country living anywhere inthe World are encouraged to apply.
- 2.The application along with necessary documents has to be submitted in hard copy only.Application through Email will not be considered.
- 3. Reservation for SC/ST/OBC candidates will as per Central Govt. Rules as applicable to faculty posts for NITs. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC categories should attach a valid certificate obtained from Revenue Authorities not below the rank of Tehsildar of the place of domicile of the candidates clearly authenticating the category to which they belong. Applicants belonging to OBC category but coming in creamy layer will not be entitled for the any benefit under OBC reservation category. The certificates should at least be valid upto the closing date of application.
- 4. Concessions and reservation for Persons with Disability (PwD) is as per Govt. of India norms. PwD category candidates shall be required to submit the medical certificate in the prescribed form issued by the competent authorities for the purpose along with the application. Persons suffering from not less than 40% of the disability shall only be eligible for the benefit of the reservation.
- 5. Besides the applicable Pay, admissible allowances will be in accordance with Central Government / Institute Rules in force from time to time.
- 6. Experienced and meritorious candidates may be granted higher pay on recommendation of the Selection Committee.
- 7. Mere fulfillment of the required qualifications and experience, does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview / selection. The Institute reserves the right to fill or not fill any of the positions. Decision of the institute in all matters related to recruitment will be final and binding on the applicants.
- 8. The Institute reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates for interview to a reasonable limit, on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than those prescribed in this advertisement. The decision of the Institute for formulation of criteria in this regard will be final and binding.
- 9. The Screening committee shall shortlist the eligible and most desirable candidates to be called for interview from amongst the applicants, based on specialization, availability of candidates, and requirements of the Departments. Short listing norms may not be uniform across the departments of the Institute.
- 10. All Degree Certificates should be from recognized Universities / Institutes.
- 11. Candidates in Government/ Semi-Government/PSUs/Universities/ Educational Institutions should route their applications through proper channel. If original application is routed through proper channel, an Advance copy, of the application should be sent so as to reach NITSRI before the prescribed last date. If the application through proper channel is not received before interview, the interview will not be conducted.
- 12. Minimum six months or more than six months of experience in relevant regular positions will only be considered towards qualifying experience.. The experience should from institutes of national Institutes of importance like IITs,/NITs/CFTIs or from an departments/institutes/universities which are NBA/NAAC acredited.
- 13. Original documents and ID proof (Aadhar/ passport/voter ID/PAN card) will have to be produced necessarily at the time of interview.
- 14. Selected candidates are bound to join duty within the time granted.
- 15. Applicants are advised to mention a valid e-mail ID in their application. List of eligible candidates called for Interview will be uploaded in the Institute website. Candidates are advised to be in touch with the Institute Website: www.nitsri.ac.in for every relevant information related to recruitment/advertisement. Call letters to eligible candidates may also be issued through e-mail only.
- 16. No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from candidates regarding reason for not being called for interview / outcome of interview.
- 17. The institute will not be responsible for any postal delay/loss of applications etc.
- 18. The candidate is responsible for the correctness of the information provided in the application. If it is found, at a later date, that any information given in the application is incorrect / false, the candidature / appointment is liable to be cancelled / terminated.
- 19. Any dispute regarding the selection/ recruitment process will be restricted within J & K High court at Srinagar only.
- 20. Applications should be in prescribed format and attached with relevant self attested copies of documents in support of eligibility. Applications not in prescribed format and without relevant supporting documents will not be entertained. In this connection no correspondence will be entertained.
- 21. All Qualifications, Experiences and Age Limit will be considered as on or before 28/02/2018 (Closing date of application).
- 22. Fresh appointments beyond the age of 60 years are discouraged except in the case of faculty with exceptionally brilliant research career and with ongoing or approved externally funded research projects.
- 23. Candidates who obtained Ph.D from NIT Srinagar will be considered. However, there should be at least three years gap between the award of their Ph.D and closing date of application.
- 24. For new entrants first division will mean a CGPA of 6.5 on a scale of 10 or 60% aggregate in a degree.
- 25. No TA/DA will be paid for attending interview.
a) Total vacant positions of Professors/Associate Professors/ Assistant Professor (Contract) in OPEN category are available as under:
S.No |
Department |
Total no. |
1 |
Chemical Engineering |
2 |
2 |
Civil Engineering |
8 |
3 |
Computer Science and Engineering |
5 |
4 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
6 |
5 |
Information Technology |
5 |
6 |
Mechanical Engineering |
4 |
7 |
Metallurgical and Material Engineering |
3 |
8 |
Electrical Engineering |
5 |
9 |
Chemistry |
1 |
10 |
Mathematics |
6 |
11 |
Physics |
1 |
12 |
Humanities and Social Sciences |
2 |
13 |
Training and Placement |
1 |
b) Total vacant positions of Assistant Professor (Contract) in OBC/SC/ST/PwD category are available as under:
S.No |
Department |
SC |
ST |
PwD |
1 |
Chemical Engineering |
2 |
2 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
Civil Engineering |
2 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
Computer Science and Engineering |
3 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
3 |
2 |
2 |
5 |
Information Technology |
2 |
1 |
0 |
6 |
Mechanical Engineering |
2 |
2 |
2 |
7 |
Metallurgical and Material Engineering |
2 |
2 |
1 |
8 |
Electrical Engineering |
2 |
2 |
2 |
9 |
Chemistry |
2 |
2 |
0 |
10 |
Mathematics |
2 |
2 |
1 |
11 |
Physics |
1 |
1 |
0 |
12 |
Humanities and Social Sciences |
3 |
3 |
0 |
How TO APPLY: Application along with self attested copies of relevant documents in support of eligibility have to be sent in sealed envelope superscripted as " Application for the post of: Assistant Professor (Contract)/ Associate Professor/Professor in the Department of.....(Name of the Department) to: Registrar NIT Srinagar, Hazratbal Srinagar, J & K- 190 006 by speed post/Registered post so as to reach NIT SRINAGAR(J&K) on or before 28th February, 2018. Non refundable fee of Rs 1000/ is payable for GENERAL/OPEN category candidates & for OBC/SC/ST/PWD candidates the payable fee is Rs 500/. The fee should be paid online through NEFT/SWIFT to Director, NIT Srinagar, J & K. Indian nationals applying from abroad should pay US$25 for all categories. The bank details are given as under: Bank Name: JK Bank Branch name: REC Hazratbal, Srinagar, J & K Account No: CD-0391010100000106 IFSC code:JAKA0RECSGR SWIFT code: JAKAINBBSRI The list of documents to be attached with the application are given in annexure named CHECK LIST. Annexure-1 Designation, Pay Band and Academic Grade, Essential Qualification, Essential Requirements and Cumulative Essential Credit Points requirement. [Refernce: Recruitment Rules published in the Ministry of HRD (Dept. of Higher Education) Notification dated 21st July, 2017 as appeared in Gazette of India, EXTRAORDINARY PART IISection 3Sub-section (i) dated 24th July, 2017 and the Recommendations of Anomaly Committee issued vide MHRD Letter No. F.No.33-9/2011TS. Ill dated 6th October, 2017]
Pay Scale will be same as prescribed in 7th Pay Commission for NITs (Pre revised grades are mentioned in the Gazette notification no. shown above)
Sl.No . |
Designation |
Essential Qualificatio n |
Essential Requirements |
Cumulative Essential Credit Points |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
Assistant Professor (Contract) |
Ph.D |
1 |
Associate Professor |
Ph.D |
Six years after Ph.D. of which at least three years at the level of Assistant Professor with Academic Grade Pay of Rs. 8000/-; Or Nine years total working experience, of which three years should be after Ph.D., with at least three years at the level of Assistant Professor with Academic Grade Pay of Rs. 8000/-. |
50 |
2. |
Professor |
Ph.D |
Ten years after Ph.D. or thirteen years total working experience, out of which seven years should be after Ph.D. At least three years at the level of Associate professor with Academic Grade Pay of Rs.9500 or four years at the level of Associate Professor with Academic Grade Pay of Rs.9000 or combination of Rs.9000 and Rs.9500 or equivalent in an Institution of repute or Research & Development lab or relevant industry. |
80 |
Annexure- 2 Specializations for Departments (Cadre wise)
Physics |
1. |
Assistant Professor (Contract) |
Atomic Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Nuclear Physics, Renewable Source of Energy, Nano Science. |
2. |
Associate Professor |
Condensed matter Physics, Nuclear Physics, Nano Science |
3. |
Professor |
Condensed Matter Physics, Renwable Source of Energy, Atomic Physics, Nuclear Physics, Nano Science |
Chemistry |
1. |
Assistant Professor (Contract) |
Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry |
2. |
Associate Professor |
Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry |
3. |
Professor |
Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry |
Mathematics |
1. |
Assistant Professor (Contract) |
Numerical Analysis, Abstract Algebra, Differential Equations, Statistics, Differential Geometry, Theoritical Computer Science |
2. |
Associate Professor |
Fluid Mechanics, Real Analysis |
3. |
Professor |
Approximation Theory Wavelet Analysis Sequence space, summability theory |
1. |
Assistant Professor (Contract) |
General Management, Finance, Marketing, IT, HR and ProductionMgt. English Language, Linguistics |
2. |
Associate Professor |
Finance, Marketing, Gen. Management, HR, IT, Linguistics and English Language |
3. |
Professor |
Management, Entrepreneurship, Finance, & Marketing |
Civil Engineering |
1. |
Assistant Professor (Contract) |
Structural Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Remote sensing & GIS/ Surveying, Construction Engineering & Management, Architectural/ Town planning and Regional Planning |
2. |
Associate Professor |
Structural Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Remote sensing & GIS/ Surveying, Construction Engineering & Management, Architectural/ Town planning and Regional Planning |
3. |
Professor |
Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Geological/ Geo Sciences. |
Mechanical Engineering |
1. |
Assistant Professor (Contract) |
Thermal Engineering, Industrial & Production, Mechanical Design, Tribology & Maintenance |
2. |
Associate Professor |
Thermal Engineering, Industrial & Production, Mechanical Design Tribology & Maintenance |
3. |
Professor |
Thermal Engineering, Industrial & Production, Mechanical Design, Tribology & Maintenance |
Chemical Engineering |
1. |
Assistant Professor (Contract) |
Biomass Conversion to Energy, Membrane Separation, Catalysis, Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology, Pollution Abatement (Environmental Engineering), Transport Processes, Computer Aided Design in Chemical Engineering, Safety in Chemical Engineering, Modeling and Simulation, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Nano Science and Technology, Petroleum and Petrochemicals |
2. |
Associate Professor |
Biomass Conversion to Energy (Hydrothermal and other Conversion Technologies), Membrane Separation Processes (Ion-exchange/ other membranes; synthesis, characterization and application), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Nano Science & Technology, Computer Aided Design in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Catalysis |
3. |
Professor |
Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology, Membrane Separation Technologies, Safety in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Catalysis, Petroleum and Petrochemicals, Transport Processes, Computer Aided Design in Chemical Engineering, Biomass Conversion Technologies, Nano Science and Technology |
Information Technology |
1. |
Assistant Professor (Contract) |
Machine vision and Image processing, Data Management and Analytics, Computer Networks, Information Security and forensics, Communication and Information Technology, Web Technologies, Algorithm and Software Engineering, Embedded Systems and Computer Architecture |
2. |
Associate Professor |
Wireless Sensor Networks, |
3. |
Professor |
Data Management and Analytics, Information Security and forensics, Algorithm and Software Engineering, Embedded Systems and Computer Architecture |
Computer Science & Engineering |
1. |
Assistant Professor (Contract) |
Theoretical Computer Science, Database, Architecture, Networking, Software Systems, Security ,Networks, AI, Computer vision, System design |
2. |
Associate Professor |
Computer Networks and Wireless Communication |
3. |
Professor |
Computer Networks, Security. Computer Architecture, Machine Learning |
Electrical Engineering |
1. |
Assistant Professor (Contract) |
Power Systems, Control Systems & Automation, Power Electronics & Drives, Instrumentation & Control Systems, Renewable Energy Systems, Smart/ Micro Grids |
2. |
Associate Professor |
Control Systems & Automation, Power Systems, Power Electronics & Drives |
3. |
Professor |
Power Systems, Power Electronics & Drives, Control Systems & Automation |
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering |
1. |
Assistant Professor (Contract) |
Physical Metallurgy & Heat Treatment Processes, Metallurgical Thermodynamics & Kinetics, Mechanical Behaviour and Working of Materials, Industrial Metallurgy, Extractive Metallurgy (Ferrous/Non-Ferrous), Engineering Polymers & Composites, Materials Science & Nano-Technology, Corrosion Engineering, Joining of materials, Powder metallurgy and ceramics |
2. |
Associate Professor |
Physical Metallurgy & Heat Treatment Processes, Metallurgical Thermodynamics & Kinetics, Mechanical Behaviour and Working of Materials, Industrial Metallurgy, Extractive Metallurgy (Ferrous/Non-Ferrous), Engineering Polymers & Composites, Materials Science & Nano Technology, Corrosion Engineering, Joining of materials, Powder metallurgy and ceramics |
3. |
Professor |
Physical Metallurgy & Heat Treatment Processes, Metallurgical Thermodynamics & Kinetics, Mechanical Behaviour and Working of Materials, Industrial Metallurgy, Extractive Metallurgy (Ferrous/Non-Ferrous), Engineering Polymers & Composites, Materials Science & Nano -Technology, Corrosion Engineering, Joining of materials, Powder metallurgy and ceramics |
Electronics& Communication Engineering |
1. |
Assistant Professor (Contract) |
Communication Systems/ Computer Networks/ Sensor Networks/ Wireless Communications/ Information Security/ Network Security/ Analog, Digital and Mixed- Signal Design/ RF Circuits and Systems/ Signal Processing/ Digital Signal Modeling/ Systems and Architectures/Computer Architecture/ Embedded Systems/ Reconfigurable and multi-core architectures and design/ Optical Communication Systems and Networks/ RF and Microwave Engineering/ Radar Engineering/ Antenna Systems/ IOT/ Microelectronics/ Nano electronics/ VLSI System Design/ Image Processing/ Biometrics/ Machine |
learning/ Advanced Communication Systems |
2. |
Associate Professor |
Wireless Communications/ computer Networks/ Sensor Networks/ Security/ Microelectronics/ VLSI/ Digital Signal Processing/ Embedded Systems/ Computer Architecture. |
3. |
Professor |
Communication Systems/ Computer Networks/ Sensor Networks/ Computer Architecture/ Optical Communication Systems/ Optical Networks/ Microelectronics/ VLSI |
Training & Placement |
1. |
Professor |
Experience in Training & Campus Placement Administration. |

S.No. |
Department |
Additional Essential requirements for new entrants |
1. |
Physics |
M.Sc, Physics/ Applied Physics |
2. |
Chemistry |
M.Sc in Chemistry |
3. |
Mathematics |
M.Sc in Maths/ Statistics |
4. |
MBA (Finance, Marketing, HR, Production, Entrepreneurship) M.A English with English Language Teaching or Computer aided Language Teaching / Linguistics or Communication Studies as one of the subjects at Masters Level. |
5. |
Civil Engineering |
4 year B.Tech/BE in Civil Engineering |
6. |
Mechanical Engineering |
4 year B.Tech/ B.E in Mechanical Engineering/ Industrial Engineering/ Production Engineering/ Mechatronics/ Aero space |
7. |
Chemical Engineering |
4 year B.Tech/BE in Chemical Engineering |
8. |
Information Technology |
4 year B.Tech in IT/IT Engineering |
9. |
Computer Science and Engineering |
4 year B.Tech/BE in Computer Science & Engineering/Computer Engineering/Computer Science |
10. |
Electrical Engineering |
4 year B.Tech/ BE in Electrical Engineering/Electrical and Electronics Engineering/Electrical and Computer Engineering |
11. |
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering |
4 year B.Tech/ BE in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering/Metallurgical Engineering/Materials Engineering |
12. |
Electronics& Communication Engineering |
4 year B.Tech/ BE in Electronics and Communication Engineering/ Electronics Engineering/Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
13. |
Training and Placement |
4 year B.Tech/BE in any branch of Engineering and MAB/M.Tech in Management |
Application for the post of faculty position in Department

Note : Separate application for each post.
Affix a passport size color photograph
Contract / Regular |
Assistant Professor (Contract) (AGP 6000) |
Associate Professor (AGP 9500) |
Professor (AGP 10500) |
[ ] |
[ ] |
[ ] |
G Instruction :
- 1. Information below must be written in a legible handwriting or typed.
- 2. First page of every annexure must be in the format provided and immediately followed by supporting documents. All annexure (in A4 size) should be attached in BOUND form including this application (no staples).
- 3. The information must be written / typed in the space provided. DO NOT MODERATE THIS FORM.

Category (A) : OPEN SC ST OBC (tick one, as applicable) (B) : PWD (tick, if applicable) 1) Name (in Capital Letters) : __________________________________________________ (Underline family name, if any)

Date of Birth : Sex : M F D D M M Y Y Y Y 2) Address for Correspondence : __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Mobile No. for contact : ___________________ Email ID for contact:______________________________ 3) Ph.D Area of Specialization : _________________________ 4) Qualification : (Annexure A, Enclose Relevant Certificates)

Sr. No. |
Qualification * |
Degree |
Branch |
% Marks/ CGPA |
Div. |
Date |
University / Institution |
Entry |
Completion |
1. |
Ph.D. |
2. |
PG |
3. |
UG |
4. |
HSSC (12th) |
5. |
SSC (10th) |
6. |
Other (only one, if any) |
Details of PhD
PhD Title : _________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Guide : 1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ 3. _______________________ Place of Research/Institute awarding degree: |
5) Experience: (As on 28/02/2018) a) Teaching Experience: (Annexure B, Enclose experience certificate from employer indicating details of salary drawn with period, office order, joining letter & salary certificate etc.)
Position/designation and Name of Institution (Starting from current position) |
From |
To |
Total |
Pay & Pay Scale (Band) with AGP Separately |
Gross Pay/month in Rs. |
Years |
Months |
Till date |
Note : Attached separate sheet, if rows are insufficient / required.
Existing Position/Cadre: Existing AGP:

Date of Joining in the existing position/cadre: Day Month Year

S.N |
Year |
Months |
Total experience |
Experience after Ph.D. |
Experience after AGP 6000 or equivalent |
Experience after AGP 7000 or equivalent |
Experience after AGP 8000 or equivalent |
Experience after AGP 9000 or equivalent |
Experience after AGP 9500 or equivalent |
Experience after AGP 10000 or equivalent |
Experience after AGP 10500 or equivalent |
b) Experience in Industries/Research Labs (National Only): (Annexure-C, Enclose experience certificate from employee indicating details of salary drawn with period, office order, joining letter & salary certificate etc.)
Position/designation and Industry/Lab |
From |
To |
Total |
Pay & Pay Scale (Band) with AGP/GP Separately |
Gross Pay/month in Rs. |
Years |
Months |
Note : Attached separate sheet, if rows are insufficient / required. Existing Emoluments :
Basic Pay Rs. in pay band Rs. to Rs. Total Rs. 6) Summary of Credit Points :

Sr. No. |
Activity |
Credit Points |
Credit points claimed |
I |
One external Sponsored Research and Development Projects completed or ongoing or Patent granted |
8 credit points per project or 8 credit points per patent as inventor (in case of more than one person in a project, the Principal Investigator gets 5 credit points and the rest to the divided equally among other members) |
Ii |
Consultancy projects |
2 credit points @ Rs.5 lakhs of consultancy, subject to maximum of 10 Credit points |
Iii |
Ph.D. completed (including thesis submitted cases) |
8 credit points per Ph.D. student (in case there are more than one supervisor, then the Guide (1stSupervisor) gets 5 credit points per student and the rest to be divided equally among other supervisor |
Iv |
Journal papers in Science Citation Index or Scopus (Paid Journals not allowed) |
4 point per paper since the last promotion. First author or Main supervisor will get 2 point and rest will be divided among others. |
V |
Conference paper indexed in Science Citation Index of Scopus or Web of science Conference or any internationally renowned conference |
1 credit points per paper up to a maximum of 10 credit points. First author or Main Supervisor will get 0.6 and rest will be divided among the rest. |
Vi |
Head of the Department, Dean, Chief Warden, Professor Incharge (Training and placement), Advisor (Estate), Chief Vigilance Officer, PI (Exam), TEQIP (Coordinator) |
2 points per semester up to a max of 16 credits points since the last promotion. |
Vii |
Warden, Assistant wardens, Associate Dean, Chairman or Convener institute academic committees, Faculty In charge Computer Center or Information and Technology Services or Library or Admission or student activities and other Institutional activities. |
1 credit point per semester up to a maximum of 8 credits points since the last promotion. |
Viii |
Chairman and Convener of different standing committee and special committee (Ex officio status will not be considered). Faculty incharges (Each for one year duration) of different Units or equivalent |
0.5 credit point per Semesters up to a maximum of 3 credits points since the last promotion. |
Ix |
Departmental activities identified by Head of the Department like lab in charges, or department level committee for a minimum period of one year. |
0.5 credit point per Semesters up to a maximum of 3 credits points since the last promotion. |
X |
Workshop or Faculty Development program or short term courses of min 05 working days duration offered as coordinator or convener |
2 credit points per course up to a maximum of 8 credit points since the last promotion. |
Xi |
For conducting national programs like Global Initiative of Academic Networks etc. as course coordinator Program of two weeks duration Program of one week duration |
2 credit points per course up to a maximum of 4 credit points since the last promotion. 1 credit point per course up to a maximum of 2 credit points since the last promotion. |
Xii |
National or International conference organized as Chairman or Secretary |
3 credit points per program up a maximum of 6 credits points since the last promotion. |
Xiii |
Length of service over and above the relevant minimum teaching experience required for a given cadre |
2 credit points per semester with maximum of 10 credit points since the last promotion. |
Xiv |
Establishment of New Lab(s) |
4 credit points since the last promotion. |
Xv |
Theory Teaching of over and above 6 credit hrs. course |
1 credit point or credit hrs. up to a maximum of 6 credit points since the last promotion. |
Xvi |
Post Graduate Dissertation guided |
0.5 credit point per project to a maximum of 10 points since the last promotion. |
Xvii |
Under Graduate Projects |
0.25 credit point per project up to a maximum of 4 points since the last promotion. |
Xviii |
Text or Reference Books published on relevant subjects from reputed international publishers |
6 credit points per book up to a maximum of 18 points since the last promotion. |
Xix |
Text or Reference book published on relevant subjects from reputed national publishers or book chapters in the books published by reputed |
2 credit points per unit up to a maximum of 6 points since the last promotion. |
international publishers |
Xx |
Significant outreach activities outside Institute |
1 credit point per activity up to a maximum of 4 credit points since the last promotion. |
Xxi |
10 credit points |
Xxii |
Placement percentage (only for the placement cell officers or faculty incharge of placement) |
Above 85% |
4 credit points per year upto a maximum of 20 points since the last promotion. |
75% - 84% (% to be based on total number of students passing out and single job offer) |
2 credit points per year upto a maximum of 10 point since the last promotion. |
Total Credit Points |
7) Subjects taught / willing to teach
Subjects taught |
Willing to teach |
UG (B.Tech) Level : Core Courses |
i) ______________________ ii) ______________________ iii) ______________________ |
i) ______________________ ii) ______________________ iii) ______________________ |
At UG (B.Tech) Level : Elective Courses |
i) ______________________ ii) ______________________ iii) ______________________ |
i) ______________________ ii) ______________________ iii) ______________________ |
At PG Level : Core Courses |
i) ______________________ ii) ______________________ iii) ______________________ |
i) ______________________ ii) ______________________ iii) ______________________ |
At PG / Doctoral Level : Elective Courses |
i) ______________________ ii) ______________________ iii) ______________________ |
i) ______________________ ii) ______________________ iii) ______________________ |
8) Give name, designation and address (Phone / Fax No. / Email) of three referees not related to you. Reference should be of persons who have intimate knowledge of your work.
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Department Address / Phone / Fax No. / Email ID |
1) |
2) |
3) |
9. Details of Membership / Fellow of Societies
SN |
Details |
Membership / Fellow No. |
10. Other Achievements (Not covered in credit points)
SN |
Details |
Note : Attached separate sheet, if rows are insufficient / required. Undertaking
I hereby undertake that, I have read all the information and instructions given in Advertisement (Advt. No. NIT/Faculty-Recruitment/2018/02(F), dated 19www. nitsri.ac.in and the above information given by me is correct. I understand that my application shall be rejected if i) the information is not correct or ii) all the required certificates and documents are not attached or iii) application is incomplete. Place : Date : th January, 2018) on the website i.e.
Signature of Applicant
Annexure A Details of academic qualifications
Sr.No. |
Copy of certificates |
Certificate copy attached (Strikeout whichever not required) |
Page No. |
1 |
Notification of PhD Degree |
Yes / No |
A1 |
2 Sr.No. |
PhD Degree certificate |
Yes / No |
A2 |
3 |
PG Degree Certificate A Certificate attached with Annexure B (No. is Sr. No.) |
Yes / No |
A3 |
4 |
PG Final Marksheet or Grade Card Page No. |
Yes / No |
A4 |
5 |
UG Degree Certificate |
Yes / No |
A5 |
6 |
UG Final Year Marksheet or Grade Card |
Yes / No |
A6 |
7 Description Description |
12th Standard Marksheet or diploma |
Yes / No |
A7 |
8 |
10th Standard Marksheet or diploma |
Yes / No |
A8 |
Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above certificates after this content sheet of Annexure-A Signature of Candidate
Annexure B Details of Experience in Teaching
1 |
B1 |
2 |
B2 |
3 |
B3 |
4 |
B4 |
5 Sr.No. |
B5 |
6 A Certificate attached with Annexure C (No. is Sr. No.) |
B6 |
- Page No. |
- |
- |
- |
Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above certificates after this content sheet of Annexure-B and assigned page numbers like B1-1, B1-2.. B6-1 etc. Signature of Candidate
Annexure C Details of Experience in Industry
1 Activity |
C1 |
2 |
C2 |
3 |
C3 |
4 |
C4 |
5 |
C5 |
6 |
C6 |
- |
- |
- Annexure No. |
- |
Page No. |
Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above certificates after this content sheet of Annexure-C and assigned page numbers like C1-1, C1-2.. C6-1 etc. Signature of Candidate
Annexure D Index for Credit Point Details
D1 |
One external Sponsored Research and Development Projects completed or ongoing or Patent granted |
D2 |
Consultancy projects |
D3 |
Ph.D. completed (including thesis submitted cases) |
D4 |
Journal papers in Science Citation Index or Scopus (Paid Journals not allowed) |
D5 |
Conference paper indexed in Science Citation Index of Scopus or Web of science Conference or any internationally renowned conference |
D6 |
Head of the Department, Dean, Chief Warden, Professor Incharge (Training and placement), Advisor (Estate), Chief Vigilance Officer, PI (Exam), TEQIP (Coordinator) |
D7 |
Warden, Assistant wardens, Associate Dean, Chairman or Convener institute academic committees, Faculty In charge Computer Center or Information and Technology Services or Library or Admission or student activities and other Institutional activities. |
D8 |
Chairman and Convener of different standing committee and special committee (Ex officio status will not be considered). Faculty incharges (Each for one year duration) of different Units or equivalent |
D9 |
Departmental activities identified by Head of the Department like lab in charges, or department level committee for a minimum period of one year. |
D10 |
Workshop or Faculty Development program or short term courses of min 05 working days duration offered as coordinator or convener |
D11 |
For conducting national programs like Global Initiative of Academic Networks etc. as course coordinator Program of two weeks duration Program of one week duration Credit Points |
D12 |
National or International conference organized as Chairman or Secretary |
D13 Sponsoring Organization |
Length of service over and above the relevant minimum teaching experience required for a given cadre |
D14 |
Establishment of New Lab(s) |
D15 Title of Project |
Theory Teaching of over and above 6 credit hrs. course |
D16 |
Post Graduate Dissertation guided |
D17 |
Under Graduate Projects |
D18 |
Text or Reference Books published on relevant subjects from reputed international publishers |
D19 |
Text or Reference book published on relevant subjects from reputed national publishers or book chapters in the books published by reputed international publishers |
D20 Whether you are PI (Y/N) Whether you are Main Awardee (Y/N) Credit Points (2/N) |
Significant outreach activities outside Institute |
D21 |
D22 Sr. No. Sr. No. Group No. |
Placement percentage (only for the placement cell officers or faculty incharge of placement) Amount (in lakhs) Awarding Country Amount (in lakhs) |
No. of Investigator(s) including PI, if any Co-Awardee(s), if any No. of Co-ordinators (N) |
Note : 1) Candidate should attach self attested copy of above details after this content sheet of Sub Annexure and assigned the page numbers with prefix Annexure number. Signature of Candidate
Annexure - D1 D1. i) Externally Sponsored R&D Project(s) as PI/Co-PI [8 credit points per project or 8 credit points per patent as inventor (in case of more than one person in a project, the Principal Investigator gets 5 credit points and the rest to the divided equally among other members)]
Period Registration No. Period |
1 Credit Points No. of Supervisor(s), if any |
2 Date of Award / Application Organization Institute |
Credit Points |
3 |
4 Name of Patent Details (Cumulative Amount more than 5 lakhs) Title of Ph.D Thesis |
ii) Patent(s) granted
1 |
Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above details after this content sheet of Sub Annexure and assigned the page numbers with prefix Annexure number. Signature of Candidate
Annexure-D2 D2. Consultancy Project(s) as PI/Co-PI [2 credit points @ Rs.5 lakhs of consultancy, subject to maximum of 10 Credit points, If there are N coordinators the points shall get divided by N )]
1 |
2 |
3 Status (Awarded/ Submitted) |
4 Sr. No. Sr. No. |
Name of Student(s) Credit Points |
Year |
5 Guide / Co-Guide Role (First author / Main supervisor / Co-author) |
Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above details after this content sheet of Sub Annexure and assigned the page numbers with prefix Annexure number. Signature of Candidate
Annexure-D3 D3. Details of Ph.D. Thesis supervised (awarded / thesis submitted) as Sole Supervisor / 1st Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor). [8 credit points per Ph.D. student (in case there are more than one supervisor, then the Guide (1st Supervisor) gets 5 credit points per student and the rest to be divided equally among other supervisor)]
1 Details of paper including ISSN No. |
2 |
3 Author(s) Author(s) |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above details after this content sheet of Sub Annexure and assigned the page numbers with prefix Annexure number. Signature of Candidate
Annexure-D4 D4. Journal Papers since last promotion (paid journals not allowed) [4 point per paper since the last promotion. First author or Main supervisor will get 2 point and rest will be divided among others.]
- i) Papers published / accepted in SCI journals
1 Sr. No. Sr. No. |
Credit Points Credit Points |
2 Role (First author / Main supervisor / Co-author) Role (First author / Main supervisor / Co-author) |
3 |
4 Details of paper including ISSN No. Details of Conference paper |
ii) Papers published / accepted in Scopus Index journals
1 Author(s) |
2 |
3 |
Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above details after this content sheet of Sub Annexure and assigned the page numbers with prefix Annexure number. Signature of Candidate
Annexure-D5 D5. Papers published/accepted in Conference Proceedings indexed in SCI/Scopus/Web of Science/ or any internationally renowned conference. [1 credit points per paper up to a maximum of 10 credit points. First author or Main Supervisor will get 0.6 and rest will be divided among the rest.]
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 Sr. No. |
Credit Points |
5 No. of Semesters |
6 |
7 Period |
8 |
Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above details after this content sheet of Sub Annexure and assigned the page numbers with prefix Annexure number. Signature of Candidate
Annexure-D6 D6. HoD, Dean. Chief Warden, Prof In-Charge(T&P), Advisor (Estate), CVO, PI (Exam), TEQIP Coordinator. [2 points per semester up to a max of 16 credits points since the last promotion. Any duty assigned by Head of Institution at par with HOD / Dean etc. within the institute for minimum one year shall be considered]
Position held Position held |
From |
To |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 Sr. No. |
Credit Points |
7 No. of Semesters |
8 |
Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above details after this content sheet of Sub Annexure and assigned the page numbers with prefix Annexure number. Signature of Candidate
Annexure-D7 D7. Warden, Asst. Warden, Asso. Dean, Chairman/Convener Institute Academic Committee, Faculty In-Charge Computer Centre/IT Services/ Library / Admission / Student Activities and other institution activities. [1 credit point per semester up to a maximum of 8 credits points since the last promotion. Any duty assigned by Head of Institution at par with Warden/ Associate Dean etc. within the institute for minimum one year shall be considered]
Period Period |
From |
To |
1 Position held |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 Sr. No. Sr. No. |
Credit Points Credit Points |
Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above details after this content sheet of Sub Annexure and assigned the page numbers with prefix Annexure number. Signature of Candidate
Annexure-D8 D8. Chairman and Convener of different standing committee and special committees (ex officio status will not be considered). Faculty in charges (each for one year duration) of different units or equivalent. [0.5 credit point per Semesters up to a maximum of 3 credits points since the last promotion]
No. of years No. of years |
From |
To |
1 Period |
2 |
3 Position held |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
8 Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above details after this content sheet of Sub Annexure and assigned the page numbers with prefix Annexure number. Signature of Candidate
Annexure-D9 D9. Departmental activities identified by HODs like lab in charge, or department level committee for a min. period of 1 year. [0.5 credit point per Semesters up to a maximum of 3 credits points since the last promotion. Any duty assigned by Head of Department for minimum one year shall be considered)]
From No. of co-ordinators (N) |
To |
1 Organized at |
2 |
3 Sponsored by / Self Sponsored |
4 |
5 Details of workshop |
6 |
7 Credit Points (N/2) Credit Points (N/2) |
8 |
Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above details after this content sheet of Sub Annexure and assigned the page numbers with prefix Annexure number. Signature of Candidate
Annexure-D10 D10. Workshop/FDP/Short term courses of min. 05 working days duration offered as coordinator or convener. [2 credit points per course up to a maximum of 8 credit points since the last promotion. In case of multiple coordinators (N) credit these credits shall be divided by N]
1 |
2 Sr. No. Sr. No. |
No. of co-ordinators (N) No. of co-ordinators (N) |
3 Organized at Organized at |
4 Credit Points (N1x0.5+N2x1+ N3x2 ) / N |
5 Sponsored by / Self Sponsored Sponsored by / Self Sponsored Sponsored by / Self Sponsored |
6 |
Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above details after this content sheet of Sub Annexure and assigned the page numbers with prefix Annexure number. Signature of Candidate
Annexure-D11 D11. For conducting National Programs like GIAN etc. as course coordinator. [2 credit points per course up to a maximum of 4 credit points since the last promotion. 1 credit point per course up to a maximum of 2 credit points since the last promotion. In case of multiple coordinators (N) credit these credits shall be divided by N]
- a) Programs of 02 weeks duration
Details of GIAN Course Details of GIAN Course Details of Conference |
1 Credit Points (N/2) Credit Points (3/N) Credit Points |
2 |
- b) Programs of 01 weeks duration
1 |
2 Sr. No. Sr. No. Sr. No. Sr. No. |
No. of co-ordinators (N) Over and above teaching experience (in terms of semesters) No. of Co-ordinators (N) Credit Points (Tx2) |
No. of M.Tech. completed (N2) |
Annexure-D12 D12. National / International Conference organized as Chairman / Secretary. [3 credit points per program up a maximum of 6 credits points since the last promotion. In case of multiple coordinators (N) i.e. Chairman/ Secretary / Coordinator / Convener, these credits shall be divided by N.]
Organized at Qualifying Month & Year for next position Year of Establishment Year |
1 Experience required in Current position Funding agency Access average above 6 credits (T) Name of student(s) |
2 |
Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above details after this content sheet of Sub Annexure and assigned the page numbers with prefix Annexure number. Signature of Candidate
Annexure-D13 D13. Length of service over and above the relevant minimum teaching experience required for a given cadre. [2 credit points per semester with maximum of 10 credit points since the last promotion. The credit point shall be in multiple of two. No fraction is allowed.]
Current Position including AGP Details of Lab Name of the Course per year including credit (1 credit = 1 hr. theory teaching) Title of Dissertation / Project |
1 |
Annexure-D14 D14. Establishment of New Lab(s). [Max. 4 credit points since the last promotion] Max. 4 credits and this do not include the basic labs for core subjects. Max. 4 credits and this do not include the basic labs for core subjects and facility developed as a part of R&D projects. In case of more coordinators (N) points shall be equally divided amongst them. Provide data of no of experiments conducted, M Tech and Phd candidates worked in the lab]
No. of Experiments (N1) Credit Points |
No. of PhD completed (N3) |
1 |
2 |
Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above details after this content sheet of Sub Annexure and assigned the page numbers with prefix Annexure number. Signature of Candidate
Annexure-D15 D15. Theory Teaching of over and above 6 credit hrs course. (1 credit point or credit hrs. up to a maximum of 6 credit points since the last promotion. i.e. 12 credits (only Theory hrs. without counting credits for practical/tutorial hrs.) per year and average shall be taken to calculate the credit points)
1 |
2 Sr. No. |
No. of Supervisor(s), if any |
Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above details after this content sheet of Sub Annexure and assigned the page numbers with prefix Annexure number. Signature of Candidate
Annexure-D16 D16. PG Dissertation Guided. [0.5 credit point per project to a maximum of 10 points since the last promotion.]
Year |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above details after this content sheet of Sub Annexure and assigned the page numbers with prefix Annexure number. Signature of Candidate
Annexure-D17 D17. UG Dissertation Guided. [0.25 credit point per project up to a maximum of 4 points since the last promotion.]
Sr. No. |
Title of Dissertation / Project |
Year |
Name of student(s) |
No. of Supervisor(s), if any |
Credit Points |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above details after this content sheet of Sub Annexure and assigned the page numbers with prefix Annexure number. Signature of Candidate
Annexure-D18 D18. Text/Reference Books Published on relevant subjects from reputed international publishers. [6 credit points per book up to a maximum of 18 points since the last promotion. The book shall be in his/her own academic area (Department). In case of multiple authors (N) the credit points shall be divided by N.]
Sr. No. |
Author(s) (N) |
Year of Publication |
Book Title |
Publisher |
Credit Points (6/N) |
1 |
2 |
Annexure-D19 D19. Text/Reference Books Published on relevant subjects from reputed national publishers or book chapters in the book published by reputed international publishers. [2 credit points per unit up to a maximum of 6 points since the last promotion. The book/ chapters shall be in his/her own academic area (Department). In case of multiple authors (N) the credit points shall be divided by N.]
Sr. No. |
Author(s) |
Year of Publication |
Book Title |
Title of Chapter, if any |
Page No. (if reqd.) |
National / International |
Publisher |
Credit Points |
From |
To |
1 |
2 |
Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above details after this content sheet of Sub Annexure and assigned the page numbers with prefix Annexure number. Signature of Candidate
Annexure-D20 D20. Significant Outreach Institute Activities. [1 credit point per activity up to a maximum of 4 credit points since the last promotion. This includes sustainable social activities continued for at least one year. I.e. Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan, Prayaas, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan etc. If there are more conveners (N) points shall get divided by N. This also does not include industrial visits]
Sr. No. |
Details of Activity |
Period |
Credit Points |
From |
To |
1 |
2 |
Annexure-D21 D21. Fellow IEEE, FNA, FNAE, FNASc. [Maximum 10 credit points]
Sr. No. |
Academic / Professional Body |
Membership ID |
Credit Points |
1 |
Annexure-D22 D22. Placement % (Only for the placement cell officers/Faculty in-charge of placement). [4 credit points per year upto a maximum of 20 points since the last promotion. 2 credit points per year upto a maximum of 10 point since the last promotion]
Sr. No. |
In the Capacity of |
Institute |
Year |
Placement % age |
Credit Points |
1 |
2 |
Note : Candidate should attach self attested copy of above details after this content sheet of Sub Annexure and assigned the page numbers with prefix Annexure number. Signature of Candidate
Check List (Tick the appropriate ones)
S.No. |
Item |
Number |
1. |
Proof of Date of Birth 10th class certificate |
2. |
Category Certificate (SC/ST/OBC/PwD) if applicable |
3. |
Academic Records (Marks/ Grade Cards and Certificates from SSLC/Matriculation onwards up to Ph.D.) |
4. |
Experience Certificates as applicable |
5. |
Salary Certificate/ Pay Slip of Current Employment |
6. |
Journal Publications, Patents and Copyrights Details Attach first page of the applicable Journal paper containing author details |
7. |
Workshops/ Conferences/ Short Term Programs Organized Upload the certificates |
8. |
Conferences/Workshops Attended and Presented Papers the first page of the paper presented in the conference containing author details (as applicable) |
9. |
Sponsored and Consultancy Projects, Attach the sanctioned letters/completion certificates as applicable |
10. |
Fellowship/Membership of Professional Bodies Upload the copies of membership certificates |
11. |
Awards and Recognitions, Upload the certificates |
12. |
Ph.D, PG and UG guidance Attach proof |
13. |
Administrative responsibilities Attach the proof |
14. |
Establishment of new Labs .Attach proof |
15 |
Significant outreach activities Attach the proof |
16 |
Testimonials New entrants to upload |
17 |
Credit Calculations |
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 19-Jan-2018 | |
Applications | 28-Feb-2018 | |
Admit Cards | ||
Examinations (Preliminary) | ||
Exam Results (Preliminary) | ||
Examinations (Mains) | ||
Answer Keys | ||
Exam Results (Mains) | ||
Interviews | ||
Final Results |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : National Institute Of Technology
- Organization City, State : srinagar, jammu kashmir
- Organization Website : http://www.nitsri.net
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results