HIGH COURT OF GUJARAT, Sola, Ahmedabad : 380 060. Website : www.gujarathighcourt.nic.in AND http://hc-ojas.guj.nic.in
Starting date for submission of On-line application | 02/01/2017 (12.00 noon) |
Closing date for submission of On-line application | 16/01/2017 (23:59 Hrs.) |
Tentative Schedule | |
Date of Preliminary Examination | 19/03/2017 |
Viva-voce Test (Oral Interview) | Month of April / May 2017 |
The High Court of Gujarat invites On-line Applications, from eligible candidates for filling up 16 posts of Court Managers for District Courts in the State of Gujarat for the period upto 31/03/2020 & 01 post for the State Court Management System Committee on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat, for the period upto 28/02/2017, in the first instance, from the date it is filledin. The details of the Posts, are as under :-
Sr. No. | Name of the post | No. of Posts | Salary per annum | |
1st Year | 2nd Year onwards | |||
1 | Court Manager | 17 | Rs. 7,00,000/ | 10% incentive for effective work |
Note : The Incentive, shall be payable from 2nd year of the contract and onwards, subject to the assessment of the performance, by the High Court, in each case.
1. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA : [As on the date of advertisement]
(A) Educational Qualification :
A Candidate having following Qualifications, will be eligible : Masters Degree in Business Administration/Advance Diploma in General Management :
-with minimum 55% marks (or equivalent in Cumulative Grade Point System of marking), from any University in India or any Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission.
(B) Acquaintance of vernacular Language :
The Court Managers job would entail perusing and researching various
documents/papers in the vernacular language. A Court Manager shall therefore,
have to be acquainted with the vernacular Language, i.e. Gujarati.
(C) Age Limit :
A candidate, for appointment to the post of Court Manager, shall be of Minimum age of 25 years as on the date of advertisement i.e. on 29/12/2016.
- (a)
- 5 years Experience/Training in Systems and Process Management; I.T. Systems Management, HR Management, Financial Systems Management
- (b)
- Excellent people skills;
- (c)
- Excellent communication skills;
- (d)
- Excellent computer application skills.
RESERVATION : Reservation policy shall not apply, as the appointments are on Purely Contractual Basis.
(a) All appointments to the posts of Court Managers, shall be purely on Contract basis, which may be terminated any time without any prior notice.
(b)(1)The tenure of 16 posts of Court Managers for District Courts in the State of Gujarat is upto 31/03/2020, however it will be extended by renewal of contract every year upon satisfactory performance of Court Manager concerned.
(2) The tenure of 01 post of Court Manager for State Court Management System Committee on the establishment of the High Court of Gujarat is upto 28/02/2017, in the first instance from the date it is filled in.
Provided that appointment of Court Managers shall be liable to be terminated at any time by the Chief Justice without Notice or any compensation, if his / her services are found to be unsatisfactory or if he / she violates any of the provisions/directions contained in the Draft Rules viz. Court Manager (Appointment & Service Conditions) Rules, 2010.
- (a)
- The candidates shall pay an Application Fees of Rs. 1000/- Plus Bank Charges. The candidates making payment of Fees, shall remit the same in Current Bank Account No. 30725811785 with the State Bank of India, High Court Complex Branch, Ahmedabad, held in the name of Registrar General, High Court of Gujarat, Sola, Ahmedabad, through any of the Core Banking Service Branches of the State Bank of India using the Cash Voucher in the Special Format attached to this Advertisement (at Page No.11), from 02/01/2017 to 16/01/2017 during the Bank working days and hours.
- (b)
- Fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
- (a)
- The Court Manager shall assist the Officers in the District Courts in the respective Judicial Districts/High Court of Gujarat, as the case may be, in administrative functioning of the Courts to enhance the efficiency of the Court Management.
- (b)
- While performing such function, the Court Manager shall work under the control of the Principal District Judge, in the District Court & of the High Court, as the case may be.
- (c)
- The incumbent appointed as Court Manager shall maintain professional secrecy and shall not divulge any information which may come to his knowledge to anyone under any circumstances. Breach of this condition shall make him liable to be removed, forthwith.
- (d)
- The Court Manager, apart from any other work that may be assigned to him/her by the Principal District & Sessions Judge concerned/ the High Court, may be entrusted with the following responsibilities :-
- (i)
- He/She shall facilitate to establish the performance standards applicable to the Court, including of Timeliness, Efficiency, Quality of Court performances; Infrastructure; Human Resources; Access to Justice; as well as for Systems for Court Management and Case Management, based on applicable directives of Superior Courts.
- (ii)
- He/She shall carry out an evaluation of the compliance of the Court with such standards, identify deficiencies and deviations; identify steps required to achieve compliance; maintain such an evaluation on a current basis through annual updates etc. as specifically set out in the guide-lines of Department of Expenditure, Finance Commission Division, vide No. 32(30)FCD/ 2010 at Annexure III, as well as the letter dated 27/11/2012 of the Department of Justice, to the Registrar General of all the High Courts.
- (a)
- Appointment as a Court Manager is a full time assignment and during the period of appointment the Court Manager shall not be entitled to take up any employment, engagement of whatsoever nature either on full-time or on part-time basis.
- (b)
- The headquarters of the Court Manager shall be the District Court/ the High Court, as the case may be, which he/she shall not leave during working hours of the Court, without permission of the Competent Authority.
- (c)
- Court Managers shall be entitled to Casual Leave and other Leaves as admissible to Government employees during his/her tenure.
- (d)
- If a Court Manager is required to leave headquarters as part of duty on official work, he/she may be paid Daily Allowance in addition to actual fare paid for the travel as stipulated in the Government Resolution, Legal Department No.HCT/102004/4015/D, dated 3.5.2007, as may be amended from time to time.
- (e)
- A Court Manager shall perform his/her duties with due diligence and discipline maintaining confidentiality about all matters and information that he/she may come across during the discharge of his/her duties.
- (f)
- The assignment as Court Manager shall not confer any right of any employment under the District Courts / High Court or the State Government.
- (g)
- Court Manager shall abide by such other Rules and Conditions of Service as may be prescribed by the High Court of Gujarat.
- (h)
- Court Manager shall, upon acceptance of his/her appointment as such, undertake in writing to abide by the Rules and shall, in particular, undertake that he/she shall perform his duties with due diligence and discipline maintaining confidentiality about all the matters and information that he/she may come across during the discharge of his/her duties.
- (i)
- The post of Court Manager shall be transferable throughout the State of Gujarat.
- (j)
- The Appointing Authority shall have the prerogative to transfer a Court Manager from one place to another at any time.
- (k)
- The holder of the post of Court Manager cannot claim lien over any of the Posts in any Service including Subordinate Court Services/State Services.
- (l)
- Every person appointed to the post of Court Manager shall have to undergo Training, as may be prescribed by the High Court of Gujarat, from time to time.
- (m)
- Any other Conditions of Service which is not specifically provided for shall be within the absolute discretion of the Chief Justice or the High Court of Gujarat, as the case may be.
(A) (a) Preliminary Examination: (Tentatively scheduled on 19/03/2017). The Preliminary Examination will be conducted, at Ahmedabad at the Centres (to be decided by the High Court), based on a Computer Based (Online) Examination System, which shall be of 100 Marks (2 hours duration), consisting of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) each of 1
Mark with Negative Marking i.e. 0.33 Mark for each Wrong answer given. The Syllabus for such Preliminary Examination shall be as under :
- (i)
- Management related Topics -40 Marks
- Managerial Function
- Business Economics
- Organisational Behavior & Design
- Quantitative Techniques
- Research Methodology
- Accounting for Managers, Financial Accounting & Financial Management
- Human Resource Management
- Managerial Function
- (ii)
- General Knowledge -10 Marks
(iii) Computer Skills/Applications knowledge -10 Marks
- (iv)
- Legal knowledge -10 Marks
- (v)
- General I.Q. Test -10 Marks
- (vi)
- English Language -10 Marks
(vii) Gujarati Language -10 Marks
- (b)
- The Candidates shall down-load their respective e-Call letters-cum-Admission Slips, from the Websites abovementioned, from 13/03/2017 to 19/03/2017 (both days inclusive).
- (c)
- The language of 90 Questions in the Preliminary Examination, will be English, whereas the remaining 10 Questions will be in Gujarati.
- (d)
- The candidates securing minimum 55% Marks in the Preliminary Examination, alone shall be eligible for being called for Viva-Voce Test (Oral Interview). However, the marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination, shall not be taken into consideration but the marks obtained in Viva-voce Test alone, shall be taken into consideration, for preparing the Final Merit List of the candidates.
- (e)
- In case large number of Candidates, qualify in the Preliminary Examination, the High Court shall restrict the number of Candidates to be called for Viva-voce Test to 3 times the number of vacancies according to Merit.
(B) Viva voce Test : (likely to be held in the month of April/May)
- (a)
- Usually the commencement Date for downloading the e-Call-letterscum-Admission Slip for Viva-voce Test will be the preceding week from the date of the Viva-voce Test. Candidates are required to keep checking the High Court Websites, for noting the updations.
- (b)
- Viva-voce Test shall be of 100 Marks.
- (c)
- Personality, Aptitude and Orientation, Computer Application Skills, People Skills, Communication Skills, Legal Knowledge of a candidate shall be given weightage at the Viva-voce Test (Oral Interview).
- (d)
- For being eligible to be included in the Select List, the candidate shall have to obtain minimum 50% Marks in the Viva-voce Test.
No person shall be eligible for appointment to the service
- (a)
- unless he/she is a citizen of India.
- (b)
- if he/she is dismissed from service by Central Government or any State Government or U.Ts. or any High Court or Statutory or Local Authority.
- (c)
- if he/she has been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude or who is or has been permanently debarred or disqualified by the High Court or the Union/State Public Service Commission or by any Recruiting or Examination Conducting Authority from appearing in examinations or selections.
- (d)
- if he/she directly or indirectly influences the Recruiting Authority by any means for his/her candidature.
- (e)
- if he is a man, has more than one wife living. And, if a woman, has married a man already having another wife.
- (a)
- Candidates born after 29/12/1991 shall not be eligible to apply.
- (b)
- The Candidates who have successfully submitted Online Applications, shall only be eligible for appearing at the Preliminary Examination and/or Viva Voce Test.
- (c)
- The decision of the High Court will be final, as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the Preliminary Examination and/or Viva Voce Test. No candidate, to whom certificate of admission has not been issued by the Recruiting Authority, shall be allowed to appear for the Preliminary Examination and/or Viva Voce Test.
- (d)
- The candidates shall have to appear at their own expenses for the Preliminary Examination and/or Viva-Voce, if called for, at the place and time that may be decided by the High Court.
- (e)
- Candidate shall require to download his/her e-Call letters-cum-Admission Slips from the Gujarat High Court Website www.gujarathighcourt.nic.in AND http://hc-ojas.guj.nic.in, by using his/her Application No., Confirmation No. and Date of Birth, for appearing at the respective Examination/ Viva-voce and the same will be intimated at the relevant time, through Press-Note/SMS/Website updations.
- (f)
- Candidate shall produce, at the time of appearing for the Preliminary Examination and/or Viva-voce, Identity proof i.e. Election Card / PAN Card / valid Driving License / valid Passport/ Aadhar Card etc., in original & a copy thereof, along with the e-Call letters-cum-Admission Slips.
- (g)
- A candidate who is found indulging in unfair practices, viz. copying or misconduct during the course of examination, using electronic gadgets or Mobile Phones etc., tampering with question paper, influencing any person concerned with the Preliminary Examination or Viva-voce Test (Oral Interview) will be debarred from appearing for Preliminary Examination or Viva-voce Test (Oral Interview), as the case may be, for that examination or any number of years or permanently, as may be decided by the High Court.
- (h)
- Result of all examinations will be made available on the High Court website and/or by any other mode that may be decided by the High Court.
- (i)
- The Results (Marks) obtained shall be made available to the Candidates, by providing a link to a webpage on the HC-OJAS website http://hcojas.guj.nic.in, with individual password (OTP One Time Password), via, SMS on his/her Registered Mobile Number, after the conclusion of the Selection Process.
- (j)
- Mere success in the examination shall not confer any right to appointment and no candidate shall be appointed to the post unless the High Court is satisfied, after such inquiries as may be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment to the post.
- (k)
- The High Court reserves the right to adopt appropriate method of short listing the candidates at any stage.
- (l)
- The selected candidates will not be appointed unless the Medical Authority specified by the High Court certifies them to be fit to discharge of the post.
- (m)
- Candidates making payment of Fees shall remit the amount in Current Bank Account No.30725811785 of State Bank of India, High Court Complex Branch, Ahmedabad, through any of the Core Banking Service Branches of the State Bank of India using the Cash Voucher in the special format attached to the Advertisement (at Page No. 11) which can be downloaded from the website www.gujarathighCourt.nic.in. AND http://hc-ojas.guj.nic.in and collect from the Bank, the Cash Voucher, marked as 'Office Copy' and 'Candidates Copy' with the unique Deposit Journal Number assigned by the Bank and preserve the same. Candidates must ensure that on deposit of Fee, the Bank issues them a receipt which invariably mentions (i) Deposit Journal Number (ii) Branch name (iii) Branch Code Number, (iv) Date of deposit and (iv) Bank charges, etc.
- (n)
- While applying Online for the post, the applicant should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned above and that the particulars furnished by him/her are correct in all respects. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has suppressed / twisted or truncated any material facts, his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is detected even after appointment, his/her contract shall be liable to be terminated.
- (o)
- Candidate should preserve his/her Application Number and Confirmation No. after submitting Online Application, for future correspondence as well as for downloading the e-Call letters-cum-Admission Slips for appearing at Preliminary Examination and/ or Viva-Voce.
- (p)
- Candidate should scan his/her photograph having 5 c.m. of length and
- 3.6 c.m. of width (10kb) and signature having 2.5 c.m. of length and 7.5 c.m. of width (10kb) in jpg format for uploading the same at relevant space on the application.
- (q)
- The Candidate shall fill up the required data in the Online Application in accordance with the 'Instructions'.
- (r)
- A Candidate shall not apply more than once, for any reason at all.
- (s)
- Candidate should keep at least two print outs of the Online Application, e-Call letters-cum-Admission Slips, for his/her record and future requirements, of submitting the same to the High Court.
- (t)
- Applications which do not comply with the 'Instructions' shall be summarily rejected.
- (u)
- At present, candidates are not required to send copies of any testimonials/ documents to the High Court. They should produce Print out of the Online Application along-with following Original Testimonials as well as one Set of Self attested Photo copies thereof, and recent Passport size colour photograph, at the time of Viva voce,
to be conducted by the High Court :
- (i)
- Print out of the duly filled-in Online Application alongwith Original Cash Voucher marked as Office Copy.
- (ii)
- School Leaving Certificate or Birth Certificate issued under Birth & Death Registration Act.
(iii) Educational qualifications i.e. Mark-sheets and Certificates of SSCE, HSCE, Final Year of Graduation, Post Graduation, M.B.A or Advanced Diploma in General Management (All Semesters), Law Graduation, Certificate of Work Experience/Training obtained etc. as per requirement/ applicable.
- (iv)
- Mark-sheet and Certificate of DOEACC Examination equivalent for IT/ICT requirements/eligibility.
- (v)
- Government Gazette, showing change in name/surname etc, if any.
- (vi)
- Certificates from Two Respectable Persons from Professionals/ Dignitaries like Doctor, Engineer, M.L.A., M.Ps., certifying of his/her good moral character (Original only to be submitted to High Court).
(vii) Certificates indicating Excellent People Skills; Excellent Communication Skills; Excellent Computer Application Skills.
(viii) In Case of Criminal Case(s) / Complaint(s) have been filed against the candidate concerned, authenticated / attested copies of the relevant documents, viz. FIR / Charge-sheets, Judgment etc.
(ix) Original Identity Proof as prescribed at 10(f).
(11) How to Apply :
- (a)
- All eligible Candidates should apply On-line, through the link provided in High Court Website www.gujarathighcourt.nic.in AND http://hcojas.guj.nic.in in the prescribed format from 02/01/2017 to 16/01/2017.
- (b)
- Candidates should have his/her own registered Mobile Number and the same should be kept active during the entire recruitment process, as SMS alerts for the Tests, are also likely to be notified on the Mobile Number, so registered in the On-line Application.
- (c)
- Steps for submitting On-line Application through the OJAS Module : i) Fill-up all the Fields given in On-line Application including
mandatory Fields, carefully. ii) Save the On-line Application, by clicking Save button.
iii) | Thereafter, a new pop-up window will appear, displaying the |
Application Number, meaning thereby the Application is saved | |
successfully. Candidate shall, note down the entire string of the | |
Application Number (e.g. HCG/201617/46/11111). By clicking | |
Show Application Preview Button, will display on-screen preview | |
of the Application. | |
iv) | Thereafter, by entering Application Number and Date of Birth, |
upload scanned photograph and signature at relevant space on the | |
application and ensure that, the uploaded Photograph & Signature, | |
are distinctly recognizable, after uploading. | |
Note : Please ensure that the Signature of the Candidate alone | |
should be scanned and uploaded, as the same will be verified | |
by the High Court at every stage, and if the Scanned | |
Signature does not match with the signature of the | |
Candidate at the time of successive verifications during the | |
Recruitment Process, his/her Candidature is likely to be | |
rejected forthwith. | |
v) | If necessary, by using his/her Application Number and Date of Birth, |
a Candidate can edit his/her On-line Application through Edit | |
Application Button until his/her Application is Confirmed. | |
vi) | After filling-up all the required/mandatory fields of the On-line |
Application, correctly and duly verified by the Candidate, he/she is | |
required to CONFIRM the Application. However, Candidate can | |
alter/modify the details before he/she CONFIRM his/her Application. |
vii) Please note that, after Confirmation, further editing of ones Online Application will not be permitted by the System and the same will be treated as Final Application for the particular post.
viii) Thereafter, Candidate has to click on Confirm Application Button/Tab on the Main Menu, thereby a pop-up window will appear, wherein the Candidate has to enter his/her Application Number and Date of Birth and then click on Confirm Application Button.
ix) Please note that only after Confirmation, the System will register candidates On-line Application. Further, only Confirmed Applications will be considered / processed for the Recruitment Process.
x) Thereafter, the Candidate should ensure that he/she receives a System generated SMS conveying his/her Confirmation Number, on his/her 'registered' Mobile Number.
xi) The Candidate should preserve his/her Application Number and Confirmation Number for future reference and use, till the end of the Recruitment Process.
xii) At the end of the process, the Candidate shall take Print Out of his/ her Confirmed Application by clicking Print Application Tab of the Main Menu and retain atleast TWO copies of the same for future reference & use.
xiii) Please note that the Candidate is not required to and should not send copy of his/her Online-Application and/or any testimonials/ documents to the High Court. They should produce the same, when called for.
- (d)
- The Candidates shall fill up the required data in the On-line Application in accordance with the Instructions. Applications which are not in accordance with the Instructions, shall be summarily rejected.
- (e)
- Take a note that the above is the general procedure for applying On-line. No other mode of application or incomplete application will be accepted and in such case, the application will be rejected outright.
Decision of the High Court of Gujarat in respect of all matters pertaining to this recruitment would be final and binding on all Candidates.
High Court of Gujarat, Sola, Ahmedabad. Sd/- Date :- 29/12/2016 Registrar (Recruitment & Finance)
: 11 :
Advt. No. RC/B/1311/2016] CASH VOUCHER BANK COPY | |||
Recruitment to the posts of Court Managers on Contractual basis. | |||
Applicants Name : | |||
Account No. : | 30725811785 - Registrar General, High Court of Gujarat, Ahmedabad. | ||
Name of Branch in which Fee is remitted : | Branch Code : | ||
Deposit Journal No. : | Date of Deposit : | ||
Application Fees : (Non-Refundable) | Rs.1000/{ For all Candidates } | Bank Charges : (To be paid by Candidate) | |
# Fee receiving Branch is advised to write the Deposit Journal No. invariably. Authorized Signatory & Stamp |
.cut here cut here cut here


# Fee receiving Branch is advised to write the Deposit Journal No. invariably. Authorized Signatory & Stamp
.cut here cut here cut here


# Fee receiving Branch is advised to write the Deposit Journal No. invariably. Authorized Signatory & Stamp
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | ||
Applications | 02-Jan-2017 | 16-Jan-2017 |
Admit Cards | ||
Examinations (Preliminary) | 19-Mar-2017 | |
Exam Results (Preliminary) | ||
Examinations (Mains) | ||
Answer Keys | ||
Exam Results (Mains) | ||
Interviews | ||
Final Results |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : High Court Of Gujarat
- Organization City, State : ahmedabad, gujarat
- Organization Website : “www.gujarathighcourt.nic.in” & “http://hc-ojas.guj.nic.in”
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results