Website: AND
Starting date for submission of On-line Application | 01/03/2017 (12:00 Hours) |
Closing date for submission of On-line Application | 31/03/2017 (23:59 Hours) |
Tentatively Schedule of Examination / Test | |
Date of Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) | 30th April, 2017 |
Date of Main Written Examination | 2nd July, 2017 |
Date of Viva-voce Test (Personal Interview) | August / September, 2017 |
- (i)
- The High Court of Gujarat, in view of the guidelines of the Honble Supreme Court in the case of Malik Mazhar Sultan & Anr. V/s. U.P. Public Service Commission & Ors. and 'The Gujarat State Judicial Service Rules, 2005', invites On-line Applications from the eligible Practising Advocates, for filling up, by Competitive Examination, approximately 42 (30 Regular + 12 Ad-hoc) vacancies, existing and future, in the cadre of District Judges, in the pay-scale of Rs. 51,6501240-59,090-1390-63,260 + Allowances, as admissible under the Rules.
- (ii)
- The High Court reserves its right to alter the number of vacancies, than notified.
(iii) On-line Recruitment Applications can be submitted from 01/03/2017
(12.00 Hrs.). Last date for submission of On-line Applications will be 31/03/2017 till 23:59 Hrs.
- (i)
- Candidate must possess a Degree in Law from a University recognized by law in India.
- (ii)
- Candidate must be a practising Advocate in Courts of Civil and/or Criminal jurisdiction on the last date fixed for submission of On-line Applications and must have so practiced for a period not less than Seven Years, as on 31/03/2017.
Explanation : For the purpose of this Clause, in computing the period during which a person has been an Advocate, there shall be included the period during which he/she has held a Judicial Office.
(iii) Candidate must possess Basic Knowledge of Computer Application / Operation, as set out by the Government of Gujarat in General Administration Department Resolution No. PRCH-102005-1532-K, dated 30/09/2006 and CRR-10-2007-120320-G.5, dated 13/08/2008.
A candidate must have attained the age of 35 years and must not have attained the age of 48 years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and Socially & Educationally Backward Classes, Orthopedically Disabled Persons and Ex-servicemen and 45 years in the case of General Candidates, as on the last date fixed for registration of the Online Application, i.e. on 31/03/2017.
- (i)
The candidates belonging to General Category are required to pay Examination Fees of Rs.1000
plus Bank Charges whereas Rs.500/plus Bank Charges are required to paid by the Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes, Socially & Educationally Backward Classes, Orthopedically Disabled Persons and Ex-Servicemen Categories. The candidates making payment of Fees, shall remit the same, in Current Bank Account No. 30725811785 with the State Bank of India, High Court Complex Branch, Sola, Ahmedabad, held in the name of Registrar, High Court of Gujarat, through any of the Core Banking Service Branches of the State Bank of India, using the Cash Voucher in the Special Format appended to this Detailed Advertisement, from 01/03/2017 to 31/03/2017, during the Bank working Days and Hours of the said Bank.
- (ii)
- Application Fees once paid, shall not be refunded in any circumstances.
(iii) Application without payment of Application Fee will be treated as invalid.
(I) For Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) (Tentatively scheduled on 30th April -2017).
(i) The Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) based on a Computer Based (Online) Examination System shall consist of 2 Papers -(each of 100 Marks & 2 Hours duration), based on the following Syllabus :
Paper-I : Law:
- (a)
- The Constitution of India
- (b)
- The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, The Transfer of Property Act, 1882, The Specific Relief Act, 1963, The Indian Partnership Act, 1932, The Indian Contract Act, 1872, The Sale of Goods Act, 1930, The Limitation Act, 1963.
- (c)
- The Indian Penal Code, 1860, The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, The Indian Evidence Act, 1872, The Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985, The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881.
- (d)
- Legal Maxims
- (e)
- Medical Jurisprudence
- (f)
- Jurisprudence and Legal Phraseology
Paper-II : English, General Knowledge & Awareness :
- (a)
- English Language
- (b)
- General Knowledge
- (c)
- Current Affairs
- (d)
- Indian History and Geography
- (e)
- Basics of Science and Technology
- (f)
- Sports
- (g)
- Analytical Reasoning /Mental Ability
- (h)
- Basic Knowledge of Computer Operation / Application
(ii) The language of the 'Question Papers' of the Preliminary Examination, will be English.
(iii) The candidates who secure 50% and above Marks in the Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test), shall be eligible for being called for the Main Written Examination. However, the Marks obtained in Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test), shall not be taken into consideration for preparing the Final Merit of the candidates.
(II) | Competitive Examination : | ||||||
(A) | Main | Written | Examination | (Descriptive | Type) | : | (Tentatively |
scheduled on 2nd July -2017) |
(i) The Main Written Examination (Descriptive Type) shall consist of Two Papers -(each of 100 Marks & 3 Hours duration), based on the Syllabus given below:
Paper I :
- (a)
- The Indian Penal Code, 1860
- (b)
- The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973
- (c)
- The Indian Evidence Act, 1872
- (d)
- The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
- (e)
- The Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985
- (f)
- The Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989
Paper-II :
- (a)
- The Constitution of India
- (b)
- The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
- (c)
- The Indian Contract Act, 1872.
- (d)
- The Specific Relief Act, 1963.
- (e)
- The Transfer of Property Act, 1882.
- (f)
- Succession Laws, Personal Laws (Hindu, Muslim and Christian)
- (g)
- The Intellectual Property Laws
- (h)
- The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988
- (i)
- The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
- (j)
- The Electricity Act, 2003
- (k)
- The Right to Fair Compensation & Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement Act, 2013
- (l)
- The Family Courts Act, 1984
- (m)
- Basic Laws relating to Environment -The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. -The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.
(ii) Paper Style for Main Written Examination:
Paper : I (Criminal) & Paper : II (Civil), each shall consist of Two Parts as under :
Paper-I (Criminal):
Part : I (50 Marks) : Answer to Questions, Short Notes, Prcis Writing, Translation from English to Gujarati.
Part :II (50 Marks) : Judgment Writing (Sessions Case)
Paper-II (Civil) :
Part : I (50 Marks) : Answer to Questions, Short Notes, Assertions/Reasons, Translation from Gujarati to English.
Part : II (50 Marks) : Judgment Writing (Civil Appeal)
(iii) Language of the Question Papers of Main Written Examination shall be English, and Answers to each Question shall be given in English, if not instructed otherwise.
(iv) The candidates who obtain minimum 50% Marks in the Main Written Examination, shall be eligible for being called for Vivavoce (Personal Interview), provided that the candidates have secured minimum 40% Marks in each individual Paper.
(B) Vivavoce Test (Personal Interview) : (Tentatively scheduled in the month of August/September, 2017).
- (i)
- Viva-voce Test shall be of 50 Marks.
- (ii)
- The object of the Viva-voce Test is to assess the suitability of the candidate for the cadre, by judging the mental alertness, knowledge of law, clear and logical exposition, balance of judgment, skills, attitude, ethics, power of assimilation, power of communication, character and intellectual depth, analytical ability and the like, of the candidate.
In view of the Amended Rules viz. Sub-Rule (1) (i) of Rule 11 of The Gujarat State Judicial Service Rules, 2005, since Character and Suitability, of a Candidate, holds an important and paramount place, for being considered, for Appointment to the State Judicial Services, therefore, kindly note that, these aspects can be inquired into, by the Competent Authority, prior to the Viva-Voce (Personal Interview), as per Annexure -A:
Name of | Advocate / | Place of | ||
the | Employee | Employment, if | ||
Candidate | any / Place of Practice, if any | |||
1. | Whether the Candidate lives beyond his known means of income? If yes, please mention specific details in support of your opinion. (Please attach the documents, if any). | |||
2. | Whether he mixes with such persons as he should not? If yes, please mention specific details in support of your opinion. (Please annex the documents, if any). | |||
3. | Whether any adverse report / complaint doubting integrity of the candidate in relation to the cases attended by him is received? If yes, please mention specific details and its outcome, in support of your opinion. (Please annex the documents, if any. |
4. | As a Competent Authority if you have learnt about doubtful integrity of the candidate from any other source, please mention the specific details in support of your opinion (Please annex the documents, if any). | |||
5. | If the Competent Authority has no knowledge of the above facts, it may inquire from the source like (i) Judicial Officer at Taluka level (ii) Head of the Department in which the candidate is serving, (iii) concerned Bar Council, giving details of complaint if any, received against the candidate, and submit the specific details as indicated above. | |||
6. | In addition to what is stated above, the Competent Authority must mention the specific details of adverse remarks, if any, departmental inquiry, if any, whether pending or concluded, in relation to the integrity of the candidate, supported by necessary material. |
(iii)For being eligible to be included in the Select List, the candidate must have obtained minimum 40% Marks in Viva-voce Test.
Selection of candidates shall be made on the basis of Aggregate Marks obtained by the candidates in the Main Written Examination & Viva-voce/ Personal Interview. However, the Marks obtained in Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test), shall not be taken into consideration for preparing the Final Merit List of the candidates.
No person shall be eligible for appointment to the Judicial Service :
- (i)
- unless he/she is a citizen of India
- (ii)
- if he/she is dismissed from Service by the Central Government or any State Government or U.Ts. or any High Court or Statutory or Local Authority.
(iii) if he/she has been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude or who is or has been permanently debarred or disqualified by the High Court or the Union/State Public Service Commission(s) or by any Recruiting or Examination Conducting Authority from appearing in Examinations or Selections.
- (iv)
- if he/she directly or indirectly influences the Recruiting Authority by any means, for his/her candidature.
- (v)
- if he is a man, has more than one wife living, and if a woman has married a man already having another wife.
If any candidate applies under the provisions of the Right to Information Act, 2005, to know the Marks obtained in a Written Test conducted by the High Court, the procedure mentioned below, should be followed, as per the decision of the Competent Authority :
(i) Candidate must apply with requisite Fees to the Public Information Officer, High Court of Gujarat, Administrative Building, Sola, Ahmedabad 380 060.
(ii) Such candidate can apply only for his / her own Marks.
(iii) Marks obtained in Preliminary and other Examinations, shall be given only after declaration of the Final results.
- (iv)
- In view of the provisions of Section 8(j) of the Right to Information Act, 2005, Marks obtained by any other candidate cannot be supplied to a third party / candidate. No information can be given even with regard to Marks obtained by the last candidate selected.
- (v)
- Results of all successful candidates will be published through Internet, but results of unsuccessful candidates will not be shown on Internet.
- (vi)
- On a request made as aforesaid, information of Marks obtained, will be furnished on specific Application by a candidate, whether successful or unsuccessful in such Test/Examination, only after Final selection and publication of Merit List / Select List.
a) No communication / correspondence shall be entertained from any Candidate, during the Recruitment Process.
b) Candidates belonging to General Category, who are born between 31/03/1972 and 31/03/1982 and the candidates belonging to Reserved Categories (SC/ST/SEBC) as well as Orthopedically Disabled Persons and Ex-Servicemen, who born between 31/03/1969 and 31/03/1982, shall only be eligible to apply.
c) The Candidates who have successfully submitted On-line Applications, shall only be eligible for appearing at the Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test).
d) The decision of the High Court as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the Preliminary Examination, Main Written Examination and/or Viva-voce, shall be final. No candidate, to whom a Certificate of Admission viz. 'e-Call-Letter-cum-Admission Slip' has not been issued by the Recruiting Authority, shall be admitted for the Examination concerned.
e) The candidates shall have to appear at their own expenses for the Preliminary Examination / Main Written Examination and Viva-voce, (if called for), at the place and time, that may be decided by the High Court.
f) Benefit of relaxation in Upper Age limit & Fees shall be granted to the Orthopedically Disabled Persons, provided that Certificate in respect of the Disability issued by the Competent Authority of the State, is produced by the candidate as and when called for, whereas, relaxation in upper age limit shall be granted to the Ex-Servicemen, provided Certificate/Identity Card in that respect, is produced by the candidate as and when called for.
g) The list of eligible/short-listed candidates will be placed on High Court website as well as HC-OJAS portal of NIC, at the relevant time.
h) For any exigency arising in the interregnum phases between the Recruitment Process, no request by e-mail or otherwise, will be entertained for conducting re-test, under any circumstances.
i) Candidates shall be required to download their respective e-Call-letters from the Gujarat High Court website as well as OJAS Portal of NIC, by using their respective Advertisement Number, Confirmation Number and Date of Birth, for appearing at the respective Examination/ Vivavoce, during the specified period.
j) Candidate shall have to produce, at the time of appearing for the Preliminary / Main Written Examination/ Viva-voce, copies of the relevant FIR; Police Complaint; details of Criminal Case, filed against them, if any, AND an Identity proof i.e. either the ID Card issued by Election Commission of India or Bar Council of the State or PAN Card or valid Driving License, in original + one copy, along with the print out of the e-Call Letter-cum-Admission Slip and original Cash Voucher.
k) Entry in the Compound of the Examination Centre with Mobile/Cell Phones, Tablets, Laptop, electronic gadgets, etc. is strictly prohibited.
A candidate who is found indulging in unfair practices, viz.
copying or misconduct during the course of examination, using electronic
gadgets or Mobile Phones etc., tampering with Question Paper, influencing any person concerned with the Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) or Written Examination or Personal Interview, will be
debarred from appearing for Preliminary Examination (Elimination Test) or Main Written Examination or Viva-voce Test, as the case may be, for that Examination or for any number of years or permanently, as may be decided by the High Court.
l) Result of all Tests/Examinations, will be made available on the High Court website as well as OJAS Portal of NIC and/or by any other mode that may be decided by the High Court, at the relevant time.
m) The Results (Marks) obtained shall be made available to the Candidates, by providing a link to a webpage on the HC-OJAS website with individual password (OTP One Time Password), via SMS on his/her Registered Mobile Number, after the conclusion of the Selection Process.
n) Mere success in the Test/Examination, shall not confer any right to Appointment, and no candidate shall be appointed to the post unless the Recruiting Authority and/or Government is satisfied, after such inquiries, as may be considered necessary, that the candidate is suitable in all respects for Appointment to the post.
o) Candidate should obtain the requisite Language Certificate and Practice/Experience Certificate from the Competent Authority after publication of result of Main Written Examination.
p) At present, Candidates shall not send copies of any testimonials/ documents to the High Court. They shall produce, Print out of the On-line Application, alongwith following original Testimonials/ Certificates as well as one set of self attested photo copies thereof, and recent passport size photograph, at the time of Viva-voce Test, to be conducted by the High Court, i.e :
- (i)
- Print out of the duly filled-in Online Application alongwith Original Cash Voucher marked as Office Copy.
- (ii)
- School Leaving Certificate / Birth Certificate issued under Birth & Death Registration Act.
(iii) Educational qualifications i.e. Mark-sheet and Certificates of SSCE, HSCE, Final Year of Graduation, LL.B., Post Graduation/ Post Graduation in law etc as may be applicable.
- (iv)
- Sanad issued by the Bar Council.
- (v)
- Certificates possessing Basic Knowledge of Computer Application/Operation issued by Government or Private Institute as set out by Government of Gujarat in General Administration Department Resolution Nos. PRCH-102005-1532-C, dated 30/09/2006 and CRR-10-2007-120320G.5, dated 13/08/2008.
- (vi)
- Certificate/s issued by the Competent Authority of the State of Gujarat, in respect of candidates belonging to Reserved Category (SC/ST/SEBC), as may be applicable and also Non-creamy layer certificate valid for the Current Financial Year, in case of those belonging to Socially & Educationally Backward Classes.
(vii) In case of Orthopedically Disabled Candidate (a) a Certificate from the Competent Authority to the effect that he/she has the disability of not less than 40% and (b) a Certificate from the Standing Medical Board at Ahmedabad, to the effect that he/she would be able to perform the duties to the post, in question.
(viii) Government Gazette, showing change in name/surname etc, if any;
- (ix)
- Original Character Certificates given, not more than 6 months prior to the date fixed for Viva-voce Test, from two respectable persons being Professionals/Dignitaries like Doctor, Engineer, M.L.A., M.Ps., unconnected with his/her College or University and not related to him/her, testifying to his/her character.
- (x)
- Income Tax Returns, of the last three Financial years.
q) Language Certificate, in original, issued by :
- (i)
- the Registrar General, High Court of Gujarat in case of Advocates practising in the Supreme Court of India / High Court of Gujarat / Courts outside the State of Gujarat;
- (ii)
- the concerned Principal District Judge of the District, in case of Advocates practising in District Court and/or Taluka Courts of the District concerned in the State of Gujarat;
(iii) the concerned Principal Judicial Officers of the Courts in the City of Ahmedabad, in case of Advocates practising in the City Courts at Ahmedabad, as may be applicable;
(iv) in case of Assistant Public Prosecutor or Public Prosecutor/ Assistant Government Pleader, the Language Certificate shall be issued by the Authority being the Principal Judicial Officer heading the establishment/institution concerned, in consultation with the authority of the respective establishment as the case may be;
Language Certificate must be in the following manner :
(Mention name)
This is to certify that Mr./Ms._________ Advocate has sufficient knowledge of Gujarati, Hindi and English so as to enable him/her;
- (i)
- to speak in the said languages,
- (ii)
- to write and read the said languages and
(iii) to translate, from any of the said languages into English and from English into any of the said languages.
This certificate is issued on the basis of Test taken/ Documents verified by the undersigned for producing before the High Court for Recruitment to the cadre of District Judge pursuant to the Advertisement dated 27/02/2017.
Date : (Seal of the court) Signature of Competent Authority Name of the Court : __________
Note : Such Certificate shall be issued on taking Test or on the basis of any valid educational documents, after publication of the result of Main Written Examination.
r) Practice/Experience Certificate, in original, issued by :
- (i)
- the Secretary General of the Supreme Court of India or any other Officer, authorized by him in case of Advocates practising in the Supreme Court of India;
- (ii)
- the Registrar General or equivalent authority of the respective High Courts, in case of the Advocates practising in the Courts outside the State of Gujarat;
(iii) the Registrar General, High Court of Gujarat, in case of Advocates practising in the High Court of Gujarat;
- (iv)
- the concerned Principal District Judge of the District, in case of Advocates practising in District Court and/or Taluka Courts of the District concerned, in case of the Advocates practising in the Courts in the State of Gujarat and;
- (v)
- the concerned Principal Judicial Officers of the Courts in the City of Ahmedabad, in case of Advocates practising in the City Courts at Ahmedabad, as may be applicable;
- (vi)
- in case of Assistant Public Prosecutor or Public Prosecutor/ Assistant Government Pleader,, the Certificate shall be issued by the Authority being the Principal Judicial Officer heading the establishment/institution concerned, in consultation with the authority of the respective establishment as the case may be;
Practice / Experience Certificate must be in the following manner:-
(mention name)
This is to certify that Mr./Ms ____________, Advocate has been a
(mention date)
Practising Advocate since ____________. As such he/she has
(mention No. of year)
completed __________ years Practice, as on the last date of submission of On-line Application.
This certificate is issued on the basis of the record available with the office of the undersigned for producing before the High Court for recruitment to the cadre of District Judge pursuant to the Advertisement dated 27/02/2017 .
Date : (Seal of the court) Signature of Competent Authority Name of the Court:___________
Note: The Competent Authority, before issuing Certificate shall verify from Court Matters about the actual Practice period.
s) Candidates making payment of Fees shall remit the amount in Current Bank Account No.30725811785 of State Bank of India, High Court Complex Branch, Ahmedabad, through any of the Core Banking Service Branches of the State Bank of India, using the Cash Voucher in the special format appended to this Advertisement which can be downloaded from the website and and collect from the Bank, the Cash Voucher, marked as 'Office Copy' and 'Candidates copy', with the unique Deposit Journal Number assigned by the Bank and preserve the same. Candidates must ensure that on deposit of the Fee, the Bank issues them the above receipt, which invariably mentions (i) Deposit Journal Number
(ii) Branch Name (iii) Branch Code Number, (iv) Date of Deposit and (v) Bank charges, with the Seal and Signature of the Authority accepting the Fees.
t) While applying On-line for the post, the Applicant should ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility and other norms mentioned above and that the particulars furnished by him/her are correct in all respects. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has suppressed / twisted or truncated any material facts, his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is detected even after Appointment, his/her Service will be liable to be terminated.
u) Candidate should preserve his/her Application Number and Confirmation Number after submitting On-line Application, for future correspondence as well as for downloading the e-Call-Letter for
appearing at Preliminary Examination / Main Written Examination/ Vivavoce Test.
v) Candidate should scan his/her photograph having 5 c.m. height and 3.6
c.m. width (15kb) & signature having 2.5 c.m. height and 7.5 c.m. width (15kb) in JPG format for uploading the same at relevant space on the Application.
w) The candidate shall fill up the required data in the Online Application, in accordance with the 'Instructions'.
x) Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply On-line much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/inability/failure to log on the High Courts website on account of heavy load on Internet/Website.
y) High Court does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their Applications within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of the High Court.
z) A candidate shall not apply more than once, for any reason at all.
aa) Candidate should take out Two Print outs of the On-line Application for his/her record and future requirement, before the Closing Date of Registration i.e. on 31/03/2017.
ab) Applications which do not comply with the 'Instructions' shall be summarily rejected.
ac) The following Government Resolutions are made available on High Court Web site for information:
- (i)
- Government Resolution, General Administration Department No. PRCH-102005-1532-C, dtd. 30/09/2006 and CRR-10-2007-120320G.5, dtd.13/08/2008 regarding Basic Knowledge of Computer Application / Operation.
- (ii)
- Government Resolution, Health and Family Welfare Department No. HSP-102002, GOI-36-A, dtd. 26/10/2010 regarding provision for Certificates to be obtained by the Disabled candidates.
- (a)
- All eligible Candidates should apply On-line, through the link provided in High Court Website AND in the prescribed format from 01/03/2017 to 31/03/2017.
- (b)
- Candidates should have his/her own registered Mobile Number and the same should be kept active during the entire recruitment process, as SMS
- Alerts for the Tests, are also likely to be notified on the said Mobile Number, so registered in the On-line Application.
- (c)
- Steps for submitting On-line Application through the OJAS Module :

Fill up all the Fields given in On-line Application Format, carefully, as per the Instructions, after thoroughly reading & understanding the entire Detailed Advertisement & the Instructions given at the appropriate places.

Save the On-line Application, by clicking save button.
Thereafter, a new window will be opened which displays Candidates Application Number. This means, the Application has been saved. Candidates shall therefore note down the entire string of the Application No. (e.g. HCG/2017/52/11111). In this window, by clicking Show Application Preview Button, preview of the Application will be displayed on the screen of the Computer.
Thereafter, by using Application No. and Date of Birth, candidate is required to Upload his / her Scanned Photograph (latest) and Scanned Signature in the stipulated size & format [refer item 9(v)]. The Candidate shall ensure that, the uploaded Photograph & Signature. are distinctly recognizable, after uploading
Note :Please ensure that the Scanned Signature of the Candidate alone is uploaded, which shall be verified by the High Court, at each stage, and if the Scanned Signature does not match with the signature of the Candidate, at the time of successive verifications during the Recruitment Process, his/her Candidature is likely to be rejected forthwith.

If necessary, by using the respective Application Number & Date of Birth, a candidate can edit his/her On-line Application, through Edit Application mode until he/she confirms the On-line Application, by clicking the Confirm Application icon. Please note that, after such Confirmation, further editing of ones On-line Application, will not be possible.

Please Note that only after Confirmation, the System will register your On-line Application, which will be considered valid.
Thereafter, Candidate will get a SMS communication, conveying to him/her the Confirmation Number, on the registered Mobile Number. This Confirmation Number should be securely preserved by the Candidate, till the end of the recruitment process, for downloading the e-Call-letter-cum-Admission Slip etc. .
At the end of the process, the Candidate shall take Print outs of his/her Confirmed Application on A4 size (letter size) Paper only, by clicking Print Application Tab of the Main Menu, during the Online Registration Window (01/03/2017 to 31/03/2017).

- (d)
- The Candidates shall fill up the required data in the On-line Application in accordance with the Instructions. Applications which are not in accordance with the Instructions, shall be summarily rejected.
- (e)
- Take a note that the above is the general procedure for applying On-line. No other mode of Application or incomplete Applications, will be accepted and in such case, the Application will be rejected outright.
Decision of the High Court of Gujarat in respect of all matters pertaining to this Recruitment would be final and binding, on all the Candidates.
High Court of Gujarat, Sola, Ahmedabad. Sd/-
Date : 27/02/2017 I/c. Registrar (Recruitment & Finance)
No.RC/1250/2017 CASH VOUCHER BANK COPY STATE BANK OF INDIA Recruitment to the Cadre of DISTRICT JUDGE 2017 | |||
Applicants Name : | |||
Account No. : | 30725811785 -Registrar General, High Court of Gujarat, Ahmedabad. | ||
Name of Branch in which Fee is remitted : | Branch Code : | ||
Deposit Journal No. : | Date of Deposit : | ||
Application Fees : (Non-Refundable) |
![]() |
Bank Charges : (To be paid by Candidate) |
![]() |
# ![]() ![]() |
.cut here cut here cut here
No.RC/1250/2017 CASH VOUCHER OFFICE COPY (To be produced at Every Stage of Examination) STATE BANK OF INDIA Recruitment to the Cadre of DISTRICT JUDGE 2017 |
Applicants Name : |
Account No. : 30725811785 -Registrar General, High Court of Gujarat, Ahmedabad. |
Name of Branch in which Fee is remitted : Branch Code : |
Deposit Journal No. : Date of Deposit : |
Application Fees : (Non-Refundable) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
.cut here cut here cut here
No.RC/1250/2017 CASH VOUCHER

(To be produced at Every Stage of Examination) STATE BANK OF INDIA

Branch Code :
Date of Deposit : Bank Charges :
(To be paid by Candidate)
# Fees paid between 01/03/2017 to 31/03/2017 shall be considered as VALID. Authorized Signatory & Stamp
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | ||
Applications | 01-Mar-2017 | 31-Mar-2017 |
Admit Cards | ||
Examinations (Preliminary) | 30-Apr-2017 | 02-Jun-2017 |
Exam Results (Preliminary) | ||
Examinations (Mains) | ||
Answer Keys | ||
Exam Results (Mains) | ||
Interviews | 24-Aug-2017 | 08-Sep-2017 |
Final Results |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : High Court Of Gujarat
- Organization City, State : ahmedabad, gujarat
- Organization Website : “” & “”
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results