Government of India Department of Telecommunications Office of the Sr. DDG, MP LSA Door S Sanchar Bhawan, Hoshangabad Road, Bh hopal
No. : 31-22/2017-DDG (AA)-TERM-BPL/24 Dated: 30.11.2017
Sub.:-Vacancy circular to fill up Assistant Director (AD) and Jun nior Telecom Office (JTO) Posts in the Office of the Sr r. DDG, MP LSA, Bhopal on deputation bassis.
Sr. DDG, MP LSA, Bh hopal, Department of Telecommunications, pproposes to fill up the vacant posts in Assistant Director (AD D) and Junior Telecom Officer (JTO) cadre d deputation basis from among the staff working in Central, SStates Governments / PSUs as per the details s given below:
Name of the Cadre | Scale of 6th Pay C f Pay (as per Commission) | Grade Pay | Level as per 7th CPC | No. likely of Posts to be filed | Likely Place of posting |
Assistant Director. | PB-2 3 Rs. 930034800 | Rs. 4800 | Level 8 | 01 1(One) | Bhopal |
Junior Telecom Officer | PB-2 3 Rs. 930034800 | Rs. 4600 | Level 7 | 08 (Eight) | Bhopal |
- The above vacancies aree provisional and may vary as per the actuall requirements at the time of finalisation of the selectio on.
- The eligibility condition applicable for the above posts are given in n Annexure-I. Job profile for each cadre is given in An nnexure-II.
- The period of deputation n initially will be for 3 (three) years and can n be extended by two more years if required in the exxigencies of public service.
- The term and condition ns of the deputation as stipulated in DOP& &T OM No.AB.14017/71/89Estt.RR dated 03.10.89 aand OM No. 06.08.2009-Estt. (Pay-II) dated 17.06.2010 and subsequent circulars if any from DO OP&T in this regard are applicable. Pay, alloowance, medical facilities etc. shall be governed as per the above referred DoP&T OMs an nd subsequent circulars if any in this regard.
- The applications of the e willing and eligible officials whose servic ces can be spared on their selection may be sent inn the prescribed Performa (Annexure-III, IV & V) duly recommended by the Head of office / Dep partment with attested copies of the APARs ffor the last 5 years, Integrity Certificate and Vigilance e clearance to the Director (Admin) Office of f the Sr. DDG, MPLSA Door Sanchar Bhawan, Hosh hangabad Road, Bhopal on or before 18.01 1.2018. The applicants who are already working in T TERM Cell on loan basis from BSNL may sub bmit their application directly through their present controlling officers. Officers who voluntee er for the post will not be
permitted to withdraw their names later. Delayed / incomplete applications will be rejected summarily.
- Advance/direct copy of application may be sent to Director (Admin), Office of the Sr. DDG, MPLSA Door Sanchar Bhawan, Hoshangabad Road, Bhopal.
- This is issued with the approval of Competent Authority.
- For more details visit the website www.dot.gov.in
Enc: Annexure I, II, III, IV & V,
Director (Admin) O/o Sr. DDG , MP LSA, Bhopal Tel: 0755-2550199
Copy to:
1) Director General, DoT HQ, New Delhi
2) DDG (Estt.), DoT HQ, New Delhi
3) Director (Estt.) DoT HQ, New Delhi
4) Director (IT), DoT, Sanchar Bhawan, 20 Ashoka Road, New Delhi, for publishing on the DoT
Website under Vacancies.
5) GM(Pers.), BSNL Corporate Office, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi
6) GM(Pers.), MTNL Corporate Office, CGO Complex, New Delhi.
7) CGMT, BSNL MP Circle, Bhopal.
8) CGMT, BSNL Telecom Factory Jabalpur.
9) CGMT, BRBRAITT, Jabalpur.
10) CGMT, T&D Circle, Jabalpur.
11) CGMT, BSNL Chhattisgarh Circle, Raipur.
12) All SSA Heads of BSNL, MP Circle
13) GGM(Personnel) Corporate Office, TCIL Greater Kailash, New Delhi-110048.
14) GM(Personnel), Regd.& Corporate Office, ITI Bhawan Dooravani Nagar, Bangalore-560 016
15) CDOT, New Delhi.
16) Power Grid, New Delhi.
17) Railtel, New Delhi.
18) Notice Board.
Eligibility Condition
1. Assistant Director:-
A) | Officer working under the Central / State Govt./BSNL/ ITI/TCIL/other PSUs. |
i) | Holding analogous post of Assistant Director on regular basis in Central/ State Govt. in the |
Pay scale of PB2 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4800 ( As per 6th CPC) | |
Or | |
ii) | Holding SDE/ Sr. SDE or analogous post in BSNL/ MTNL/ ITI/ TCIL/ Any other PSU in the Pay |
scale of 20600-46500/ 24900-50500 in current IDA scale. | |
Or | |
iii) | Holding a post in PB2 with GP of 4600 in CDA OR holding a post in the pay scale of 16400 |
40500 in IDA with minimum of 5 years experience in the grade. |
B) Educational Qualification:
I) Bachelor Degree in Engineering or Technology or Equivalent in any one discipline such as Telecommunication/ Electronics/ Computer/ Radio Engineering/ Information Technology Or II) MSc(Electronics) MSc (Computer Science) from recognised university
C) Desirable Qualification:
Working knowledge in Computer with large database using utility software such as MS Office/
MS Access/ Linux/ RDBMS. D) Age limit: Maximum up to 52 Years as on 31.12.2017. E) Work Experience:
I) The Official should have worked at least for 6 years in establishing or maintaining Telecom/New Generation Telecom network / Mobile / Computer Network. II) Preference will be given to the officer who has experience of working for minimum two years in TERM Cell / DoT.
2. Junior Telecom Officer:-
A) Officer working under the Central/ State Govt./ BSNL/ MTNL/ ITI/ TCIL/other PSUs. i) Holding analogous post of Junior Telecom Officer on regular basis in Central/State Govt. in the pay scale of PB2 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4600 (As per 6th CPC). Or ii) Holding JTO or analogous post in BSNL/MTNL/ITI/TCIL/ Any other PSU in the pay scale of 16400-40500 in current IDA scales.
B) Educational Qualification:
i) Bachelor Degree in Engineering or Technology or Equivalent in any one discipline such as Telecommunication/ Electronics/ Computer/ Radio Engineering/ Information Technology Or
ii) MSc (Electronics) MSc (Computer Science) from recognised university
C) Desirable Qualification:
Working knowledge in Computer with large database using utility software such as MS Office/
MS Access/ Linux/ RDBMS. D) Age limit: Maximum up to 45 years as on 31.12.2017.
E) Work Experience
I) The official should have worked at least for 3 year in establishing or maintaining Telecom/ New Generation Telecom network/ Mobile/ Computer Network. II) Preference will be given to the officer who has experience of working for minimum two years in TERM Cell / DoT.
Annexure-II Job Profile
1. Assistant Director :Annexure-III
1) | Processing applications for registration under Other Service Providers (OSP) Category through |
Online and Offline mode and issuing Registration Certificate. | |
2) | Inspection of Telecom Service Providers/ Internet Service Providers/ National/ International long |
Distance Service providers/ OSP Centre Infrastructure Providers Category I (IP1)/ Global card | |
(GCC) sellers of registered companies/ Dealers/ Distributors of Telecom Service Providers vis-a | |
vis guidelines on the subject in the entire MPLSA. | |
3) | Looking after the Establishment, Administration related functions and other routine office work |
for smooth functioning of office. | |
4) | Making correspondence with DoT/ Licensed Telecom Service Providers/ Other Govt. agencies |
etc. | |
5) | Handling of public grievances / coordination with Telecom Service Providers for redressal of |
public grievances. | |
6) | General works such as Parliament Question/ RTI/ Handling of Court Cases/ Disaster |
Management/ Coordination with Law Enforcement Agencies/ Legal Interception Testing/ Other | |
Works allotted as per requirement etc. | |
7) | Monitoring and Vigilance functions such as verification of Customer Acquisition Forms/ |
Electromagnetic Field Testing /Maintaining and Updating of Cell sites record/ BTS Register/ | |
Curbing of Illegal Telecom Steps. | |
8) | Round the clock manning of Centralised Monitoring System(CMS)/Internet Monitoring |
System(IMS), Operation and maintenance of CMS/IMS | |
9) | Any other work as assigned from time to time by superior officers. |
2. | Junior Telecom Officer: |
1) | Inspection of OSP Centre, Infrastructure Providers Category I (IP1)/ Global card (GCC) sellers |
of registered companies / Dealers/ Distributors of Telecom Service Providers vis-a-vis guidelines | |
on the subject in the entire MPLSA. | |
2) | Looking after the Establishment, Administration related functions and other routine office work |
for smooth functioning of office. | |
3) | Preparation of reports, keeping of office records etc. |
4) | General works such as Parliament Question/ RTI / Handling of Court Cases/ Disaster |
Management/ Coordination with Law Enforcement Agencies/ Legal Interception Testing/ Other | |
Works allotted as per requirement etc. | |
5) | Monitoring and Vigilance functions such as Electromagnetic Field Testing /Maintaining and |
Updating of Cell sites record/ BTS Register/ Curbing of Illegal Telecom Steps. | |
6) | Round the clock manning of Centralised Monitoring System (CMS)/Internet Monitoring System |
(IMS), Operation and maintenance of CMS/IMS. | |
7) | Any other work as assigned from time to time by superior officers. |
1. Name of applicant with Complete Office
Affix latest passport size
Address, e-mail & Telephone No. (in Block letters):
- Residential address with phone no : (self attest-ed)
- Date of Birth(in Christian era) :
- Post held on regular basis and the date from which held with pay scale :
- Date of retirement under Central/State Govt. rules :
- Education Qualification :
- Whether Educational and other qualifications Required for the post are satisfied (If any qualification has been treated as
- Equivalent to the one prescribed in the Rules, state authority for the same)
- Whether Educational and other qualifications Required for the post are satisfied (If any qualification has been treated as
- Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above, you meet the requirement of the post :
- Details of employment in chronological order
Qualification | SL. | Qualification/Experience required | Qualification/Experience possessed by the officer |
Essential | 1 | ||
2 | |||
Desirable | 1 | ||
2 |
(Attach separate duly authenticated by your Signature sheet if required) :
Sl | Name of office/ organization where employed | Post held | From | To | Scale of Pay/Pay Band with Grade Pay | Nature of duties performed |
10. Nature of present employment i.e. whether | ||
Temporary, adhoc or quasi permanent | ||
or permanent. | : | |
11. In case the present employment is held on | ||
deputation/contract basis, please state | ||
a) | The date of initial appointment | : |
b) The period of appointment on deputation /contract : c) Name of the parent office/organization to which you belong :
- Training courses attended :
- Additional details about your present employment Please state whether working under a) Central Government
b) State Government
c) Autonomous Organizations d) Government Undertakings e) Universities
- Present Pay and total emoluments drawn per month. :
- Knowledge & Experience with Computer applications (e.g. MS Office/ MS Access/ Linux/ RDBMS) :
- Additional information if any which you would like to mention in support of your suitability for the post. :
- Remarks, if any :
I have clearly gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware that the Curriculum vitae duly supported by documents submitted me will also be assessed by the selection committee at the time of selection for the post.
Date: Signature of the Applicant Mobile No.
Certified that the service particulars given by the applicant are verified with reference to service records and found to be correct.
Signature with seal of the Competent Authority
I. _____________________________________ hereby declare that my posting as _______________________in the office of the Sr. Deputy Directors General, MP LSA, Department of Telecommunications, Bhopal is purely on temporary basis and shall not have any right to claim for seniority in the said post in respect of service rendered by me on Deputation Basis.
II. I am not entitled to absorption as ______________________________ in the Department of Telecommunications and therefore will not resort to lay any claim for the same.
III. I am liable to be repatriated to may parent department/organization for any inaccuracies in the details noted above or contravention of any provision in the rules/order governing deputation.
Place : Date :
Signature of the Official
Countersigned Signature of the Controlling Officer with seal
Certificate to be recorded by the Head of office/Department while forwarding the application
Certified that:
- The particulars given by the applicant are true and have been verified from the service record.
- The applicant, if selected, will be relieved immediately.
- Copies of ACR/APAR for the last five years are enclosed.
- No Disciplinary/Vigilance case is pending or contemplated against him/her. There is nothing against the candidate which makes him/her ineligible for consideration of appointment to the post applied for.
- No major/minor penalty is in force or current against the official.
Signature of Head of office/ Department with official seal & Telephone no.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 30-Nov-2017 | |
Applications | ||
Admit Cards | ||
Examinations (Preliminary) | ||
Exam Results (Preliminary) | ||
Examinations (Mains) | ||
Answer Keys | ||
Exam Results (Mains) | ||
Interviews | ||
Final Results |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Department Of Telecommunications
- Organization City, State : new delhi, delhi
- Organization Website : www.dot.gov.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results