(An Autonomous Ins nstitution under Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt ovt. of India) 33, General Mahadeo Singh Road DEHRA DUN 248001
No. 247/01/2017/MoES/Vika kas/Estt. Dated: d: 04.07.2017
Wadia Institute of Hi Himalayan Geology is an autonomous research organization under Department of Science e & Technology, Govt. of India, undertaking adva dvance level of research in all aspects of t the geology and geodynamics of Himalaya. IIt has strong specialization in the areas of Petrology and Geochemistry, Structure and nd Tectonics, Sedimentology, Geomorphol phology, Glaciology, Magneto-stratigraphy, Bios ostratigraphy, Quaternary Geology, EnviEnvironment Geology, Seismology and Geophysics, Geochronology and Thermoc ochronology. To encourage young students/reesearchers to make career in emerging are eas of earth sciences the Institute also underta ake sponsored projects. The Director, WIHG HG invites applications for the purely tempor porary tenured position of Junior Research Fellows (JRF) in the Ministry of earth Scienc nces (MoES), Government of India sponsor ored Project titled Tectono-thermal evolution of the Lohit Batholith along Dibang and nd Lohit Valleys, India using Fission Track and nd (U-TH)/He Thermochronology under the he supervision of Dr. Vikas, Scientist B. The pr project tenure is likely to continue for five y years.
Rs. 25,000/-p.m. consolidated for NET (JRF)/GATE qualified candidates and Rs. 12,000/-p.m. consonsolidated for non-NET (JRF)/GATE qualified ca andidate plus admissible House Rent Allowance (HRA), whi , which is at present @ 20% for 1st and 2nd year and; Rs. 28,000/-p.m. consolidated for NET (JRF)/GATE qualified candidate and Rs. 14,000/-p.m. consolidated for non-NET (JRF)/GATE qualified ca andidate plus admissible House Rent Allowance (HRA),, which is at present @ 20% for 3rd , and 5th yea ar, subject to satisfactory performance. In case the perfor rmance of the selected candidate is not found to be satiisfactory, the fellowship can be terminated. Sufficient nt supporting continent grant for field work etc. will be provided
Age Limit:
Not exceeding 28 years as on date of advertissement.
Essential Qualification :
1st class M.Sc./M.Tech/M.Sc. Tech. degree in Geology/Applied Geology with Mathematics in B.Sc. or 1st class M. Tech. Geology/Applied Geology (5 year Integrated) with consistently good academic record.
Desirable :
Experience/Training in Geochronology, Structural Geology, Numerical Modelling, ArcGIS etc.Preference will be given to candidates who have qualified NET/GATE, UGC-CSIR combined examination. In case suitable NET/GATE, UGC-CSIR qualified candidates are not available Non-NET qualified candidate will also be considered.
- (i)
- The qualifications and experience mentioned are the minimum requirement. The Institute reserves the right to short list the candidates based on their merit record, qualifications and experience.
- (ii)
- The Institute reserves the right not to fill any position, if suitable candidates are not available. The Institute reserves the right to prepare a panel of candidates and fill the positions falling vacant or the positions in the same or other sponsored projects of the Institute during the validity of the panel.
(iii) No T.A. and D.A. will be provided for attending the interview.
- (iv)
- SC/ST and OBC Candidates must furnish attested copies of their category certificate issued by the competent authority. OBC candidates should produce a certificate starting that they do not belong to creamy layer as contemplated in Govt. orders.
- (v)
- Age relaxation is available as per Govt. of India Rules.
- (vi)
- The above mentioned positions are purely temporary co-terminus with the tenure of the relevant sponsored project. Under no circumstances regularization of the services of the concerned appointee in the Institute within the sponsored project framework will take place.
(vii) In case the performance of the selected candidate is not found satisfactory the fellowship shall be terminated at any stage of the project tenure.
(viii) Candidates already in service should apply through proper channel. In case advance copy of application is submitted, the candidate called for interview will be allowed to attend the interview only if he/she brings a No Objection Certificate from his present employer.
- (ix)
- Incomplete applications, applications not submitted on prescribed form or applications not as per any of the conditions of this detailed advertisement notice available on the web-site of the Institute will be liable to be rejected.
- (x)
- All application received will be considered by a Screening Committee for short listing and the Screening Committee may restrict the candidates for interview on the basis of the qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed.
- (xi)
- The Institute reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason.
(xii) The Institute reserves the right not to fill up the vacancies advertised, if deemed necessary.
(xiii) Canvassing in any form and bringing any influence will be treated as a disqualification.
(xiv) Contact Fax(s)/E-mail address and telephone No.(s) of the candidate
MUST be mentioned under Sl. No. 5 of the Application Form.
(xv) No interim enquiries will be entertained.
(xvi) Only selected candidates will be informed about their selection in due course on completion of their selection process and no other correspondence on the subject will be entertained.
The prescribed application form for the above position is available on our Website www.wihg.res.in. Interested candidates can download the application form from our Website and should submit their applications on the prescribed form only, failing which the application will be liable to be rejected. Attested photocopies in support of educational qualifications, experience etc. MUST be submitted with the application form. In case of the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC category, attested copies of Caste Certificates MUST be submitted with the application forms, failing which the relaxations available will not be allowed. Candidates already working elsewhere MUST route their applications through proper channel otherwise, the application will be rejected.
Applications on prescribed application form along with complete enclosures MUST reach the Registrar, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, 33, General Mahadeo Singh Road, Dehradun 248001 by 4.00 p.m on or before 04.08.2017. Incomplete application and applications received after the due date shall not be considered.
(An Autonomous Institution und on under Department of Science & Technology, GGovt. of India) 33, General Mahadeo Singh Road, DDEHRA DUN -248 001 (Uttarakhand)
- Advertisement No. : 247/247/01/2017/MoES/Vikas/Estt., DDated: 04.07.2017
- Position: Junior Rese earch Fellow
- Full Name (in Block letter rs) : __________________________________________ ____________ (Underline Surname)

- Father's/Husband's N Name:____________________________ _________ (With Phone No.)
- Address :

(a) Address For Corresppondence (b) Permanent Addr ddress
(give phone/fax number also, if if available) (give phone/fax number als lso, if available)
Telephone No(s) : Fax No.(s) : E-mail :
6. Date of birth & P Place of birth : Date ______ Month _ _____ Year______
(Age on the date of this ap pplication):
Years:_______ Months:___ ____ Days ______
7. a. Sex : Male / Female
b. Identificatioon Mark :
- Marital Status :
- Nationality :
- (a) Do you belong to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/OBC ? Yes / No
(b) If yes, please state category:
(Please enclosed attested copies of documentary evidences)
11. Academic Qualifications:
(Commencing with the High School or an equivalent examination).
Examination/ Degree | Subject/ Specialization | Year | Division | % Marks/ Grade | University /College/ Board | Distinctions/ Scholarships |
12. (a) Has there been any break in your academic career ?
(If so, give details thereof with reasons).
(b) Have you been punished during your studies at College/ University?
(If so, give details).
(c) Have you been punished during your services or convicted by a court of Law? (If so give details).
(d) Were you at anytime declared medically unfit or asked to submit
your resignation or discharged or dismissed ? (if yes, give details in a separate sheet).
- Experience :
- Publication :

(Give names of author, title of paper, name of journal, year , volume, pagination etc.)
- (i)
- Research Papers in Referred Journals
- (ii)
- Papers in Conference/Symposia
(iii) Books edited and chapters in books
- (iv)
- Popular articles
- (v)
- Others
15. Number of Theses supervised: Awarded Submitted In Progress
- (i)
- Ph.D.
- (ii)
- M.Phil
(iii) M.Tech/M.Sc.
16. Sponsored Research/Consultancy Projects :
Completed In Progress
- (i)
- Number of Sponsored Research Projects:
- (ii)
- Number of Consultancy Projects:
Prizes/ Medals / Awards / Honours
Extra-curricular activities -give details, if any, of proficiency acquired in games, sports and part taken in other extra-curricular or social activitiessuch as NCC, public lectures debates and social service etc.
- As a Student
- After entering into service.
Extra-curricular activities -give details, if any, of proficiency acquired in games, sports and part taken in other extra-curricular or social activitiessuch as NCC, public lectures debates and social service etc.
19. Academic visits abroad: 20. Special Training/Assignment/ Any other Relevant Particulars:

21. Specialization :
- (a)
- Specialization in the degree preceding to Ph.D.
- (b)
- Research specialization
Present Salary: Scale of Pay Rs.___________________ Present Basic Pay Rs.___________________ Present Dearness Allowance Rs.___________________ Other allowance if any as Present Rs.___________________ Total Rs.___________________ Next increment due on : _______________
- (a) Membership/Fellowship of Professional Societies :
- Knowledge of foreign language :
- Other Activities/Responsibilities: (Applicant may mention any special qualification/experience which have not been included under the heads given above).
- (a) Membership/Fellowship of Professional Societies :
- (d)
- Are you willing to accept the initial fellowship/salary of the grade? (If no, state what is the minimum salary acceptable or expected, with justifications thereof)
- (e)
- If appointed, what notice would you require before joining the post?
- (f)
- Any other relevant information, not given above.
24. Give name, designation and address of three referees not related to you. (Referees should be persons with or under whom you have worked, or who have intimate knowledge of your work.
25. List of enclosures :
26. Declaration to be signed by the candidate
I hereby declare that the entries in this form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. If at any time I am found to have concealed any material information or given any false details, my appointment shall be liable to be summarily terminated without notice or compensation.
Dated :
Signature of applicant
27. Forwarded with the remarks that the Institute/Organization has no objection to the candidature of the applicant being considered for the post applied for as above.
(Head of the Institution/Organization) Designation Address : Telephone/Fax
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 04-Jul-2017 | |
Applications | 04-Aug-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Wadia Institute Of Himalayan Geology
- Organization City, State : dehradun, uttarakhand
- Organization Website : www.wihg.res.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results