Main Cotton Research Station Navsari Agricultural University Surat-395 007 |

The Research Scientist (Cotton), Main Cotton Research Station,Navsari Agricultural University, Surat invites application from suitable candidates to work as Senior Research Fellow (Two post) in the GSSC sponsored project Trait introgression of BG II in public cotton Hybrids (Uni. B. H. 313/18112) at Main Cotton Research Station, Navsari Agricultural University, Surat-395 007 (Gujarat) India.
The details of post, necessary educational qualification, terms and conditions are as under;
Name of Post |
No. of Post |
Desired qualifications |
Emoluments |
Age limit |
Senior Research Fellow |
02 (Two) |
1. Ph. D. in Plant Breeding and Genetics / Agril. Biotechnology or 2. M. Sc. (Agri.) in Plant Breeding and Genetics / Agril. Biotechnology with 4 or 5 years Bachelors Degree or 3. Master degree in Basic science with 3 years Bachelors degree should have NET qualification and 2 years research experience |
Rs. 25000/-PM 10 % HRA |
35 years for male and 40 years for female |
Terms and Conditions:
- The above post is purely temporary and contractual basis and will be consider from the date of joining to date of completion of project/scheme or availability of sanctioned letter and grant whichever is earlier.
- If the performance of the selected candidate is not found satisfactory, than, his/her service will be terminated without prior notice.
- SRF service will be full time.
Bio-data sheet: The complete application should be sent to undersign in following format along with necessary
copies of documents on or before: 25/07/2017
1 |
Full Name |
7 |
Experience |
2 |
Mailing address with phone no., if any |
8 |
Publication |
3 |
Date of birth and age |
9 |
Seminar/Workshop/Symposium/Training etc. |
4 |
Sex |
10 |
Activities like NCC/NSS/Sports etc. |
5 |
Educational Qualification (Graduation onwards) |
11 |
Gujarati language (SSC/HSC etc Certificate) |
6 |
Medal |
12 |
Computer literacy and others (if any) |
- The list of eligible candidates for the interview will be updated/uploaded on website on 27/07/2017.
- Date of Interview:01/08/2017, Place of Interview: Conference Hall, Main Sugarcane Research Station
Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari
- A candidate needs to produce original documents/testimonials at the time of personal interview.
- No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate appearing in the interview.
No./RS(C)/C-1/PBG-Biotech./B.H. 18112/ 8588 /2017 Surat, Dated: 04 /07/2017 |
Research Scientist (Cotton) Main Cotton Research Station, Navsari Agricultural University, Surat 395 007 |
Copy submitted with respect to: 1. The Director of Research and Dean P. G. Studies, NAU/AAU/JAU/SDAU for information please 2. The Registrar, NAU/AAU/JAU/SDAU for information please 3. The Principal, College of Agriculture, Navsari/Bharuch/Waghai/Anand/Junagadh/ S.K. Nagar for information please 4. The Director of Students Welfare , NAU/AAU/JAU/SDAU for information please 5. The Account Officer-cum-Comptroller, NAU, Navsari 6. Notice Board, PG Hostels, Deptt. of PBG, NMCA, NAU, Navsari for information please 7. The Director, IT Cell , NAU, Navsari for wide publicity on NAU website |
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 25-Jul-2017 | |
Interviews | 01-Aug-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Navsari Agricultural University
- Organization City, State : navsari, gujarat
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results