(A wholly owned subsidiary of AIL)
Walk-in Selection for the Post of Assistant Supervisor (Security)
Post |
No. of Vacancies * |
Stations ** |
Total |
Assistant Supervisor Security |
24 (Female - 08 Male 16) (Gen-14, OBC-06, SC-3, ST- 1) |
Gujarat - Ahmedabad Kandla, Bhavnagar, Bhuj Maharastra - Kolhapur Nagpur, Nasik, Shirdi |
Rs.21,371/- |
*In addition to above vacancies, a panel will also be formed for future requirement.
** Can be transferred to any other location within India due Operational requirement.
Employees of Air India and its subsidiaries would not be considered for the above post
Selected candidates will be appointed on a fixed term contract for a period of (03) Three years.
(Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 Years for SC/ST & 3 Years for OBC Candidates. Ex-Servicemen will be given age relaxation as per rules).
Relaxation in age limit : Candidates holding valid BCAS Basic AVSEC (12 days new pattern ) / BCAS Certified XBIS Screener (Valid Certification) qualification will get further relaxation of 03 years in age.
I) Educational Qualifications:
a) Candidates with valid BCAS Basic AVSEC (12 days new pattern) Certificate:
Graduate in any discipline (minimum 3 years duration) from any recognized University with ability to speak Hindi, English and conversant with local language. MUST possess valid BCAS Basic AVSEC (12 days new pattern) Certificate.
- i) BCAS Certified XBIS Screener (Valid Certification)
Note 1 : Seperate Select list will be drawn for the candidates who qualify the Written test and are BCAS Basic AVSEC (12 days new pattern) Certificate. Priority would be given to candidates having BCAS Certified XBIS Screener over candidates having valid BCAS Basic AVSEC (12 days new pattern) Certificate.
b) Graduate with 60% Marks or NCC B Certificate :
Graduate with 60% Marks in any discipline (minimum 3 years duration) from any recognized
University with ability to speak Hindi, English and conversant with local language.
Graduate with NCC B Certificate and ability to speak Hindi, English and conversant with local language.
i) Proficiency in fire fighting
ii) Knowledge in Industrial security
iii) Knowledge in disaster management
iv) Knowledge of unarmed combat
v) Legal Knowledge
vi) Armed forces/Police back grounds
vii) Diploma/Certification course in Computers.
Note 2 : The above vacancies will be filled first from those who have valid basic AVSEC Certificates and the residual vacancies will be filled up from candidates who are Graduate with 60% Marks or NCC B Certificate.
1. Height:
Female - Minimum 154.5 cms .
Male Minimum 163 cms
Relaxation of 2.5 cms for SC/ST candidates & those from North East states & hilly states} subject to domicile proof.
3. SELECTION PROCEDURE : - Walk-In-Selection
I) Candidates with valid BCAS Basic AVSEC (12 days new pattern)
Candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria would be required to appear for
Written Exam related to Aviation Security / General Aptitutde. The duration would
be 90 minutes
II) Graduate with 60% Marks OR with NCC B Certificate :
Candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria would be required to appear for Written Exam on General Aptitude. The duration would be 90 minutes
There will be no negative marking in the written examination.
Interested Candidate who fullfill the above eligibility criteria , are required to report for walk-in-selection as per below details on the following dates & venue :-
Place of Walk |
Date & Time |
Venue |
Ahmedabad |
11th August, 2018 (Saturday) Registration Time - 1200 to 1430 hrs. Written Test -11th / 12th August, 2018 (Saturday / Sunday) |
AG High School and G&D Parikh Higher Secondary School, Commerce Six Road, Navrangpura, Abhmedabad : 380009 phone : 079-26464626 |
Place of Walk |
Date & Time |
Venue |
Nasik |
18th August, 2018 (Saturday) Registration Time - 1030 to 1300 hrs. Written Test -18th / 19th August, 2018 (Saturday / Sunday) |
Institute of Engineering Education & Research, Dongre Vastigraha Ground, Canada Corner, Nashik - 422002 Phone : 0253 6641300 |
For the Selection process, candidates may be required to stay back for a day or two at their own expenses, if required. No reimbursement shall be made in this regard by Airline Allied Service Limited.
Candidates (Indian National only) coming for Walk-In-Selection are required to bring with them the following original certificate/ documents together with one copy of each : -
- i) A duly filled in Application Form in the prescribed format which is given in the advertisement and a recent passport size photograph pasted in the space provided in the Application Form
- ii) Matriculation (10thclass )certificate in support of date of birth.
- iii) Graduation Mark sheet and Degree.
- iv) Valid BCAS Basic AVSEC (12 days new pattern certificate)
- v) Valid BCAS Certified XBIS Screener Certificate
- vi) NCC B Certificate
- vii) SC/ST Certificate In case of SC/ST candidates.
- viii) OBC Certificate in the prescribed Performa for Central Govt. Employment issued by the competent authority.
- ix) One set of photocopies together with original certificates supporting testimonials for date of birth, caste, qualification, experience etc will be required at the time of verification of documents.
- x) Two (2) recent colored passport size photograph.
- xi) A Demand Draft for an amount of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) in favour of AIRLINE ALLIED SERVICES LIMITED, payable at New Delhi (Not Applicable for SC/ ST Candidates).
- xii) Medical Certificate from the Registered Medical Practitioner, indicating actual height in cms. and weight in Kgs. must be submitted as per the format attached.
Candidates who wish to apply are advised to log on to Career page of Website : www.airindia.in , Download &fill in the Application Format and submit the same on the date of Walk-In-Selection.
- i) Applicable for SC / ST / OBC Candidates ONLY :Caste Certificate in the prescribed proforma issued by the appropriate authority. Candidates belonging to OBC Category will be required to attach the Caste Certificate in the proforma meant for Central Government employment. Candidates belonging to OBC category ,the category certificate should be in the prescribed format including the Non Creamy layer clause issued by the Competent Authority for employment under Government of India and should be as per the Central list of OBCs published by Government of India. Please also note that the validity of Non - Creamy layer Certificate should not be older than 06 (Six) months from the date of eligibility criteria.
- ii) Applicants serving in Government/Semi-Government/Public Sector Undertakings should apply through proper channel.
Candidates would be required to execute Fixed Term Employment Agreement to serve the Company for a period of (Three) 03 years which may be extended based on requirement of the company and performance of the candidates.
(a)The FTEA will be renewable only on clearing BASIC AVSEC Course in maximum number of three chances and subject to satisfactory performance.
(b)The Contract would also be terminated earlier at the discretion of the Management during the validity of the contract, and/or in the event of unsatisfactory performance. The job is transferable to any station in India where Airline Allied Services Limited operates or may operate its services.
Selected Candidates would be paid a Remuneration of Rs. 21,371 per month as per Companys policy, as per rules. In addition Rs. 1000/- per month on acquiring AVSEC Certificate and Rs. 1500/- per month on acquiring X-Ray Screening certificate
Benefits Free / Concessional Air Passages
The Employee will be entitled for Concessional air passages/free air passages, for self and his/her declared family on the network of AIR INDIA each passage year as per company policy. The applicable taxes, levy, charges etc. shall be paid by the employee. In addition all the above posts also carry other benefits such as Provident Fund, Gratuity etc., as per rules.
TA.DA Reimbursement to ST / SC candidates
Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe categories will be entitled for reimbursement of second class return rail/bus fare from the nearest railway station i.e. from the address given in the application to place of written test on production of railway receipt/ticket, as per rules. Not applicable for those who are already in Govt./Semi-Govt./ Public Sector undertakings.
The Management reserves the right to modify/change in the above schedule/condition/requirement/ number of posts based on the actual need at a point of time in future.
The short listed candidates will be considered for engagement on the Fixed Term Employment Agreement, subject to their medical fitness prescribed for the post. The selected candidates may be posted in any station operated by Airline Allied Services Limited.
Candidates will have to bear the cost of the Pre-Employment Medical examination(s)/ pre-employment formality. In case additional tests, are required, the additional cost thereof will also have to be borne by the candidate.
At the time of appearing for Walk-In-Selection for the said post please ensure that you fulfill the academic qualifications and other laid down conditions AS ON THE DATE OF RECKONING ELIGIBILITY, i.e. 01stAugust, 2018 as specifically mentioned in our Advertisement for the post. Please note that you will be allowed to appear in Selection only in case you fulfill the eligibility criteria and other laid down requirements as specified in the notification/ Advertisement.
Employees of Air India and its subsidiaries would not be considered for the above post
List of Documents (copies) to be attached with the Application:
(Please also bring all ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS/CERTIFICATES for verification only)
- i) Demand Draft, where applicable
- ii) 10th Std/Matriculation mark-sheet & passing certificate
- iii) 12th Std/Pre-Degree mark-sheet & Passing certificate
- iv) Graduation certificate and Marks Sheet or Provisional Degree Certificate
- v) BCAS Basic AVSEC (12days new pattern certificate )
- vi) Certification mention in Preferable Qualifications
- vii) NCC B Certificate
- viii) Valid BCAS Certified XBIS Screener Certificate
- ix) Doctors certificate (in original) for Height and Weight
- x) Caste certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates
- xi) Discharge certificate in case of Ex-Servicemen
- xii) Experience certificate
- xiii) Nationality/Domicile certificate
Airline Allied Services Limited
(A wholly owned subsidiary of Air India Limited)
Paste a recent Passport size photograph
(Please do not staple)
For the post of Assistant Supervisor (Security ) Walk in Selection
Stations applied for in order of preference 1. ______________________
2. ______________________
3. ______________________
I. a/ Name: ____________________________________________
b/ Fathers Name: ____________________________________________
c/ Address: ____________________________________________
Pin Code____________________________________
d/ Contact Details:
i) Telephone Nos.: _____________________________________
ii) Mobile No.: _____________________________________
iii) E-mail id: _____________________________________
e/ Date of Birth: _____________________________________
f/ Age (As on 1stAugust,2018) _______ (Years)________(Months)_______ (Days)
g/ Nationality: _____________________________________
h/ Religion: _____________________________________

II. Category you belong to:
(Please ) GEN SC ST OBC
(In case of OBC, candidates would be required to produce OBC certificate in the prescribed proforma issued by the appropriate authority for Central Government employment)
III. Bank Draft No. & Date: ________________________________ Drawn on: _________________________
(Not applicable in case of ST /SC Candidates)
IV. Education Qualifications:(Matriculation/SSC onwards)
Examination Passed |
Name Of the University |
Month & |
Duration |
Percentage |
10th (SSC) |
12th |
Graduation |
Any Other (specify) |
V. Details of other Certificates
Certificate Passed |
Date of getting certification |
Validity |
BCAS Basic AVSEC (12 days new pattern) |
Screener X-Ray Certificate |
C Certificate. |
VI. Preferable Qualifications
Certificate Passed |
Non |
Proficiency in Fire Fighting |
Knowledge of Industrial Security |
Knowledge of disaster management |
Armed forces/Police back |
Diploma/Certification course in Computers |
Fluency in languages: Mark X in a appropriate column.
Language * |
Read |
Speak |
Write |
Remarks |
English |
Hindi |
Local (specify) |
Other (specify) |
*Indicate whether any Certificate/Language Course done and the duration of the course, along with a copy of such certificate.
VII. Details of previous employment ?
Organization |
Designation |
Period |
Salary Drawn |
Reasons for leaving |
From |
To |
VIII. Passport Details (If available)
Number : _________________________
Date of Issue : ______________________
Date of Expiry: ____________________
Any other information:
I hereby declare that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that if I have suppressed any factual information, my candidature may be rejected.
Date : ____________________
I Dr. _____________________________________________________________ Have clinically examined
Age (year) ______________________________ date of birth ____________________________and certify
that his/her height and weight as follows:
Signature of the Doctor
Name of the Doctor
Registration no :
OBC Certificate Format
This is to certify that Smt / Kum _____________________________ Daughter of Shri / Smt.__________________________________________ of Village / Town __________________ District / Division _________________________________ in the _____________________________ State, belongs to the _______________________________________ Community which is recognized as a backward class under:
(i) Resolution No. 12011/68/93-BCC(C) dated 10/09/93 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 186 dated 13/09/93.
(ii) Resolution No. 12011/9/94-BCC dated 19/10/94 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 163 dated 20/10/94.
(iii) Resolution No. 12011/7/95-BCC dated 24/05/95 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 88 dated 25/05/95.
(iv) Resolution No. 12011/96/94-BCC dated 9/03/96.
(v) Resolution No. 12011/44/96-BCC dated 6/12/96 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 210 dated 11/12/96.
(vi) Resolution No. 12011/13/97-BCC dated 03/12/97.
(vii) Resolution No. 12011/99/94-BCC dated 11/12/97.
(viii) Resolution No. 12011/68/98-BCC dated 27/10/99.
(ix) Resolution No. 12011/88/98-BCC dated 6/12/99 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 270 dated 06/12/99.
(x) Resolution No. 12011/36/99-BCC dated 04/04/2000 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 71 dated 04/04/2000.
(xi) Resolution No. 12011/44/99-BCC dated 21/09/2000 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 210 dated 21/09/2000.
(xii) Resolution No. 12015/9/2000-BCC dated 06/09/2001.
(xiii) Resolution No. 12011/1/2001-BCC dated 19/06/2003.
(xiv) Resolution No. 12011/4/2002-BCC dated 13/01/2004.
(xv) Resolution No. 12011/9/2004-BCC dated 16/01/2006 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section I No. 210 dated 16/01/2006.
Smt / Kum. _____________________________________ and / or her family ordinarily reside(s) in the _____________________________ District / Division of __________________________ State. This is also to certify that she does not belong to the persons / sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the Schedule to the Government of India, Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 08/09/93 which is modified vide OM No. 36033/3/2004 Estt.(Res.) dated 09/03/2004.13/15
District Magistrate / Deputy Commissioner, etc.
Dated :__________________________
- a) The term Ordinarily used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950.
- b) The authorities competent to issue Caste Certificates are indicated below:
- (i) District Magistrate / Additional Magistrate / Collector / Deputy Commissioner / Additional Deputy Commissioner / Deputy Collector / Ist Class Stipendary Magistrate / Sub-Divisional magistrate / Taluka Magistrate / Executive Magistrate / Extra Assistant Commissioner (not below the rank of Ist Class Stipendiary Magistrate).
- (ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate / Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate / Presidency Magistrate.
- (iii) Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar and
- (iv) Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and / or his family resides.
(v) Caste Certificate issued from Maharashtra State must be validated by social welfare Department of Mahrashtra Government.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Interviews | 11-Aug-2018 | 18-Aug-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Airline Allied Services Limited
- Organization City, State : new delhi, delhi
- Organization Website : www.airindia.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results