All India Council for Technical Education
(Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India)
Sub: Advertisement for Posts in the Innovation Cell for fostering Innovation in
the Higher Educational Institutions.
The Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development has set up Innovation Cell in AICTE with special mandate to promote activities involving education sector for fostering the culture of appreciating, nurturing, supporting and handholding new ideas leading to innovation, entrepreneurship and startup ecosystem in India.
The proposed cell shall actively engage with institutions organizing different innovation activities/ events/ programs to achieve the desired impact. The Innovation Cell will also coordinate with various education agencies under the Government to ensure that desired goal is percolated to the base of pyramid and every corner of our nation. This Cell shall also identify and plug loopholes in current ecosystem, IPR policies, funding mechanism for long term success.
The Innovation Cell shall have following positions to be filled from amongst the professionals in the field of Innovation, IPR, Teaching, Research, Educational Planning or Administration, Training etc. for a period of TWO (2) Years.
(1) Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) CIO is the leader of the team and is expected to work with all the Divisions in the MHRD and the institutions being supervised by the Ministry, and promote the innovation culture amongst the students in these institutions. CIO shall help in preparing an Innovation work plan for each institution for every year, and monitor implementation of the same. CIO is expected to tour extensively, motivate and energise the stakeholders including the institutions, students and parents so as to promote innovation culture. The position will be at the level of Additional Secretary in the Government of India. He / She shall possess the following educational qualifications and experience:
Ph.D degree with a Master's Degree in any of the subjects of Science or Mathematics or Computer Application or Management including Behavioral Science, Commerce, Arts, Business Economics, Pharmacy, Engineering and Technology, Architecture and Town Planning or Equivalent from a recognized university.
Minimum Ten years of relevant experience in the field on promoting innovation, IPR, teaching, research, educational planning or administration, training etc. in Central or State Govt. University or other Institutions of higher education or autonomous bodies or PSUs or Private organizations.
(2) Innovation Director (Position- 1) Candidate from industry with experience, commitment and energy for promoting innovation in the higher educational institutions. He/ She will work under the supervision of CIO. He / She shall possess the following educational qualifications and experience:
Master's Degree in any of the subjects of Science or Mathematics or Computer Application or Management including Behavioral Science, Commerce, Arts, Business Economics or Pharmacy or Engineering and Technology or Architecture and Town Planning or Equivalent from a recognized university.
Minimum Eight years of relevant experience in the field on promoting innovation, IPR, teaching, research, educational planning or administration, training etc. in Central or State 'Govt. |
University or other Institutions of higher education or autonomous bodies or PSUs or Private organizations.
Note: Preference will be given to the persons with Doctorate Degree and / or high quality published research work with evidence of writing technical reports. He / She shall be paid a fixed pay of Rs. 1.25 lakhs per month, apart from the transport allowance of Rs 7000/- per month and HRA of Rs 9000 per month. (3) Assistant Innovation Director (Positions-2) Candidates from industry with experience, commitment and energy for promoting innovation in the higher educational institutions. He/ She shall possess the following educational qualifications and experience:
Master's Degree in any of the subjects of Science or Mathematics or Computer Application or Management including Behavioral Science, Commerce, Arts, Business Economics or Pharmacy or Engineering and Technology or Architecture and Town Planning or Equivalent from a recognized university.
Minimum Six years professional experience at Supervisory level in an organization or in Teaching/ Research, IPR, Educational Planning or Administration in Central or State Government or Private organization or University or other Institutions of higher education or autonomous bodies or PSUs or Private organizations.
Note: Preference will be given to persons holding Doctorate Degree and / or high quality published research work with evidence of writing the technical reports. He/ She will be paid a fixed salary of Rs. 1 lakh per month apart from the Transport Allowance of Rs. 7000/- per month and HRA of Rs. 8000/- per month (4) Innovation Officer (Position-4) The awardees shall be considered synonymous to the faculty/ scientists at the level of Scientist-D. The scheme provides a consolidated monthly remuneration of Rs. 85,000/ - p.m. In addition, transport allowance of Rs. 7000/-per month and a House Rent Allowance of Rs. 7,500 / - p.m. shall be given. He / She shall possess the following educational qualifications and experience:
Master's Degree in any of the subjects of Science or Mathematics or Computer Application or Management including Behavioral Science, Commerce, Arts, Business Economics or Pharmacy or Engineering and Technology or Architecture and Town Planning or Equivalent from a recognized university.
Minimum Four years professional experience at Supervisory level in an organization; or in Teaching/ Research, IPR, Educational Planning or Administration in Central or State Government or Private organization or University or other Institutions of higher education or autonomous bodies or PSUs or Private organizations.
Last date of receipt of hard copy of application at AICTE Hq New Delhi: 20/06/2018
The details regarding the Innovation Cell at AICTE, its Vision, Purpose, Mandate, Expectations etc. and the qualifications, experience and general terms and conditions for different posts are available at AICTE website Interested candidates may apply online on AICTE Website ( ) from 08/06/2018 onwards. A copy of filled application downloaded from the website duly signed and affixed photograph should be sent to AICTE office at the following address:
Member Secretary,
All India Council for Technical Education,
Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant Kunj,
New Delhi 110070.
The number of vacancies may increase or decrease. The Council reserves the right to cancel the above advertisement for any of the above mentioned post(s), without assigning any reason thereto.
All India Council for Technical Education ![]() Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India ![]() Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070 |
Affix here a recent Passport size coloured Photograph |
Advt. No.: Admn.(Estt.)/06(01)/2018
- 01. Position applied for :
- 02. Name of the Candidate :
- 03. Date of Birth :
- 04. Sex : Male/Female/Transgender
- 05. Fathers Name :
- 06. Mothers Name :
- 07. Address-
- (a) Correspondence :
- (b) Permanent :
- (c) Telephone/Mobile :
- (d) E-Mail Id :
- 08. Marital Status :
- 09. Nationality :
- 10. State of Domicile :
- 11. If, Differently-abled, indicate : OH/VI/HH
- 12. Present Employer
(If coming on Secondment, undertaking from employer stating that he/she shall be permitted secondment with full salary for two years)
- 13. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (Starting with highest degree obtained):
Sl. No. |
Examination/Degree |
Year of Passing/award |
Name of Board/ College / University |
Percentage of Marks/Final Grade/ Division |
Subject(s) |
(Please attach photocopies in support)
15. Title of the Ph.D. thesis if awarded ....................
16. Post-doctoral fellowship: Yes No
17. If Post-doctoral fellowship obtained from abroad, share outcomes:.......................................................................
18. Details of Employment Experience: (In chronological order starting with the most recent)
(Attach separate sheet if necessary)
Sl. No. |
Name of Employer (Govt./Quasi Govt. /Autonomous /Private etc.) |
Post held/ Designation |
Period of Employment |
Basic salary Last drawn, Pay scale and Grade Pay & Total Pay per month |
Nature of duties |
From |
To |
19. Summary of experience/performance
Nature of Experience related to |
From |
To |
Total (Years) |
Describe specific activities undertaken, publications, patents, mentoring done accomplishments, vision for the future be given in 200 words. |
Innovation |
Research |
Product development |
Start-up |
Entrepreneurship |
Teaching related |
Educational Planning |
Administration |
20. Any other professional activities undertaken, awards received etc.

21. Membership of professional societies.

22. Papers presented in Regional / National and International Seminars / Conferences / Workshops / Symposium. (recent 5 only)
SI No. |
Title/Subject of paper presented |
Subject of Conference Seminar/ Symposium/ Workshop |
Organizing Institution/ and Name of City/ Country |
Duration From __ to __ |
Whether the proceedings published Yes/No |
23. Lecture/Special Lecture in Institutions of repute within the country and outside. (recent 5 only)
SI No |
Title/Subject of Lecture delivered |
Name and Place of Institution |
Date of Lecture |
Duration |
24. Names, Designations with E-mail id and Mobile number of Two Referees:
(i) .. (ii) ..
.. ..
. ..
. ..
. ..
25. Please indicate how you wish to achieve the vision & goals of Innovation cell of MHRD
(maximum 200 word):
26. List of Relevant Enclosures:
1. Attested Copies of all the Educational Certificates Testimonials/ Experience Certificates
2. Last Pay Slip
3. Age proof
4. Differently-abled Certificate
5. Forwarding letter from the employer
6. Any other (Please Specify)
Send with application form as hard copy
- A. I hereby declare that if I am selected for the applied post, I am willing to work either at AICTE headquarter or any of its regional offices and can be transferred from one location to another.
- B. I hereby declare that the information given by me in the Application is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that nothing has been concealed or distorted. If ay point of time, I am found to have concealed/distorted any information or given any false statement, my application/appointment shall liable to be summarily rejected/terminated without notice or compensation.
(Name of the Applicant)
Date: ____________
Place: ____________ ________________________
(Signature of the Applicant)
28. Forwarding letter from the present employer of the applicant. (strike off whichever is not applicable)
Forwarded with the remarks that Shri/Ms. is working
in this organization in the capacity as from _________________ to ____________ and the institution/ organization has no objection to the candidature of the applicant being considered for the post applied for as above.
Shri/Ms. _______________________ will be relieved on deputation/Lien basis within a period of 2 months.
The organization is willing to provide the services of _____________ for a period of 2 years on secondment taking care of his / her salary and shall relieve him/her within a period of 2 months.
Place: ___________

Date: ____________ Signature of Head of the Organization/Employer
Fax: ____________ Name: _______________
E-mail: ____________ Designation: ________________
Address: ________________
(Rubber Stamp)
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 20-Jun-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : All India Council of Technical Education
- Organization City, State : new delhi, delhi
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
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- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
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- Results