Vacancy Notice No. RCIL/2017/P&A/44/29
Notice For Regular Recruitments on the Posts of
(i) | Assistant General Manager (Technical) |
(ii) | Senior Manager /Operation Support System (NOC Process & Practices) |
(iii) | Senior Manager/ Operation Support System (Service Assurance) |
(iv) | Assistant Manager (Technical) |
RailTel Corporation of India Limited is a Mini-Ratna (Category-I) Public Sector Undertaking under Government of India.
It is the largest Neutral Telecom Infrastructure of India with a strong footprint in diverse fields of OFC based SDH and IP networks, Tower Co location, Retail Broadband (RailWire), Data Centre, Telepresence and many more. With a huge network of Optic Fiber Cable spread across the length and breadth of the country, RailTel endeavors to bridge the digital divide of India. RailTel takes pride in being part of the Govt of Indias path breaking projects-National Knowledge Network (NKN), National Optical Fiber Network (NOFN) and many other strategic projects.
RailTel has a sharp focus on enabling Indias Knowledge Economy.
We are looking for dynamic individuals to become a part of our team. If you ever aspired to take an unconventional path to contribute towards nation building then we look forward to welcome you to RailTel Family and nurture your
talent. At RailTel work means the pride to be a partner in Indias Digital Growth shaping the future of our nation.
At this juncture, we require professionals in the technical fields for which applications are invited from Indian citizens for the following positions:
Post code | Name of post | Total number of | Reserved vacancies (out of total vacancies) | Number of posts reserved for PwD | |||
vacancies | OBC-NCL | SC | ST | Total reservations | |||
1 | Assistant General Manager (Technical) | 07 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 4 | Nil |
2 | Senior Manager/ Operation Support System (NOC Process & Practices) | 01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Nil |
3 | Senior Manager/ Operation Support System (Service Assurance) | 01 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Nil |
4 | Assistant Manager (Technical) | 44 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 22 | VH:3; HH:3; OH:1 |
1.1 Scales of pay and Locations of posts:
Post Code | Name of posts | Level | Scale of pay | Place of Posting |
1 | Assistant General Manager (Technical) | E-4 | 70,000-2,00,000 (3rd PRC); Annual increment 3% of basic pay | North Eastern States. |
2 | Senior Manager/Operation Support System (NOC Process & Practices) | E-3 | 60,000-1,80,000 (3rd PRC); Annual increment 3% of basic pay | Gurugram (HR)/ Gandhinagar (Guj) |
3 | Senior Manager/Operation Support System (Service Assurance) | -do | -do | -do |
4 | Assistant Manager (Technical) | E-0 | 30,000-1,20,000 (3rd PRC); Annual increment 3% of basic pay | North Eastern States. |
(Legend: UR: unreserved, OBC-NCL: Other backward Classes (non-creamy layer), SC: Scheduled caste, ST: Scheduled Tribe, VH: visually handicapped, HH: hearing handicapped, OH : Orthopedically handicapped)
Note: (i) Number of vacancies is liable to change.
(ii) Only those OBCs belonging to non-creamy layer of OBC, which are included in the central lists of OBC are eligible for the posts reserved for OBCs.
(iii) The recruitment for the posts indicated at s. no. (i) & (iv) indicated above will be for North Eastern states. The candidates selected against these posts will not be entitled for transfer out of NE States.
However, RailTels management may deploy them outside these areas at its discretion in administrative exigencies at any point of time.
(iv) All the vacancies mentioned above are part of technical cadre in RailTel.
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS & OTHER ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: The applicant should satisfy the criteria regarding educational / professional qualifications, length /nature of experience etc. as detailed in Annexure-I.
Opening date for on-line registration of application. | 04 / 08 / 2018 (12:00 noon) | |
Last date for completion of on-line registration registration (including payment of application fee). | and closing of | 18 / 08 / 2018 (12:00 noon) |
3.1 All the educational / professional qualifications mentioned in Annexure-I should be obtained from a recognized university/ deemed university/ autonomous institutes incorporated by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature in India or UGC Act or from institution recognized/approved by AICTE or any other accrediting organisations under the Government of India.
3.2 Teaching / academic experience and such training/ summer training/ apprenticeship/ projects etc., which are part of curriculum for award of any academic /professional qualifications will not be taken into consideration for computation of length of experience mentioned above.
3.3 For computing the length of experience the experience in Central/State Govt /PSUs/Private sector together (duly supported by documents) shall be taken into consideration.
Crucial date for determining eligibility: Applicants should possess the requisite educational qualification, length of post-qualification experience and other eligibility criteria on 31st July, 2018.
Increment in pay and other benefits: Annual increment in each pay scale shall be equal to 3% of basic pay subject to GOI instructions from time to time. Other benefits like HRA/lease, medical benefits, EPF, gratuity, leave encashment, performance related pay etc. shall be as per extant rules of RailTel.
AGE LIMITS: The candidates must be at least of 21 years and also meet the upper age criterion for all the posts as given under on 31st July, 2018.
Post Code | Designations | Maximum age on the dates mentioned above |
1 | Assistant General Manager (Technical) | 37 years |
2 | Senior Manager /OSS (NOC Process & Practices) | 34 years |
3 | Senior Manager/ OSS (Service Assurance) | 34 years |
4 | Assistant Manager (Technical) | 31 years |
5.1 Relaxation in maximum age limit for SC/ST/OBC/PWD for filling the posts reserved for these categories
shall be as under: a) SC/ST: 5 years b) OBC: 3 years c) Person with disabilities (General): 10 years d) Person with disabilities (SC/ST): 15 years e) Person with disabilities (OBC): 13 years
5.2 Above-mentioned relaxation in maximum age for SC/ST/OBC shall be available only for selection against the posts reserved for the respective categories.
5.3 Relaxation upto maximum of five years in the case of ex-servicemen including Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOs, who have rendered at least five years military service as on 31st July, 2018 and have been released
(i) on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due) to be completed within one year from 31st July, 2018 otherwise than by way dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency, or (ii) on account of physical disability attributable to military service, or (iii) on invalidment.
5.4 Relaxation upto maximum of five years in the case of ECOs/SSCOs who have completed an initial period of assignment of five years of military service as on 31st July, 2018 and whose assignment has been extended beyond five years and in whose case the Ministry of Defense issues a certificate that they can apply for civil
employment and they will be released on three months notice on selection from the date of receipt of offer of
5.5 Relaxation upto a maximum of three years (8 years in case of SC/ST and 6 years in case of OBC-NCL), in the case of Defense Service Personnel, disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area, and released as a consequence thereof.
- Relaxation upto a maximum of five years in case of direct contractual executives of RailTel, for the post of Assistant Manager (Technical).
Instructions for physically challenged candidates:
(i) Orthopedically Handicapped (OH) Category A person having not less than 40% physical disability of such type with which the independent mobility is not affected, is eligible to apply under OH Category. The candidates with only one of the following types of disabilities shall be acceptable under this category:
a) Only one leg affected (right or left). b) Impaired reach of only one leg. c) Weakness of grip of only one leg.
d) Only one arm affected (right or left). e) Impaired reach of only one arm. f) Weakness of grip of only one arm.
(ii) Visually Handicapped (VH) Category A person, having not less than 40% visual impairment only is eligible to apply under VH Category. The candidates with the following types of disabilities only where independent mobility is not affected, shall be acceptable under this category:
Partially Blind
(iii) Hearing Handicapped (HH) Category A person, having not less than 40% hearing impairment in the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies, shall be eligible to apply under HH Category. The candidates with the following types of disabilities only shall be acceptable under this category:
Partially Deaf
- (iv)
- A physically challenged candidate will be considered to be eligible for appointment only if he/she (after such physical examination as the appointing authority may prescribe) is found by the RailTel to satisfy the requirements of physical and medical standards for the concerned posts to be allocated to the physically challenged candidates.
- (v)
- Reservation for Persons with Disabilities shall be on horizontal basis and the selected candidates will be placed in the appropriate SC/ST/OBC/UR category vacancies.
- (vi)
- A person who wants to avail the benefits of reservation under the above categories shall have to present at the time of interview their Original Disability Certificate issued by a competent authority as specified by Government of India from time to time.
7. Scheme of Selection:
(a) Selection process involves MCQ type on-line test of 2 hours duration of the nature as indicated in para 7.1 below, followed by interview of the appropriate number of candidates shortlisted on the basis of the marks in on-line
examination. The question paper will consist of multiple choice questions. The on-line test and interview shall be of 150 and 50 maximum marks respectively. b) The standard of questions on professional subject will be commensurate with the specified educational/ professional qualification or requisite experience in specified areas of experience /knowledge specified for the post. c) The on-line test will be conducted at Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Hyderabad/Secunderabad and Guwahati. Candidates should exercise options of the test city in the on-line form. No change of test city/test centre will be permissible at a later date. RailTel, for administrative reasons, however, reserves the right to direct the candidate to appear for written test at any test city other than the one chosen by the candidate. The management has the discretion not to hold the written examination at any one or more cities mentioned above. d) Question papers shall be set in English.
7.1 Nature of on-line test : On-line test would be expected to test candidates against the following parameters:
- (i)
- Professional Knowledge with reference to the nature of duties and responsibilities 100 marks; and
- (ii)
- General Awareness, English and aptitude 50 marks
- The candidate will have to score minimum 60% or above marks in written exam and interview cumulatively for being eligible for empanelment for selection.
Probation: Two years from the date of joining RailTel. The period of probation shall be regulated as per extant rules / instructions issued from time to time.
Medical Standards: A-3 medical standards as contained in Indian Railways Medical Manual, Vol.I.
Complete details of medical category standards / parameters can be accessed at Indian Railways website
(www.indianrailways.gov.in > Ministry of Railways > Railway Board > For IR Personnel>Codes & Manuals>Indian Railways Medical Manual Vol. I). Candidates empanelled for appointment shall be allowed to join RailTel if only they are able to meet the prescribed medical standards.
Service Agreement: The selected candidates will have to execute a service bond of Rs. two lakh to serve RailTel for a period of three years from the date of their joining. The service agreement will have to be signed by one surety and two witnesses also. Also, a three months prior notice shall be required before seeking resignation from RailTel.
Candidates are advised to read the following instructions carefully before applying online and also all the instructions given on main instruction page of the online application:
i) Candidates are required to apply online through the link available on www.railtelindia.com. No other means /mode of submission of applications will be accepted under any circumstances.
ii) Candidates should have a valid personal E-mail ID. IT should be kept active during the currency of this recruitment process. The candidates are requested to check regularly their E-mail / RailTels website for any communications.
iii) Before registering/ Submitting applications on the website, the candidate must possess the following:
- a.
- Valid E-mail id: The Email ID entered in the online application form should remain active until the recruitment process is completed. No change in Email ID will be allowed once registered. All correspondence regarding this recruitment shall be made on the Email ID including Admit card for online examination and call letter for document verification/Interview if shortlisted.
- b.
- Scanned copy of latest passport size coloured photograph (not more than 3 months old) and scanned signature in digital format (as per dimensions given below) for uploading in the application.
- c.
- All relevant documents relating to the eligibility criteria viz Educational Qualification, Caste certificate [SC/ST/OBC(NCL)], Experience Certificate, Disability Certificate, Discharge certificate in case of Ex-Service Men etc.,
- d.
- A facility to take print out of registration slip is preferred.
Scanned image of his/her photograph and signature should be as per the specifications given below:
i. Photograph Image:
- Photograph must be recent passport size colour picture (not more than 3 months old).
- Photograph in cap/hat/dark glasses will not be acceptable. Religious headwear is allowed but it should not cover the face.
- Size of the scanned photograph should be between 50kb 80kb and dimensions 200x230 pixels only
ii. Signature Image:
- The applicant has to sign on white paper with black ink pen.
- Size of signature file should be between 10kb 30kb, dimensions 140x60 pixels.
iii. Relevant certificates:
- Please scan the relevant certificates (issues by competent authority) and should be clearly visible
- Size of the file should be between 50kb to 1000kb in jpg/jpeg format only.
11.2 Detailed Process for filling-up/submission of Online Application is in two steps, as per following details: STEP-I: Sign Up/Registration: A) Applicant satisfying the eligibility conditions may apply only through online registration link available at RailTel Corporation of India website i.e. www.railtelindia.com.
B) Applicant will view instructions page and they will have to accept the terms & conditions by clicking 'I AGREE' check box given below and pressing the 'START' button.
C) Applicant should sign up first with their valid E-mail ID and Mobile Number. On signing up, the Password and login ID will be sent to the registered Email ID and Mobile Number provided by the candidate. The applicant should ensure the correctness of Mobile number and Email ID during registration process.
STEP-II: Submission of application, uploading the documents & fee payment:
A) After registration, applicant should re-login by revisiting the On-line Application Link at www.railtelindia.com by using login credentials i.e., Login-ID and Password received on their registered Email ID/Mobile Number.
B) The applicant should fill in all the information viz., personal details, educational qualification details etc. in
the on-line form about himself/herself correctly and upload photograph, signature, certificates, etc. C) Once the application is submitted, the candidate automatically will go to Make Online Payment. D) The candidates are required to click on Make Online Payment Tab after submission of online application
and deposit the fee. The Transaction Number/UTR Number given by the Bank is to be retained for future reference. Candidates to note that in addition to the application fee, the Bank charges would be extra and as applicable
In case of any problem related to fees, the candidate should send an e-mail along with details such as Application sequence number, Name, Date of Birth; e-mail ID at the Helpdesk mail Id railtelhelpdesk2018@gmail.com for necessary action. On successful registration of On-line Application, candidates are advised not to attempt for re-registration. In case of multiple registrations for the same post, the candidature is liable for cancellation/rejection without any notice/intimation to the candidate.
Note: The applicant may keep the print-out of the application for his/her reference only. This is NOT to be sent to RailTel Corportion.
12. Other Instructions:
a) Issue of admit card for written examination / call letters for interview:
Hall ticket/admit card will be issued online only and has to be downloaded and printed by the applicants. The applicants can download their admit card using their credentials. Intimation regarding downloading of admit card for written test will be available on the RailTels website. The applicants are requested to visit website regularly for latest updates/information. Applicants will not be allowed to enter the examination hall without a valid admit card. In addition, the applicants are required to carry a valid photo identity proof and a passport size photograph to the examination centre.
b) Candidates are advised in their own interest to register on-line much before the last date of registration/ payment of application fee. They should not wait till the last date of on-line registration to avoid the possibility of
disconnection/ inability/failure to log on the RailTels website on account of heavy load on internet/website
c) The RailTel does not assume any responsibility for the candidate not being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of the RailTel.
d) Candidates currently serving in Govt/Quasi Govt. offices/ Public Sector Undertakings on regular basis are advised to inform the appropriate authority in their departments about their applying for the post in RailTel in response to this vacancy notice. Candidates shortlisted for interview shall have to submit No Objection Certificate from their employer for appearing in RailTels interview at the time of verification of documents prior to interview, failing which they shall not been allowed to appear in interviews and their candidatures shall be treated as cancelled.
e) On final selection, such a candidate, who has been working in Govt./PSU/private entity, should produce the document conveying the acceptance of his/her resignation from service of his/her last employer. In the absence of such document, he shall not be allowed to join RailTel service.
f) The Admit cards for written test / aptitude test or interview issued to the candidates shall be provisional. However, in case any ineligible candidate is issued admit card and appears in the written examination or even called for the interview or allowed to join the RailTel, his/her candidature will automatically be treated as cancelled at any stage of this recruitment/ service in RailTel on grounds of his ineligibility. Therefore, before submitting the application, the candidate must ensure that he/she fulfills all the eligibility criteria as laid down in this advertisement. His/her candidature will be purely provisional subject to eligibility and other verifications before or after his/her appointment in RailTel.
g) The decision of the RailTel about the mode of selection / scheme of examination, number of post, eligibility conditions, shortlisting of candidates for written test/interview etc. shall be final and binding. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
h) The name in the application form must be the same as recorded in Matriculation/ Secondary School Examination Certificate (SSEC) or equivalent certificate. In case the applicant has changed his/her name subsequently, the evidence to that effect should be submitted at the time of interview.
12.1 Application fee: Rs. 1200/-(Rs.600/-for SC/ST/PwD). The fee will be collected through payment gateway only during online registration process. Any processing charges, bank charges, applicable taxes etc. towards the same, if any, will have to be borne by the applicant.
13 Verification of documents: The candidates called for interview shall be required to produce original documents relating to date of birth, educational qualifications, experience, caste certificates etc. for verification and also to submit self-attested photocopies thereof at the time of interview. Such documents shall be listed in the interview call letter. If the identity of the candidate is in doubt or he is not able to produce the requisite documents or there is mismatch of information in the documents or he is found ineligible for the post applied for or any other claim made in his /her application if found to be incorrect, he will not be allowed to appear in the interview and his/her candidature will be treated as cancelled.
Background check: In case of selection on the above-said post, such selection shall be provisional subject to verification of character and antecedents of the candidate and verification of caste certificate and other documents submitted by the candidate and subject to his/her meeting the requisite medical standards for the post and other requirements applicable for appointments under the Central Govt. /PSUs.
- Place of Posting :-The posts shown at serial nos. (i) and (iv) in para 1 above are for projects/operations in Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh.
- The recruitment for these posts will be for North Eastern states. The candidates selected against these posts will not be entitled for transfer out of NE States. However, management may transfer the executives to any place in India or abroad or in any office of its subsidiary or joint venture companies at any point of time in administrative /business exigencies.
- SC/ST certificate: Reservation of posts for SC/ST will be as per Government directives. Candidates belonging to SC/ST category should submit an attested copy of Caste/Tribe certificate issued by the competent authority at the time of interview. The original certificate shall also be produced for verification. Proforma of
relevant certificate is available on RailTels website under the link careers
17. OBC Certificate: The candidates applying against vacancies reserved for OBCs should note that they have to produce a valid certificate at the time of interview in support of their belonging to OBC community (non-creamy layer) issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed format for this purpose so as to prove that they do not belong to Creamy Layer of the OBCs. A declaration shall also be submitted by the candidate when he reports to RailTel for his/her pre-appointment formalities stating that he does not belong to the creamy Layer of OBC. Further, the caste to which the candidate belongs should be the one included in the Central list of OBC issued by the Government of India since RailTel Corporation is a Central PSU. Proforma of relevant certificate / declaration are
available on RailTels website under the link careers.
18. Travelling expenses:
(i) No traveling expenses will be paid to the candidates for appearing in on-line test. ii) The SC/ST/PwD candidates who are not already in service, when called for the interview, shall be reimbursed AC-III class to and fro Rail or bus fare by the shortest route on production of original tickets from the Rly station / Bus stand nearest to their normal place of residence to the place of interview.
- Application fee once received shall not be returned in any circumstances. No fee will be returned in case of applicants not shortlisted for written examination / interview/selected nor it shall be kept in reserve for any further selection process in RailTel. No correspondence from such applicants and from ineligible candidates will be entertained regarding return of application fee.
- The selected candidate will have to submit the attested copy of his/her personal passport and aadhar card within a period of three months from the date of their joining RailTels service.
- Canvassing in any form will disqualify a candidate.
- The process of examination/ recruitment does not involve any correspondence by RailTel with candidate at any stage regarding deficiency in application / documents / payment of examination fee etc. It shall be responsibility of the candidate to satisfy himself as to his/her fulfilling the eligibility criteria, and also to furnish correct, complete and desired information/ documents etc. Data once filled by the candidate during filling of application form will be treated as final and no correspondence regarding correction of data at any stage will be entertained. No correspondence will be entertained from the candidates found ineligible or not shortlisted and thus and not called for written test/interview or for their non-selection.
- Facilitation for guidance of applicants: For any guidance/ clarifications regarding their registration/ application, applicants can obtain information by sending email to railtelhelpdesk2018@gmail.com.
24. Conditions /eligibility criteria for use of scribe for physically challenged candidates: a) Visually Handicapped candidates/those candidates whose writing speed is affected by cerebral palsy can avail the assistance of a SCRIBE for writing answers on their behalf. However, one-eyed candidates and candidates whose visual degree of disability is less than 40% shall not be considered as Visually handicapped persons and the provisions for engaging SCRIBE will not be applicable to him. b) For engaging the SCRIBE, the candidate will have to fill up information about the SCRIBE while registering himself. c) The engagement of the SCRIBE will be on the following conditions: i) The candidate will have to arrange his/her own SCRIBE at his/her own cost during the examination. Separate Admit Card will be issued to the SCRIBE accompanying the candidate. The admit card will contain the particulars, photo and signature of the SCRIBE. ii) The highest academic/professional qualification of the scribe should be at least one grade below the qualification prescribed for the post for which candidate has applied. iii) The SCRIBE should be from any academic/professional discipline different from that of the candidate. He should not have secured more than 60% marks in the qualification mentioned in sub-para (ii) above.
iv) The candidate as well as the SCRIBE will have to give an undertaking at the time of written test declaring that the SCRIBE fulfills all the stipulated eligibility criteria for a SCRIBE mentioned in this paragraph.
d) In case it transpires at a later date that the SCRIBE did not fulfill the laid down conditions /eligibility criteria or there has been suppression of material facts, the candidature of the applicant will stand cancelled irrespective of the result of the examination.
e) The candidate shall be responsible for any misconduct on the part of the SCRIBE brought by him.
f) Candidates who use SCRIBE will be eligible for extra time of 10 minutes for every hour of the examination.
i) Candidates are advised in their own interest that they should not furnish any documents/information that are false, tampered, fabricated and they should not suppress any material information while filling up the online application/ paper application, as the case may be.
ii) At any stage of recruitment or later, if a candidate is or has been found guilty of any misconduct such as: a) Using unfair means during the examination; or b) Impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person; or c) Misbehaving in the examination hall or taking away question booklet/answer sheets from the examination hall; or
d) Resorting to any irregular means in connection with his/her candidature during selection process; or
e) | Using undue influence for his/her candidature by any means; or | ||
f) | Submitting | of false certificates/ documents /information or suppressing | any information at any |
stage; or |
g) Giving wrong information regarding his/her category (SC/ST/OBC/PH etc.) while appearing in the
examination or thereafter; or h) Writing irrelevant matter including obscene language or pornographic matter in the script(s); or i) Being in possession of mobile phone, pager, bluetooth, headphone, earplug, laptop, ipad, other
computing /communication devices etc.; he, in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to legal/criminal prosecution, will also become liable to be : a) Disqualified from the examination and /or b) Debarred either permanently or for a specified period from any examination/recruitment and /or c) Discharged/removed/dismissed from service, if the act of misconduct comes to notice after his/her
appointment to the service of RailTel.
- Applicants should note that some of the above posts may involve work of arduous nature, in shifts and also away from headquarters in field.
- Mobile phone, pager, tablets, bluetooth, headphone, earplug, laptop, ipad and other computing /communication devices are not permitted inside the examination centre. Candidates shall themselves be responsible for safe-keeping of such devices outside the examination centre.
- After submitting the application / on-line registration, any request for change in address will not be entertained.
- The decision of RailTel in all aspects pertaining to the application, its acceptance or rejection, conduct of examination/interview and at all consequent stages culminating in selection or otherwise of any candidate shall be final and binding on all concerned. RailTel reserves its right to alter /modify any condition laid down in this vacancy notice or any backend process for conduct of selection during its various stages as warranted by any unforeseen circumstances arising during the course of this process or as deemed necessary by RailTel at any stage.
- Information on website: Any corrigendum to this notice/ further information/ details regarding applications or applicants / any other information regarding schedule of examinations or interviews/ call letters for interview/ notices / results /panels shall be posted only on the official website of RailTel Corporation of India Limited (www.railtelindia.com). No publication in any other media will be made. Therefore, the candidates are advised to keep updating themselves by checking the official website of RailTel frequently.
- The legal jurisdiction will be Delhi in case of any cause.
(Annexure-I on next page..)
Name of Mandatory Minimum Educational / Professional
Post code Length and Nature of Experience
the Post Qualifications
B.E./ B.Tech./ B.Sc. (Engg) in Electronics Mandatory: 9 years working experience in areas of Surveying/laying/ ducting/ operation &
&Telecom; or Telecom; or Computer Science; or maintenance/ store-keeping/measurement and other ancillary work pertaining to optical fibre
Information Technology; or Electrical; or cable/network (Underground / Overhead ADSS / OPGW).
Electronics; or any other combination of Engineering branches, where Electronics is one of
Telecom experience professionals including defense/ ex-servicemen are encouraged to apply. the main branches, like, Electronics & Instrumentation.
Preference will be given to candidates with above-mentioned mandatory work experience in NE OR
Area and will be allowed additional marks in interview upto nine (1 marks for each completed
(ii) Passed Sections A and B of Institution
years of service in NE area, no rounding off of period), subject to overall maximum 50 marks in Examinations of the Institute of Engineers (India)
interview. in above-mentioned relevant branches of engineering.
(iii) Passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India) in abovementioned relevant branches of engineering.
(i) B.E./ B.Tech./ B.Sc. (Engg) in Electronics & Mandatory: 6 years working experience in Telco/IT environment in NOC process and practice,
Telecom; or Telecom; or Computer Science; or comprehensive and continuous improvement plans, telecom technologies, OSS understanding &
Information Technology; or Electrical; or
process &
Electronics; or any other combination of
Engineering branches, where Electronics is one of
Desirable: (i) ITIL certification, (ii) Quality certification (6 sigma/ISO), (iii) Experience of the main branches, like, Electronics &
Standardisation of SOPs & Processes. Instrumentation. OR
Key Deliverables: In consultation with GM-OSS/BSS
(ii) Passed Sections A and B of Institution
NOC Practices : Identification & documentation of Examinations of the Institute of Engineers (India)
o SOPs around in above-mentioned relevant branches of
- Assurance
- Help Desk Management OR
- Fulfilment
(iii) Passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and
-MIS generation Telecommunication Engineers (India) in above
-Capacity Management mentioned relevant branches of engineering.
-Billing reconciliation etc. .
o MIS standardisation and Measurements
- o Business critical NOC operational issues & pains
- o Operational efficiency parameters of NOC teams and calculation method across NOCs
o Improvements areas to improve operational efficiency and practices adherence | ||||
o Customers pain points (through discussion with customer facing teams) and SLA | ||||
adherence | ||||
o Prepare roadmap for improvements for various Operational KPIs | ||||
o Drive implementation as per signed off SOPs & Measurement KPIs | ||||
o Track & report improvements in adherence and various KPIs | ||||
NOC Processes : | ||||
o Document as-is process alongwith interlocks and measurements associated with | ||||
o Identify process gaps incident, change and problem management | ||||
o Co-create process efficiency framework and blueprint of new/to be transformed | ||||
processes & measurements | ||||
o Maximise the automation for creation & assignment of Trouble Ticket, | ||||
Incident Tickets and change management pre-checks for driving operational | ||||
efficiencies | ||||
o Gather requirements for Reactive & Preventive Assurance & Maintenance | ||||
o Plan delivery of use cases | ||||
o Rollout of workflow solution and system integration with eco system | ||||
o User acceptance testing & drive trainings to users and operations | ||||
o Handover solution to operations including SOPs for sustained operations | ||||
o Operationalisation and usage up-take by monitoring | ||||
o Continuously evolve through customization | ||||
o Assess fulfilment processes, prepare roadmap for improvement and implement | ||||
the same | ||||
o Measurement of lifecycle of fulfilment workflows right from order logging to | ||||
handover of links | ||||
Comprehensive & Continuous Improvement Plan by o Preparing a comprehensive matrix consisting of measurement and audit parameters to improve adherence to documented Processes, Customers SLAs/SLOs, Operational Efficiency & SOPs. o Measuring, analysing and publishing various operational KPIs of Network Mgmt o Onsite auditing of maturity indices of process & practices adherence and NOC personnel Planning and implementing industrys best practices for agile and proactive NOC operations. | ||||
(continues) |
Functional Competencies. . 1. Telecom technologies o Understanding of telecom technologies and their cross dependencies o Knowledge of any Core Tech domain 2. Working knowledge of NOC Workflows o Excellent understanding of Process (Trouble Ticket Mgmt, Incident Mgmt, Change Mgmt, Problem Mgmt, Preventive Maintenance, Access Mgmt, Capacity Mgmt, Fulfillment & Provisioning) and their implications on holistic Network Management o Understanding of workflow automation & information dissemination opportunities for driving operational efficiencies 3. Understanding of SOPs, SLAs and SLOs : o Fair understanding of various NOC practices and their implications on Network health & operational efficiency o Understanding of various availability & performance KPIs and their implications on customers o Understanding various parameters which influence C-SAT score, to drive the same | |||
3 | Sr. Manager/ OSS (Service Assurance) | (i) B.E./ B.Tech./ B.Sc. (Engg) in Electronics & Telecom; or Telecom; or Computer Science; or Information Technology; or Electrical; or Electronics; or any other combination of Engineering branches, where Electronics is one of the main branches, like, Electronics & Instrumentation. OR (ii) Passed Sections A and B of Institution Examinations of the Institute of Engineers (India) in above-mentioned relevant branches of engineering. OR (iii) Passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and | Mandatory: 6 years working experience in Telco/IT environment with exposure to Fault and/ or Performance Management for SDH & IP/MPLS networks, exposure to OSS tools, customization of Fault Management System. Desirable: (i) Certification in ETOM/NGOSS (ii) experience in automation of alarm co-relation, auto ticketing flow and RCA logic development rules of outage alarms (iii) experience integration of Alarm Management solution with IP devices/EMS/NMSs & workflow engine. Functional Competencies. . 1.Telecom technologies o Understanding of telecom technologies and their cross dependencies (continues..) |
Telecommunication Engineers (India) in abovementioned relevant branches of engineering. | o Knowledge of at least one Core Tech domain Voice Switches, Optical Transport, IP-MPLS etc. 2. OSS understanding & implementation o Understanding of OSS and its dependency on eco system o Assurance Use cases : conceptualization and scoping of operational excellence driven telecom network management projects in an extremely complex environment. o Understanding of eTOM o Exposure to communication protocols such as TCP/IP and Network Management Protocols such as SNMP, Syslog, CORBA, log file etc. o RCA rules, impact policies and synthetic alarms o Implementing various Triggers for proactive assurance o MIB to RULE Development and altering rules o Writing RCA & Impact policies in FM engine for event management. | ||
3. Working knowledge of : o SQL usage in the context of fault monitoring solutions o Knowledge of Shell and Perl scripting for automations o UNIX environment o NBI interfaces like SNMP, ASCII, & CORBA o Protocols like UDP, TCP/IP & XML. | |||
4 | Assistant Manager (Technical) | 3 years Engineering Diploma in Electronics &Telecom; or Telecom; or Computer Science; or Information Technology; or Electrical; or Electronics; or any other combination of engineering branches, where Electronics is one of the main branches, like, Electronics & Instrumentation. | Mandatory: 3 years working experience in areas of Surveying/laying/ ducting/ operation & maintenance/ store-keeping/measurement and other ancillary work pertaining to optical fibre cable/network (Underground / Overhead ADSS / OPGW). Telecom experience professionals including defense/ ex-servicemen are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to candidates with above-mentioned mandatory work experience in NE Area and will be allowed additional marks in interview upto nine (3 marks for each completed years of service in NE area, no rounding off of period), subject to overall maximum 50 marks in interview. |
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 04-Aug-2018 | 18-Aug-2018 |
Notification Issued By
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