ADVERTISEMENT NO./SPIU-III/2018/21 DATE 26 -05-2018 APPOINTMENT Applications are invited only from Indian citizens for the post of State Project Administrator (SPA) and Nodal Officers (Academic/ Procurement /Finance/Monitoring & Evaluation /IT /Administration) for the State Project Implementation Unit (SPIU), Madhya Pradesh under Technical Education Quality Improvement Program (TEQIP-III) of MHRD on contract/deputation basis. The essential qualification, experience etc. required for applying for the posts and detailed terms and conditions are available on the website and Applicants are required to send the biodata along with supporting documents and Application Form by e-mail at and also hard copy to State Project Implementation Unit (SPIU), T-2 Tagore Hostel, Shyamla Hills, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh -462002 latest by June 08, 2018. Incomplete application and application received after the due date will not be entertained. SPIU, Madhya Pradesh |
ADVERTISEMENT NO./SPIU-III/2018/23 DATE 28 -05-2018 CORRIGENDUM In reference to advertisement no./SPIU-III/2018/21 dated 26th May 2018, for various posts of SPIU M.P, the text appearing as Nodal officers (Academic/ Procurement /Finance/Monitoring & Evaluation /IT /Administration) and June 08, 2018 to be read as Nodal officer (Academic/Finance) and June 14,2018 respectively. All other condition of the said advertisement remain unaltered. SPIU, Madhya Pradesh |
4th Floor, Satpura Bhawan, Bhopal-462004
ph 0755-2576751, Fax:0755-2552219,,
(A Unit of NPIU, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India for Implementation of World Bank Assisted Project in Technical Education)

Applications are invited from Indian Citizens for the post of State Project Administrator (SPA) and Nodal Officer (Academic/ Finance) for State Project Implementation Unit (SPIU), Madhya Pradesh under Technical Education Quality Improvement Program (TEQIP-III) of MHRD on contract /deputation basis.
Terms of Reference (ToR) for the post of State Project Administrator
Essential Qualification: Member of All India Services /State Civil Services with not less than 10 years of services. Preference will be given to those who have worked with Department of Education
Director/ Principal/ Professor/ Registrar of National/ State University/ Institutions with minimum of 10 year of service of which at least 02 years in the prescribed cadre.
Desirable: Good academic background and high quality experience in one or more aspect of Technical Education such as teaching, training, planning, implementation, co-ordination and management etc. including administrative experience.
Age criteria: Should not exceed 65 years as on last date of the advertisement.
Mode of engagement:
A. On deputation basis, would receive pay in parent organization
In the proposed scale Rs. 43,200-3%-66,000 (IDA) plus DA and other allowances as admissible.
Criteria under Deputation: (a) Officers should be under the Central/State Govt. /Union Territories/Universities/Recognized Research Institutes/PSU's/ Autonomous Body/ Semi Govt. or Statutory Organization. (b) Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre/ Department OR at least served 02 years in Rs. 36,600-62,000 (IDA scale) or equivalent.
B. On contract basis, the consolidated fee/remuneration shall be between Rs. 18,30,467/- to Rs. 27,96,529/- p.a.
Post Name |
Duties & Responsibility |
State Project Administrator |
i) Will assist, co-ordinate & work with SSC & State Technical Department seeking guidance as necessary and providing regular updates to the concerned Authorities for effective Implementation of the Project. ii) He/She is the head of the team comprising Nodal Officers/Consultants engaged for implementation of Projects as per its design given in PIP. iii) To organize State Level Meetings State Selection Committee or else. iv) Review funding requirements from Institutions & ATUs & monitor fund utilization. v) Review eligibility proposals from Institutes & prepare reports on the same for consideration of the SSC. vi) Provide guidance and arrange technical assistance to institutions for carrying out realistic and meaningful training needs analysis to achieve their desired goals. vii) To facilitate Mentoring through Mentors in the State and Centrally Funded Institutions in TEQIP. viii) Performance Audit of Centrally Funded Institutions and State Institutions. To ensure mentoring of Institutions through mentors and subject experts. ix) To provide guidance to the State/UT Institutions and Centrally Funded Institutions on procurement issues. x) To organize exhibitions/workshops/training conferences xi) To help in scrutinizing Bid Documents/Evaluation reports prepared by the institutions. xii) To advise and guide Consultants on procurement issues. xiii) To prepare Review Reports for JRMs and Monthly Review of World Bank xiv) To arrange research student's/review reports, performance audit xv) All supervisory work of SPIU including budget, finance, administration post work xvi) Any other tasks assigned by NPIU/MHRD. |
Terms of Reference (ToR) for the post of Nodal Officer/ Consultant (Academics/Institutional Development )
Essentials - Ph.D. in Engineering/Technology with minimum experience of 05 years in teaching/ research/ training/ planning in Central Govt./State Government University/ Institutions of Higher Education, Autonomous Bodies and Public Sector Undertaking ,
Masters Degree in Engineering /Technology with minimum of 08 years experience in teaching/ research/ training/planning in Central Govt./State Government, University/Institutions of Higher Education, Autonomous Bodies and Public Sector Undertaking.
Desirable- A minimum of five years of experience in handling the projects of national/state level preferably in education sector as an academic expert.
Age criteria - Should not exceed 50 years as on last date of the advertisement.
Mode of engagement On contractual basis for a project period (subject to review of performance on annual basis).
Consolidated fee/ pay range -From Rs.75,200 -1,40,900/- per month.
Post Name |
Duties & Responsibility |
Nodal Officer/ Consultant (Academics/ Institutional Development ) |
Terms of Reference (ToR) for the post of Nodal Officer/ Consultant (Finance)
Essentials- Full time Masters Degree in Commerce (Accounting/Finance/Auditing) or full time MBA Finance or CA or ICWA with experience to computerized accounting system along with a minimum of 06 years experience in financial management in Central Govt./State Government, University/Institutions of Higher Education, Autonomous Bodies and Public Sector Undertaking.
Desirable- A minimum of two years of experience in handling the projects of World Bank/National/State level preferably in education sector as a finance expert. Working experience in any of the software system related to Direct Fund Transfer Software System.
Age criteria - Should not exceed 50 years as on last date of the advertisement
Mode of engagement On contractual basis for a project period (subject to review of performance on annual basis).
Consolidated fee/ pay range-From Rs.75,200-1,40,900/- per month
Post Name |
Duties & Responsibility |
Nodal Officer/ Consultant (Finance) |
General Terms and Conditions
1. The candidates are advised to have a valid Email ID and Mobile Number on which all the communication shall be forwarded to them.
2. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply for the above position.
3. The candidates have to submit the scanned copies of their education qualification/experience certificates/ Appointment letter of present posts along with the CV at in order to support their claims for the post he/she has applied for.
4. While mentioning academic qualification (starting from High School), please include percentage and name of institution. Include tenure, pay scale and nature of job in experience details.
5. Eligible Candidates could be called for an interaction/interview to confirm eligibility. Recommendation of eligible candidates would be send to EdCIL for further selection process. No TA/DA shall be paid for attending the interview.
6. At the time of interview Candidates need to come with all original documents, NOC (if applicable) and one set of photocopies of all documents for verification.
7. All deputation rules would apply to candidates selected on deputation basis.
8. It is to be clearly noted that the above appointment is deputation/on purely contractual basis. The engagement does not confer any claim on the candidate to seek any other temporary/absorb/permanent employment with EDCIL MHRD.
9. The engagement shall be for project period subject to review of performance on annual basis.
10. EdCIL based on client MHRD's feedback reserves right to discontinue the contractual engagement with one month's prior notice.
11. The advertisement can be withdrawn at any time by the issuing authority without any prior notice and no claims would be accepted for the same.
12. No fee has to be paid while applying for the post against this advertisement.
Appointment Letter would be issued by EdCIL India Ltd. For details about TEQIP-III, please visit-
Place of work: Directorate of Technical Education, 4th Floor, Satpura Bhawan, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh -462004
The eligible candidate may submit scanned copies of their BIODATA and supporting documents by e-mail at latest by June 14, 2018.
The subject of E-mail should be "Application for the post of SPA/Nodal Officer-Madhya Pradesh" Complete application (Hard copy) along with attested requisite documents should be send to State Project Implementation Unit (SPIU), T-2 Tagore Hostel, Shyamla Hills, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh -462002 latest by June 14, 2018 and bring all the documents at the time of interview. Applications of the candidate in service will be considered only if it is received through proper channel. However such candidates may send advance copy of their application directly within prescribed time. Incomplete applications and applications received after the due date will not be entertained.
SPIU, Madhya Pradesh
Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP)-III
Insert Passport size photograph
(Separate Application for each Post)
Advertisement Details:
Advertisement no
Applied for
Personal Details:
First Name .
Middle Name .
Last Name .
Date of Birth
Age ( as on 31st May 2018)
Month .
Day ..
Birth Place: ..
Blood Group:
Marital Status .
Nationality: .
Father's name: ..
Mother's name:
Last Employed in : .........................................................................................
Details of Organization:
Name of Current/ Last Organization: .
Last Salary Drawn: .
Have you worked in any World bank Projects? ...
Contact Details:
Email: ...
Alternate Email: ...
Mobile Number: ...
Alternate Mobile Number: ..
Correspondence Address: ...
Permanent Address:
Identification Information:
Aadhar Number:
PAN Number:
Extra Details:
Are you physically disabled? .Yes ..No
Are you physically fit? . Yes..No
Whether disqualified or disbarred from the service? .Yes...No
Do you any relative working in EdCIL or MHRD? ......Yes.....No
Degree |
Specialization |
School College, Institutions |
Type of Board/ University |
Joining Year |
Passing Year |
%/ CGPA |
Grade/ Division |
(Attach separate sheet if required)
Work Experience:
Designation |
Organization |
Type of Employment (Permanent/Temporary) |
Month & year of Joining |
Month & year of leaving |
Pay & Grade/ Salary |
Nature of work |
(Attach separate sheet if required)
Reference (any two):
Name |
Designation |
Organization |
Contact Number |
Relationship |
Additional Information:
- a) If offered a position, when is the earliest, you could be available to join the SPIU, Madhya Pradesh.?
- b) Honours/Awards/ Other Information
I, hereby declare that the information is furnished in connection with this application is correct and true to the best of my knowledge & belief and nothing has been concealed therein.
Place: Signature:
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 26-May-2018 | |
Applications | 08-Jun-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : State Project Implementation Unit
- Organization City, State : bhopal, madhya pradesh
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results