(A Statutory Body of the Government of India)
Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070
Ph.Nos.:011-29581000 Website:
AICTE intend to engage recently retired Central Govt./State Govt./Autonomous Bodies/Central University officials in the capacity of Section Officer and Under Secretary level or equivalent, having drawn Grade Pay upto Rs.6,600/- (pre-revised) as Consultants (Technical/ Legal) as per the Terms & Conditions of AICTE, in the Western Regional Office, Mumbai of the AICTE:-
Sl. No. |
Address of the Regional Office of AICTE |
Date & Time of walk-in-interview |
1. |
Regional Officer Western Regional Office Industrial Assurance Building 2nd Floor, Veer Nariman Road Churchgage, Mumbai - 400020 |
22.03.2018 11:00 A.M. |
The interested candidates may appear for walk-in-interview on the above date and time at WRO, Mumbai. Please bring filled proforma given in Annexure-I along with requisite original documents and their self-attested copies of (i)Pension Payment Order (PPO) (ii) Date of Birth Certificate and (iii) Medical Fitness Certificate.
The eligibility criteria, emoluments & others terms & conditions are available at AICTE web-portal at
Advt. No.Admn.(Estt)/03(0 2)/2018 Member Secretary
General information:
1. Only persons retired from Central Govt./State Govt./Autonomous Bodies/Central University are eligible for engagement as Consultants on contractual basis. The persons should not above 65 years of age as on the last date of receipt of application.
2. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.
Terms and Conditions
Some of the salient terms and conditions are given below:-
- 1. Allowances: The Consultant shall not be entitled to any allowances such as DA, HRA, Transport allowance, Medical reimbursement or any other benefits etc.
- 2. Leave: Consultant shall be entitled to 2 days leave in each calendar month with a provision to carry forward the leave, if the assignment is continued without a break, subject to lapse at the end of the calendar year and permission not to grant more than 5 days leave at one time. Duties performed on Saturday, Sunday or any holiday will not be compensated by grant of Compensatory Holiday. Instead, Travelling Allowance as per rules will be admissible for attendance of these days.
- 3. Fees
Sl.No. |
Category of Consultants |
Consultation Fee |
1. |
Consultants retired from pensionable service |
Last Pay (Basic Pay + Grade Pay) Basic Pension + DA at the current rate subject to ceiling limit of Rs.55,000/- |
2. |
Consultants retired from non-pensionable establishments |
70% of the Last Pay (Basic pay + Grade Pay + DA) subject to ceiling limit of Rs.55,000/- |
Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110 070
Ph No.: 011- 29581000 website :
ADVERTISEMENT No. Admn. Estt./03(02)/ 2018
Paste self attested passport size photograph

- 1. Name of the Applicant :
- 2. Father/Husbands Name :
- 3. Date of Birth :
- 4. Category (SC/ST/OBC/GEN)
- 5. Gender (M/F) :
- 6. Date of Retirement / Superannuation .
- 7. Pension Payment Order No. & date, if applicable
(attach copy of PPO)
- 8. PAN Number (attach copy of PAN Card)
- 9. Aadhaar No.(attach copy of Aadhaar Card)
- 10. Last pay drawn/emoluments at the time of retirement
(Pay Band +Grade Pay.) (attach Last Pay Certificate & Relieving Order on Retirement)
- 11. Post held at the time of retirement .
- 12. Present Address :
Pin Code : Mobile No. : E-Mail.ID : |
- 13. Particulars of Examination passed :
Exam Passed |
Year of passing |
Board/ University |
Subjects |
Percentage of marks |
- 14. Name(s) of Central/State Govt. organization / Central or State Universities / Central/ State funded Autonomous Bodies previously worked and organizations from where retired including Address / Telephone number(s) of contract person(s):
Name of Organization |
Name of contact person(s) / Mobile No. / Telephone No. |
E-mail ID |
- 15. Details of Professional training obtained, if any, during the period of service:
- 16. Details of experience starting with the post retired from (separate sheet may be
Attached, if required)
Post Held |
Name of Organization |
Period |
Pay Band + Grade pay (if pre-revised pay scale, applicable the same may be mentioned) |
Length of Service in years |
Nature of duties Performed |
From |
To |
Total length of experience in years : |
Knowledge of Computer with Typing Speed : |
If selected, what notice period required for joining : |
17. Any other information:
It is certified that the information provided as above, is true & complete in all respect and to the best of my knowledge & belief. If anything is found wrong / incorrect, my application will be treated as cancelled and withdrawn.
(Signature of the Applicant)
Date : .
Place :
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Interviews | 22-Mar-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : All India Council of Technical Education
- Organization City, State : new delhi, delhi
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results