Government of India
5th Floor, TICEL Biopark, CSIR Road, Taramani, Chennai 600 113
F. No. NBA/2-1/ADMN/2017-18/ Dated:02nd February, 2018
Subject: Filling up of the post of Private Secretary to Chairperson in
National Biodiversity Authority, Chennai on Deputation Basis -Reg
National Biodiversity Authority, a Statutory Body under Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change established under Sec.8 of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002, having its headquarters at Chennai, invites applications for filling up one post of PRIVATE SECRETARY TO CHAIRPERSON (Group 'A' Non-Gazetted (Ministerial) in Pay Band 3 - Rs. 15600 39100 + Grade Pay Rs. 6600/- (VI CPC) Level - 11 (VII CPC) on deputation basis.
2. Eligibility:
Officers of the Central or State Governments:
(a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis; or
(ii) holding post in the erstwhile Pay Band Rs.9300-34800 + G.P.5400 (8000-13500 RS/96) or equivalent in the parent cadre/ state department on regular basis for atleast five years; or
(iii) holding posts in the erstwhile Pay Band Rs. 9300-34800+G.P.4600 (6500-10500 RS/96) or equivalent in the parent cadre/state department on regular basis for atleast eight years;
(b) having experience in the relevant field of Stenography, administration and Government of India rules.
I. The period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other Organization/ Department shall not ordinarily exceed three years.
II. The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation shall not be exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications at NBA. The deputation will also be governed by Government of India DoPT O.M No.6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay II) dated 17th June 2010 on the subject, as amended from time to time.
3. Disqualification: - No person
(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or
(b) who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person, shall be eligible for appointment to the said post.
Provided that the National Biodiversity Authority may in consultation with the Central Government, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this condition.
4. Conditions of Service:
The conditions of service of the officers and other employees of the National Biodiversity Authority in matters of Allowances, Leave, Provident Fund, age of superannuation, pension and retirement benefits, medical facilities and other conditions of service, shall be regulated in accordance with such rules and regulations as are for the time being applicable to the officers and employees of the Central Government belonging to Group A, Group B and Group C posts, as the case may be, of the corresponding scales of pay stationed at those places.
5. Power to relax:
Where the National Biodiversity Authority is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may, by order, for reason to be recorded in writing, and in consultation with the Central Government, relax any of the provisions of these conditions with respect to any class or category of persons.
6. The selection will be made on the basis of service rendered, APARs and Personal Interview (if necessary) of eligible shortlisted candidates.
7. For details regarding the organization, log on to www.nbaindia.org.
8. Interested candidates possessing the eligibility criteria for the post may apply in the prescribed format (Annexure) through proper channel supported by copies of certificates relating to educational and technical qualifications, date of birth and experience duly indicating the name of the post applied for, on the envelope. Incomplete applications will be rejected and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. Only Such applications forwarded through proper channel will be considered for selection.
9. Application along with Vigilance clearance, Integrity certificate, Details of penalty, if any, imposed during the last 5 years and attested copies of APAR for the last 5 years (From 2012-13 to 2016-17) must reach the Administrative Officer, National Biodiversity Authority, 5th Floor, TICEL Biopark, CSIR Road, Taramani, Chennai - 600 113 on or before 02.04.2018 upto 17:00 hrs.
10. An advance copy may also be sent to avoid delay in processing application.
Administrative Officer, NBA
(in Block Letters) |
ii) Date of retirement under Central/State Government Rules |
Qualifications/Experience required as mentioned in the advertisement/vacancy circular |
Qualifications /experience possessed by the officer |
Essential |
Essential |
Qualification & Experience: Officers of the Central or State Governments: (a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis; or (ii) holding post in the erstwhile Pay Band Rs.9300-34800 + G.P.5400 (8000-13500 RS/96) or equivalent in the parent cadre/ state department on regular basis for atleast five years; or (iii) holding posts in the erstwhile Pay Band Rs. 9300-34800+G.P.4600 (6500-10500 RS/96) or equivalent in the parent cadre/state department on regular basis for atleast eight years; (b) having experience in the relevant field of Stenography, administration and Government of India rules. |
Desirable |
Desirable |
6.1 Note: Borrowing Departments are to provide their specific comments/ views confirming the relevant Essential Qualification/ Work experience possessed by the candidate (as indicated in the Bio-data) with reference to the post applied. |
- 7. Details of Employment, in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet duly authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient.
Office/Institution |
Post held on regular basis |
From |
To |
* Pay Band and Grade Pay/ Pay Scale of the post held on regular basis |
Nature of Duties (in detail) highlighting experience required for the post applied for |
- Important: Pay-band and Grade Pay granted under ACP/MACP are personal to the officer and therefore, should not be mentioned. Only Pay Band and Grade Pay/ Pay scale of the post held on regular basis to be mentioned. Details of ACP/MACP with present Pay Band and Grade Pay where such benefits have been drawn by the Candidate, may be indicated as below:
Office/Institution |
Pay, Pay Band and Grade pay drawn under ACP/MACP Scheme |
From |
To |
Please state whether working under (indicate the name of your employer against the relevant column)
Basis Pay in the PB/Pay level in Pay matrix |
Grade Pay |
Total Emoluments |
Basic Pay with Scale of Pay and rate of increment |
Dearness Pay/interim relief/ other Allowances etc., (with break-up details) |
Total Emoluments |
(This among other things may provide information with regard to (i) additional academic qualifications (ii) Professional training and (iii) work experience and above prescribed in the vacancy Circular/Advertisement) (Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient) |
The candidates are requested to indicate information with regard to;
(Note: Enclose a separate sheet if the space is insufficient) |
# (Officers under Central/State Governments are only eligible for Absorption. Candidates of Non-Government Organizations are eligible only for Short Term Contract) |
# (The option of STC/Absorption/Re-employment are available only if the vacancy circular specially mentioned recruitment by STC or Absorption or Re-employment). |
I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware that the information furnished in the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by the documents in respect of Essential Qualification/Work Experience submitted by me will also be assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. The information/details provided by me are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and no material fact having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/withheld.
(Signature of the Candidate)
Certification by the Employer /Cadre Controlling Authority
The information/details provided in the above application by the applicant are true and correct as per the facts available on records. He/she possesses educational qualifications and experience mentioned in the vacancy Circular. If selected, he/she will be relieved immediately.
2. Also certified that;
- i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending/contemplated against Shri/Smt.______________
- ii) His/ Her integrity is certified.
- iii) His/ Her CR Dossier in original is enclosed/photocopies of the ACRs for the last 5 years duly attested by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary of the Govt. of India or above are enclosed.
- iv) No major/minor penalty has been imposed on him/her during the last 10 years Or A list of major / minor penalties imposed on him/her during the last 10 years is enclosed. (as the case may be).
(Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority with seal)
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 02-Feb-2018 | |
Applications | 02-Apr-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : National Biodiversity Authority
- Organization City, State : chennai, tamil nadu
- Organization Website : www.nbaindia.org
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results