F.No.5-41/2016/Rectt. (NAIF/ABI) Date: 09.01.2018
Eligible candidates are invited to attend Walk in Interview to fill up the (purely) temporary post of Senior Research Fellow (One), under NAIF Agri Business Incubation Project to be held on 31.1.2018 at 11.00 AM at ICAR Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30 (Telangana). The tenure of the project is up to 31.3.2020. The requirement and other terms and conditions for the above posts are as under:-
Name of the post |
Essential qualifications |
Desirable qualifications |
Monthly Emoluments (Rs.) |
Senior Research Fellow (One) |
Candidates should have post graduate degree in Agribusiness Mgmt./Agri.Eco./Agril.& Rural Mgmt./Food Business/Agril.Extn. or Extn.Edn./Agril.Marketing & Co-op. Or Post-Graduation in Social Sciences/Management/Humanities NET qualification is compulsory for the candidates having Post graduation in basic Sciences with 3 years Bachelors degree and with two years experience. |
1. Experience in agribusiness planning and negotiations or IPR issues or technology valuation or patent search 2. Fluency with working on computers. 3. Good Communication skills both written and spoken. 4. Experience of working with farming community. 5.Willing to travel to other places/field visits |
25,000/- plus HRA as admissible |
Terms and conditions:
- 1. Place of posting for SRF is ICAR - IIOR.,Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. The SRF should be willing to travel extensively to different parts of the country.
- 2. The above positions are purely temporary up to 31.3.2020 and co-terminus with the project. There is no provision of re engagement after termination of the project. The approval of the project post-31.3.2020 will be subject to approval of ICAR. The selected candidate shall not claim for regular appointment at this institute as the fellowship is co-terminus with the project.
- 3. Maximum age limit is 35 years for men and 40 years for women for SRF. Relaxation in upper age limit is permissible in case of SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates as per Govt. of India Rules applicable to the external funded project.
- 4. No TA/DA and official accommodation will be provided for appearing in the Walk in Interview. Selected candidates have to make their own arrangement to stay at the place of work.
- 5. Candidates are requested to carry all original relevant documents/ certificates along with a set of attested photocopies and duly filled in application form on the date of interview.
- 6. Report by 10.00 AM on the date of interview.
The decision of the Director, ICAR- IIOR, Hyderabad will be final and binding in all aspects.
Copy to:
1.The Head AKMU, ARIS Cell for uploading the advertisement in Institute website.
2.Notice Boards of IIOR, Hyderabad.
3.Circulation to all ICAR Research Institutes located at Rajendranagar, Hyderabad.

F.No.20-16/2014/FMS/Misc. Date: 04.01.2018
Walk-in-interview will be held on 27.01.2018 at ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad for the Temporary posts of Young Professional-I & II on a consolidated pay of Rs.15000.00 & 25000.00 (fixed) per month respectively for a period of six months.
Young Professional-I (One position)
Essential Qualifications: Graduate in Computer Science and applications. Desirable:
Job Description:
Emoluments: Rs.15,000/- (fixed) per month. |
Young Professional-II (One position)
Essential Qualifications: Postgraduate in Computer Science and Applications. Desirable:
Job Description:
Emoluments: Rs.25,000 (fixed) per month. |
Terms and Conditions:
1. Age Limit: 21- 45 years. The candidates age should not be less than 21 years as on 01-01-2018 and more than 45 years as on 01-01-2018 (with relaxation as per Govt. rules) in case of SC/ST/OBC & PH candidates.
2. No Objection Certificate from the present employer must be produced, if already working.
3. The above position is purely temporary and contractual basis.
4. There is no provision of re-employment after termination of the project/Scheme.
5. No. T.A./DA will be paid to any candidate for attending the interview.
6. Canvassing in any form will lead to cancellation of candidature.
7. The decision of Director, IIOR would be final and binding in all aspects.
8. The Candidates must bring their latest passport size photograph, original certificates starting from SSC/Matriculation to the highest Degree and also self-attested copies of educational qualifications, age caste, experience, and publications etc. at the time of Walk-in-interview for verification. No candidate will be allowed for interview without original certificates.
9. The tenure of the selected candidate may be extended from time to time in accordance of the guidelines of the Council/ICAR.
10. Candidates may register their candidature from 9-30 a.m. to 11-00 a.m. only on 27.01.2018.
For Director
Circulation to:
1. The Directors/Project Directors of all Research Institutes under ICAR of Hyderabad.
- 2. Notice Board IIOR.
- 3. Nodal Officer-FMS-MIS for kind information.
- 4. Guard File.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 09-Jan-2018 | |
Interviews | 27-Jan-2018 | 31-Jan-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Indian Institute Of Oil Seeds Research
- Organization City, State : hyderabad, telangana
- Organization Website :
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