Advt. No. 01/Rectt./BAU Sabour Dated: 19/02/2018
Applications are invited for the following posts on the prescribed form alongwith non-refundable, A/C Payee Demand Draft Payable at State Bank of India, Sabour Branch (Code No. 11805) for Rs. 450.00 (Rupees Four Hundred Fifty) only for General/BC/EBC/RCF candidates and Rs. 150.00 (Rupees One Hundred Fifty) only for SC/ST candidates of Bihar drawn in favour of the Comptroller, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour (Bhagalpur). The application along with all relevant documents should reach the Officer-In-Charge (Recruitment), Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour-813210 (Bhagalpur) on or before 26.03.2018 up to 05:00 P.M. only through registered post/speed post. In-service candidates should submit their applications through proper channel. However, they must submit an advance copy with requisite fee within stipulated time. Candidates must write the Advt. No. and name of the post on top of the envelop. The application form along with terms & conditions can be downloaded from university website . Details of the post are as below:-
SN |
Posts Name |
Pay Scale |
Post |
Qualification |
1 |
Dean Agriculture |
Rs. 37400-67000 +AGP Rs10,000 |
UR-01 |
Essential: (i) Doctorate in any branch of Agriculture (ii) Ten years experience of teaching and/or research of which five years should have been in a position of responsibility of Univ. Professor or equivalent. (iii) Desirable:-Evidence of leadership and outstanding achievements in teaching and organizing teaching. (iv) Experience in managing an Agricultural College preferably offering under-graduate and post-graduate education. |
2 |
Director of Research |
Rs. 37400-67000 +AGP Rs10,000 |
UR-01 |
Essential: (i) Doctorate in any branch of Agriculture, Veterinary or Animal Husbandry/Dairy Technology/ Fisheries/ Basic Sciences & Humanities/ Home Science/ Agricultural Engineering and allied branches. (ii) Ten years experience in teaching and/or research work as evidenced by published work in standard research journals of which at least five years experience should have been in a position of an institution in which research holds an important place or should have been as Univ. Professor/ Chief Scientist or equivalent. (iii) Evidence of leadership, outstanding achievements in research and organizing research. Desirable: Administrative experience as Chief Scientist/University Professor of any Research Organization/ Chairman of P.G. Department shall be preferred. |
3 |
Director Seed and Farms |
Rs. 37400-67000 +AGP Rs10,000 |
UR-01 |
(i) Doctorate degree in any branch of Agriculture Science and its allied discipline. (ii) Ten years experience of teaching/ research/ extension as evidenced from published papers in journals of repute of which five years experience should have been as University Professor/ Chief Scientist or equivalent. |
4 |
Registrar |
Rs. 37400-67000 +AGP Rs10,000 |
UR-01 |
(i) A Masters degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the U.G.C. seven point scale. (ii) At least fifteen years of experience as Assistant Professor (Senior Scale)/Assoc. Professor with eight years in Associate Professor Grade along with experience in educational administration. Or Comparable experience in research establishment and/or other institutions of higher education. Or Fifteen years of administrative experience of which eight years as Deputy Registrar or an equivalent post. Ph.D. as a desirable qualification. |
5 |
Director of Students Welfare |
Rs. 37400-67000 +AGP Rs10,000 |
UR-01 |
Essential: (i) Doctorate in any branch of Agriculture, Veterinary or Animal Husbandry/Dairy Technology/ Fisheries/ Basic Sciences & Humanities/ Home Science/ Agricultural Engineering and allied Sciences. (ii) Ten years experience of teaching in a College of Agriculture, Veterinary or Animal Husbandry/ Dairy Technology/ Fisheries/ Basic Sciences & Humanities/ Home Science/ Agricultural Engineering or Education in the capacity of a Professor/Assoc. Professor. (iii) Adequate experience of organizing sports, games, dramas and other students welfare activities. Desirable: Evidence of leadership and capacity in organizing and guiding the students activities. |
1. Candidates who have earlier applied against Advt. No.08/2013 (Post-Dean Ag.) will have to apply afresh with all requisite documents. Such candidates need not pay fee again, they will only have to mention the details of Fee/ DD submitted earlier.
2. The post of Deans/Directors will be filled up through direct recruitment for a tenure of five years which may be extended in exceptional cases on recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor by the Board of Management till fresh appointment is made on term whichever is earlier.
3. The University reserves the right to increase or decrease or withdraw the post(s), change the designation and not fill-up any post after selection. No correspondences will be entertained in this regard. Fee once deposited shall not be refunded even if University does not fill-up the post.
4. In no case, application received after closing date will be considered. The original application form duly forwarded by parent office must reach Recruitment Cell, BAU., Sabour within a fortnight after closing date in case of in-service candidates.
By the order of the Vice-Chancellor
Officer-In-Charge, Recruitment
Terms and Conditions for Advertisement No. 01/2018 Dated:- 19.02.2018
- 1. Candidates in service should submit their original applications through proper channel. However, an advance copy with requisite fee must reach the Officer-in-Charge, Recruitment on or before closing date and time. Application received after closing date will not be entertained. Application duly forwarded by the competent authority must reach Recruitment Cell, BAU., Sabour within a fortnight of closing date.
- 2. Reservation facilities for candidates belonging to SC/ST/EBC/BC/RC(F) categories and physically handicapped will be provided as per current State Governments reservation rules, as applicable.
- 3. Application must accompany self-attested photocopies of all certificates/testimonial and mark-sheets from Matriculation onwards in support of academic qualification, experience, medals, fellowship, publications etc. The candidature will not be considered for the applications sent without the copies of supporting certificates/documents as required.
- 4. Application forms can be downloaded from the website and a demand draft as mentioned in advertisement must be enclosed along with the filled application forms.
- 5. Candidates from outside India may apply in prescribed form downloaded from the website www. However, they have to submit the required fee in the form of demand draft as mentioned above before the commencement of the interview.
- 6. Requisite academic qualifications, experience, awards, medals, fellowship etc. will be considered which have been awarded till closing date of application.
- 7. No enclosure/certificates will be accepted after closing date of application.
- 8. Details of the research papers with a copy of reprint are essential to be enclosed. In case of books photocopy of cover page, Preface, contents and back cover page be attached with the application.
- 9. Candidate seeking employment against reserved vacancies must submit caste certificate issued by District Magistrate Physically handicapped persons must submit the certificate of disability issued by the Medical Board of State Government Hospital, if applicable.
- 10. Demand draft must be issued by a Nationalized Bank on or after the date of advertisement.
- 11. Candidates must affix a recent passport size self-attested photograph on the specified place in the application.
- 12. Candidate must bring all the original certificates/documents at the time of interview. Non-production of original certificates will amount to disqualification.
- 13. Selected candidate will be required to submit a bond on non-judicial stamp paper at the time of their joining for serving the University for at least three years.
- 14. Higher starting pay may be considered for exceptionally brilliant or highly experienced candidate on the recommendation of the selection committee and approval by the competent authority in special case.
- 15. Persons appointed may be transferred to any equivalent post within the jurisdiction of the University.
- 16. The service conditions will be governed by the University Acts, Statutes, Rules and regulations framed and amended by the University from time to time.
- 17. In case of retired persons, Para 10.4 of the university statue will be applicable.
- 18. Re-employment shall not be granted except in very special circumstances and that under no circumstances, shall it be given beyond the age of 65 years for non-teaching post and 70 years for teaching posts.
- 19. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview, even if interview is not held on scheduled date due to one or the other reasons.
- 20. Standard/reputed journal refers to those journals which are having NASS rating for the year 2018.
By the Order of the Vice-Chancellor
Officer In-charge (Recruitment)
Details of DD Payable to Comptroller, BAU, Sabour
Recent Passport size

Name of Bank : ____________________________
No. & Date : ____________________________
Amount Rs. : ____________________________
Name of the post ______________________________Discipline, if any ______________________
Scale of pay Rs. _____________________Advertisement No. ____________Item No.____ _______
- 1. Name in full (in block letters) __________________________________________________
- 2. Address:
- (a) Present (for correspondence) ________________________________________________
__________________________________________Tel.No. with code_______________
- (b) Permanent Home address ___________________________________________________
- 3. Fathers name _______________________________________________________________
- 4. Date of birth __________________Place of birth________________________Age________
- 5. Nationality ___________________________ Sex___________________________________
- 6. Category : UR/SC/ST/EBC/BC/RC(F)*__________________________(Attach certificate)
- 7. (a) Mother tongue _______________(b) Other language (s) which the applicant can speak, read or write fluently _________________________________________________________
- 8. Name of the State to which you belong ___________________________________________
- 9. Academic Qualification
SI.No. |
Examination passed |
Year of passing |
Name of University/Board |
Division |
Marks (%) |
Subject/Specialization |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
*UR-Unreserved SC-Scheduled Castes, ST-Scheduled Tribes, EBC-Extremely Backward Class, BC-
Backward Class, RC(F)-Reserved Category Female.
- 10. List of certificates, testimonials, publications etc, (Please, enclose all concerned attested certificates including caste certificate, if belong to reserve category.)
- 11. Name and address of two persons to whom reference may be made (not related to the candidate).
I declare that the entries made in the form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. If any entry is found to be false or incorrect or that if anything is found to have been concealed, I will be disqualified for selection or if appointed will be liable to termination without any notice or compensation.
Date : __________________ Signature of the candidate
Place: __________________
(For inservice candidate)
The application Sri/Smt./Km./Dr. _______________________________________________
is holding a permanent/temporary post of _______________________________________________ in the pay scale of Rs. __________________________________from the period ______________to ___________________ and his/her basic pay is Rs.________________________per month. His/her application is forwarded and he/she will be relieved in case he/she is selected for the post applied for.
Date: ________________
Place: _______________ Signature
Designation of the Officer
(With official seal)
(Please enclosed additional) six Photostat copies of part-II of the application form)
- 1. Name of the post ______________________Scale of pay ______________Advt.No._______
- 2. Name of the candidate ________________________________________________________
- 3. Date of birth ________________________________________________________________
- 4. Category(UR/SC/ST/BC/EBC/RC(F)_____________________________________________
- 5. Academic Qualification :
SI. No. |
Examination passed |
Year of passing |
Name of University/Board |
Division |
Marks (%) |
Subject/ Specialization |
Medals/ Distinction |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
- 6. Previous employment in chronological order :
Name of the post with scale of pay |
Employer |
Place of posting |
Present Pay & D.A. |
Period & Duration |
Nature of work |
- 7. Research experience : (i) Period from ____________________to ______________________
(ii) Field of experience ______________________________________
(iii) In the capacity of _______________________________________
(iv) Externally funded project handled __________________________
- 8. Teaching experience : (i) Period from ___________________to_______________________
(ii) Classes taught (UG/M.Sc./Ph.D.) year ______________________
(iii) In the capacity of _______________________________________
(iv) No. of M.Sc./Ph.D. students guided ________________________
- 9. Extension experience : (i) Period from____________________to_____________________
(ii) No. of years ___________________________________________
(iii) In the capacity of ______________________________________
(iv) Nature of extension work ________________________________
- 10. Number of publication : (Published and accepted papers)
- (a) Original research papers ___________________ (b) Review articles _________________
(c)Extension/popular articles ___________________(d) Books/monograph_______________
(e) Manuals _________________________________(f) Any other _____________________
- 11. Special attainments ___________________________________________________________
- 12. Any other information (do not attach supporting documents)__________________________
- 13. Scholarship/Fellowship or Medals won with details _________________________________
- 14. Publication (Best ten research publications for Senior Scientist posts, best twenty for Chief Scientist and other Senior posts).
Author |
Year |
Title |
Journal |
Vol. & No. |
- 15. Salary demanded with reasons __________________________________________________
Place : ____________
Date : ____________ Full Signature of candidate
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 19-Feb-2018 | |
Applications | 26-Mar-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Bihar Agricultural University
- Organization City, State : bhagalpur, bihar
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
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- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results