12024/325/2018-Estt/Vol.III/ Dated the 27th March 2018
The Authority invites applications on the prescribed form for the following post on deputation in its Regional office located at Bengaluru. |
S. No |
Name of the post |
Number of the post vacant (Anticipated) |
Pay scale with grade pay |
01 |
Assistant Section Officer |
01 |
Pay Matrix Level 6 (Pre revised Pay Band II Rs.9300-34800 plus Grade Pay of Rs.4200/-) |
For application form, eligibility criteria, desirable qualification/experience and related details, please Visit: www.uidai.gov.in . Applications completed in all respects along with the CRs, Vigilance clearance etc., should be sent through proper channel to ADG (HR), UIDAI Regional Office, Bengaluru on or before 04.06.2018. Sd/- Deputy Director |

Application for the post of ASSISTANT SECTION OFFICER in Regional office of UIDAI, Bengaluru
1 |
Name |
2 |
Date of Birth |
3 |
Present Post |
4 |
Date from which the present post is held |
5 |
Present place of posting |
6 |
Service and Batch |
7 |
Parent Cadre |
8 |
Date of joining service |
9 |
Pay Band of the present post |
10 |
Basic pay drawn |
11 |
Grade pay |
12 |
Whether the eligibility criteria prescribed for the post are satisfied |
13 |
Educational / Professional Qualification (Please mention Graduation and above) |
Sl. No |
Qualification |
Subject |
Year / Division |
Institution / University Place / Country |
14 |
Details of Experience / employment (Please attach a separate sheet, if required) |
Office |
Post Held |
From |
To |
Pay Band along with Grade pay |
15 |
Date of retirement under Central Government Rules |
16 |
Training(s) undergone |
Certified that information furnished above by me is correct.
(Signature of the Candidate)
Note: i) The above applications should be forwarded through the parent Department /Organization along with Cadre Clearance / Vigilance Clearance and copies of five years Annual Confidential Records, duly attested by an officer of the level of under Secretary.
ii) Applications not forwarded through parent organization along with requisite documents will not be considered.
iii) Only serving Officers of Central Government/State Government/UTs/ PSUs/Autonomous bodies are eligible to apply.
The Authority would like to fill up the following post on deputation in its Regional Office located at Bengaluru.
Sl. No |
Regional Office |
Name of the post |
No. of vacant post |
1 |
Bengaluru |
Assistant Section Officer |
1 |
Eligibility Criteria and Desirable Qualifications/Experience for the above posts are as under
Name of the post and pay scale with Grade pay |
Eligibility Criteria |
Desirable Qualifications/Experience |
Assistant Section Officer (Rs.9300-34800+ 4200) Pay Matrix Level 6 (Pre revised Pay Band II Rs.9300-34800 plus Grade Pay of Rs.4200/-) |
i. Holding analogous post in the same scale of pay; or ii. four years experience in the scale of 5200- 20200+2400 |
Excellent drafting, typing, skills, Proficiency in computers. Experience in handling Administrative matters/ budget/policy matters/ implementation of Govt. Schemes |
Field of Selection:
Officers of Central Government / State Governments / UTs / PSUs / Autonomous bodies
Period and other terms and condition of deputation
The initial period of deputation shall be for three years extendable by a further period of two years as per Department of personnel & Training O.M.No.6/8/2009-Estt. (pay-II) dated 17.06.2010. The terms and conditions of deputation will be governed by the aforementioned DOP&Ts O.M. of 17.6.2010.
Eligibility for Government Accommodation
As per the ongoing arrangement (further continuity of which is subject to approval of Ministry of Urban Development), the officers appointed in the UIDAI will be eligible for General Pool Residential Accommodation at par with Central Government employees.
Last Date for receipt of applications complete in all respects:
On or before 04.06.2018
Documents to be forwarded along with application:
The application along with Cadre clearance/Vigilance clearance from Department and copies of five years ACRs duly attested by an officer of the level of Under Secretary should be forwarded through parent Department in the prescribed format attached. Incomplete applications is liable for rejection.
Address for Communications:
The applications may be forwarded in the prescribed format to the Regional Office at the address given below:
Regional Office |
Address |
Bengaluru |
Assistant Director General (HR) UIDAI Regional Office, No.49, Khanija Bhavan, Race Course Road, Bengaluru 560001 Telephone : 080 22340104 |
Deputy Director
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 27-Mar-2018 | |
Applications | 04-Jun-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Unique Identification Authority Of India
- Organization City, State : bengaluru, karnataka
- Organization Website : www.uidai.gov.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results