BHEL, Indias premier engineering and manufacturing enterprise provides World class products and services and caters to core sectors of the Indian Economy viz, Power Generation and Transmission, Industry, Transportation, Renewable Energy, Defence, Aerospace, Oil & Gas with over 180 product offerings to meet the needs of these sectors. BHEL has a wide network of 17 Manufacturing Divisions, 04 Power Sector Regional Centres, 08 Service Centres, 15 Regional Marketing Centres, 04 Regional Offices, 03 Overseas Offices, 01 subsidiary and large number of project sites spread all over India and abroad. The company has its footprints in more than 80 countries all over the world and has achieved PBT of Rs 628 Crores and turnover of Rs 28840 Crores in 2016-17.
BHEL invites applications from willing and qualified medical professionals (Indian National only) to join its Hospitals/ Dispensaries at Units / Offices at Bhopal, Haridwar, Hyderabad, Trichy, Jhansi, Ranipet, Jagdishpur, Bangalore & Delhi/NCR.
Post and Scale of pay | Specialisation | Location | Total | ||||||||
Bhopal | Haridwar | Hyderabad | Trichy | Jhansi | Ranipet | Jagdishpur | Bangalore | Delhi/NCR | |||
Senior Medical Officer (SMO) E2 Grade -Rs 2910054500** | Medicine | 2 | - | - | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | 3 |
General Surgery | 1 | - | 1 | 2 | - | - | - | - | - | 4 | |
Radiology | - | 1 | - | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | 2 | |
Paediatrics | - | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1 | |
Ophthalmology | - | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1 | |
ENT | - | - | - | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | 1 | |
General Duty Medical Officer (GDMO), E1 Grade Rs 24900-50500** | 3 | 3 | - | 4 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 17 | |
Total | 6 | 6 | 1 | 9 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 29* |
* The number of vacancies given above are tentative and may vary on review based on which the number of vacancies reserved for various categories may also undergo revision. ** Existing pay scale due for revision w.e.f. 01/01/2017.
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Qualification, Experience & Upper Age Limit:
Post | Qualification and Experience | Upper Age limit as on 01/03/2018 |
Sr. Medical Officer (SMO) -E2 | MBBS degree with a Post Graduate Degree in the Speciality Concerned with one year of relevant post qualification experience/practice. | 37 years |
General Duty Medical Officer (GDMO) -E1 | MBBS degree with one year of relevant post qualification experience/practice. | 32 years |
Note: 1. MBBS / PG degree should be recognized by Medical Council of India and candidates should be registered with either Medical Council of India or State Medical Council.
2. Internship training shall not be considered as work experience/ practice.
Reservations & Relaxations:
The above vacancies are reserved as follows:
Sl. No. | Unit | UR | OBC | SC | ST | Total | PwD* |
1 | HEP, Bhopal | 03 | 01 | 02 | - | 06 | - |
2 | HEEP, Haridwar | 03 | 01 | 01 | 01 | 06 | 01 (OH) |
3 | HPEP, Hyderabad | - | 01 | - | - | 01 | - |
4 | HPBP, Trichy | 05 | 04 | - | - | 09 | - |
5 | TP, Jhansi | 01 | 01 | - | - | 02 | - |
6 | BAP, Ranipet | - | 01 | - | - | 01 | - |
7 | IP, Jagdishpur | 01 | - | - | - | 01 | - |
8 | EDN, Bangalore | - | 01 | - | - | 01 | - |
9 | Delhi/NCR | 01 | - | - | 01 | 02 | 01 (OH) |
UR Unreserved, OBC-Other Backward Class (Non-creamy Layer), SC-Scheduled
Caste, ST Scheduled Tribe, PwD -Persons with Disabilities (The position for OH
includes Locomotor disability, Leprosy cured, Dwarfism and Acid Attack Victims)
- Vacancies reserved for OBC category are meant only for OBC candidates coming under Non-Creamy Layer (NCL) as defined under Government Rules. The OBC candidates who do not belong to Non Creamy Layer should indicate their category as General only (Latest amendment in Annual Income criteria notified vide DOPT OM No.36033/1/2013-Estt. (Res) dated 13.09.2017).
- Candidates belonging to SC/ST categories, PwD & Ex-Servicemen candidates are exempted from paying the processing fee.
- Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC (Non-creamy Layer) candidates. For PwD category candidates age is relaxable by 10 years for General candidates, 13 years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) and 15 years for SC/ST category as per rules.
- The above notified positions are identified suitable for the disabilities as indicated under the relevant provisions of Rights of Persons with Disability Act (RPwD) 2016 and subsequent rules on the matter
- (a)Locomotor disability (b) Leprosy cured (c) Dwarfism and (d) Acid Attack Victims.
- The age concession to the PwD shall be admissible irrespective of the fact whether the post is reserved for person with disabilities or not, provided the post is identified suitable for the relevant category of disability.
- Upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for the candidates who had ordinarily domiciled in the state of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 01/01/1980 to 31/12/1989.
- Age relaxation for Ex-Servicemen will be as per Central Government Rules. (Period of Service in Defence Plus 3 Years).
Emoluments and Benefits:
The selected candidates will be normally placed at the minimum of the pay scale and will be on probation for a period of one year. Besides the Basic pay (normally the minimum of the scale), selected candidates will be entitled to a Cafeteria of perks limited to 46% of their basic pay, Industrial Dearness Allowance (currently 126.9% of basic pay) and Non-Practicing Allowance (25% of the Basic Pay). Other allowances and benefits such as Leave, Medical facilities for self and dependent family members, Leave Encashment, Provident Fund, Gratuity, Performance Related Payment, Uniform, Subsidized Canteen facilities, Companys accommodation or HRA etc. will be admissible as per Company Rules as applicable from time to time. Pay and allowances are due for revision w.e.f 01.01.2017 and the revised pay and allowance would be applicable as notified.
Selection Process:
Applications for GDMO E1: In the case of GDMO, if the number of eligible applicants for the post is within the ratio of 1:10 to the number of vacancies, only Personal Interviews would be conducted. However, if the number of eligible applicants for a post exceeds the ratio of 1:10, a written test would be conducted for all eligible candidates and the candidates will be invited for Personal Interview in the ratio of 1:8 to the number of vacancies in order of merit based on their performance in the Written Test. Final selection panel for GDMO shall be prepared by assigning a weightage of 75% for written test marks and 25% to Interview marks, if written test is held. The Examination Centre(s) for the written test would be announced on the recruitment website after receipt of applications as above. Travelling allowance would not be paid for appearing in the Written Test. Details regarding date of test/interview would be published in the website http://www.careers.bhel.in or https://www.bhelbpl.co.in/bplweb_new/careers/ index.html.
Applications for Sr. Medical Officer (Specialist -E2): All candidates fulfilling the eligibility conditions would be called for a Personal Interview.
Candidates invited for personal interview for E2 level will be reimbursed to and fro Two Tier AC train fare and those invited for E1 level interviews will be reimbursed sleeper class train fare from the mailing address or the starting station, whichever is nearer to the place of interview by the shortest route on production of proof of journey. The written test and interviews are likely to be held during May/June 2018.
Health Standards:
Applicants should possess sound health. Before joining, selected candidates will have to undergo medical examination by the Companys Authorized Medical Officer and the appointment will be subject to meeting the health standards prescribed by the Company. No relaxation in health standards is allowed. The Companys Medical Examination rules can be accessed on the website https://careers.bhel.in or https://www.bhelbpl.co.in/bplweb_new/careers/index.html.
General Instructions:
- Candidates should carefully fill up the Category (SC/ST/OBC) in the application form and the required documentary proof should be enclosed with the application.
- SC/ST/OBC Candidates, while applying for a post where there are no vacancies in their respective reserved categories, will be treated as General candidates and no relaxation will be applicable to these candidates.
- Candidates should ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria prescribed for the post for which they have applied. In case it is found at any stage of the selection process or even after appointment that the candidate has furnished false or incorrect information or suppressed any relevant information/material facts or does not fulfill the eligibility criteria, his/her candidature/services are liable for rejection/ termination without notice.
- Candidates employed in Govt./Semi-Govt./Public Sector Undertakings/ Autonomous bodies shall be required to apply through proper channel. However, in the event of difficulty, they may send their application directly and produce the relieving order from their organization in the event of selection.
- Candidates who have left a PSU after voluntary retirement shall be considered only if he/she agrees to return the VRS compensation received to the PSU concerned.
- No request for transfer or change in place of posting shall be entertained for the first five years of service unless transferred by the company in organizational interest.
- BHEL reserves the right to cancel / restrict / enlarge the recruitment process, if the need so arises, without assigning any further notice or reason therefor.
- Any legal proceedings in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement and / or an application in response thereto can be instituted only in the respective cities/towns where the Units are located and the Courts/Tribunals/Forums (Jurisdiction Courts) at the location where Units to which they have applied is situated shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction.
- Applications which are incomplete in any detail, not legible or without all the required enclosures or received after the last date for receipt of applications will be rejected and no correspondence on this will be entertained.
10.Queries of any kind shall not be attended to during the process of recruitment. 11.BHEL does not take responsibility of attaching the documents or application fee sent separately after the dispatch of the original application form (Please refer How to apply point No. 3). 12.Any important information including Corrigendum/Changes/Updates and information / general instructions during the course of recruitment process and on selected candidates shall be made available either through the website or on the e-mail ID provided by the candidates. Therefore, candidates may provide a valid e-mail id and keep it active for at least one year, simultaneously tracking the website for updates. 13.No correspondence will be entertained from candidates not invited / selected for written test or interview.
How to apply:
- The applications for selection to the above posts will be accepted ONLY ONLINE through our recruitment website https://careers.bhel.in or https://www.bhelbpl.co.in/bplweb_new/careers/index.html. (Under BHEL Medical Professionals link). No other mode of application shall be entertained.
- A Non-refundable processing fees of Rs 300/-is to be deposited by the candidates belonging to Gen and OBC categories. Candidates belonging to SC/ST categories, PwD and Ex-Servicemen are exempted from paying the processing fee. This fee is to be paid online by depositing the amount of Rs 300/-in favour of M/s BHEL, Bhopal through SBI Collect Portal. Details of depositing fees are available under tab Instruction at website www.bhelbpl.co.in. After depositing the fees the candidate will be allotted a Bank Reference No. This number is to be entered by the candidate while filling the online application form. Candidates are required to send a copy of this Bank Transaction receipt along with the Acknowledgement slip at the time of applying. No other mode of payment is acceptable.
- Candidates should apply by submitting the online application on BHELs recruitment website. After successful submission, candidates will be required to take print-out of the Acknowledgement Slip which will be generated by the system and will contain a unique acknowledgement number. This acknowledgement slip along with all the required documents & fee challan copy is to be sent in an envelope superscribed with Application for the post of SMO(Specialization)/GDMO to the following address:
Post Box No. 35, Post Office Piplani, BHEL, Piplani, Bhopal 462022
Responsibility of forwarding the complete set of required documents rests with the candidate.
4. While applying Candidates may give their preference for place of posting. They may indicate one or more choice as desired.
Copies of self attested certificates to be enclosed along with the Acknowledgement Slips:
- SSLC/HSC mark sheet (in support of date of birth)
- Qualification mark sheets and certificates of MBBS Degree (for all positions) of all semesters and of PG Degree (for SMO position)
- Medical Council Registration Certificate
- Community certificate SC/ST/OBC as per government notifications from time to time is also to be attached. OBC(NCL) certificate to be as per latest guidelines of government and in any event not more than one year old. In case of OBC a selfundertaking regarding non-creamy layer status is also to be submitted which is available on the website link https://careers.bhel.in:8443/bhel/static/obc_non.pdf
PwD Certificate as per government notification.
- Certificates as proof of Experience (In the absence of proper service certificates, candidates shall be required to send joining letter and relieving order and in case of serving employees, latest salary certificate/Slip may be sent in place of relieving order).
Commencement of online submission of application | 24/03/2018 |
Closing of online submission of applications | 16/04/2018 |
Last date of receipt of Acknowledgement slips along with relevant documents | 23/04/2018 |
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 24-Mar-2018 | 16-Apr-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
- Organization City, State : bhopal, madhya pradesh
- Organization Website : http://www.bhelbpl.co.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results