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Head Office : Star House, C-5, G Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051 |
, Human Resources Department, Industrial Relations Division |
Appointment of Advisors in the areas of
(a) Corporate Banking and
(b) Business Analytics
1. Applications are invited for appointment of Advisors in the following areas:
- a) Corporate Banking - 1 post
- b) Business Analytics - 1 post
2. Terms and conditions for engagement of Advisors
- (i) Eligibility: The retired Officers of Nationalised Banks at the level of Deputy General Managers and above, having expertise / exposure in the areas of Corporate Banking / Business Analytics..
- (ii) Age of the applicant not to exceed 65 years as on 31.03.2018.
- (iii) Compensation: Rs.75000/- per month on consolidated basis.
- (iv) Additionally, a consolidated amount of Rs.25000/- per month will be paid towards maintaining own car (including drivers expenses) for the purpose of discharging his/her duties as an Advisor and an amount of Rs.5,000/- per month will also be paid towards telephone expenses inclusive of landline/mobile/internet etc., on reimbursement basis.
- (v) The Advisor will be entitled for unfurnished Banks / rented accommodation (2 bedroom flat), subject to recovery of rent as applicable to General Managers from time to time (i.e. presently 0.75% of consolidated compensation). In case, the Advisor owns a dwelling unit at Mumbai / Navi Mumbai, or the dwelling unit is in the name of his/her spouse, HRA will be paid as per the normal entitlement of a General Manager i.e. Rs.7,650/- (9% of Rs.85,000/- i.e. maximum basic pay of a General Manager). The Advisor will not be entitled for payment of HRA on capital cost basis.
- (vi) The Advisor shall report to Executive Director or Managing Director & CEO. Such reporting will be decided by the Managing Director & CEO.
3. The appointment will be on contract basis for a period of one year. The posting of the Advisor will be at Banks Corporate Office at Mumbai. The role and responsibilities of the Advisor will be as follows:-
a) Corporate Banking
- (i) Supporting MD & CEO, EDs and heads of credit in the areas of :
- formulation and review of various policies pertaining to credit business;
- introduction of various credit products and reviewing of existing credit
products for corporates;
- Monitoring of implementation of infrastructure projects funded by the Bank.
- (ii) Mentoring Credit Processing Officers so as to bring about qualitative improvement in the credit proposals and help in building core capabilities in credit appraisal, monitoring, follow up, syndication, etc.;
- (iii) Advising on structure and content of Training programmes on Corporate Banking;
- (iv) Review of formats of appraisal notes for:
- approvals/sanctions of fresh TL/WCL,
- review of TLs,
- enhancement of working capital,
- modification in terms and conditions, etc.
- (v) Advising Managing Director & CEO and Executive Directors on various Government and Regulatory Policies affecting corporate sector.
b) Business Analytics
- (i) To advise the Bank on overall Business Model to meet the emerging challenges and competition from new players / disruptive technology. This will encompass the following areas :
- Vision, Mission & Goals of the Bank,
- Operational Business Plan,
- Use of Business Analytics and predictive analysis for NPA Management,
rebalancing of portfolio and optimizing the cost of operations,
- Disinvestment/sale of non-core activities / subsidiaries / investments.
- (ii) Environmental scanning to identify new areas of business or existing businesses which should be phased out.
- (iii) To advise on organic and in-organic growth models.
- (iv) To review existing processes and systems.
- (v) To advise on rationalization of various returns and MIS statements.
4. The applicant should have a good track record and operational experience as well as experience in administrative offices in the relevant area. The Applicant should be capable to guide and mentor the incumbent effectively.
5. Last date for receipt of application is 24.03.2018. Application received after the said date will be rejected.
The Bank reserves the right to reject applications of any or all the candidates without assigning any reason.
Applications to be submitted through Registered Post / Speed Post / Courier. Bank will not be liable for misplace / damage and / or delay in delivery of application by the Postal Authorities or by the Courier Agencies, under any circumstances.
Hand Delivery of application will not be accepted.
The Envelope containing the application must be super-scribed Application for the post of Advisor - Corporate Banking / Business Analytics.
6. The candidates found eligible will be called for a selection process. Candidates will have to appear for interview at their own expenses.
7. Selection will be made by a Committee and the decision of the Committee will be Final.
8. The candidates should submit copies of documents in support of experience and educational qualifications alongwith application form.
9. The interested candidates may download the attached application form.
(M.K. Gupta)
Date : 12.03.2018 General Manager (HR)
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 12-Mar-2018 | |
Applications | 24-Mar-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Bank Of India
- Organization City, State : mumbai, maharashtra
- Organization Website : www.bankofindia.co.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results