EMPLOYEES STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION ASRAMAM, KOLLAM. KERALA 691 002 Website: www.esichsuperspecialitykollam.com
Ph: 0474-2742833, 2766618 (M.S), Fax 0474-2768837.
No.542/A/28/12/Yoga/MHA/03(Adm) Dt.. 16/10/17
Invitation Proposals for Providing Part time Yoga Instructor in ESIC Model & Super Speciality Hospital, Asramam, Kollam
Proposal is invited from the reputed/recognized Yoga Institutions/NGOs for providing qualified Yoga instructor on part time basis for imparting Yoga training to ESIC Beneficiaries/Staff in this Hospital on following terms and condition:
1. The Yoga Instructor should preferably possess the following qualification and experience:-
Qualification Experience
A full time regular M.A.(Yoga)/ Nil M.Sc(Yoga) from recognized University OR Degree in Yoga from a Recognized University Nil
OR Any Degree with full time regular one year One year Professional Year Diploma in Yoga (after Degree) from a Experience Recognized University or an institute
- The Institution will be responsible for providing qualified Yoga Instructor to ESIC Model & Super Speciality Hospital, Asramam, Kollam . No, Individual Yoga instructor will be appointed i.e. it is a contract for service instead of contract of service.
- The Yoga Instructor engaged through this institution shall perform his/her duty as per Hospital working hours i.e. from Monday to Saturday 03 hours per day. There will be lunch break from 1.00PM to 1.30PM (Monday to Friday) One casual Leave per month and all holiday declared by the hospital will be admissible to the Instructor provided.
- The monthly remuneration for providing a yoga instructor will be Rs. 10, 000/-(Rupees Ten thousand only) for part time and payment will be made to the Yoga Institution/NGO.
- Initially the Yoga Instructor shall be engaged for one year but can be extended on yearly basis up to three year subject to satisfactory work on mutually agreed terms.
Interested Yoga Institutions/NGOs may make a presentation/Demonstration of their plan in this regard before a committee constituted for this purpose. The date and time for such presentation will be 07.11.2017 at 11 am. No fee/charges shall be paid for this presentation. This organization reserves the full right to terminate the engagement process at any stage without assigning any reason and without any prior notice.
Any query in this regard can be obtained from the office of the Medical Superintendent during working hours.
The Institutions shall furnish the details required in the Proforma attached.
Sd/-Medical Superintendent
Details regarding the Yoga Institute and the Yoga Instructor
A. Detail of Institution/NGO
1 Name of Institution with full address
2 Present Address
3 Permanent Address
4 Contact No.of Institute
5 Registration No., If any
6 Date of formation
7 Experience in the field
B-Detail of Yoga Instructor to be provided by the Institution, NGO
Name of the Yoga Instructor
Education Qualification of the Yoga Instructor
Degree/Diploma Name of University Year of Passing % of marks (Obtained)
3 Age and Date of Birth
4 Present Address
5 Permanent Address
6 Contact No.
Res. No. Mob. No.
Other information, if any on the Institution/NGO or Yoga Instructor
Signature of Authorized signatory
Photo Copies of the documents is mandatory to encloseBio-data of the candidate proposed to be sent as Yoga instructor along with supporting copies of qualification, date of birth, experience, residence etc.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 16-Oct-2017 | |
Interviews | 07-Nov-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Employees State Insurance Corporation
- Organization City, State : kollam, kerala
- Organization Website : www.esichsuperspecialitykollam.com
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results