Raisen Bypass Road, Karond, Bhopal 462 038
(A 350 Bed Super- Specialty Hospital under Department of Health Research (MoH&FW), Govt. of India)
Advertisement No. 56/2017
at Conference Room, Block-VI of BMHRC, Bhopal
Reporting time : 09:00 a.m.
Applications are invited on Contract Basis from interested doctors including those who have retired from (Central/State Government services) who are willing to be empanelled as Consultants for a period of One year, extendable further as per the discretion of the Competent Authority. The appointment will be as per the available vacancy.
- 01. Name of the post : Consultant (Medical) on contractual basis for the departments mentioned below :
Anaesthesia |
GI Medicine |
Neurology |
Pathology |
Radiology |
Cardiology |
GI Surgery |
Neurosurgery |
Psychiatry |
Urology |
Nephrology |
Ophthalmology |
Pulmonary Medicine |
- 02. Duration of Contract: The individual will be initially engaged for a period of one year but the period of engagement may be curtailed or extended at the discretion of the competent authority.
- 03. Consolidated Monthly Remuneration : 71,298/- per month
- 04. Basic Qualification: MD/MS/DNB with three years experience ; DM/M.Ch in concerned specialty.
Registration: Candidate must have/or applied for Additional Registration for PG Degree with MCI/ State Medical Councils. In case selected by BMHRC, they should register themselves with M.P. Medical Council
- 05. Criteria of Selection :
(i) Marks based on the qualification :
a) Marks for percentage of marks (MBBS) : 55% - 64.99 %=2 Marks
65%-74.99%= 3 Marks
75 & and above= 5 Marks
b) Gold Medal : 05 Marks Each (Maximum 10 Marks)
c) Marks for Experience : 02 Marks for each complete year (Max. 10 Marks)
(After MD/DNB/MS/Diploma)
(ii) Marks of interview (out of 70)
06. Age Limit upto 62 years relaxable up to 64 years in case of meritorious candidates. The upper age limit
shall be determined as on 02.08.2017.
07. Job Requirement ( Roles & Responsibilities ) : Various duties as Medical Consultant as assigned by the Director,
BMHRC, Bhopal.
08. Place of Duty : The place of duty will be at BMHRC and its out reach health Centre, BMHRC, Bhopal
NOTE : (i) Interested applicants are required to download the APPLICATION FORM from the website & bring the duly filled application form along with complete biodata with original certificates and testimonials along with the attested copies of the same for the Walk -in-Interview.
(ii) For Further details and any amendment/corrigendum please visit the above website
Director, BMHRC, Bhopal
- i) The Competent Authority reserve the right to make any amendment, cancellation and changes in this advertisement in whole or in part without assigning any reason.
- ii) The candidates are advised to ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the advertisement before applying for the posts.
- iii) Crucial date for determination of eligibility with regards to Educational Qualification and Experience will be the date of walk-in-interview ( i.e. on 02.08.2017 )
- iv) Incomplete applications in any respect will not be considered. Only applications in response to this advertisement on prescribed pro forma attached herewith will be considered.
- v) The candidate should ensure that they should be present at Conference Room, Block-VI of BMHRC, Bhopal ( 09:00 a.m. ) on 02.08.2017 (date of Walk-in-interview).
- vi) All original documents of qualification, experience along with proof of date of Birth will have to be brought by the candidate at the time of walk in interview.
- vii) Application Form (hard copy only) should be accompanied by copies of necessary documents duly self attested by the candidate.
- viii) The candidates, who are employed in Central / State Government should submit a 'No Objection' certificate from their employer at the time of interview. In case, they do not furnish the same for some reasons or other, their candidature will not be considered.
- ix) Any canvassing by or on behalf of candidates or to bring political or other outside influence with regard to selection/recruitment will lead to disqualification.
- x) No correspondence or personal inquiries shall be entertained.
- xi) The appointment to the said post will be subject to physical fitness from the competent medical board for which he/she will be sent to designated medical authority by the Institution before joining the post.
* Applicants should indicate the post applied for legibly on the first page of prescribed APPLICATION FORM.
* JURISDICTION OF ANY DISPUTE :- In case of any legal dispute the jurisdiction of the court will be Bhopal.
* Application Form can be downloaded which is attached herewith.
- Application Form (hard copy only) should be accompanied by copies of necessary documents (duly self attested) along with originals and should be submitted in person on 02.08.2017 to the office of the Director, BMHRC, Bhopal.
Director, BMHRC, Bhopal
Affix a recent
Pass Port Size
Raisen Bypass Road, Karond, Bhopal462038 (MP)
(Under Department of Health Research (MoH&FW), Govt. of India)
Advt. No. 56/2017 Walk-in-Interview on 02.08.2017 (Wednesday)
Application for the Post of : CONSULTANT (MEDICAL) on Contractual Basis
Name of the department : ___________________________
Category (Tick the Applicable Word) General Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tribe Other Backward Class Physically Handicapped (Enclose proof of Caste Certificate issued by Competent Authority) |
1. Name of the Applicant : ________________________________________________________
2. Sex : Male Female Marital Status : Married Unmarried
3. Father's Name :_______________________________________________________
4. Name of the Spouse :________________________________________________________
5. Date of Birth :________________________________________________________
6. Age as on 02.08.2017 :
7. Present Address : ________________________________________________________
: ________________________________________________________
: ________________________________________________________
Telephone No. ___________________ Mobile : _________________
Email ____________________________________________________
8. Permanent Address :________________________________________________________
: _______________________ Telephone No.____________________
Mobile No.______________________________
9. Nationality : _________________________
// 2 //
10. Educational Qualification : (Enclose photocopies of degree/diploma certificates & mark sheets)
Examination |
Maximum Marks |
Marks Obtained |
% of Marks |
Month & Year of Passing |
Name of the College & University |
Award / Distinction |
MBBS 1st Prof. |
MBBS 2nd Prof. |
MBBS Final (Part-I) |
MBBS Final (Part-II) |
Total of all MBBS Exams |
MD/MS/DNB in ___________ |
DM / M.Ch ___________ |
11. Permanent MCI/ State Medical Council Registration Details :
Name of the Medical Council:_____________________________________________________________
MBBS Registration No. _______________________________Place __________________________
MD/MS/DNB Registration No. :_______________________Place___________________________
DM / M.Ch Registration No. :_______________________Place___________________________
12. Current Activities :
// 3 //
13. Experience : ( Enclose copies of Work Experience Certificates )
Name of the Present & Previous Employer with Address /Contact Nos. |
Present/ Previous Post |
Period |
Nature of Work |
From |
To |
( Use separate sheet if space is inadequate )
14. Name and address of two referees knowing the applicant's work :
Name |
Occupation or Position |
Address with telephone No. & e-mail |
15. Details of relatives in BMHRC if any :
Name |
Post & Department |
Telephone No. & e-mail |
16. Declaration : ( Only for OBC category candidates)
I, _______________________________ son/daughter of Shri. ____________________ resident of _______________ Village/town/City ____________ District _____________ State ________________ hereby declare that I belong to the_________________ Community which is recognized as backward class by the Government of India for the purpose of reservation in service as per orders contained in the Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No. 36012/22/93-Rest. (SCT) dated 8.9.1993. It is also declared that I do not belong to persons/ sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in column 3 of the Schedule to the above referred Office Memorandum dated 8.9.1993 and its subsequent revision through OM No. 36033/3/2004-Estt.(Res) dated 9.3.2004 and 14.10.2010 and OM No. 36033/01/2013-Estt.(Res.) dated 27.05.2013.
17. Any other information you wish to add :
18. Check List : ( Please tick in the box given below as proof of enclosures). All Certificates
must be self attested and be attached in the following order :
(i) Certificate in support of age ( 10th) ....................................................
(ii) Mark Sheet of MBBS(All Profs)....................................
(iii) Degree of MBBS.................................................
(iv) Under Graduate attempt Certificate..........................
(v) Degree of MD/MS/DNB.....................................................
(vi) Degree of DM / M. Ch. ..................................................
(vii) Registration with MCI/ State Medical Council ...............................
(viii) SC/ST/OBC/PH certificate in prescribed format of Govt. of India..........
(ix) Experience Certificate (if any)..
(x) No Objection Certificate (if the candidate is already in Service)..............
I, ______________________________ declare that the information furnished above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and no related information is concealed. I am aware that if any of the above statements are found to be incorrect or false or any material information or particulars of relevance have been misstated, suppressed or omitted, I am liable to be disqualified for appointment and if appointed, my appointment will be liable to be terminated.
Place : __________________
Date : ___________________ (Signature of the applicant )
Full Name :
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Interviews | 02-Aug-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Bhopal Memorial Hospital and Research Centre
- Organization City, State : bhopal, madhya pradesh
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results