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Marketing Division - Eastern Region Advertisement No. IOCL/MKTG/ER/REC/2018/1
All India Open Recruitment of Experienced Non-Executive Personnel in Workmen category
On-line registration of application commences from 27th January 2018 and closes on 10th February 2018.
- The link to the on-line registration of the application has been hosted on the website
- Tentative Date of Written Test is 25th February 2018.
- Tentative Date of uploading the result of shortlisted candidates of the Written Test is 5th March, 2018.
- Tentative Date of uploading of Final Selection Result is 15th March 2018. Indian Oil Corporation Limited the largest commercial undertaking in India and a Fortune "Global 500" company requires result oriented experienced personnel with initiative and enterprise for its various locations in Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Manipur, Meghalaya, Odisha, Tripura and West Bengal as per the details given below: On-line Applications are invited from bright, young and energetic persons of Indian Nationality for the following posts:-
Vacancies | ||||||||||||||
Sl. No. | Name of the Post/Pay Scale (Pre-revised) | Post Code | Region/State | Total | UR | SC | ST | OBC (Non Creamy | PV | PwBD * PH PL | MD | ExSM** | ||
Layer) | ||||||||||||||
1. | Junior Operator (Aviation) Gr. I Rs. 10,500 - 24,500/- | ER01 | Andaman & Nicobar Islands | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | - | - | - | - | ||
2. | Junior Operator (Aviation) Gr. I Rs. 10,500 - 24,500/- | ER02 | Arunachal Pradesh | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | - | - | - | - | ||
3. | Junior Operator (Aviation) Gr. I Rs. 10,500 - 24,500/- | ER03 | Assam | 18 | 11 | 1 | 2 | 4 | - | - | - | - | ||
4. | Junior Operator (Aviation) Gr. I Rs. 10,500 - 24,500/- | ER04 | Bihar | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1(***) | - | - | - | - | ||
5. | Junior Operator (Aviation) Gr. I Rs. 10,500 - 24,500/- | ER05 | Jharkhand | 6 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 0 | - | - | - | - | 14 | |
6. | Junior Operator (Aviation) Gr. I Rs. 10,500 - 24,500/- | ER06 | Manipur | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | - | - | - | - | ||
7. | Junior Operator (Aviation) Gr. I Rs. 10,500 - 24,500/- | ER07 | Meghalaya | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | - | - | - | - | ||
8. | Junior Operator (Aviation) Gr. I Rs. 10,500 - 24,500/- | ER08 | Odisha | 7 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 0 | - | - | - | - | ||
9. | Junior Operator (Aviation) Gr. I Rs. 10,500 - 24,500/- | ER09 | Tripura | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | - | - | - | - | ||
10. | Junior Operator (Aviation) Gr. I Rs. 10,500 - 24,500/- | ER10 | West Bengal | 16 | 10 | 3 | 0 | 3 | - | - | - | - | ||
Total | 58 | 41 | 5 | 4 | 8 | - | - | - | - | 14 |
* PV - Physical - Visual, PH - Physical - Hearing, PL - Physical - Locomotor, MD - Multiple Disabilities
The above Advertised posts are NOT identified for PwBD disabilities ** The reservation for Ex-servicemen (ExSM) as indicated will be applied on horizontal basis, across all categories, as per Government Guidelines, under respective categories. *** OBC Backlog vacancy
- Number of vacancies indicated above is tentative and may increase or decrease in the relevant categories at the absolute discretion of the management and in compliance with the Presidential Directives on reservation at the time of appointment.
- Positions are operated with work arrangements in one, two or three shifts. Incumbents may be required to perform duties in any of the work arrangements depending upon work exigencies.
- Reservation for Ex Servicemen (ExSM) shall be applied on Horizontal basis.
- Section 2(r) of The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016, defines "person with benchmark disability" as a person, duly certified by the certifying authority, with not less than 40% of a specified disability. The candidates are required to submit a Disability Certificate issued by competent authority as per the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights & Full Participation) Amended Rules, 2009, failing which their candidature as PwBD candidates will not be considered. Petroleum Refining & Processing is a hazardous process and Deployment of PwBD other than those shown as "Identified Disabilities" in Clause D, is likely to put them at serious risk, hence not included. Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PV, PH and PL) must be capable of performing the task assigned to them.
- Candidates recruited under vacancies as advertised will be posted in the respective State for which vacancies have been specified. However, the employees of the corporation are liable to be posted anywhere in India in line with Business requirement of the corporation and as per policy prevailing from time to time.
A. Qualification & Experience Criteria:
Qualification (Government Recognised
No. Name of Post
Full Time Regular Courses only from
Indian Universities/ Institutes)
Junior Operator
Higher Secondary (Class XII) with
Minimum one year
(Aviation) Gr. I
minimum 45% marks in aggregate
work experience
for General & OBC candidates and 40%
in Heavy Vehicle
in case of SC/ST candidates against
driving (excluding
reserved positions with valid Heavy
Vehicle Driving License
B. Important Instructions:
- A candidate is allowed to apply for only one post. In case of receipt of more than one application for more than one post, all the applications will be rejected.
- Qualification for the purpose of this clause would mean the qualification based on which candidature is offered or considered as claimed by a candidate. Prescribed qualification shall be strictly adhered to.
- Candidates should have passed the qualifying examination as indicated above in regular full time course. The prescribed qualification should be from a recognized State/Central Education Board as a regular full time course. The required qualification acquired through Part-time/Correspondence/Distance Learning / Open University mode shall render the candidate ineligible.
- The criteria for full time regular course shall not be insisted upon in case of Ex-Servicemen, provided they possess a requisite equivalent qualification certificate issued by the concerned Ministry that has been acquired during the service period
and is recognized by MHRD, Government of India and have secured the prescribed minimum percentage of marks.
- No claim of possession of a qualification equivalent to a prescribed qualification shall be entertained, except for Ex-Servicemen.
- Ex-Servicemen claiming equivalence in qualification shall be required to produce a copy of equivalence certificate by the concerned Ministry.
Candidates possessing higher professional qualifications such as BE, MBA, CA/ICWA, LLB, MCA or any such equivalent qualification shall not be eligible.
- The candidature of the applicant would be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of certificates/ testimonials, etc.
Suppression of information regarding possession or pursuing higher qualification shall render a candidate ineligible for consideration at any stage of selection and termination at any time during employment, if recruited.
- Candidates are hereby informed that any Corrigendum/ Addendum etc. with regard to this advertisement will be made available on ( PeopleCareers/job.aspx) ONLY. Candidates are advised to refer to the above website periodically for updates. All future correspondence with respect to the advertised posts will be made only through ( PeopleCareers/job.aspx) ONLY.
C. Selection Methodology:
- The selection methodology will comprise of Written Test and Skill Proficiency Physical Test (SPPT) which will be of qualifying nature.
2. The written test will assess the candidates on the following parameters :-
Post Parameters No. of Questions
Generic aptitude including quantitative aptitude
40 Junior Operator
Reasoning abilities
40 (Aviation)
Basic English Languate skills 20
Total 100
- Written Test shall be of Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) consisting of 4 options with one correct option. Candidate has to choose the correct option.
- There shall be 100 questions in the Written Test and total marks shall be 100. Each correct answer shall carry 1 mark and there shall be no negative marking for wrong answers.
- Duration of Written Test shall be of 90 minutes.
- For qualifying in the written test, overall cut-off marks would be 50% for General / OBC (Non Creamy Layer) Candidates and sectional cut-off marks would be 40%. Candidates should secure both the overall and sectional cut-off marks in written test for further consideration.
- The minimum qualifying overall cut-off marks and sectional cut-off marks in the written test will be relaxed by 5% for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwBD categories considered against reserved positions.
- Obtaining minimum qualifying marks in the written test does not confer any right or claim by the candidate for being shortlisted for further consideration or the final selection, as the same is related to number of positions, ratio applied and relative performance in respective categories.
- Short listed candidates, in the ratio of 1:2 (two candidates for one post, with due cognizance to number of reserved posts) subject to securing minimum qualifying marks in the written test, will be required to undergo a SPPT. The SPPT for each discipline shall be conducted by a duly constituted committee.
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G. Other Concessions/Relaxations:
10. In case of tie of marks in the written test for the last position on the Shortlist for
1. The minimum prescribed qualification marks will be relaxed by 5% for SPPT, all such candidates shall be called for the SPPT, even if the total number candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwBD categories considered against reservedexceeds the prescribed ratio. If such a situation arises anywhere before the last positions.
position while drawing a list, the last name/last few names, in proportion to the
2. The minimum qualifying marks in the written test to be taken by such candidatesprescribed ratio, will get eliminated.
shall also be relaxed by 5%.
11. In SPPT, the technical skill/proficiency /physical ability to handle/operate the tools / 3. SC/ST/PwBD candidates appearing for Written Test and Skill/Proficiency/Physical equipment of the respective discipline of the shortlisted candidates shall be Test will be reimbursed single second class rail fare from the nearest railway
station from the mailing address to the place of Written Test and Skill/Proficiency/12. Category-wise Merit list shall be drawn on the basis of marks obtained in the Physical Test (SPPT) and back by the shortest route on production of ticket,written test from & out of the said short-list, only for such candidates declared FIT provided the distance is not less than 30kms.
in the SPPT.
4. SC/ST/PwBD candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.
13. In case of tie of marks for the last position on the Merit List, the candidate with prior
H. Concessions and Relaxations to candidates belonging to Ex Servicemen
date of birth (senior by age) shall find a place in the Merit list. However, the name of
candidates :
the junior shall also be retained in the said Merit List, as the last name. If such a
1. Reservation for Ex Servicemen will be applied on horizontal basis, across allsituation arises anywhere before the last position while drawing a list, the last categories including disabled Servicemen, as per Govt. guidelines, under respective
name/last few names in the list, in proportion to the prescribed ratio, will get categories.
2. An Ex-serviceman, who has put in not less than 6 months continuous service in14. Ex-Servicemen candidates, if found suitable, will be considered against reserved Armed Forces, shall be allowed to deduct the period in Armed Forces service from
vacancy irrespective of their position in Merit list (in order of merit within the category) his actual age which shall be his resultant age. The resultant age shall not exceed
on horizontal reservation policy.
the prescribed maximum age by
15. The candidature of the applicant would be provisional and subject to subsequent
more than 3 years for General Candidatesverification of certificates/ testimonials, experience etc. At any stage of the selection
more than 8 years for disabled Defence services personnel belonging to SC/STprocess, if it is found that the candidate has furnished false or incorrect information,
more than 8 years for SC/ST, if considered against reserved positions the candidature/appointment of the candidate will be cancelled.
more than 6 years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer), if considered against reserved16. Filling up of vacancies is solely at the discretion of the management based on position.
suitability of candidates and no claim will arise for appointment, if some of these
3. Work experience as prescribed of technical or professional nature is essential forvacancies are not filled due to unsuitability of available candidates or insufficiency being considered eligible
in number of candidates.
4. For Ex Servicemen, a declaration of same area of work experience will be sufficient17. The decision of the Management will be final and binding on all candidates on all and no work experience related document will be required
matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the application, mode of
5. The criteria for full time regular course is not mandatory for Ex Servicemen,selection, cancellation of the selection process either in part or full, etc. No provided they possess a requisite equivalent qualification that has been acquired
correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
during the service period and is recognized by MHRD, GoI and have secured the
D. Reservation for SC/ST/OBC (Non - Creamy Layer):
prescribed minimum percentage of marks.
1. Reservation of Posts for SC/ST/OBC (Non - Creamy Layer) will be in terms of
6. Ex Servicemen claiming an equivalence in qualification shall be required to producenumbers indicated above.
a copy of equivalence certificate issued by the concerned Ministry
2. SC/ST/OBC (Non - Creamy Layer) candidates can be considered under General
7. Ex Servicemen candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.
standard of merit against the un-reserved posts provided no relaxation in age,
8. Concessions regarding grant of travelling allowance to SC/ST candidates appearingqualification etc. is availed of/extended to them.
for written test and SPPT will also be extended to disabled ex-servicemen.
3. For claiming the benefit of OBC (Non - Creamy Layer) category, the candidate
I. Date of reckoning Eligibility criteria:
should submit a latest caste certificate (not more than six months old on the date
The date for the purposes of possession of qualification, experience and
of joining) in the proforma prescribed by Govt. of India, which would, among others
meeting age criteria shall be 31st January, 2018.
specifically mention that the candidate does not belong to the persons/sections
J. Pay & Perks:
(creamy layer) as mentioned in column 3 of the schedule to the Department of Besides Basic Pay and Industrial pattern of DA, the other allowances / benefits
Personnel & Training, Government of India OM No. 36012/22/93- Estt.(SCT) dated include HRA/subsidized housing accommodation (as per availability), Medical
08.09.1993 and modifications issued vide OM No. 36033/1/2013-Estt.(Res.) dated Facilities, Productivity/ Performance Related Pay, Gratuity, Contributory Provident
Fund, Employees' Pension Scheme, Group Savings Linked Insurance, Group
4. Candidates belonging to OBC category but falling in creamy layer are not Personal Accident Insurance, Leave Encashment, Leave Travel Concession/LFA,
entitled to OBC reservation benefits. Accordingly such candidates may choose to Contributory Superannuation Benefit Fund Scheme, House Building Advance, apply for the positions provided they meet the age criteria applicable to UR Conveyance Advance/Maintenance Reimbursement, Children Education Allowance
candidates and indicate their category as "UR". Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. being a etc., as per Corporation rules.
Central Public Sector Undertaking, only those communities that are mentioned in
K. Pre-Employment Medical and Physical Fitness:
the common list of OBC approved by Central Government shall be treated as OBC Candidates are advised to ensure that they are medically fit as per Indian Oil's pre
for the purpose of reservation. Relevant List can be viewed at
employment medical standard. Candidates are advised to go through the
E.. Reservation for candidates belonging to Persons with Benchmark Disability
"Guidelines and Criteria for Physical Fitness for Pre-employment medical
(PwBD) categories:
examination" and satisfy themselves of meeting the fitness criteria before starting
1. Reservations for PwBD category will be extended on horizontal basis, only in the application submission process before they commence the application process.
identified cadres/disciplines against number of identified posts notified, as The guidelines are available in the following link
prescribed below and as per Govt. guidelines. The identified posts along with PeopleCareers/Pre-employment_Guiding_Principles11th_mar_2011.pdf
categories of disability for engagement of PwBD candidates are as under :
L. Application Fee:
- General and OBC candidates are required to pay Rs.150/- (Rs. One hundred fifty only) as Application Fee plus additional Bank charges as applicable through the Payment Gateway / NEFT Online Transfer provided through the Portal ONLY. No other mode of receipt of payment shall be accepted.
- Application of candidates for whom the application fee is not received by IOCL by the last date of receipt of applications, shall not be considered for selection process.
M. General Instructions:
- Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
- The candidates must have an active e-mail id and mobile number, which must remain valid for at least next one year. All future communication with the candidates will take place through registered email id only.
- Candidates are advised to carefully read the full advertisement for details of educational qualification and other eligibility criteria before submission of on-line application.
- The candidates should have the relevant documents like percentage of marks
obtained in the qualifying examination, caste/sub-caste certificate, date of issue, candidates are required to submit a Disability Certificate issued by competent
2. PwBD candidates with less than 40% of permanent disability are not eligible. The
name of issuing authority, state of origin, etc. readily available with them before they authority as per the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of
commence the application process. Rights & Full Participation) Amended Rules, 2009, failing which their candidature
5. The OBC candidates who belong to "Creamy Layer" are not entitled for concession as PwBD candidates will not be considered.
admissible to OBC (Non Creamy Layer) candidates and such candidates will have
to indicate their category as Unreserved (UR).
3. PwBD candidates must be capable of performing the task assigned to them.
6. Candidate employed in Government/Government Departments/PSUs/Autonomous
Note: The above Advertised posts are not identified for Persons with Bench
Bodies will be required to submit 'NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE' at the time of
Mark Disability in the current recruitment and hence are not eligible to apply.
SPPT, failing which the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the SPPT. Such
F. Minimum & Maximum Age Limit and Relaxations to SC/ST/OBC (Non - Creamy
candidates, if offered an appointment, shall be required to submit proper 'RELEASE
ORDER' from their employer at the time of joining, without which they will not be candidates.
1. Minimum 18 years and Maximum age shall be 26 years for General category allowed to join.
7. Candidates need to apply for only one post as the written test for all the positions (Class X) Examination shall be the only acceptable document in support of age.
2. Mark sheet issued by a Board of Secondary Education for passing Matriculation
will be conducted on the same date and at the same time in all the test centers.
8. Candidates not found to be meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria shall be rejected sheet of a Board, the date of birth may be verified from admit Card/passing Certificate
However, where date of birth is not mentioned in the Matriculation (Class X) Mark
at any stage of the selection process. of the Board.
9. Mere issuance of written test/SPPT call letter or reference for medical examination
will not imply final selection of candidate, which may please be noted.
3. Relaxation in upper age limit up to 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC(Non 10. Candidates will be required to carry a Photo ID Proof for the Written Test and SPPT.
-Creamy Layer) candidates considered against reserved positions.
The original Photo ID shall be checked and verified during the Tests. A self-attested given to SC / ST/OBC (Non-creamy Layer) as per Government norms, will be given
4. Relaxation in upper age limit by 5 years, in addition to all other age relaxations
photocopy of the same shall also be collected along with the admit card after the to those who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir
Written Test and SPPT. Candidates are advised to retain a copy of the Admit card / during the period from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989.
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call letter for future reference. Valid Photo ID proof like Aadhar Card, PAN Card, Driving license, Voter ID card, Passport etc. shall be accepted. Candidates without valid Photo ID shall not be allowed to appear for the Written Test or SPPT. 11. Short-listed candidates have to bring all original certificates/testimonials/ mark sheets along with a latest passport size photograph and self-attested copies of certificates/mark sheets for checking on the date of Skill Proficiency Physical Test (SPPT). 12. Candidates can apply for one Post Code ONLY. Further, only one mobile number and one email ID can be used for applying for the post. The same mobile number and email ID cannot be used by any other candidate for filling online application for this notification. 13. All queries pertaining to recruitment including selection process may be addressed to Recruitment Team only through 14. IOCL will not be responsible for any loss/ non-delivery of email/ any other communication sent, due to invalid/wrong email id/ contact details furnished by the candidate. 15. Management reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates to be called for written test/ SPPT, reject the application without assigning any reasons or change the number of posts. 16. Selected candidates shall have all-India transfer liability. All positions may involve working in three shift duty locations. Selected candidates may also be posted in any of the subsidiaries/Joint Ventures or any department of Government of India. 17. Reimbursement of 2nd class rail fare by the shortest route to examination centre for outstation SC/ST candidates appearing for written test/ SPPT shall be made, provided the distance travelled is not less than 30 kms each way. Candidates travelling from the place other than the mailing address will not be paid Travelling Allowance. 18. Any request for change in Category (UR/SC/ST/OBC (Non Creamy Layer)) once filled in the online application form will not be considered and accordingly concession / relaxation applicable will not be extended. 19. The reserved category candidates are required to submit the latest caste certificate/s in prescribed format applicable for appointment to posts under Government of India & issued by the competent authority at the time of SPPT if called for, in support of their claim. 20. In addition, the OBC (Non Creamy Layer) candidates will be required to submit a latest valid caste certificate (not more than six months old on the date of joining) in the prescribed format applicable for purpose of reservation in appointment to posts under Government of India / Central Government Public Sector Undertaking as contained in DoPT Memo no. 36012/22/93-Estt(SCT) dt. 15.11.93 from a competent authority. 21. Further, the OBC (Non Creamy layer) candidates will have to give a self-undertaking, at the time of SPPT/CPT in terms of DOPT memo No. 36012/22/93-Extt(SCT) dt. 8.9.93, if called for, indicating that they belong to OBC (Non Creamy Layer). 22. All the candidates are requested to remain updated for the Written Test and SPPT Test date and Venue etc., by visiting IOCL website https:// .....contd. from previous page..... | 28. Any canvassing directly or indirectly by the applicant will disqualify his candidature. 29. In case any dispute arises on account of interpretation in versions other than English, English version will prevail. 30. The question paper for the written test will be Bilingual, i.e., Hindi & English. 31. Request for change of center for written examination shall not be entertained. 32. Any further corrigendum/addendum would be uploaded only on our website The court of jurisdiction for any dispute will be High Court of Kolkata. N. How to Apply: On-Line Application Form 1. Before applying on-line, a candidate must have an active email ID and a mobile phone number which must remain valid for at-least twelve month period for future communication (including issue of call letters). 2. The candidate should have the relevant documents/certificates pertaining to age, qualification, caste, experience, Disability Certificate (where applicable) and scanned copy of Latest passport photograph and signature in jpg format (size not exceeding 50 KB) ready before applying on-line. The photo and signature in digital form will be required to be uploaded. 3. Candidates meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria for a post, may visit the website and apply on-line on IOCL website, which will remain open from 27th January 2018 to 10th February 2018. 4. After successfully applying/registering on-line applications, the candidate must take a print out of the filled in on-line application form. The print out along with all supporting documents as mentioned in the check list below is required to be sent by ordinary post to POST BOX NO. 10205, BALLYGUNGE POST OFFICE, KOLKATA 700019, latest by 16.02.2018. PRINTOUT OF ONLINE APPLICATION RECEIVED AFTER LAST DATE (16TH FEBRUARY 2018) SHALL BE TREATED AS "REJECTED". IOCL SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR DELAY IN RECEIPT OF PRINTOUT OF ONLINE APPLICATION. 5. Candidates are advised to carry a copy of the application with originals & selfauthenticated copies of all testimonials and produce the same at the time of SPPT for verification. 6. Incomplete applications, applications not supported by copies of relevant documents, applications not fulfilling the eligibility criteria or applications received after the last date of receipt of applications (in physical form) shall be treated as "Rejected". 7. Candidates shall note that the documents sent to any other address or sent as a registered letter/speed post, shall stand automatically rejected. 8. Further information regarding written examination, call letters, results, etc. shall be made available through this website/ over email. Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep visiting the Website regularly. 9. Canvassing in any form is liable to render the candidate ineligible. Queries, if any, may be addressed to the following e-mail id: Contact No. . : 033-24145517 | ||
Important Dates for Candidates: | |||
PeopleCareers/job.aspx regularly. 23. In the event of non-receipt of application & processing fee from candidates for reasons whatsoever, his candidature will stand cancelled and no further communication on the same will be entertained. 24. Furnishing of wrong/false information will lead to disqualification and IOCL will not be responsible for any of the consequences of furnishing such wrong/false information. Since all the applications will be screened without documentary evidence, the candidates must satisfy themselves of the suitability for the position | Date of opening of Portal for receipt of On-Line applications | 27th January, 2018 | |
Last date for submission of On-line applications | 10th February, 2018 | ||
Last date for receipt of print out of On-line application along with supporting certificates / document through PO Box | 16th February, 2018 | ||
Tentative date for Written Test | 25th February, 2018 | ||
Tentative date of uploading of result of Written test | 5th March, 2018 | ||
Tentative date of uploading Final List of selected candidates | 15th March, 2018 | ||
to which they are applying. If at any stage during the recruitment and selection process, it is found that a candidate has furnished false or wrong information or is found ineligible with respect to any of the eligibility parameters, his candidature will be rejected. 25. Admit card for written test downloaded from the website has to be duly signed by the candidate and photograph affixed and is required to be produced at the time of written test. 26. IOCL reserves the right to raise minimum eligibility standards and to increase/ decrease the number of vacancies. IOCL also reserves the right to cancel / restrict / curtail / enlarge the recruitment process and / or the selection process there under without any further notice and without assigning any reason. 27. Wherever letter grade in a qualifying examination is awarded, equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by the State/Central Education Board. Please also obtain a certificate to this effect from | Checklist of Documents to be uploaded and sent along with print-out of Online application to POST BOX NO. 10205, BALLYGUNGE POST OFFICE, KOLKATA 700019, latest by 16.02.2018. Note: For upload each document should be of Jpg / Pdf format not exceeding 100Kb size | ||
1 | Proof of Date of Birth - Xth std /SSLC /Matriculation certificate / mark sheet mentioning the Date of Birth, School leaving certificate -duly self-attested | ||
2 | Certificate of the prescribed educational qualification - duly self-attested | ||
3 | Attested copy of the Caste certificate in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority if applicable - duly self-attested | ||
4 | Copy of service book, discharge certificate for Ex-servicemen | ||
5 | Recent color passport size photograph. | ||
6 | Signature in black ink | ||
the Education Board which shall be required at the time of SPPT. | Advertisement No. IOCL/MKTG/ER/REC/2018/1 |
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 27-Jan-2018 | 10-Feb-2018 |
Examinations (Mains) | 25-Feb-2018 | |
Exam Results (Mains) | 05-Mar-2018 | |
Final Results | 15-Mar-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Indian Oil Corporation Limited
- Organization City, State : kolkata, west bengal
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results