Raisen Bypass Road, Karond, Bhopal 462 038
(A 350 Bed Super-Specialty Hospital under Department of Health Research (MoH&FW), Govt. of India)
Advertisement No. 51/2017 Last Date of receipt of Applications 15.03.2017
Applications are invited in the attached proforma from Nephrologists for working as part time consultant Nephrologist on contract basis for providing Nephrology services twice a week including OPDs, ward rounds, dialysis unit and availability on emergency call when required. The proforma should be accompanied by copies of necessary documents (relating to educational qualifications & experience) and should be submitted till 15.03.2017 by post or in person to the office of the Director, BMHRC, Raisen By pass road, Karond, Bhopal 462038.
Eligibility Criteria:
Essential: : DM/DNB in Nephrology. The degree of DM/DNB in Nephrology must be registered with the MCI/ State Medical Council.
Professional Fee: Rs. 30000/-per month(Fixed)
Age Limit: The age should not be more than 60 years. The age shall be determined as on 15.03.2017.
NOTE : (i) Interested applicants are required to download the PROFORMA from the website www.bmhrc.org and submit it duly filled along with all relevant documents (relating to educational qualifications & experience) till 15.03.2017 by post or in person to the office of the Director, BMHRC, Raisen By pass road, Karond, Bhopal -462038
(ii) For Further details and any amendment/corrigendum please visit our website www.bmhrc.org
Director-Incharge, BMHRC, Bhopal
i) Application should be submitted in the prescribed proforma. ii) Empanelment will be considered on basis of eligibility criteria advertised. The qualifying individuals will be called for interview. iii) Work of BMHRC is time bound and individual will be required to provide services at the time required by
BMHRC. iv) Individual will be responsible for the complete Nephrology management of the patients. v) BMHRC will have the right to remove any individual from the panel during the period of empanelment
without assigning reasons thereof. vi) All pages of the proforma and relevant documents should be self attested. vii) Incomplete applications in any respect will not be considered. Only applications in response to this
advertisement on prescribed pro forma attached herewith will be considered viii) The decision of the selection committee will be final.
* JURISDICTION OF ANY DISPUTE :-In case of any legal dispute the jurisdiction of the court will be Bhopal.
PROFORMA: (i) Interested applicants are required to download the PROFORMA from the website www.bmhrc.org and submit it duly filled along with all relevant documents (relating to educational qualifications & experienced) till 15.03.2017 by post or in person to the office of the Director, BMHRC, Raisen By pass road, Karond, Bhopal -462038
Director-Incharge, BMHRC, Bhopal
Raisen Bypass Road, Karond, Bhopal462038 (MP)
(Under Department of Health Research (MoH&FW), Govt. of India) Advt. No. 51 /2017 Applied for Nephrologist on Contract Basis
Name of the Applicant : ________________________________________________________
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Married
3. Father's Name :_______________________________________________________ 4.. Date of Birth :________________________________________________________
Age as on 15.03.2017 :
Present Address : ________________________________________________________ : ________________________________________________________ : ________________________________________________________ Telephone No. ___________________ Mobile : _________________ Email ____________________________________________________
Permanent Address :________________________________________________________ :________________________________________________________ : _______________________ Telephone No.____________________ Mobile No.______________________________
Nationality : _________________________
Days | Months | Years |
Affix a recent Pass Port Size Photograph
// 2 //
9. Educational Qualification : (Enclose photocopies of degree/diploma certificates & mark sheets)
Examination | Maximum Marks | Marks Obtained | % of Marks | Month & Year of Passing | Name of the College & University | Award / Distinction |
MBBS 1st Prof. | ||||||
MBBS 2nd Prof. | ||||||
MBBS Final (Part-I) | ||||||
MBBS Final (Part-II) | ||||||
Total of all MBBS Exams | ||||||
MD/DNB in _____________ | ||||||
DM / DNB Nephrology | ||||||
10. Permanent MCI/ State Medical Council Registration Details :
Name of the Medical Council:_____________________________________________________________ MBBS Registration No. _______________________________Place __________________________ MD/DNB Registration No. :_______________________Place___________________________ DM /DNB Registration No. :_______________________Place___________________________
11. Current Activities :
// 3 //
12. Experience : ( Enclose copies of Work Experience Certificates )
Name of the Present & Previous | Present/ | Period | Nature of Work | ||
Employer with Address /Contact Nos. | Previous Post | From | To | ||
( Use separate sheet if space is inadequate )
Name and address of two referees knowing the applicant's work :
Details of relatives in BMHRC if any :
Name | Occupation or Position | Address with telephone No. & e-mail |
Name | Post & Department | Telephone No. & e-mail |
Any other information you wish to add :
Check List : ( Please tick in the box given below as proof of enclosures). All Certificates must be self attested and be attached in the following order :
- (vi)
- Post PG Degree of DM/DNB.................................................
- (iv)
- Under Graduate attempt Certificate...........................
(iii) Degree of MBBS..................................................
- (ii)
- Mark Sheet of MBBS(All Profs)....................................
(i) Certificate in support of age ( 10th) ....................................................
- (v)
- PG Degree of MD/DNB.....................................................
(vii) Registration with MCI/ State Medical Council ...............................
(viii) Experience Certificate ..
I, ______________________________ declare that the information furnished above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and no related information is concealed. I am aware that if any of the above statements are found to be incorrect or false or any material information or particulars of relevance have been misstated, suppressed or omitted, my services will be liable to be terminated.
Place : __________________ Date : ___________________ (Signature of the applicant ) Full Name :

Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 15-Mar-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Bhopal Memorial Hospital & Research Centre
- Organization City, State : bhopal, manipur
- Organization Website : www.bmhrc.org
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results