The Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi has recently set up an Inter University Centre for Teacher Education (IUCTE) at the Regional Institute of Education, Mysore, which is one of the constituent units of the NCERT, New Delhi which in turn is an autonomous body under the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, New Delhi. The IUCTE aims to strengthen the knowledge base of Teacher Education by facilitating professional development, networking, new knowledge creation and empowerment of teachers of Academic Institutions and Central & State Universities in Southern Region.
Proposed Strategies, Approaches and Action plan of IUCTE:
- 1. Education as one of the electives will be introduced at undergraduate and post graduate levels in order to give a wider scope and flexibility in the professional choice of the students.
- 2. Besides the existing two, four, six-year teacher education programmes offered by RIEM, innovative Teacher Education programmes which are interdisciplinary and integrated in nature will be planned. Multiculturalism will be the underlying thread in all innovative teacher education programmes.
- 3. Extension of teacher education programmes to other professional disciplines such as engineering, medicine, commerce, agriculture, industry and technology in order to develop pedagogical and andragogic competencies in those fields.
- 4. To develop networking and co-ordination between the teacher education institutions and university departments of education through collaborative research projects and consultative services.
- 5. Handholding of state universities in designing and structuring their teacher education programmes.
- 6. The in-service training programmes will focus not only on enrichment of content and pedagogic competencies, but also empower the teachers with the skills and competencies of designing curriculum, text book writing and in conducting action research projects.
The other measures that have been envisaged to achieve the objectives of IUCTE are as follows:
- Need assessment through surveys and interviews
- Short-term orientation and refresher courses, training programmes of 21 to 45 days duration with field experience and on the job training following teleconferencing, online transaction, Face-to-Face Interaction modes.
- Seminars, symposiums, workshops, Regional/National/International conferences.
- Entering into MoUs with other important National/International organizations and conduct of Post-Doctoral Research Programmes.
Expected Outcomes of IUCTE
- 1. The proposed IUCTE will strengthen the quality and the standards of teacher education.
- 2. Promote interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary teacher education programmes catering to the diverse needs of teaching community.
- 3. It will strengthen the professional requirements of teachers through multiple programmes of teacher education.
- 4. Empowerment of the in-service teachers in curriculum designing, text book writing, subject and pedagogical competencies, research competencies, ICT competencies and school leadership.
- 5. It will cater to the management and administrative requirements of school leaders.
- 6. Focus on the thrust areas like education of children with special needs, inclusive education, ICT based pedagogy, education for sustainable development, education of socially disadvantaged groups, skill development courses, value and peace education, education for gender equality and equity, life skills education, school leadership, policy planning and implementation and so on.
- 7. The research areas that have not been explored so far in the field of teacher education will be focused. The research insights will provide ground realities in the teacher education field that will lead to newer decisions, shift in the curriculum frameworks and teacher education practices.
8. Policies on teacher education will be arrived based on research based evidences and field experiences.
Proposed Academic Activities
The thrust areas to be focused under IUCTE are Teacher education at different levels of schooling, curriculum designing, research methodology, professionalised pedagogy at different stages of schooling, andragogy, educational evaluation and assessment, remedial instruction, education of children with special needs and inclusive education, education of the socially disadvantaged and students from other marginalized sectors, vocational education, educational technology, ICT enabled instruction, science education, mathematics education, language education, social sciences education, guidance and counseling, school mental health services, In-service and extension service programs for teachers and teacher educators, educational administration and leadership, program planning and evaluation, higher education and so on.
The modus operandi for meeting the needs of the teacher educators of the Central / State Universities and State Councils of Educational Research and Training is different from training the teachers at school level. There is adequate scope for contributory and collaborative learning approaches. The programs should be need based, innovative and productive. Every Central and State University and State Council of Educational Research and Training has its own priority. They may focus on the issues of teacher education pertaining to their respective states, zones, in addition to common issues. Instead of working as a stand-alone organization, the Regional Institute can be much more productive in collaborating with all these institutions with equal partnership. We have to evolve solutions for the wide variety and complex problems of the educational system by learning from the experiences of every institution of the region that can be undertaken effectively by IUCTE.
The Institute invites applications in the prescribed format for the following positions.
Position |
No of Positions |
Area of Specialisation |
Administration |
Centre Director |
1 |
An eminent scholar with five years academic and administrative experience in the scale of Professor. |
Academic Staff |
PROFESSORS (2 Posts) |
Teacher Education |
1 post |
Eminent scholar in Education preferably Teacher Education with high quality publications in national and international Journals/Books |
Social Science Education |
1 post |
Eminent Scholar in Social Science Education with high quality publications in national and international Journals/ Books. |
Mathematics Education |
1 Post |
A Scholar in Mathematics Education with high quality Publications in National and International Journals/Books. |
Science Education |
1 Post |
A scholar in Science Education with high quality Publications in National and International Journals/Books. |
Language Education |
1 Post |
A scholar in Language Education with high quality Publications in National and International Journals/Books. |
Art Education |
1 Post |
Candidates having good academic record with 55% in Art Education and NET in the concerned subject with good publications/ articles, preferably with a Ph.D. in Art Education. |
Physical Education |
1 Post |
Candidates having good academic record with 55% in any branch of Physical Education and NET in the concerned subject with good publications/ records, preferably with a Ph.D. in Physical Education. |
Teacher Education |
1 Post |
Candidates having good academic record with 55% in Education subject and NET in the concerned subject with good publications/ articles with a Ph.D. in Teacher Education Discipline. |
1 Post |
Candidates having good academic record with 55% at Master in Computer Applications/Engineering and NET in the concerned subject with good publications/ articles, preferably with a Ph.D. in the concerned discipline |
Consolidated Pay for different positions:
Name of the Position |
Consolidated Pay (Rs.) |
Centre Director |
2,00,000 |
Professors-2 |
1,75,000 |
Associate Professors-3 |
1,50,000 |
Assistant Professors-4 |
80,000 |
Administrative Officer |
67,700 |
Accounts Officer |
44,900 |
Deputy Librarian |
1,50,000 |
P.S. to Director |
55,000 |
System Administrator |
53,100 |
Technical Staff-3 |
29,200 |
LDC 4 |
24,000 |
MTS 6 |
22,000 |
Security-3 |
18,000 |
Roles and Responsibilities of the Centre Director: The IUCTE Centre Director will act as the head of the centre under the overall guidance of Principal, Regional Institute of Education, NCERT, Mysore. The Centre Director is responsible for the smooth running of the Administrative and Academic programmes of the Centre. The term of appointment initially will be for a period one year and likely to be extended for a further period of two years and/or till the Centre Director attains the age of sixty-five years. The appointment of the Centre Director will be based on the scrutiny of application credentials followed by interview by the competent authority based on qualifications, merit, academic achievements, contribution to education, administrative experience age and other criteria as prescribed by NCERT/UGC from time to time. The Centre Director is responsible for the development of the Centre and implementation of Programmes such as seminars, regional meets, international seminars, workshops and providing academic leadership. The salary for the Centre Director is as applicable for Professors on deputation in case of those in regular service and fixed at Rs.2 lakhs for others. He/She should cater to the needs of the institution by assisting the Principal.
For all faculty positions, the candidates below the age of 65 years only need apply.
Professor in Education-Teacher Education (One post)
Professor in Education should possess expertise in Teacher Education. He/She should cater to the needs of the institution by assisting the Principal, RIEM / Centre Director in academic and administrative responsibilities and organize various programmes in Teacher Education by promoting quality education in the Institute/Centre. He/She should have high quality publications both at National and International levels. The appointment is initially for one year and based on the performance the position will be extended for two more years. An Associate Professor with a total of 12 years experience is eligible to apply.
Professor in Education- Social Science Education (One Post)
Professor in Social Science and Humanities education should possess experience and qualification in the field of social sciences (History, Geography, Political Science, Economics and Sociology). He/She should be able to organize Social Science educational programs in the institute. He/She should possess Ph.D. degree in any branch of Social Sciences with high quality publications both at national and international levels, work experience in upgradation of content and methodology of teacher educational programs and building up of Social Science labs for promoting high quality teachers in the centre. He/She should also have expertise in handling and developing different technological software in Social Sciences. The appointment is initially for one year and based on the performance the position will be extended for two more years. He/She should cater to the needs of the institution by assisting the Principal, RIEM / Centre Director in academic and administrative responsibilities and organize various programmes in Teacher Education by promoting quality education in the Institute/Centre. An Associate Professor with a total of 12 years experience is eligible to apply.
Associate Professor in Mathematics Education: (One Post)
The Associate Professor in Mathematics Education should possess experience and qualification in the field of Mathematics Education. He/She should be able to organize Mathematical educational programs in the institute. He/She should possess Ph.D. degree in the branch of Mathematics with high quality publications both at National and International levels, work experience in upgradation of content and methodology of teacher educational programs and building up of Mathematics labs for promoting high quality teaching. He/She should also have expertise in handling and developing different technological software in Mathematics. The appointment is initially for one year and based on the performance the position will be extended for two more years. An Assistant Professor with a total of 9 years experience is eligible to apply.
Associate Professor in Science Education (One post)
Associate Professor in Science Education should possess expertise in Science Education. He/She should cater to the needs of the institution by assisting the Principal, RIEM/ Centre Director in academic and administrative responsibilities. He/She should have high quality publications both at National and International levels. The appointment is initially for one year and based on the performance the position will be extended for two more years. An Assistant Professor with a total of 9 years experience is eligible to apply.
Associate Professor in Language Education (One Post)
Associate Professor in Language Education should possess expertise in Language Education. He/She should cater to the needs of the institution by assisting the Principal, RIEM/ Centre Director in academic and administrative responsibilities He/She should have high quality publications both at National and International levels. The appointment is initially for one year and based on the performance the position will be extended for two more years. An Assistant Professor with a total of 9 years experience is eligible to apply.
Assistant Professor in Art Education (One post)
The Assistant Professor in Art education should posses Masters, and preferably Ph.D. in concerned subject with high quality publications both at National and International levels. He/She should have NET qualification in the concerned subject. The appointment is initially for one year and based on the performance the position will be extended for two more years.
Assistant Professor in Physical Education (One post)
The Assistant Professor in Physical Education should posses Masters, and preferably Ph.D. in Physical Education with high quality publications both at National and International levels. He/She should have NET qualification in the concerned subject. The appointment is initially for one year and based on the performance the position will be extended for two more years.
Assistant Professor in Teacher Education (One post)
The Assistant Professor in Teacher Education should posses Masters, and preferably Ph.D. in Teacher Education with high quality publications both at National and International levels. He/She should have NET qualification in the concerned subject. The appointment is initially for one year and based on the performance the position will be extended for two more years.
Assistant Professor in ICT: (One Post)
The Assistant Professor in ICT should possess Masters and preferably Ph.D. in ICT with high quality publications both at National and International levels, work experience in upgradation of technology and building up of different labs for the promotion of educational technology in the centre. He/She should also have expertise in developing different software and handling the technological software. He/She should have NET qualification in the concerned subject. The appointment is initially for one year and based on the performance the position will be extended for two more years.
The Principal, RIE, Mysuru reserves his right to make the appointment or not to fill up any of the posts and the decision of the Principal in this regard shall be final.
Applications are invited for the post of Centre Director, Inter-University Centre for Teacher Education (IUCTE), RIE, Mysuru, Karnataka. The qualifications, experience, and other details required for the post are as under:
i |
Eligibility and Tenure |
- - |
The Centre Director of the IUCTE shall be an eminent academician engaged in all aspects of Teacher Education. The term of appointment initially will be for a period one year and likely to be extended for a further period of two more years and/or till the Centre Director attains the age of sixty-five years. |
- |
The candidate should preferably be not more than 60 years of age. |
ii |
Nature of the assignment |
- |
The Director shall coordinate and exercise academic leadership and administrative supervision of all the activities of the Centre under the guidance of the Principal, RIE, Mysuru. |
iii |
Emoluments |
- |
Rs.2 lakhs per month (in case of contractual appointment). At Professors scale in case of deputation. |
Persons employed in Government Departments and autonomous organizations should apply through proper channel, along with the vigilance clearance and their pay will be fixed as per Govt. of India norms (Fixation of Pay of re-employed pensioners is regulated under CCS(Fixation of Pay of Re-employed Pensioners Orders 1986 and not by FR 22).
Format of the applications can be downloaded from .
Applications in the prescribed format complete in all respects, should be sent to the Principal, Regional Institute of Education, Manasagangothri, Mysuru-570006 by post and on email at so as to reach on or before 29.1.2018.

1. |
Name of the Applicant |
2(a) |
Present position & official address |
2(b) |
Telephone No. and Mobile No. |
2 (c) |
Email id: |
2(d) |
Address for communication |
3. |
Date of Birth |
4. |
Age as on the date of applying |
5. |
Title of the substantive post in the parent organization along with scale of pay and grade pay |
6. |
Age of superannuation in the substantive post held in parent organization |
7. |
Current Post held along with Scale of Pay and Grade Pay drawn since joining |
8. |
Has any vigilance/ disciplinary case is either pending or contemplated against you? If yes, give details. |
9. |
Details of employment in descending order (for the last 15 years) |
Previous Posts along with scale of pay and grade pay |
Address of Organization/ Employers Address |
Service period From. To |
Nature of work |
Teaching |
Research |
Administration |
10. |
Educational Qualifications: |
Sl. No. |
Degree/Diploma |
College/ University/ Board |
Year of Passing |
Major subjects offered |
Marks obtained |
Percentage of marks obtained along with Division |
Specialization |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Graduation |
4 |
Post Graduation |
5 |
Ph.D. |
6 |
Any Other |
11. |
Details of research publications (with impact factor), books and other works (Attach separate sheets if required) |
. |
12. |
Any other relevant information. |
I solemnly declare that above particulars are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also understand that I shall be debarred from the consideration of this post, if any of the above information is found to be false or not correct at any point of time later on.

Applicants Signature with Name
Forwarding by Head of the Institution
I hereby forward the aforesaid application of Mr./Ms..working as ... ... for the post of .. This is to certify that the information submitted by the applicant is as per the records available in our office. This is to further certify that at present, neither any vigilance/ disciplinary/ enquiry proceedings held, pending, or contemplated against him/her in the office. In the event of his/her selection, he/she would be relieved immediately.
Signature by Head of the Organisation
Place: Name in block letters:
Office Seal

1. |
Name of the Applicant |
2(a) |
Present position & official address |
2(b) |
Telephone No. and Mobile No. |
2(c) |
Email id: |
2(d) |
Address for communication |
3. |
Date of Birth |
4. |
Age as on the date of applying |
5. |
Has any vigilance/ disciplinary case is either pending or contemplated against you? If yes, give details. |
6. |
Details of employment in descending order (for the last 15 years) |
Previous Posts along with scale of pay and grade pay |
Address of Organization/ Employers Address |
Service period From. To |
Nature of work |
Teaching |
Research |
Administration |
7. |
Educational Qualifications: |
Sl. No. |
Degree/Diploma |
College/ University/ Board |
Year of Passing |
Major subjects offered |
Marks obtained |
Percentage of marks obtained along with Division |
Specialization |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Graduation |
4 |
Post Graduation |
5 |
Ph.D. |
6 |
Any Other |
8. |
Details of research publications (with impact factor), books and other works (Attach separate sheets if required) |
. |
9. |
Any other relevant information. |
Format of the applications can be downloaded from .
Applications in the prescribed format complete in all respect, should be sent to the Principal, Regional Institute of Education, Manasagangothri, Mysuru-570006 on Email at so as to reach on or before 29.1.2018.
I solemnly declare that above particulars are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also understand that I shall be debarred from the consideration of this post, if any of the above information is found to be false or not correct at any point of time later on.

Applicants Signature with Name
Office Seal
i) |
Administrative Officer |
1 Post |
ii) |
Pay (Consolidated) |
Rs.67,700/- per month |
iii) |
Age Limit |
Not exceeding 65 years. |
iv) |
Educational Qualification |
Graduation |
v) |
Experience |
7 years experience of working in Central or State Govt. Departments / Autonomous Organisations in the Pay Band PB-2 Rs.9300 34,800 + GP Rs.4600/- (pre-revised). |
vi) |
Period of appointment |
Initially for a period of 1 year and likely to be extended for 2 more years. |
i) |
Accounts Officer |
1 Post |
ii) |
Pay (consolidated) |
Rs.44,900/- per month. |
iii) |
Age Limit |
Not exceeding 65 years. |
iv) |
Educational Qualification |
Graduation |
v) |
Experience |
3 years experience of working in Central or State Govt. Departments/ Autonomous Organisations in the Pay Band PB-2 Rs.9300 34,800 + GP Rs.4200/- (pre-revised). |
vi) |
Period of appointment |
Initially for a period of 1 year and likely to be extended for 2 more years. |
i) |
Deputy Librarian |
1 Post |
ii) |
Pay (consolidated) |
Rs.1,50,000/- per month. |
iii) |
Age Limit |
Not exceeding 65 years. |
iv) |
Educational Qualification |
A Masters Degree in Library and Information Science, documentation with at least 55% of marks or its equivalent Grade B in the UGC 7 Point Scale and with good academic record as per UGC norms. Should have NET qualification in the concerned subject. Desirable: Ph.D. degree in Library and Information Science. |
v) |
Experience |
He/She should have an experience of 8 years as Assistant Librarian in a University/ College level. |
vi) |
Period of appointment |
Initially for a period of 1 year and likely to be extended for 2 more years. |
i) |
PS to Director |
1 Post |
ii) |
Pay (consolidated) |
Rs.55,000/- per month. |
iii) |
Age Limit |
Not exceeding 38 years. |
iv) |
Educational Qualification |
A candidate with Graduation in any discipline from any recognised University. Should qualify the shorthand test @ 100 WPM (Dictation 10 Minutes), Transcription : 40 Minutes (English) or 55 Minutes (Hindi) on computer in addition to experience in secretarial work. Should have knowledge in handling the computers. |
v) |
Experience |
He/She should have an experience of 10 years experience as Stenographer. |
vi) |
Period of appointment |
Initially for a period of 1 year and likely to be extended for 2 more years. |
i) |
System Administrator |
1 Post |
ii) |
Pay (consolidated) |
Rs.53,100/- per month. |
iii) |
Age Limit |
Not exceeding 40 years. Age relaxation is admissible to SC/ST/OBC/women candidate etc, as per Govt. of India orders. |
iv) |
Educational Qualification & Experience |
M.Sc. or M.Tech. in Computer Science or Computer Applications with 5 years experience of Electronics data processing/Computer Programming OR B.E./B.Tech in Computer Science or in Electronics data and Communication Engineering from a recognized University with 8 years of experience of Electronic data processing/Computer Programming. |
v) |
Period of appointment |
Initially for a period of 1 year and likely to be extended for 2 more years. |
i) |
Technician Grade-I |
3 Posts |
ii) |
Pay (consolidated) |
Rs.29,200/- per month. |
iii) |
Age Limit |
Not exceeding 30 years. Age relaxation is admissible to SC/ST/OBC/women candidates etc, as per Govt. of India orders. |
iv) |
Educational Qualification |
Desirable: Experience of handling & trouble shooting relevant hardware and software/TV & Radio equipments used for Audio/Video programme productions. |
v) |
Experience |
3 years of relevant experience in reputed media Organisations/Industry. Active engagement with operations and maintenance of relevant hardware and software. |
vi) |
Period of appointment |
Initially for a period of 1 year and likely to be extended for 2 more years. |
i) |
Lower Division Clerk |
4 Posts |
ii) |
Pay (Consolidated) |
Rs.24,000/- per month |
iii) |
Age |
Not exceeding 30 years. Relaxation of age is admissible to SC/ST/OBC/Women candidates, etc. as per Govt. of India orders. |
iv) |
Educational Qualification |
a) Intermediate / 10+2 or equivalent b) Typing Speed of 35 w.p.m. (English) or 30 w.p.m. (Hindi) on Computer (35 w.p.m and 30 w.p.m. correspond to 10500 KDPH/9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depression for each word). |
v) |
Period of Appointment |
Initially for a period of 1 year and likely to be extended for 2 more years. |
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 29-Jan-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Regional Institute of Education, Mysore
- Organization City, State : , central government
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results