ISO 9001:2008
Vacancies of Junior Research Fellows
Defence Institute of Bio-Energy Research (DIBER) under the aegis of DRDO is engaged in Research & Development in the area of bioresource utilization for bioenergy, herbal product development and application of genetic engineering for crop improvement. DIBER provides excellent opportunity to young and motivated researchers to pursue career in basic and applied field of Life Science research with state of art research facilities.
Applications are invited from young and motivated candidates the post of Junior Research Fellows to work in ongoing and future research projects at DIBER and its stations and project sites.
AGE: For Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) maximum 28 years, as on the last date for receipt of application (Relaxable for SC/ST and OBC as per Govt. rules).
Stipend (Monthly): DRDO Junior Research Fellow (JRF): Rs.25,000/+HRA as per DRDO rules
Essential Educational Qualification: Candidate must possess all essential qualifications by Last date of application receipt.
Ph.DProgramme: Selected candidates may be registered for Ph.Dprogramme.
JRF Tenure: fellowships are available for initially 02 years as JRF and extendable as per rule. A crossed Indian Postal Order of Rs 10 (Rupees ten only) as fee for application payable to Director DIBER Haldwani (candidate belonging to SC/ST and OBC are exempted from fee) must be enclosed with application.
Candidates will be essentially required to produce original certificates/testimonials w.r.t. qualifications & experience, for verification at the time of interview. Incomplete applications will be rejected during the screening for eligibility. Antecedents of candidate will be verified again at the time of joining, if selected. Offer of award of Fellowship does not confer on the candidates, any right for absorption in DRDO. No TA/DA will be paid for attending interview or for joining, if selected.
Last date of accepting duly filled application will be 21 days after the publication of this advertisement. Completed applications must reach DIRECTOR DIBER (DRDO) Haldwani, Nainital, P.O Arjunpur, and Goraparao-263139 by 1730 hrs of last date. Interview will be held on a suitable date after screening of applications. Exact date will be notified on our website (www.drdo.gov.in).
Head HRD For Director, DIBER Contract person: HRD Head, 05946-232800 (ext 241)
E. Mail: hqhaldwani@diber.drdo.in, Contact No. 05946-232532, Fax 05946-232719
SN | Subject/ Discipline | Number of fellowships | Essential Educational Qualification. |
1. | Chemistry | 01 | Post graduate degree in Chemistry (inorganic) in first division with NET qualification or B.E./ B.Tech in Chemical Engg in first division with NET/GATE or M.E/M.Tech in Chemical Engg in first division both at Graduate and Post Graduate level. |
2. | Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology | 03 | Post graduate degree in Bio-Technology/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology in first division with NET qualification or B.E./ B.Tech in Bio-Technology in first division with NET/GATE or M.E/M.Tech in Bio-Technology in first division both at Graduate and Post Graduate level. |
3. | Botany/ Life Science | 02 | Post graduate degree in Botany/ Life Science in first division with NET qualification. |
4. | Pharmacology | 01 | Post graduate degree in Pharmacology/ pharmaceutics/ Phamacognosy in first division with NET/GATE/GPAT qualification. |
5. | Agricultural Science | 05 | Post graduate degree in Agriculture Science (Horticulture/ Vegetable Sciences/ Genetics & Plant Breeding/ Plant Pathology/ Agronomy/ Agril Extension) in first division with NET qualification or Post graduate degree in Life Science in first division with NET qualification. |
Note: Number of vacancies may change as per organisational requirement
- Advertisement No.
- Name of the post applied
- Subject
- Name in full (Block letter)
- Telephone/ Mobile No.
- E-mail ID
- Fathers / Husbands Name
- Permanent Address
- Present mailing address
- Date of Birth
- Nationality (by birth/ by domicile)
- Whether SC/ST/OBC (Attested copy of caste should be attached with application)
- Educational Qualification from High School onwards: (Self attested copies of educational qualifications should be attached with application. Incomplete applications shall be summarily rejected)
- NET/GATE (Year of qualifying)
Experience: Experience certificate along with the details.
- Name of employer (b) Post (c) Scale of pay (d) Nature of work
- Period of Employment (f) Last pay drawn
- Name of employer (b) Post (c) Scale of pay (d) Nature of work
Experience: Experience certificate along with the details.
Examination passed | Board/University | Year | Division | % of marks | Remarks |
- Are you prepared to be posted anywhere in India: Yes / No
- Additional information if any.
I ______________ solemnly declare that the information furnished above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and if any information furnished turns out to be false, my candidature is liable to be automatically rejected.
Dated: Signature of the applicant
Important Dates
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Defence Institute of Bio Energy Research
- Organization City, State : nainital, uttarakhand
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results