Indian Institute of Technology Patna
Advertisement for Faculty Position
Advertisement No.: IITP/FACREC/2017/R0012, Dated 16-11-2017

IIT Patna invites applications from Indian Nationals (Foreign Nationals may also apply, for appointment to tenure/contractual position as per MHRD, GoI rules), who are well-qualified, energetic, and strongly motivated for teaching and research in Indian Institute of Technology Patna(IIT Patna).
Departments for Assistant Professor (on contract/Regular): Computer Science and Engineering (All Specializations), Humanities and Social Sciences (Psychology and Philosophy), Electrical Engineering (Instrumentation), Mechanical Engineering (Control), Civil & Environmental Engineering (Transportation), Chemical & Biochemical Engineering (Process Design, Transport Phenomena, Process Control/Mechanical Operations).
Departments for Associate Professor: Computer Science and Engineering (All Specializations), Humanities and Social Sciences (Linguistics and Sociology), Electrical Engineering (All Specializations), Mechanical Engineering (All Specializations), Mathematics (All Specializations).
1. Minimum Qualifications and Experience Requirements:
a) Assistant Professor: One should have a Ph.D. with first class or equivalent (in terms of Grades etc.) at the preceding degree in the appropriate branch with a very good academic record throughout and at least three years' experience in teaching/research/industry for the post of Assistant Professor (Regular), excluding however, the experience gained while pursuing Ph.D. Candidates not satisfying the experience requirement for direct recruitment as Assistant Professor (regular) may be considered as Assistant Professor (on contract) which may be regularized subsequently on completion of the minimum experience requirement and satisfactory performance in teaching & research during the period of contract appointment at IIT Patna.
b) Associate Professor: One should have a Ph.D. with first class or equivalent (in terms of Grades etc.) at the preceding degree in the appropriate branch with a very good academic record throughout and a minimum of six years in teaching/research/industry of which at least three years should be at the level of Assistant Professor/Senior Scientific Officer/Senior Design Engineer or equivalent. A candidate should have preferably produced one Ph.D. student (thesis submitted) with reasonable number of peer reviewed publications in journals/conferences of repute.
2. Pay Scale & Perks:
a) Assistant Professor (on contract): To be appointed in PB-3 (Rs.15,600 - 39,100/-) with AGP of Rs. 6,000/- p.m. and seven non-compounded advance increments (minimum starting pay of Rs. 20,140/-). After 1 year, the AGP will be increased to Rs. 7,000/- |
Plus allowances (DA/HRA/Medical/Children Education Allowance) as admissible to Central Govt. Employees from time to time. |
b) Assistant Professor: To be appointed in PB-3 (Rs.15, 600 - 39,100/-) with AGP of Rs. 8,000/- p.m. For direct recruits, minimum pay in the Pay Band to be fixed at Rs. 30,000/-. Assistant Professors in IITs, IISc Bangalore, IIMs, NITIE Mumbai and IISERs, on completion of three years of service shall move to Pay Band 4 (Rs.37,400- 67000/-) with AGP of Rs. 9,000/- and will, however, continue to be designated as Assistant Professor. |
c) Associate Professor: To be appointed in PB-4 (Rs.37,400 - 67,000/-) with AGP of Rs. 9,500/- p.m. For direct recruits, minimum pay in the Pay Band to be fixed at Rs. 42,800/-. |
- Cumulative professional development allowance of Rs. 3.0 lakhs for every block period of 3 years (Rs. 1 lakh per year) may be available to every member of the faculty on reimbursable basis to meet the expenses for participating in both National and International Conferences of various bodies and for contingency expenses for the purpose of teaching/research.
- Reimbursement of Relocation charges up to a maximum of Rs. 1.0 lakh to the faculty members at the time of the joining the institute.
- Institute accommodation with adequate security in lieu of HRA, free internet facility, and reimbursement of telephone bills as per IITP rules.
- Support for setting up research laboratory in the frontier area of research is provided.
- Comfortable in-campus accommodation for all the faculty members.
- In-campus health and schooling for children.
- Other Benefits as per Institute and GoI rules.
- For Further details regarding the facilities, see the poster in the Faculty recruitment website (http://www.iitp.ac.in/IITPFacultyposter.pdf ).
4. Age Requirements: Preferably below 32 years for Assistant Professor (on contract), below 35 years for Assistant Professor (regular) as on the closing date of receiving applications as mentioned in this advertisement.
5. Relaxations:
Minimum requirements of experience may be relaxed in respect of outstanding candidates evidenced through academic contribution/research publications/patents or an equivalent contribution made towards pedagogical and/ or institutional developments. Candidates from industry having excellent R&D record evidenced through publication/patents/product development may be considered even without producing Ph.D. Age relaxations may be made, if needed, for candidates with past relevant experience in academia, industry, and R&D laboratories with excellent performance records.
6. Reservation and Relaxation for SC/ST/OBC etc.: Reservation in appointment and relaxation in academic record will be considered as per the Government of India (GoI) rules.
7. Submission of Application Form:
a) Prescribed application form can be downloaded here (DOC format and PDF format ) and sent to the following address;
Associate Dean
Faculty Affairs, IIT Patna
Bihta, Patna - 801103, Bihar
Phone: +91 (612) 3028290, +91 (612) 3028041 E-mail: facrecrt@iitp.ac.in
b) Applicants who are employed in Government, Semi-Government, Autonomous Organizations or Institutions should send their applications THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL. Else they will be required to produce a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from their employer at the time of interview. Applicants desiring to apply for more than one department should submit separate applications for each department.
c) The Institute reserves the right to consider to fill or not to fill positions in any of the above/ and or any other specialization(s)/ Department(s). The Institute has the right to set different as well as higher norms, while short-listing, taking into account the specific requirement of the individual departments. Mere fulfillment of the qualification requirements does not entitle candidates to be called for an interview.
d) Applicants should send their applications along with relevant documents (soft copy) through email to: facrecrt@iitp.ac.in a nd hard copy by post to the above address. Also, they should request the referees to send the reference letters to Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs by post/email (adean_faculty@iitp.ac.in ) on/ before the last date of the advertisement.
7. Important:
a) At least three reference letters from persons well acquainted with candidate's work are essential for consideration of candidature and it should reach to the Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs, IIT Patna latest by 18th Dec. 2017. Electronic copies of the application and/ or reports from the referees will be considered only on receipt of hard copies of the application.
b) Based on the qualifications of the candidates and the need of the department concerned, applications will be processed. The expected date of interview will be published on the website in advance. The candidates are advised to check this website regularly (www.iitp.ac.in ).
CLOSING DATE OF THIS ADVERTISEMENT (IITP/FACREC/2017/R0012, Dated 16-11-2017): 18th Dec. 2017
For any further information, please contact the above e-mail addresses.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 16-Nov-2017 | |
Applications | 18-Dec-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Indian Institute of Technology, Patna
- Organization City, State : patna, bihar
- Organization Website : http://www.iitp.ac.in
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