Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad
Advertisement No: Ist-28-Feb/2018
Open Advertisement for the Post of Assistant Professor (on Contract/Regular), Associate Professor and Professor
The Institute invites applications from meritorious and highly qualified Indian nationals including the Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) and Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs) from Engineering/Science, Technology and Management background, for the following positions in the Departments of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Information Technology, Applied Sciences and Management Studies. For SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PwD GOI guidelines shall apply.
Post |
Pay Band and AGP (Salary will be fixed as per 7th CPC) |
Essential Qualification |
Other Essential requirements |
Additional Desirable requirements |
Assistant Professor Grade-II (For 3 Years Contract)
Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) with AGP of Rs. 6000/- + 07 additional non-compunded increments
Those candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. theses and waiting for the defense are also encouraged to apply.
Those candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. theses and waiting for the defense are also encouraged to apply.
One publication in an SCI Journal
Those candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. theses and waiting for the defense are also encouraged to apply.
Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) with AGP of Rs. 7000/-
Ph.D. with 1 year of post Ph.D. experience
Those candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. theses and waiting for the defense are also encouraged to apply.
One paper accepted for publication in SCI Journal
Those candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. theses and waiting for the defense are also encouraged to apply.
Two papers in SCI Journals or one patent; may be based on Ph.D. work
Those candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. theses and waiting for the defense are also encouraged to apply.
Assistant Professor Grade-I
Rs.15,600-39,100 (PB-3) with AGP of Rs. 8000
Ph.D. with 3 years of post Ph.D. experience OR 6 years of total experience (not counting Ph.D. enrollment period) after obtaining appropriate Masters degree - M.Tech. or equivalent degree.
Those candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. theses and waiting for the defense are also encouraged to apply.
02 papers in SCI journals outside Ph.D. work. One ongoing sponsored project for candidates from academia. Two experiments or computational projects added to teaching laboratories where appropiate.
Those candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. theses and waiting for the defense are also encouraged to apply.
One PhD supervision ongoing; 01 Patent; Experience in industry or R&D lab. of repute; M.Tech, M.Sc. or B.Tech. project supervision on live industrial problems.
Those candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. theses and waiting for the defense are also encouraged to apply.
Associate Professor
Rs.37400-67000 (PB-4) with AGP 9500/-
6 years of post Ph.D. experience OR 9 years of total experience (not counting Ph.D. enrollment period) out of which 3 years should be after Ph.D. 3 years at the level of Assistant Professor with AGP of Rs. 8000 or equivalent in a reputed University, R&D Lab or relevant Industry.
Those candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. theses and waiting for the defense are also encouraged to apply.
04 papers in SCI journals after Ph.D. One Ph.D. guided as sole or principal supervisor plus one continuing. Two projects ongoing or one ongoing plus one completed .Two experiments or computational projects added to teaching laboratories where appropriate. Academic outreach activity equivalent to two self financed short term courses should have been organized or conducted.
Those candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. theses and waiting for the defense are also encouraged to apply.
01 or more patents; Supervising two or more students for Ph.D.; Strong liason with industry; Offering courses through application of ICT
Those candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. theses and waiting for the defense are also encouraged to apply.
Rs.37400-67000 (PB-4) with AGP 10500/-
10 years of post Ph.D. experience or 13 years of total experience (not counting Ph.D. enrollment period) out of which 7 years are to be after PhD. At least 4 years at the level of Associate Professor (with AGP of Rs. 9500) or atleast 7 years experience at the level of Associate Professor (with AGP of Rs. 9000) in an Institution of repute.
Those candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. theses and waiting for the defense are also encouraged to apply.
Two Ph.D. degrees guided in Career as sole or principal supervisor. The follwoing during the past 04 years; (i) 03 papers in SCI journals; (ii) One High value sponsored or consultancy project; (iii) Academic outreach activity equivalent to two self-financed courses offered as coordinator and main teacher; (iv) Two experiments or computational design projects with added to teaching laboratories where appropriate
Those candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. theses and waiting for the defense are also encouraged to apply.
One or more patents, supervised more than three students for Ph.D. Preparing E-learning material. Atleast one self-financed short term courses offered every year. Strong liason with industry. Offering significant support to Institute management; High value sponsored or consultancy projects.
Those candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. theses and waiting for the defense are also encouraged to apply.
This is as per the 4-tier flexible faculty structure for IIITs.
Note: (1) For the Department of Management Studies, the publications in ABDC listed journals is equivalent to SCI journals.
(2) Those who had applied earlier, need not apply again.
Department Specific areas of specializations sought
Department of Information Technology: All areas in Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology, with special emphasis on Robotics & Artificial Intelligence, Operating Systems, Compiler Design, Algorithms, Software Engineering, Cryptography, Information Security, Computer Networks, Database Management Systems, Machine learning, Human Computer Interaction, Computer Vision, Big Data Analysis, Computer Cognition and Recognition, Optimisation, Image and Vision, Biometrics, Wireless Sensor Networks.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering: Mixed Signal Design, Embedded Systems, Digital system design and Microprocessors, Signal Processing, Communication System, Photonics and optical communication, MEMS.
Department of Management Studies: Human Resourse Management, Finance Management, Operations Management, Marketing Management, General Management
Department of Applied Sciencess:
1) Bioinformatics and Computational Biology: (Big Data Application in Next Generation Sequencing, Systems Biology, and Nanobiotechnology)
2) Biomedical Engineering: (Biomedical instrumentation, Electrophysiology and Biomechanics)
3) Physics: Computational or theoretical Physics and Condensed matter Physics)
4) Mathematics: (Probability and Statistics, Computational methods to solve ODE/PDE/Integral Equation, Differential Geometry, Analysis, Topology, Number Theory/Convex optimization, and Algebra)
Selection Procedure
The Head of the concerned department shall invite the shortlisted candidates for presentation before nominated committee. To and fro fare upto AC 2 tier by the shortest route will be paid by the institute and the accommodation will be arranged in institutes guest house.
The candidates as recommended by the committee shall be invited for the interview before the Statutory Selection Committee. TA/local hospitality shall again be provided by the institute. (No candidate can directly appear before the statutory selection committee.)
The candidate invited for Steps 1 and 2 above should present his/her own PhD thesis and the PhD thesis supervised/guided by him/her before the committee for the perusal by the committee
Based on the recommendations of the statutory selection committee and approval of Board of Governors the appointment letters shall be issued.
Mere eligibility will not entitle any candidate for being called for any selection process.
Applicants who are employed in Government or Semi-Government Organizations will be required to produce a "No Obejection Certificate" from their employer at the time of seminar/interview.
Candidates may apply in more than one department by repeating the online application process.
Reservation at entry level is applicable as per Government of India rule. The candidate belonging to reserved categories(SC/ST/OBC-NCL/PwD) are required to attach the Caste/ Category certificate in prescribed format of Government of India. The Institute follows the Central list in the case of SC/ST and OBC-NCLs. The institute also encourages applications from qualified women candidates.
Benefits provided
IIIT Allahabad makes every attempt to help faculty members settle in their academic role and to grow professionally. The Assistant Professors (on contract) get all the benefits as for regular faculty members. These include:
Contribution towards New Pension Scheme (NPS), HRA, LTC, medical re-imbursement, transportation allowance, education allowance for children etc. will be admissible as per the Institute Rules.
A Cumulative Professional Development Allowance of Rs. 3 Lakhs for every block period of 3 years is available to every member of the faculty to meet the expenses for participating in both national and international conferences, paying the membership fees of various professional bodies, books and periodicals and contingent expenses, as well as for other professional development activities.
Reimbursement of telephone bills up to a ceiling of Rs.750/-per month.
Besides pay, the post carries allowances according to the Institute rules which at present correspond to those admissible to the Central Government employees stationed at Allahabad.
Suitable residential accommodation as per Institute rules may be provided on the Campus on joining the Institute depending upon availibility.
About the Campus
Extending into an area of 100 acres, the campus is imaginatively laid out with a picturesque landscape. The campus provides all essential amenities for community living, including Staff Club, Health Centre, Shopping Centre, Banks, ATMs, Community Centre, etc.
Copyright IIIT Allahabad 2016. All Rights Reserved
Important Dates
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Indian Institute of Information Technology
- Organization City, State : allahabad, uttar pradesh
- Organization Website : http://www.iiita.ac.in
- Notification
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