(A State University established under Haryana Act No. XXV of 1975)
'A' Grade University Accredited by NAAC
ADVT NO. PR-30 of 2018
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates on plain paper, giving completebio-data, for the following posts latest by 14.5.2018.
- Director(UR-1): Ch. Ranbir Singh Institute of Social & Economic Change
- Information Security Officer (UR-1) under SFS
For Salary, allowances, other terms and conditions as also the aims and objectives of the Institute, visit University website www.mdurohtak.ac.in.

(A State University established under Haryana Act No. XXV of 1975)
'A' Grade University Accredited by NAAC
ADVT NO. PR-30 of 2018
Applications are invited on the plain paper from eligible candidates for the followingposts alongwith University receipt /demand draft of Rs.500/-in favour of FinanceOfficer, M.D. University, Rohtak. The application (Sr. No.1) should reach to the Deputy
istrar(Estt-T) and application (Sr. No.2) should reach to the Assistantistrar(Estt.-NT) latest by 14.5.2018.
Sr. No. Department/Institute Number of Post
- Director: Ch. Ranbir Singh Institute of Social &1(UR) Economic Change:
- Information Security Officer(SFS) 1(UR)
Abbreviations: U.R.: Unreserved, SFS: Self Financing Scheme
The Qualifications and Selection criteria for Teaching /Non-Teaching posts are availableat Annexure-A and B.
Age: Sr. No. 1: Below the age of 65 years (serving or retired Professors who haveproduced noticeable published research work of high value in thefield of socio-economic change).
Sr. No. 2: Maximum 50 years, relaxable in special cases by the competentauthority.
I The Genesis
The said Institute shall be a constituent establishment of the Maharshi Dayanand (MD) University on its campus at Rohtak. It is visualized as an independent advanced research centre to carry out basic, grass-root level,research on the socio-economic issues specific to the State of Haryana andalso those confronting the country as a whole. In the process of undertaking its defined research activities, it shall aim at providing useful inputs forpolicy formulations and their execution, besides acting as a nucleus of training programmes for Government, Non-Government, NGO officials andother manpower.
II. Vision
The Institute is envisioned to:
i) undertake field research at the grassroots level on the festering socioeconomic and other related issues confronting the country as a whole in general and the state of Haryana in particular.
ii) guide and assist, especially through its field based quality research findings, the planners and policy makers to overcome the social andcultural impediments to change and to achieve a faster pace of socioeconomic development; and
iii) Provide critical inputs for formulating strategies and programmes tocomplement and supplement governmental initiatives aimed atbringing about social change compatible with the improving standards of living.
In it trumpeted goals, the Institute shall on the whole commit itself to help strengthen and further develop productive capacities and capabilities neededto bring about sustainable social and economic transformation. It aims atachieving better human development indices for different strata of thesociety by engaging itself in promoting holistic, equitable, and sustainabledevelopment with social justice across all conceivable barriers.
III. Scope of Activities
In its strategic goal-focused working, the Institute shall engage itself in thefollowing three-pronged activities:
i) to do application-oriented research on the various socio-economicissues and concerns confronting the development priorities of theState of Haryana, and, wherever necessary, extending it to cover theposition obtaining in the country as a whole, and to undertake studieson performance evaluation of centrally-sponsored schemes.
ii) to identify the training needs of the lower and the middle levelpersonnel manning the district-level Panchayati Raj Institutions andthose working in the various other development departments of theState, design need-based training modules for them, and execute thesame strictly as per user requirements.
iii) to promote research on the life, works, and philosophy of thoseleaders, social reformers, and thinkers in whose names ResearchChairs have been instituted in the University.
iv) to impart Certificate / diploma / degree courses on issues related tosocio-economic change and human development.
IV. Functional Autonomy
The Institute is intended to function as an extended arm of the University. Itshall be entitled to free use of all research and academic support facilitiesavailable in the University campus. For the accomplishment of its aims andobjectives, the Institute shall enjoy a high degree of autonomy in order toenjoy the needed freedom in the performance of its functions. The Universitys, thus, expected to restrain itself from making administrative interventionsn the day to day functioning of the Institute even under the temptation ofnvoking the provisions of the Act and Statutes.
V. Aims and Objectives
Among various other important initiatives it may decide to take, the Instituteshall, in particular, pursue the following objectives:
- Initiate, promote, formulate, and conduct research on various socioeconomic issues, in their specific and general perspectives, as may beconfronting the development goals set for the society as a whole and /or for any s ecific section thereof.
- 2. Work as a
latform for undertaking inter-disciplinary research, bothat micro and macro levels that may be expected to yield useful resultsfor policy formulations and their implementation.
- Organize and hold seminars and symposia, conferences,workshops, and extension lectures in areas of larger social, culturaland economic concerns with a view to generate ideas for bringingabout desirable social change compatible with fast changing socioeconomic scenario at both local as well as national levels.
- Provide decision-making inputs to state and central government departments for planning and execution of development schemesfor the larger benefits of different strata of society, as also to evaluate the performance thereof.
- Carry out mapping of natural, human and intuitional resources to prepare optimal working plans and strategies for sustainable socialand economic transformation.
- Undertake specific task-oriented research directed to the relatively deprived sections of the society, including gender related issues and other problems of wider social concern.
- Evaluate the working and performance of centrally-sponsored schemes, particularly in respect of the benefits of these schemes percolating to targeted group/sections of the society.
- Publish awareness material, bring out research journal(s) and carryout documentation of research studies in order to disseminate knowledge as a tool of social and economic change compatiblewith the wellbeing of the masses.
- Serve as an effective forum for interaction among eminent scholars to be drawn as visiting faculty and/ or as scholars in residence for carrying out specific purpose project based research and to deliver lectures, conduct research, and promote extension activities.
- Promote and conduct quality, research on the life, work and philosophy of social thinkers, reformers, and educationists,including those in whose names research chairs have been instituted in / by the University.
VI. Governing Body
To regulate and govern its working, the Institute shall have a Governing Body consisting of the following:
- Vice-Chancellor Chairman
- One representative of the University Executive Member Council from amongst the nominees of theChancellor.
- Five Professors from the Universitys Faculty of do Social Sciences having established researchcredentials, one each from Economics and SociologyDepartment. Remaining three shall be from other Departments.
- Three distinguished scholars/social scientists from -do -Other universities and / or research institutes.
- One Professor from amongst those holding Research -do -Chairs in the Institute by rotation.
- Director of the Institute Member Secretary
Members under category (Serial Nos.) 2 to 5 will be appointed / approved by theUniversity Executive Council on the recommendations of the Chairman of theGoverning Body for a term of two years. For specific reasons, and under specialcircumstances, a member under any of these categories can be allowed to runanother term of two years consecutively, but not thereafter. In normal course, anysuch member shall be eligible for re-nomination only after a gap of two years.
The Governing Body will meet at least twice a year to deliberate on formal agenda tobe issued at least 10 days in advance. An emergent meeting may, however, beconvened on 24 hours notice. Presence of at least six members shall meet therequirement of quorum for holding a meeting. The proceedings of each meeting ofthe Governing Body shall be laced before the Executive Council in its meeting duenext for consideration and aproval.
VII. Functions of the Governing Body
The Governing Body shall be charged with the responsibility of performingthe following functions:
i) Prepare and approve a comprehensive annual calendar of activities,consistent with the aims and objectives of the Institute by the monthof January for the next financial year.
ii) Exercise administrative control and oversee the execution of theapproved activities and programmes of the Institute.
iii) Work out a roadmap for research, extension and training activities forevery five year period, and approve the annual plans and targetsdrawn and fixed by the Institute in keeping with the financial supportand available resources.
iv) Consider and evaluate reports on the research activities undertakenduring the course of the year, including those on the work done ondifferent research chairs, and put up an overview report forconsiderations of the Executive Council.
v) Prepare budget estimates of income and expenditure for the Institute,and to submit an audited statement of accounts prepared with a viewto exercising necessary financial control.
vi) Formulate rules, proposals, and policies, for consideration andapproval by the University Executive Council, on collaborativeresearch activities involving government departments/ agencies, andto design and offer capsule courses for the officials of variousGovernment departments, particularly those manning the PanchayatiRaj Institutions.
vii) Laying down qualifications and to engage contractual staff to work onresearch activities / projects for the period required.
viii) Report disciplinary cases to the Vice-Chancellor / Executive Councilfor appropriate action in respect of regular staff provided to theInstitute by the University.
ix) Work on any other activity that may be assigned to the Institute bythe University Executive Council and dispose it of in the manner, ifany, specified by it.
x) Approving the academic programme / courses to be launched by theInstitute.
VIII. Appointment of the Director
The Institute will have a Director who will be the ex-officio Member-Secretary of its Governing Body. He shall be appointed by the UniversityExecutive Council on the recommendations of the Governing Body. He will beentitled to such salary, allowances, and perks and appointed on such termsand conditions, as the appointing authority may decide. The Director s ll bea serving or retired Professor in the field of Socio-economic change vingproduced noticeable published research work of high value, compatible withthe goals of the Institute.
The Director can hold office till the age of 65 years. A Director shall beappointed for a tenure of five years or till the age of 65 whichever is earlier.
IX. Functions of the Director
The Director shall perform the following duties and functions:
i) The Director shall be the ex-officio academic and executive head of theInstitute who will be responsible for giving effect to the decisions ofits Governing Body.
ii) The Director shall be officially responsible for managing the affairs ofthe Institute, carry out all correspondence on its behalf, keep
records, and prepare agenda and proceedings of the meeting of theGoverning Body, incorporating all such material and documentaryinformation as may be relevant to decision-making on any subject.
iii) The Director shall exercise all such administrative powers as may beneeded and required for the smooth conduct of the day-to-daybusiness of the Institute. He shall also use such financial powers asmay be delegated by the Governing Body through an explicitauthorization to him as a policy order.
iv) The Director shall constantly and closely liaise and coordinate withthe concerned government departments and other agencies forknowing the training needs of their personnel and shall prepare/drawtraining modules as per their specific needs and execute the same inthe manner required by the user(s) or as specified by the GoverningBody.
v) The Director shall be responsible for the formulation and submissionof research proposals and schemes in consultation with the researchstaff of the Institute to be executed with its own internal resourcesand those sponsored by government departments/agencies and nongovernment funding organizations.
vi) The Director will explore possibilities of securing funds/financialassistance from the Government, corporate sector and othervoluntary agencies, prepare specific need-based proposals, and seekapproval of the Governing Body therefore.
vii) The Director will prepare, on an annual basis, a detailed report on therogress of work on various chairs placed under the Institute, andlace the same before the Governing Body for consideration.
viii) The Director will perform such other functions and exercise suchother powers, to be determined by the Governing Body by a specificresolution, as may be considered necessary to enable him to ensuresmooth conduct of the activities / programmes of the Institute.ix) The Director will prepare estimates of annual income and expenditureof the Institute for the financial year for consideration by theGoverning Body and seek approval thereof by the Executive Council.
X. Research Staff
The Institute shall hire, whenever necessary and required, need-basedresear staff for carrying out its research activities and may also appointresearfellows to work on sponsored research projects. All such researchstaff shall be engaged / appointed on contractual basis subject to such termsand conditions, and on payment of such monthly consolidated salary, as theGoverning body may decide in each case. It will do so in consideration ofproposals submitted by the Director in consultation with the concernedPrincipal Investigator(s).
XI. Corpus Fund
The Institute shall create and establish a Corpus Fund with a view to attaininancial independence for carrying out its designated activities andunctions. The Director, on active advice of its Governing Body, shall initiateall possible steps to raise collections and contributions to be credited to theFund by seeking grant from the State govt. and donation from corporatehouses, NGOs, and individuals. As a measure of motivating donations andattracting funds, the Director shall make efforts to obtain income taxexemptions for such donations under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act fromappropriate authorities.
Whereas the Director shall be responsible for operating the Fund, he will berequired to keep the Governing Body and the University Executive Councilwell informed about the health of the Fund as frequently as he may considernecessary, but certainly once a year in their budget meeting. The GoverningBody, with the approval of the Executive Council, shall lay down guidelinesfor the operation and management of the Corpus Fund, and monitor theexpenditure approved to be incurred out of the interest proceeds thereon forfinancing appropriate research proposals.
Under no circumstances shall the Institute withdraw and utilize any amountout of the rincipal amount available ain the Fund at any given time, evenwith the exress approval of the Executive Council. It is only under extremelyemergent situations to be explained in detail by the Executive Council thatthe Fund can be taken over by the University, and that too only after theGoverning Body of the Institute has passed a unanimous resolution to thateffect, giving full justification and cogent reasons in support thereof. In thatevent too, the University shall be entitled to use only the interest proceeds byits professorial faculty, for funding research on the socio-economic issues.
XII. Sources of Income of the Institute
- Interest income from Corpus Fund created by the University / StateGovernment.
- Annual budgetary allocations to be made by the University from its ownbudget.
- Income from sponsored training programmes.
- Research Projects sponsored by various funding agencies like UGC /ICSSR / DST / CSIR and other national and international funding agencies.
- Resources made available for Research on Chairs instituted by the StateGovt. / Central Govt.
- Public donations.
XIII. University Assistance
The University shall transfer one of the existing posts of Professor from itsestablishment to the Institute for appointment of its Director and two Assistant Professors for appointment as Assistant Directors. The salary payable to the Director and Assistant Directors will, thus, be met by theUniversity from its own budget. The University will also post at least two ofits Data Entry Operators and one Steno -Typist in the Institute and theirsalary too will be paid by the University. As provided under Section XI above,the University will also contribute a suitable amount to the Corpus Fundevery year. The above assistance will be extended to the Institute on a continual basis until such time that its own financial health reaches a stage of self-sufficiency and potential to ensure performance of its normal activities with the help of the internal resources.
Qualification and Selection Criteria for the one post (UR) of Information Security Officer under Self Financing Scheme in the Level-10 (Rs. 56100-177500) of Pay Matrix of 7th Pay Commission
Essential Qualification:
B.Tech (Computer Science & Engg.)/ B.Tech (IT)/ MCA with minimum 60% marks with LLB with Cyber Law.
Selection Criteria
Total Marks : 50 | |||
Sr. No. | Particulars | Marks | Maximum Marks |
1 | Academic Record | - | |
Matric 2nd Division Matric 1st Division | 02 Marks 04 Marks | 04 Marks | |
10+2 2nd Division 10+2 1st Division | 02 Marks 04 Marks | 04 Marks | |
B. Tech/ MCA 60% TO 65% Above 65% | 01 Mark for each percentage 02 Marks for each percentage | 10 Marks | |
LLB 50% TO 60% Above 60% to 65% Above 65% | 0.5 Mark for each percentage 01 Mark for each percentage 02 Marks for each percentage | 12 Marks | |
2 | Additional Higher Qualifications | - | 03Marks |
Certificates such as MCP,MCSE,Red Hat Linux/ Linux Certificate, Security Certification | 0.5 Marks for each certificate/ diploma of minimum three months duration | ||
M.Tech/ L.L.M | 01 Mark for each | ||
3 | Experience | - | 03 Marks |
Experience after acquiring minimum qualification for the post as a Software Engineer/ Programmer/ or experience in implementation of ERP or e-Governance in Project of the Organization/ Enterprise preferably University/ Educational Institution/ IT Sector, etc. Experience acquired after B.Tech/MCA & LLB will be considered only. | 01 Mark for each completed year | ||
4 | Gold Medal in the Basic degree essential for eligibility (i.e.B.Tech/MCA & LLB ) | 01 Mark for each | 02 Marks |
5 | Assessment of Domain Knowledge(Technical/ Professional) throughPPT/Case Study in the subject. | - | 06 Marks |
6 | Interview | - | 06 Marks |
Note: Fraction of marks below 0.5% rounded off to the preceding lower and 0.5 & above will berounded off to the next number.
Important Dates
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Maharshi Dayanand University
- Organization City, State : haryana, haryana
- Organization Website : www.mdurohtak.ac.in
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results