Gujarat Forensic Sciences University
NAAC Accredited "A" Grade University
(A State University, established by Government of Gujarat, Recognized by UGC) Sector-9, Gandhinagar 382007, Gujarat. Phone:079-23977102-103 E mail: |

[Advertisement No.: GFSU/PR/Oct-18/2017]
Applications are invited in the prescribed Application Forms from the eligible candidates for regular appointment to the posts of Director, Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and other administrative positions for Direct Recruitment in various departments of the University.
The application form may be downloaded from the university website and submitted along with the application fees of Rs 500 (Rs 150 Fees for the SC / ST candidates and Nil for Disabled Person on producing the photocopy of the relevant certificate) through NEFT or Bank Draft drawn in favour of The Registrar, Gujarat Forensic Sciences University payable at Gandhinagar.
Applications, complete in all respect (in five sets), should reach to The Registrar, Gujarat Forensic Sciences University, Sector 9, Gandhinagar 382007 latest by 24th November 2017. Application form, required qualifications and other terms & conditions are available on university website
S. No |
Name of Post |
Number of Posts |
Pay Scales |
1 |
Director (Institute of Behavioural Science) |
1 |
37400-67000+12000 |
2 |
Professor (Clinical Psychology) |
1 |
37400-67000+10000 |
3 |
Professor (Food Technology) |
1 |
37400-67000+10000 |
4 |
Professor (Nano Technology) |
1 |
37400-67000+10000 |
5 |
Associate Professor (Food Technology) |
1 |
37400-67000+9000 |
6 |
Associate Professor (Clinical Psychology) |
1 |
37400-67000+9000 |
7 |
Associate Professor (Forensic Pharmacy) |
1 |
37400-67000+9000 |
8 |
Associate Professor (Nano Technology / Forensic Nano Technology) |
1 |
37400-67000+9000 |
9 |
Associate Professor (Forensic Science) |
1 |
37400-67000+9000 |
10 |
Associate Professor ( Cyber Security) |
1 |
37400-67000+9000 |
11 |
Associate Professor (Digital Forensics) |
1 |
37400-67000+9000 |
12 |
Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology) |
3 |
15600-39100+6000 |
Date: 18-10-2017 C.D. Jadeja
Gujarat Forensic Sciences University Gandhinagar
Advt No: GFSU/PR/Oct-18/2017 Date: 18-10-2017
Applications are invited for the posts of Director, Professors, Associate Professors & Assistant Professor in various departments of Gujarat Forensic Sciences University Gandhinagar. The University reserves the right to change the number of vacancy(ies) of any category and also to withdraw partial or full advertisement without assigning any reason. The qualification shall be as per UGC Regulations 2010 and UGC (latest amendment) Regulations 2016, Government of Gujarat / GFSU norms. (For the Post of Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology) latest norms of RCI will be applicable). The reservation under the SC, ST, SEBC and PwD categories shall be as per the Government of Gujarat rules.
The Candidates who have already applied against the recruitment notification No. GFSU/PR/Aug-1/2017 dated 2nd August 2017 need not to apply again because the applications received earlier will be considered for the current recruitment also.
The requisite fee of Rs. 500/- has to be remitted through DD in favor of the Registrar, Gujarat Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar. The fees can also be remitted through RTGS/NEFT in the Account of Gujarat Forensic Sciences University at Punjab National Bank, Jalseva Bhavan, Sector-10, Gandhinagar Branch, on Savings Bank Account No. 4601002100000082; RTGS/IFSC Code: PUNB0460100. The duly filled application form complete in all respect alongwith relevant documents and proof of fees submission must reach to The Registrar, Gujarat Forensic Sciences University, Sector-9, Gandhinagrar, Gujarat 382007 through speed post/registered post on or before 24th November 2017. It is mandatory to also submit the five sets of completed application for Regular Appointment in prescribed format and all necessary supporting documents.
The Name of the Post Applying for_____________ must be clearly mentioned on the envelope containing the application. The details of payment of fees / transaction ID of fee deposition should be clearly mentioned in the application. The candidates are requested to carefully read the General Instructions before filling up the application form. Candidates are also advised to visit the website ( periodically for further information related to the recruitment process.
(i) DIRECTOR (Institute of Behavioral Science). No. of Post: ONE.
Pay Scale : 37400 67000 with Grade Pay Rs 12000
a) An eminent scholar with Ph.D. qualification(s) in concerned discipline or allied/relevant disciplines and published work of high quality, actively engaged in research with evidence of published work with a minimum of 15 publications in referred Journals of Impact Factor (Thomson Reuters/Scopus or other internationally reputed journals).
b) A minimum of 15 years of teaching experience in university/college, and/or experience in research at the University/National level institutions/industries, must including experience of guiding candidates for research at doctoral level.
c) Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses, and technology mediated teaching learning process.
d) A minimum score (400 points) as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) as per latest amendment of UGC norms.
(ii) PROFESSOR (Food Technology / Clinical Psychology/Nano Technology). No of Post: ONE in each discipline.
Pay Scale : 37400 67000 with Grade Pay Rs 10000
a) An eminent scholar with Ph.D. qualification(s) in concerned discipline i.e. Clinical Psychology / Food Technology/Nano Technology or allied/relevant discipline and published work of high quality, actively engaged in research with evidence of published work with a minimum of 10 publications in referred journal/ books and/or research/policy papers.
b) A minimum of ten years of teaching experience in university/college, and/or experience in research at the University/National level institutions/industries, including experience of guiding candidates for research at doctoral level.
c) Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses, and technology mediated teaching learning process.
d) A minimum score (400 points) as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) as per latest amendment of UGC norms.
(iii) ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (Food Technology / Clinical Psychology/Forensic Pharmacy/Nano Technology/Forensic Nano Technology/Forensic Science/Cyber Security/Digital Forensics)
No of Post: ONE in each discipline.
Pay Scale : 37400 67000 with Grade Pay Rs 9000
- a) Good academic record with a Ph.D. Degree in the concerned disciplines and Master Degree (in Food Technology / Clinical Psychology/Forensic Pharmacy/Nano Technology/Forensic Nano Technology/Forensic Science/Cyber Security/Digital Forensics) or allied/relevant disciplines with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed).
- b) A minimum of eight years of experience of teaching and/or research in an academic/research position equivalent to that of Assistant Professor in a University, College or Accredited Research Institution/industry with evidence of published work and a minimum of 5 publications as books and/or research/policy papers as per UGC guidelines amended time to time.
- c) Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses, and technology mediated teaching learning process with evidence of having guided doctoral candidates and research students.
- d) A minimum score (300 points) as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) as per latest norms of UGC.
Note: For Associate Professors position in Clinical Psychology, the master degree refers to M Phil Clinical Psychology of 2 years duration (following MA/M.Sc. in Psychology) from a RCI Recognized
center and the term experience in a RCI recognized center. Further it is mandatory as per RCI Act of 1993 that core faculty members are registered professionals of RCI under the category of Clinical Psychologist
(iv) ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (Clinical Psychology)
No of Post: TWO. Pay Scales : 15600 39100 with Grade Pay Rs 6000
Qualifications: M Phil with Clinical Psychology.
Desirable: PhD or a candidate with experience of 2 years of the field with 2 publications in indexed journal as first or corresponding author.
Note: For Assistant Professors position in Clinical Psychology, the master degree refers to M Phil Clinical Psychology of 2 years duration (following MA/M.Sc. in Psychology) from a RCI Recognized center and the term experience in a RCI recognized center. Further it is mandatory as per RCI Act of 1993 that core faculty members are registered professionals of RCI under the category of Clinical Psychologist
a) The prescribed qualification and experience will be minimum, and the mere fact that a candidate possessing the same will not entitle him /her for being called for interview.
b) The University will have the right to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview, based on the recommendations of the Screening Committee constituted as per the Regulations for this purpose, to a reasonable number on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed or by any other condition that it may deem fit.
c) The Scrutiny Committee for applications may evolve criteria for shortlisting the candidates to be called for the interview as per the UGC /Government / University norms in consultation with the Director General of GFSU.
d) Ph D should be in a regular mode as per the UGC guidelines 2016.
I. The rules and procedures prescribed by the Govt. of Gujarat in respect of the Reservation policy for reserved categories shall be followed.
II. A relaxation of 5% may be provided at the graduate and masters level for the SC/ST/Differently-abled (Physically and visually challenged) categories for the purpose of eligibility and for assessing good academic record during direct recruitment to teaching positions. Rounding off of marks to make it to 55% or 50% as the case may be through grace mark procedure etc., by universities is not permissible for claiming relaxation.
III. The statutory provision for relaxation prescribed by Government of Gujarat in case of the candidates belonging to SC/ ST/ SEBC/PH categories will be made applicable to them.
- i. The overall selection procedure shall incorporate transparent, objective and credible methodology of analysis of the merits and credentials of the applicants based on weightages
- given to the performance of the candidate in different relevant dimensions and his/her performance on a scoring system proforma, based on the Academic Performance Indicators (API).
- ii. Universities may assess the ability for teaching and/or research aptitude through a seminar or lecture in a class room situation or discussion on the capacity to use latest technology in teaching and research at the interview stage. The candidates called for the interview for the post of Professor and Associate Professor has to make the presentation (Maximum 20 Minutes) on any topic of their choice followed by Interview.
- iii. The process of selection of Associate Professor should involve inviting the bio-data with the duly filled Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) proforma developed by the University based on the API criteria provided in UGC Regulation (4th Amendment 2016).
- iv. The publications may be provided to the subject experts for assessment before the interview and the evaluation score of the publications provided by the experts may be factored into the weightage scores while finalizing the outcome of selection by the selection committee.
- v. The process of selection of Professor/Asso. Professors at GFSU shall involve inviting the bio-data with duly filled Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) proforma developed by the university based on the API criteria based PBAS set out in UGC Regulations 2016 (with latest modifications) and reprints of five major publications of the candidates.
- vi. The candidature for the post of Associate Professor and/or Professor shall not be considered if they do not enclose their application in the prescribed format with duly filled Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) proforma.
- vii. The University will have the right to relax any of the eligibility conditions in deserving cases of all posts, if recommended by the selection committee.
- viii. The Selection Committee, after considering a candidate for the higher post namely Director, Professor or Associate Professor, may, if it is of the opinion that he or she will be suitable choice for the next lower post, can make such recommendation.
UGC Guidelines/ norms (if applicable) may be downloaded from UGC website.
- i. Eligibility of a candidate and satisfaction of any other Short-listing criteria shall be considered as on the last date of the receipt for application.
- ii. No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.
- iii. Application fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
- iv. The University will not be responsible for postal delay in delivering the application forms to the candidates.
- v. Application incomplete in any respect, (ii) without substantial proof of statements/information filled in application form shall not be considered.
- vi. In case of any dispute/ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the University shall be final.
- vii. Applicants who are in employment should route their applications through proper channel.
- viii. University may call any suitable person(s) to appear in the Interview who may not have applied in response to the Universitys Notification.
- ix. Candidates should send self-attested copies of certificates and mark-sheets from matriculation onwards in support of their qualifications. Originals should not be sent along with the application but these must be produced at the time of interview.
- x. Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the minimum essential qualifications laid down in the advertisement.
- xi. No correspondence will be entertained from candidates regarding postal delays, conduct and result of interview and reasons for not being called for interview.
- xii. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
- xiii. No interim correspondence shall be entertained.
- xiv. The University reserves the right not to fill up any of the vacancies advertised if the circumstances so warrant. Any consequential vacancies arising at the time of interview may
- also be filled up from the available candidates. The number of positions is thus open to change.
- xv. The University shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate at any time at the time of appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, then his services shall be terminated.
- xvi. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection, which may be detected at any stage even after the issue of appointment letter, the University reserves the right to modify/ withdraw/ cancel any communication made to the candidates.
- xvii. In the cases of any disputes any suites or legal proceedings against the University, the jurisdiction shall be restricted to the Courts in Gandhinagar.
- xviii. The other conditions of service or any matter which are not covered above shall be as prescribed by the Government of Gujarat and Gujarat Forensic Sciences University from time to time.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Notification Issued | 18-Oct-2017 | |
Applications | 24-Nov-2017 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Gujarat Forensic Sciences University, DFS Head Quarters
- Organization City, State : gandhinagar, gujarat
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results